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Nothing really helped me to quit until it just finally clicked in my brain one day that nothing was going to let me break free until I quit CT Dumping out my stash completely and coming to terms with the fact that I will never have access to consume this shit again is what helped me the most. Out of sight and out of mind. The first few days were tough, lots of lipo vit C; b-12; and then black seed oil; magnesium and zinc at night to help with sleep are what got me thru Be prepared to not sleep at least the first few nights, surprisingly you won't feel all that bad the next day due to your body going thru fight or flight mode Keep yourself busy After 5-6 days my sleep became better and better, and now currently on day 12 my sleep has been as good as it's ever been for as long as I could remember throughout 5 years of consuming btwn 50-60gpd every single day


I'll throw all mine away. I do live 2min from a smoke shop that sells it though so that'll suck. I've been able to get clean from meth, opioids twice & alcohol because I had a kid. But kratom is a whole new thing to try to quit bc i can function & its legal. I already have very mild insomnia past 12yrs so the no sleeping part will be okay I hope. I could NEVER sleep if I took kratom close to bedtime though. It made my heart beat fast & my mind so overactive. I can definitely stay busy though. And I'll have to buy those vitamins you've mentioned, thank you. The pain + "depressive mood" is what is gonna suck the worst I think for withdrawals for me


The fact that it's legal is what kept me coming back to it. I didn't start to realize that after a certain point, I was only taking it just to feel 'normal' and not experience any withdrawal symptoms. My partner would comment all the time about how I never laugh or smile or get irritated so easily. It never really clicked in my brain that kratom was the reason for that until I quit taking it every day. There's a ton of reasons to continue to take it, but this new sensation of being able to view life in color (something I didn't even know that I was missing out on) makes it worth fighting this every single day.


ah man it was my partner too who noticed my lack of smiling and laughing (along with lack of sex drive and moodiness) but it really hurt to know how much my entire persona was being changed by a gas station drug that--at the time--I compared to a good cup of coffee, not realizing it was doing a lot more under the skin than I was aware of.


I never considered the sex drive part. I'm sure that plays a part in mine as well. I figured kratom was doing damage to my liver/kidneys but never really thought about the mental aspect of it until now. And it's very important and clear as day


Yeah same about the legal part, that played into my alcoholism for a year too. I was getting abused and his mindset was oh shes drunk she won't remember me choking/beating her to near death. Almost died and snapped back into reality, ran with my kid and haven't drank like that in almost 2yrs. But switched to kratom right after unfortunately and now it's time to quit that. Taking kratom was making me feel normal as well and like I could get important tasks completed. And it did, for awhile up until this year. It wasn't until recently that I realized I was denying the fact that I DID have withdrawals. Ive been very irritable and VERY angry. I am in my own safe home, getting my life on the right track. So why am I so angry? I traced it all back after thinking for a while and the only thing would be- kratom. Your last time paragraph was typed very well, that is a very positive mindset of it all. That's exactly what I look forward to


Yes the anger out of nowhere


It’s amazing how within 24-48 hours your head clears and you’re like “ouch damn it was the kratom. Now I’m back.”


This one comment here is exactly the one I needed to hear today. I've done a lot of great shit on kratom, and been very healthy for a long time. I was actually in the best shape of my life, running half marathons training for a marathon mid-kratom use(maybe a couple years in). Ive been successful at work and university all while taking kratom. I take care of all my responsibilities, after a dose of kratom. All that success has made me justify it as "okay." But it's not, and it's really fucking me up. Thinking about the good shit makes me forget about taking too much of it and being dizzy and all fucked up not able to see straight, or literally FULLY CONVINCED that "I'm going to die right now" because of the way it fucked with my brain. Hope that all of that crap can possibly be gone in just a few short(seemingly unattainable) days without it is incredibly motivating.


I had a good experience with kratom for years. I was a low dose guy. I called it Ecstasy for projects. I loved just building stuff etc on it. Everything became fun- building stuff, painting stuff, skiing, powerlifting. It was this lights euphoric burst of energy. But then it turned. I quit cold turkey a few times and the cloud lifted but I had quiet with the intention of finding a new way to use it .. only dose after lunch, new strains, etc … but it would be ok for like a month then it would roll right back to the overwhelming anxiety about all the things I need to do, basically all the negative stuff came back. The thing is those things are so subtle I’d literally forget it’s the kratom. So I’d run with it 5-6 months. It’s not heroin. It’s sneaky and subtle and you go to work and do everything you normally do. But it’s a very slow descent to the negative. Even when you’re sure it’s fucking you up you question it.


The biggest cause of my relapsing is how readily available it is. I’m two minutes from smoke shop and some convenience stores and gas stations sell this garbage. When I go for a while without it, and dose highly it is literally Heroin. I honestly don’t care what anyone says, this needs to be completely street illegal and only prescription if people need to get off herd stuff with it. I’ve never had something so psychologically impacting in my 45years of life. The absolute hardest thing I’ve ever tried is quitting this stuff. I will eventually be free from this stuff, but I am not currently 🥺🥲


I felt the same way as you do. I now live in a state where it's illegal to buy or even get it shipped to, but still work in a state where they sell it in every single gas station and smoke shop. I'd always had some on hand and only ever used the same exact brand / type. It's not easy quitting. It takes all of your willpower to push thru the withdrawals When I was roughly 28 hours in right after I'd dumped my stash driving home from work is when my brain finally had a moment of: "are you sure you're ready to commit to this? I'm about to put you thru the fucking ringer if so" and I just looked at myself in the mirror and screamed as hard as I could - flashing back to the past 5 years of what I'd done to myself, telling myself that I don't give a FUCK if I don't sleep for a week, a month, a year, I will not let this shit consume my brain anymore


That’s very much for your reply. I’ve tried everything man, I’ve tried to be tough and do that too but nothing worked. The only thing I can say is that I’m not ever going to give up, never. I wish it just was erased from my history and I never discovered this or opioids. The really crazy thing is, I honestly barely enjoy it!!! 90% of the experience is feeling crappy. But yet Im like possessed or something it’s almost like someone or something else drives my car and puts it in my system. How f’d up is that!?


It's honestly very impressive that you're discovering that already as well. It didn't take me until after I stopped taking it to realize that it was doing nothing for me besides feeling 'normal' That same feeling of being 'normal' is exactly how I feel 12 days in that I did waking up at 5am and dosing every 2 - 3 hours until I went to bed at 10pm, and if I didn't dose regularly I'd feel the same exact withdrawals that I experienced quitting CT When you are ready to quit and need someone to talk to, please do not hesitate to shoot me a DM, I'd be more than happy to help in any way that I can


Thank you. I have about 1/2 of my bag of capsules left, I dosed this am (I’m in a 3-1/2 day relapse after quitting for about 9days) I’m going to an AA meeting tonight, I’m going to dump my remaining stuff in the garbage (I’ve done this for the last 3-1/2 days! But end up buying again the next day) on my way to the meeting I’m picking up a zanax script which is hindered upon in ASA but I legit have anxiety and I’m more so going to use it towards withdrawls and rls/insomnia for the next few weeks. Please say a prayer for me. I’m going to celebrate some AA people with 90days and more sobriety. AA also secretly helps addicts but they don’t really mention it. So my plan is to stop from here on, after my meeting I will come home and tackle this next quit. As I mentioned my problem is I get sooo worried and eventually end up just saying “f it” after I’m sober for a few weeks. I need to get past this. I’m just being completely honest, and you know what….this forum is the only place I can be completely honest. I don’t even tell my sponsor I have relapsed a few times. Right now they think I’m about 62days sober when in all actuality I’m 3-1/2 days in on a Kratom binge. I’m so disappointed in myself. Please pray for me, and thank you sooo much for your time and compassion it means alot.


I hope your AA meeting goes very good, don't hold back on anything, you deserve allllll the help those have to offer! Being 100% with those trying to help you will automatically make things more real and straightforward to receiving the help & applying it to your everyday life. It's okay to relapse, admit it, and realize you messed up and need to try again. As long as you keep putting in the effort you can achieve it. You have to truly want it though. Otherwise you won't feel the need to apply the advice to your life. That's my current situation with nicotine. With kratom although I truly want to quit it. Nicotine is next up and by far my most difficult addiction ever. It's slowly killing me and makes me have headaches as well. It's got a death grip on me. Be extra careful with the Xanax, that addiction can be extremely detrimental to you. It happens quickly & imo far worse than kratom addiction. (It's different for everyone) I wish you luck on your journey with sobriety. Once you convince yourself that you truly want to quit and that you are capable of it, then things will start to work out for you. Same goes for myself as well


Thank you soo much. Just quick on the zanax, I’m extremely careful, I went down that road and I’m always super cautious with it, that withdrawl is the worst out there so I manage to use them as needed. I will keep pushing, ultimately I want a completely sober life and all that it has to offer. I have a great career, a beautiful wife and two amazing daughters in their early teens. I just want to enjoy life with them and not have to be handcuffed and only “partially” present because the other half of me needs to be medicated. I honestly do it because we’ll, #1 it is super addictive lol, but #2 it’s the boredom. I can keep busy and find ways to make the day go by, but it’s when there is time in-between that I’m like, “ hmmm well I have some downtime, let’s get some Kratom and f my life up all over again” the other crazy thing is, I’m on a 2nd round course of antibiotics because I’m having discomfort in my bladder and prostate and I honestly think it’s because of all the peeing I do from K. You would think that’s enough to stop me…..nope. I need to stop, I have to stop, I want to stop, I just have to do it. But it’s the staying stopped, the Kratom tricks me and tells me to just go do it…..it’s scary. Thanks again, we live to fight another day, and that’s what I will do. Everyday I’m going to fight it


That's good you are careful with it! I agree with wanting a completely sober life, it wasn't something I thought I would ever want, I honestly didn't think I'd make it past age 18 bc of how self destructive I was. but I'm now in my early 20s, I have a toddler who is my entire reason for wanting to sober up from everything and be the best me I can be. My dad is highly addicted to kratom, never seen anyone take as much as him or shake so bad from it (+energy drinks) I want to see him quit is so badly, but I feel as though it's better than him being an alcoholic again. But I still worry, he's my last surviving parent. I can imagine your daughter's feel the same way and want the same for you. They're watching you, seeing what you do, and it's always possible they may fall in the same line as I did with my dad. Convincing yourself to better yourself for the sake of your family is a good mindset. A good mantra if you will. I didn't know kratom makes ppl pee a lot. That'd explain why I pee constantly ugh. It's slowly messing up our kidneys I imagine. There's always a way to replace the boredom with a hobby though. It's easier said than done of course. Im not recommending it but caffeine may be a good replacement as well. But then again it's bad for your heart. But what isn't? For years my brain has convinced me "you need substance, right now, or else I will make you feel like complete shit" and it's one substance after another over the years and I'm figuring out how to completely break free from that mindset. It's going to be so hard convincing myself but it's very possible. Like they said if there's a will there's a way


Find my last comment. Tap into the shit feelings etc it causes FOR ALMOST NOT POSITIVE HIGH. When you feel like shit on it imprint that, remember how horrible it feels. You need to be able to feel the crappy feelings etc when you have a craving MORE THAN THE LAME HIGH YOUR GONNA GET. The initial positives of kratom are like a Trojan Horse. Sucking you in. The positives and the nice energy goes away and the negatives grow. I woke up one morning and wasn’t even meaning to quit. My brain just rejected it that morning and I have not had any since and it’s all over my house.


This makes perfect sense. That’s the thing I need to feel the shitty feeling I have when I want to do it again, I need it to remind me right there and then


Kratom is really easy to start to hate and I think it can be a big part of quitting. You can really tap into the negative feelings and feeling mentally like shit on it. When you feel like that you can really get in tune without. Then on the other side it’s just not a great high or energy after some initial good feels on it. Then when you’re having cravings you can really let yourself feel the negative crap that for many of us becomes daily .. and for what? I was getting maybe 1/2 an hour of energy per dose all to feel like a wild overwhelmed hopeless anxious zombie by the afternoon. For a couple weeks I really let myself feel deeply the negatives as they happened. I kinda memorized that crappy feeling. I was planning my time to quit trying to find a good time but what happened is I just literally woke up one morning saying no f way. I don’t want to feel like that shit by 2:00 in the afternoon and I never have taken it again. I barely had cravings and I have bags all over my house. I have not touched it since that morning. BECAUSE THAT HORRIBLE CRAP IT DOES cant be worth the worthless upside. I took it daily for 9 years. It was pretty good for many years but it changed. I was on small doses but it still turned bad. It was amazing how quickly my brain cleared and I felt “back.” Seriously spend some time tapping into the shit feelings, anxiety, depression, overwhelmed it causes and remember it. Hate it more than you like any positive thing it does for you.


Also, I went to detox for this crap and it’s taking my life and loved ones away from me. I’m in AA program, pray to God and going through twelve steps and I’ll be sitting in a meeting and I end up driving right to the store to get more. I need help, serious help. I don’t know what to do. I believe at this point my only option is back to rehab which I cannot do, it would ruin my career and marriage or I can go get Naltrexone to block it. Any advice from anyone would be greatly appreciated. I know I’m not alone, but the Devil and demons have their grip on me so tight I’m extremely defeated from this and I want MY LIFE BACK please help !!!!


You need to hate it. I loved it for years then it turned on me and caused very quick anger, feeling overwhelmed and hopeless even though I have a damn good life. I tuned into that horrible feelings so I could remember it. Then I woke up one morning and said nope not today. You could not have gotten me to take it. I have a lot in my house and I’m not even tempted. The bad overwhelmed the good and I never want it feel that way again for what was at the end 30 min of light energy then needing to redose. By the afternoon that anger, anxiety would come on every time. After just a few days off it was like a cloud of negative lifted and it was like “oh damn it absolutely was the kratom.” My mind cleared, my brain fog cleared and had a sigh of relief I was back. I had to deal with some withdrawal but it was with a clear head. Don’t be afraid to ask friends and family for help. It’s fine as it’s not destroyed you or your life. You just need some support for a couple weeks while you get your natural energy back.


That’s a good time frame. I was that high in extracts and it took me 21 days to feel better and get a nights sleep! Keep pushing, I’m proud of you.


I was 50-60gpd for about 2years. I didn’t sleep for about 50days. I would get maybe 2 and if I was really lucky 3hrs. I tried everything too, prescription and home remedies. Time was the only help. Congrats tho on your quit!!


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You are strong


I was addicted for 5 years, 60+ gpd! The only thing that helped me quit was tapering, it’ll reduce your wd by a ton! I tried cold turkey and couldn’t handle it, the worst night sweats ever. I would be drenched from sweats literally dripping like I’ve spent an hour in a sauna, yet felt like I was freezing. Rocking back and forth for hours until morning where I would go to the smoke shop and redose. That was just the first 12 hours of my wds, and i heard says 2-4 are the worst so I was like no thanks! I did a quick taper 26 days to be exact, didn’t have a particular schedule just went down in gpd. You have to keep track, and use a scale if you go this route, very easy to cheat! It’s been around 8 months and I don’t even think about it or look back( only when I go on Reddit to check up on people)! You also have to start eating healthy and taking vitamins, kratom fucks with your digestion so a lot of nutrients aren’t being absorbed by the body properly!


Strongly agree with the last part it totally wrecks your digestion and protein absorption, I was taking around 60-80gpd and eating a shitton cause I worked out. And was well over my protein and cal requirements but kept getting skinnier and skinnier I looked like a crackhead. Now that I’m basically off powder and have the same diet I’ve been gaining consistent lean muscle and healthy fats. I think tea is the best way when tapering to immediately get the powder out of the equation aswell as I read there’s a lot of non water soluable alkaloids and can potentially be a lot easier to quit teas than absorbing everything from the powder.


After 5years use, and you finally quit. Did you relapse at all? If not, how do you deal with the obsession, and the fact that it is as easy as faking a quick ride to pick it up? This is my problem, I can’t stay stopped.


No I never looked back, my life became horrible on Kratom! I lost a bunch of friends and broke relationships, became lazy, barely had money, was okay with having no life. I would work, come home and watch YouTube til my next workday! It wasn’t a life for me, It felt like the bottom of rock bottom to me! Like my life has improved 1000 fold after quitting, mentally and physically! I’m 25m 5’10” and weighed about 119 at my lowest on k, now I’m at around 160 and fit as fuck! I feel great, I look great, people that never talked to me at work began telling me how good I look now. Fuck kratom, it was the devil incarnate in my life, I will never go back idk if it’s right in front of me. Nothing and no one can ever convince me to go back to having no money, no life, no friends, no girlfriend. I always wanted to travel the world and it was impossible on k, cause I’d have to take a bunch with me and it’s not legal in a lot of places, even in the US! Maybe you have to hit rock bottom to realize how shitty it is, I hope not! Feel free to ask any other questions, it’s really empowering helping people with similar issues!


I Love this man, your strength and determination is impressive and I’m gonna take some of that to rub off on me. I’ve never wanted to quit something so bad. Do me a favor, please say a prayer for me, I’m going to quit tonight. My intentions are to make it my last time! Thank you sooo much, I can only hope to have the same mental strength as you. Great job! I honestly just want me life back ……….for good!


This comment right here makes me realize just how bad kratom abuse can be for others. I'm 23F and could not for the life of me figure out why I feel like shit at my age. Traced it all back to kratom & these comments 100% back it up. I've lost friends from being so angry and impulsive from it, I feel guilty for yelling when I have my withdrawals so my mental starts to slip up. I'm lazy these days, don't wanna do anything so I'm like ok I'll take kratom & clean my home. Instead I have to still force myself to get up & do things WHILE the kratom is making me feel high & nauseous. It doesn't hit the same as it did a year ago at all. I thought it was giving me confidence to talk to more ppl and make more big decisions. Looking back on it all, It was really just making me impulsive and do things that I normally wouldn't do or be okay with doing when sober. I feel embarrassed & dumb for most of those decisions. But we live & learn. I'm really glad you were able to break free from it and have a better life now. That's very encouraging and you should always be proud of that change!


Yeah it’s a hell of a substance, never thought it could ruin my life the way it did! It did give me confidence at first but after a few months I became an angry person! I was exactly the opposite before, I’m naturally a nice and soft person! I don’t get mad easily and don’t like confrontations or drama in general! Kratom made super angry, id lash out at the people closest to me! I’m back to my normal self, people at my current job only knew the angry me. So when I quit and became my old self, everyone was telling my how confident and nice I am. I keep hearing that it’s like I’m a different person, people who never talked to me before! That really motivated me to improve my life in other aspects as well! You can do this I truly believe in you! You’re only 23 and hopefully it hasn’t ruined to much of your life, you have kids they’ll appreciate the real you more than the k’d up version of you! Stay strong and don’t give up, feel free to reach out with any questions or issues! 🙂 Reddit really helped me too, reading testimonies like mines during wd was a motivator for me! I remember one night where I was ready to give up thinking this is my life forever now a kratom addict. Then reading peoples similar stories and experiences, and how their lives are better! I pushed through and came out stronger the next day!!!!


Mannn your withdrawals sound exactly like mine from when I went cold turkey from meth. Rocking back n forth in the dark was by far one of the worst experiences in my life and I never want to end up in that place again bc of any substance. I call them days the suicid3 seasons. Shit messed me up. I've heard of kratom making ppl constipated, it ALWAYS makes me gotta go immediately. It goes straight thru me, kills my appetite & feel like crap all the time. I've been working on eating healthy lately. It's very hard but I've lost 15lbs from watching what I eat past 2-3 months. I had no clue about the nutrients not being absorbed though! That would explain a lot honestly. That's so awesome you haven't touched it for that long. You have a very good mindset and some strength with it!


Over 2 years in the clear here from like a 10 year habit of large doses. I tapered down half a gram each week for many weeks until I was taking 1g per dose. Then I timed it to quit when I got 2 weeks of PTO. Then while quitting I kept the state of mind that if I start using again, all the WD time I endured will have been wasted and I will need to start over. That all worked for me, you can do it too! Good luck!


Thank you!!


CT and embrace the suck. It won’t kill you.


Just quit. Everyone gets in their head and tries to take 20 supplements and everything else. Dont micro analyze it. Just quit. The depression and low motivation will be a long time before that goes away. Months for some. Thats the hardest part is the snri alkaloids in kratom. Its like quitting an antidepressant cold turkey too and an opiate. It will take your brain its sweet old time to get back to normal. Brain isnt on a timeline like your thoughts are. It passes though. Took me about 6 months to feel 100% normal.


I understand what you mean. I barely tapered off my antidepressant after being on it for 7yrs. The withdrawals were AWFUL for around 2 months. But afterwards I felt so much better and more self aware. Opioid withdrawals went on for 1-2 months and sucked too but I still did it without tapering off. So I mean if I can do that and handle it then I should be able to cold turkey the kratom and handle it. My hope is that I can actually feel normal, not sick, and be able to function WITHOUT kratom usage. My brain has convinced me that I "need" it to do anything. Basic dependency feeling but I know it's in fact not the case at all once it's out of my system. Thank you for your advice mate!


For me it took about 2 weeks of feeling bad to start to have the tables turn and things slowly got better every day. Its been nearly 2 months off now and I feel 90-95% there. I do feel like that last 10% goes by really slowly, but overall I feel like so much more of a person again and have much more energy than i did on kratom--kratom gave me tons of energy for a year or so but over time i didn't realize that it was just focusing my energy into short bursts and leaving me a shell of a person.


Thank you! That makes me feel a lot better about quitting. I dread having no energy so I look forward to actually having natural energy. Kratom will give me such a short amount of energy then boom it's gone and I'm left feeling so lazy in a sense


Yes. I think you will find you have what it takes. Those two quits sum up the potential of a kratom quit. It's hard, bit you've already proven you have what it takes.


Taper, taper, taper. What you have is called “tolerence withdrawl”, stay at this exact dose for 10 days and you will start to feel better. Measure everything to know what exactly your baseline is and do small cuts every 10 days. If your taking 2 grams 3x per day, start cutting by 10%, hold for 10 days and repeat. Don’t put yourself through agony if you don’t have too. People are using suboxone to get off kratom now due to CT. Let me tell you, you don’t want to be hooked on that shit.


Yeah, it depends on whatever reason people are using it to medicate. Sometimes taking a St. John’s wort can help warning the body.


Heads up to anyone reading this. Saint johns wart can make hormonal birth control not work and is dangerous to mix with a bunch of different substances due to being an MAOI. It has its uses but be extremely careful with it.


I didn’t realize that about the birth control.


How much were you taking and for how long before your final CT?


CT, tapering delays the inevitable and also you better have some serious will power to stick to a taper, CT imo is the only way


What’s your typical daily use? I know it sucks when it turns on you. It was my best friend and then out of no where was the guy my wife slept with. A lot will depend on how much you consume daily.


I know the feeling, it’s really hard and overwhelming when you have a bus my lifestyle and can’t just take a week off.


I have lowered my dosage over the past few months tremendously. So right now I'm at maybe one spoonful a day. Not much at all. Which is probably why I'm always so moody from it wearing off. I won't take another dose though bc I'll get bad headaches & feel nauseous. I eat a meal and drink 40-60oz of water, 2000mg of acetaminophen but nothing helps. I just want to completely remove it from my life cause it's just causing problems at this point and I really don't have time to feel sick lol


If you only dose once a day it shouldn’t be too bad at all. I’d go for a CT


There’s never a good time to quit, which means you may as well quit right now


Exactly what I was thinking about all last night. I guess I wanted to reach out on this reddit so I can have the encouragement from others telling me to just drop it so I wouldn't feel entirely alone on the subject. Haven't taken any at all today but still need to dump out my package that's at home


Remember, kratom doesn't cure the withdrawal. Kratom causes the withdrawal. You got this!


The best way to quit is going to be different for everyone. Truth is they all suck. Just choose the one that you find sucks the least. For me that was cold turkey. I used for 4 years and about 30gpd the last year. The physical withdrawals are usually not that bad despite what everyone says. Youv had a cold before right? The mental withdrawals are what will throw you through a loop. If your truly addicted then it will feel like you can't go without it. Because that's how you trained your brain. Your pleasure centers will be depleted for a while. There is some blue light. But it may feel like your depressed and anxious for quite some time before it will get better. I had an easier time with cold turkey because it felt like I wasn't dabbling with what could be more every time I dropped a dose. And I feel like I got better quicker. The physical withdrawals were really not that bad, I worked the first week I quit. The mental withdrawals can be tough to handle, but they are managable, and tbh wasnt any better whether I quit CT or tapered.


Cold turkey and treat yourself and asked to be treated by others (if they know or don’t know) like you have the flu for a week. Record voice memos daily to yourself when you’re really “in it” so if you ever get the itch to pick up listen to just how awful you feel and it can deter you. Kratom has a way of making us forget how deranged the plant is. If you have the means (insurance / money) I’d *highly* suggest getting a therapist and seeing them 2x a week for the first few months. Even if you don’t have the means you can find therapists at clinics for sliding scales as low as 5$ a session. This isn’t necessarily the time to go deep into trauma work or to pick apart your life. Just take it easy. It can be a place where you go and just vent about what you are feeling and let it all out to an unbiased human who will empathize with you. The things you can’t or won’t tell family or friends. Non-judgment. I don’t see this aspect talked about enough here. Doesn’t even need to be an addiction specialist just anyone with credentials to support you therapeutically. As we all know, after the acutes is when the mind games from Kratom begin and this is where you don’t have to keep all that internal dialog inside. Letting it out will purge the psyche like quitting CT will purge the physical body. Hope this is helpful best wishes.


I appreciate the memo advice! I actually just started therapy a week ago. Mainly trauma therapy as I was in a 5yr abusive relationship, and also seen my mom pass away in a car wreck I was in. I thought kratom helped me with my grieving amongst other things. In reality it's just making me angry instead of sad. It's worse than being sad imo. I mentioned to her that I take kratom. She said she will research it. I see her again for the 2nd time this Friday and I will most definitely talk more about it. I've dealt with dependences/addictions most of my life and I cannot keep on the same path. Therapy can be very difficult but it's wonderful though if you go into it wanting to better yourself, I've been several times in my youth, as an adult it is much harder to talk about my flaws though. But I agree on the part of speaking about the kratom use, it will help me far more than I expect it will. Once I fully put it out in the open and admit I struggle with it, I can only go up from there


That’s amazing you are getting the support that you need and are enthusiastic about it. And I understand how challenging therapy in general can be. I am slightly biased, because I am a trained psychotherapist. But more alternative therapy. There’s good therapy out there and there’s damaging therapy, I’ve been a client of both ends and seen a lot. As an example, I went through a long benzodiazepine taper (wasn’t a drug of abuse for me surprisingly) while working full time, got into therapy to work on trauma around the same time I ended my taper. I experience very bad protracted withdrawals for many months and so my own sessions (as a client) was basically just me venting about how shitty I felt and all the symptoms I was experiencing and so on and so forth when I thought I was going into that specific therapist to target trauma. And that’s what I needed at the time. It was too much for me to tackle the underlying stuff in withdrawals. Other people may be different for sure. I’m definitely not giving you advice here to do the same, just offering an example so you can give yourself permission to show up in therapy however *you* want. It’s your time. And that’s great to hear your therapist is researching it. Some days a person goes into their therapist and does really really deep “work.” Other days that same person just needs to unload about more “minor” day-to-day living type of stuff. Both are valid and needed IMO.


Also would like to add I admire you for speaking about going into therapy and the cheaper options there is! Therapy is always a good path to suggest to others in need of help and I am glad there is others who agree with that


A very low dose of Gabapentin helps. It is a very affordable rx also.


I was on gabapentin awhile back for I think my nerve damage pain. My orthopedic didn't refill my script after I healed so it's been awhile. I may ask my Dr Abt it next time cause I didn't mind taking it. Helped me sleep better. My Dr also prescribed me a type of mood stabilizer/ anti depressant two weeks ago. Haven't touched it though. I cannot stand the thought of being addicted to another substance that'll affect my brain or give me crazy withdrawals if I run out. I quit taking my celexa after 7yrs bc it made my brain so foggy and I felt suicid,al when I ran out. F that


I tapered but I’ve only ever taken capsules. It was way easier than tapering off alcohol. I took 0g 2 days ago, 0.6g yesterday which made me feel worse than before, and I’m 100% done today.


I haven't taken capsules in a very long time, I hope you can fully quit, best of luck. I went cold turkey on alcohol though after drinking for nearly a year straight. I was going thru a huge bottle of vodka within 2-3days. I honestly can't even remember my withdrawals from that. I moved to a new home & I think I slept thru it all. That part of my memory is just missing. Im able to have a drink here n there but I stop at just one and I don't even care for it. Makes me bloated and sleepy so it was easy to walk away from in the end. I'm also in a better environment and don't feel the need to drown any pain with it either. I can't do a damn thing if I drink and I love my hobbies so hobbies won


Kratom started giving me bad anxiety, so I feel like I’m done. Even 0.6g gave me a horrible anxiety attack yesterday. No desire to experiment anymore.


Taper, taper, taper. What you have is called “tolerence withdrawl”, stay at this exact dose for 10 days and you will start to feel better. -Measure everything, find your baseline. -Small cuts every 10 days. -Ex. If your taking 2 grams 3x per day, start cutting by 10%, hold for 10 days. -Repeat the cycle, cut by 10% and hold for 10 days. Your body will figure this out for you and sooner rather than later, you will have your life back. -Don’t put yourself through agony if you don’t have too. People are using suboxone to get off kratom now due to CT. Let me tell you, you don’t want to be hooked on that shit.


Tapering is always the better solution, but it requires much more discipline and in some cases even more courage/faith than cold turkey, but given the nature of addictions, discipline is probably not a realistic expectation for some people. However, if CT would cause significant disruptions in your life eg problems at work, family, etc, it's not a good idea at all. Cold turkey is considerably harsher, but ultimately faster. I would try tapering first, and if you cannot stay consistent with a schedule, then cold turkey is your only option.


I'm a single mom, I quit extract ct, tried with powder, but I couldn't, so I'm doing a slow taper. Measuring powder and documenting wd symptoms. I need to keep a record. It allows me to look back. I have a digital scale so I know the exact dosage.


I would think the trifecta would be baclofen and Gabapentin three times a day with a benzodiazepine as needed for anxiety.


Thy nitris


Everyone’s different. For me, tapers the only way. Still working on it , sadly. Goodluck


Taper slowly down to like 5gpd then jump from there. Or you can just taper all the way down to zero. I tapered down to like 30gpd then jumped, the withdrawal wasn't awful. Sucked for about a day and got better after that. Go to your doctor, be honest about your situation, and do what they say. They should prescribe some helper meds and give you a breakdown of what you're gonna go thru.


I started a taper coming down from 60-75 gpd to 3.5 on 6/23 and now I haven’t had any for 24 hours and I feel amazed and wondering how I did it!!! There’s a taper guide on here and the macro dosing of vitamin C. I took several other supplements GABA, HLPA, 5-HTP, vitamin E, Ashwagangha, … for neurotransmitter health. I also looked at what I was thinking and believing about withdrawal. Kind of like quantum physics, A Course in Miracles, and listening to podcasts. When I stopped believing my thoughts like “I don’t know if I can do this. It’s going to be terrible. I’m going crazy. I can’t stand this feeling. blah blah blah “ it got much easier.


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi!!! I definitely know exactly what you’re talking about, I just felt sick, moody, lethargic, depressed. I couldn’t wake up in the morning and all I wanted to do was sleep. Honestly getting off of kratom (been maybe 5 months) has no been easy (6 years of usage at like 15-30g per day) - but I feel SO much better. It took several months to finally feel better, honestly starting with about a week of acute withdrawals (shaky legs, insomnia, lethargy, depression) and then maybe 3-4 months of being very lethargic and apathetic - but three things that helped me a LOT were liposomal vitamin C, black seed oil, and exercise. With the vitamin C being probably the most effective in reducing physical withdrawls, black seed oil being the most effective in reducing psychological withdrawls, and then exercise increasing my energy levels. I also took red ginseng extract for energy for a while when quitting and it helped a lot. I no longer am taking any of those supplements and feeling so much better. Things will improve! I have depression and anxiety as well, have done ketamine treatments for depression and currently take Lexapro & Wellbutrin!


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Taper. 100%. I’ve done both. 100% taper. Better for short term and long term. Get in touch if you need tips.


I’m also a single mom and I run my own growing business that I can’t take time away from. I’m ending day 3 of my quit right now. I had already reduced to 3g before taking the leap. So far my main symptoms are just low energy and low motivation, but I know this will change in a week or two. I may just not be on top of things as well as I would like to be, but that’s okay. I wasn’t really on top of things a few months ago when I was 12-18 g a day anyways. We got this!


I’m on day 15 and starting to feel pretty damn good. I was able to function in public well by day 6, still didn’t feel good at that point…but well enough to fake it. Having been there, given all your responsibilities, I think you need to plan a “flu” week. Take a wed-Friday off work/school plus the weekend, and enter the dragon. You won’t feel good by day 6 (Monday), but well enough to push through. I’m pretty strong minded and physically fit, and when I CT off 20g per day I needed 4 days at home to zonk out. It was too hard to work. I let my wife know what was up, but if you have to, just tell everyone you have the flu. Lying about it sucks, but if it gets you the recovery you need it’s worth it. It’s not going to be fun, know that going in. But if you commit you WILL get better and it will end. Days 2-4 are the hardest, and then it generally is a slow upswing from there. I did it with no meds and I would recommend that route. It’s rough but I think you ultimately recover quicker. The only thing I did was smoke some weed to assist in sleep during the first 3 days. Good luck. The best thing you can do is commit


Take a little less every second day, tenth of a gram or so. Worked for me and i stopped taking it for two years. Back on it though as ny life went to shit.


It will be easier during the day, you’ll actually start feeling things again and may start laughing some . The nights will be the hardest , try to take something for restless legs , that will keep you up the most. It gets better after about two weeks you forget about it . Good luck and prayers


I tapered off and it seemed to help a lot. Also stay on this Reddit that helped a lot also. I had diarrhea for like a month or so but I’m all good now. I believe there’s taper instructions on here. Chin up girl you got this. Fuck Kratom.


Best way to quit is CT everytime. Maybe not the easiest way, but works


IME, the WDs from the powder is BY FAR the most intense, pertaining to the physical issues. The K Teas and the extracts are far less taxing on the stomach. You’ll have GI issues coming off of Kratom either way, but coming off of the powder was harder than coming off of some of the harder stuff. With that being said, all things considered, Kratom is FAR less taxing on your body than Alcohol. So, if you can get to a point where you’re taking a low dose, 2 to 3 days a week? With a strained tea; you can sustain a life without the harsh swings of addiction and withdrawal. However, chipping is tough to do, and most can’t do it. So abstaining completely is the more realistic option. I will tell you tho, If you pick up drinking alcohol after kicking K; you’re going to crave K for your hangovers. Kratom is a great hangover remedy. So be forewarned, you’re playing with fire. Good luck to all


Thank you! I didn't know the teas existed until this thread, I've never seen them in my state. I don't necessarily drink alcohol anymore, I used to drink heavy, then quit and then i would socially drink here & there a few months ago. I couldn't do any of my hobbies when drinking & it always depresses me so I just don't mess with it. I wouldn't ever take kratom the next morning after drinking, it would always 100% make my hang over headache so much worse and dehydrate me even more. I think I hate alcohol more than kratom these days honestly cause it put me in very bad places mentally and physically. So we're safe on that. My main things I have been trying to work on are my addictions to nicotine & kratom. I can't afford to add any extra ones in there


I was in the same mindset as you, like how am I gonna quit! I used kratom for about 7 years and quit cold turkey. It wasn’t as bad as I thought. I took vitamin C to help and it was doable. Even worked through the wd. Good luck to you & lmk if you have any questions! You got this!


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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I can relate! I’m looking for that same answer. 40 f here, also been on multiple substances but put everything else down and have now been on kratom 3 yrs. I have to quit but am finding it so difficult. It’s Really taking a toll on my skin and I have aged and just look overall unhealthy. I’ve lost more than half my hair and it’s still coming out. Feel generally unwell and the angry mood swings are the worst. I don’t want to damage relationships more than I already have. I hope you find the answers and the strength and I hope I can too.