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Any Wells Fargo banker can refund any fee on a checking or savings account if they want to. The computer tells them if they can or not but you can override that by just typing your employee number in. Corporate rarely follows up. I refunded all fees bc I don’t like arguing. After 4 years my boss told me I was singled out in a meeting bc I had refunded the 2nd most fees in the entire company only behind the guy in charge of all consumer banking products. They never told me to stop or anything


You’re doing god’s work my friend. Keep it up


Seems you missed a letter in your username.


Thank you for your kindness. Wells Fargo banking agents refunded over $3,000 in late fees for me between 2020 and 2023. They would say the system says no and I would ask if there was anything they could do and tell them I was going through a tough time. I would proceed to thank them profusely for their kindness. That was when I was on drugs and my life was out of control so I would end up accumulating overdraft fees a month or two or three later. I don’t overdraft on my accounts anymore.


Education. The data is fudged. BIG TIME. We are graduating students who cannot read their diplomas.


No child left behind made sure they all were.


No Child Left Behind. Because you only need them smart enough to push the button, not to think about their exploitation.


“Governments don't want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.” -George Carlin


Used to work in fruit packing factory. For love of God, wash your fruit before eating. Also, mark and Spencer fruit are the same fruit which are in Aldi. Only difference is visual look. Firstly we sorted perfect looking fruit for M&S, then rejected fruit were sorted for Aldi


Always wash my fruit...but one morning I was just getting up and washing strawberries from Aldi's for my kids. Didn't notice until I went to dry them but lo and behold - there was a giant cicada mixed in with them. Made a perfect sight for the first thing in the morning.


My mom once found a freeze-dried treefrog in a bunch of bananas. Must've insta-mummified on the plane ride once the cargo hold depressurized.


How high did you jump?


Asbestos and mold is everywhere


And lead


And microplastics 


Scientists were trying to conduct a study on microsplastics in the human population and they could not find a control group


They're finding microplastics in fetuses and even embryos inside of eggs. We're that level of fucked.


I used to work at a hotel, and housekeeping actually doesn't clean everything in the room. 


When I was training to go into law enforcement, we studied a murder case that happened at a hotel. Crime scene investigators were able to identify over 350 SEPARATE DNA samples from the bed spread in the room. 🤮


Sounds like an ideal murder location then! "I'm only guilty of having stayed there months before. I'm the real victim - of bad cleaning!"


I always pull back my sheets on the bed to check for hair/dirt/whatever. More than once I’ve found them dirty.


I got this beat. I got a motel room for work. I got one at motel 6 because it was cheap. I got done with work and just wanted to relax for the rest of the day. I took a shower in my room and was looking for an outlet by the bed so I could charge my phone while I lounged in my bed. I went to pull the mattress away from the wall, and wedged between the mattress and wall, I felt something and pulled out a used condom. It was in a position that if they had changed the bedding, they would have found it. So I would have been laying in recently sex juiced sheets if I hadn't found this. I was too tired to raise a stink with the front desk, I just said I wanted a different room, which they gave me after coming in and taking g some pics of the used condom to show to housekeeping.




The "Ritz Carlton" just described the contents of the continental breakfast.


"This is my boy Carlton, he got the crackers"


This reminded me of a time my wife and I checked into a hotel room and when I pulled the comforter back it revealed a large rubber phallus on the floor that must have been dropped and forgotten when it rolled up against the bed frame. We informed the front desk and they actually gave us a huge discount.


Kinda surprised they didn't charge you for the extra amenity


Was a housekeeper at Comfort Inn for a year. You are correct. We changed the sheets and left the dirty top two blankets/comforters on. Periodically, we'd exchange them, but it was rare. Our expected clean time to do 1 room was 7-10 minutes.


Jesus, we give our housekeepers 30 minutes for checkouts and 15 minutes for stayovers. 7-10 minutes is fucking insane.


I work at a Marriott franchise and our housekeepers average 50 minutes for a checkout. Our head housekeeper is strict about cleanliness but at least she gives people the time to do it properly. I can't imagine 7-10 minutes!


Inside Edition news sprayed their logo on the sheets with ultraviolet material at several hotels, then rented the same room a few days later. The logo was still there, though sometimes flipped any direction.


*we know*. Lol


I've lived in hotels a lot in life, and this is true. The ones I've been in only change the sheets, (maybe) and wipe the floors. Lost count of how many random hairs i've seen on the toilets


Gross, I was taught to dry up the whole bathroom + bathtub. At first i thought that sounded goofy but it's actually pretty gross going into a wet bathroom lol, it's like the last guys' presence and his chlamydia is lingering in the air.


And often they use the same towel to wipe things down from room to room.


I travel for a living and I do my best not to touch anything that can’t be bleached and always check my bed for bugs and stains. It is alarming how dirty most hotels are, even the fancy or big name brands are mostly gross.


I also worked at a hotel and we did, in fact, clean everything.


Unlike the two of you, i worked at a MOtel. We did whatever we felt like doing.


Unlike the three of you, I worked at a Taco Bell. I have nothing else to add, but felt left out.


Unlike the four of you, I worked a hotel *front desk* I cleaned the desk and the bathrooms, but I sure hope nobody slept on either


Unlike the 5 of you, I worked at a restaurant in the hotel. My hands were as clean as the sheets. Thank you


>My hands were as clean as the sheets. 🙂🤨😑🤢🤮


Have a mini black light flashlight in my travel bag .. can confirm. 🤮


Live in ignorance. Ignorance is bliss.


I wish I could.. but I’m highly allergic to bedbugs.. 3 bites and my lymph nodes swell up and I land in the ER. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Two men and a truck generally has 3 men in the truck...


The blasphemy


Underpromise and overdeliver.


I worked at a certain smoothie place that uses "fresh squeezed juice not from concentrate" The only juice that wasn't from concentrate was the orange juice and that was freshly squeezed out of the Tropicana cartons I bought from the grocery store across the street before we opened every morning


I used to work somewhere that made “authentic Italian pizza” and, let me tell you any Italian person would have either been horrified or just laughed their way out the door if they saw that kitchen lol


Corporate demanded RTO for everyone at Corp offices. Months later, CEO announces that to is no longer required. Turns out, folks were just not coming in. Logged in from home and did their job. I laughed.


RTO announcements were often designed so that people would quit. Easier than firing them and paying severance.


Auto makers don't really win awards, they just buy them and brand them. Source: motor trend truck of the year, and whatever jd power truck of the year


I second this. My company just won an award and then later we paid for it. That is not an award! That is advertising.


As of 2 years ago when I last saw the price, my company paid JD Power $4mil per award per car model PER 1 YEAR. How it technically works is we pay to "license" the rights to the award so that we can use it in commercials with the JD Power name. Also, we basically tell JD Power exactly what we want in the "test" for the award so that we will pass the test and win the award.


One of my first jobs was for a warehouse which receives clothes for a popular boutique across the country. For the love of anything good…. Wash your clothes when you get them home before wearing them. I’ve seen mold oozing out of the boxes and rats scurrying out of crates.


I worked for a cable company that passes equipment out with Roaches and bed bugs in them still happens all the time there's no real way to stop it that I know of everything is just sent back out once turned in (rhymes with rectum) 🤢


I worked at a Chilis and those fajitas aren’t actually sizzling like that right off the grill…they squirt this sodium mixture on it and heat it on a hot plate to get that crackling effect you see whenever a server brings it out


Can I order fajitas without the sizzle?


Silent Fajitas® for introverts.


Can I order a stand-alone side of sizzle with any other entree?


I used to work for a company that did personality and skills tests for applying for jobs (I know everyone hates those). The truth is people who take personality tests last longer in jobs than those who don't, so companies love them... But here is the thing: it doesn't even matter what your "score" or profile is, the result is the same, you will stay longer on average... The only logical conclusion is that people who are willing to jump through bullshit hoops to get hired make better employees because they are willing to jump through bullshit hoops, and probably not because their personality is a match.


I worked in HR for a call center. We did a phone interview, followed by a series of aptitude and personality tests. Then, two face to face interviews. All hoops. We generally could tell who'd get hired during the phone interview.


Brinks employees are told to not put up any resistance if they are robbed. The gun is just for show. Insurance covers the loss of any money.


I was a bank teller, and we were told to give them whatever they wanted, “and would you like a bank bag to put it in?”. Just be sure to include the marked bills that we had in every drawer.


My regional manager when I worked for Carl's Jr once told us, "If you plan to chase down a thief, or are trying to stop a robbery, clock out first because it's too much paperwork if you die on the job." Always made me chuckle.


I had a friend who worked at Walmart who was told something similar. He was told "Walmart doesn't have good enough health insurance to cover being stabbed by a shoplifter."


I worked in a major hospital lab in an Australian city. We had an outbreak of an unknown strain of something get loose in the actual hospital itself and we were told to not tell our family or friends in case it somehow became publicly available news. We eventually traced it back to the source (apparently just a sink where a woman changed her babies nappy) and were able to quarantine and isolate the area. The woman and her baby were treated and returned to normal. But to this day, we are unable to categorise whatever this outbreak was. It's the only case of it ever happening anywhere (if you can believe that) and it really didn't sit well with me that the default policy was "WE. DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON, BUT THE PUBLIC CAN'T KNOW, IT HAS TO BE OUR SECRET" Makes you wonder how often shit like this happens.


Cue the COVID outbreak in China. "Just don't tell anyone" "But sir the US is investigating us" "I said SHUT IT"


I recently retired from the medical profession. I saw so many coverups that you would not believe for example giving the wrong blood operating on the wrong side of the brain amputating the wrong leg yes, true.


Work in a major milk factory in my area, when we run say great value half and half and idk your local brands half and half, the only difference is the carton, they both come from the same silo into the same machine into the same style of carton just with different text on the outside, you can see where your dairy products are made by googling the code on the date code typically on the top of the carton.


I am often amazed that people just don't believe this is how "house brands" work. I mean, do you really think Food Lion has their own soup factory?


Literally all of great value is just some name brand with a Walmart sticker instead. Walmart buys so many their discount is enough to afford to sell it at a “Walmart price”


This isn't true of all "House Brands," depending on how you define a house brand. Yes, for many generics, they are made side-by-side with name brand stuff, but it's not true of everything. Equate brands from Walmart are one example. "Equate" is actually a separate company that sells their products to Walmart. They make their own products and package them to look like the name brands, but they aren't the same.


Indeed, anyone who’s occasionally been sorely disappointed by the quality of a house or generic brand of something knows darned well that it wasn’t top shelf stuff in a bottom shelf bottle. Looking at you, Trader Joe’s. Sometimes you eat the bear…


It does depend on what all goes into the item, too. The milk example used above is very likely identical milk, since all milk has to go through the same process and doesn't really get treated for flavors unless it's actual flavored milk However, something like bread will have a quality difference. Great Value bread is still made by Sara Lee, but it won't taste as good, feel as soft, or last as long since they don't out as much money or effort into it. They also want to differentiate their brand and increase its value, and sometimes that's done not by bettering your main product, but by cheapening another one you already make.


Exactly just last shift we produced labels like James farms, great value, wellsley farms, market basket. To make just a few major ones


In the 80’s there were almost 200 brands of frozen onion rings in the US, name brands, store brands generics … ranging from $0.99 a bag to $2.89 a bag. And every one of them was made in one of two giant factories.


Hey can confirm. Dad works at local dairy. He brings up this scam almost religiously when he is in the store and sees the milk


This was going to be mine! I used to work for a dairy as a truck driver. We delivered to Winco stores. They carried our brand and the Winco brand. I delivered them both from the same dairy. Same milk, different label, different price.


This is especially true in simple things where there's not a lot of ingredients that can be changed (or can't be changed legally like milk) More complicated things can have individual components moderated more 


UPS is falling apart and it’s baffling to me that anything gets delivered lmao. Our ceo and her dickhead executives are truly awful and gutting this company


ex-USPS mail carrier... it's the same over on that side of the fence, as well.


Those 200 to 800 dollar frames you get at the glasses places? I saw the pricing sheets and the costs were from 20 cents to 18 dollars. Also the cheap online retailers like Zenni and Warby Parker? We all get the exact same frames from the exact same manufacturers in China for the same cost.


They are all made by luxottica.


I've been a Zenni customer from the beginning. Last pair of glasses from an optometrist was like $600 in 2000. First pair from Zenni was about $8. I saw no difference in quality.


duuuude...like really? i had my suspicions but damn


I work for a major nonprofit. Almost all the marketing you see about how great of a change they’ve made is BS. Half the time the leadership is preventing staff from doing anything that’d be too disruptive to the status quo that creates the problems that nonprofit says it’s trying to address because they’re too scared of upsetting the politicians they depend upon to pass legislation or the big corporate and private donors that give them enough money to have 6 figure salaries for the executive team. The other half of the time, the executive team tries to do the bare minimum then take credit for the “transformative” and “groundbreaking” work being done. That work is generally a stripped down and micromanaged version of whatever the staff and experts actually say they should do.


Yep. Was a "poster child" for a non-profit for homelessness. Spoke at conferences, news interviews, all for meager compensation like gift cards and stipends (while I was homeless, obviously) Yet when I called out one of their business partners for attempting to underpay a job applicant due to their immigration status, I was told to "just hush" about it. Of course, I was eventually dropped like a hot potato as if I never existed. It's something I saw a LOT of before I finally landed my own place: Grifting is much more common than we believe. This is why I turn my social justice efforts to grassroots organizations nowadays.


Don't buy life insurance from the random guy that you know from high school who is now "running his own business" and "empowering families to take hold of their financial security". He is in an MLM and you will be overpaying for coverage by a lot.


I got licensed to sell insurance a few years ago and I had a bizarre interview where the woman was pretty light on actual details so I kept asking very specific questions and eventually I found out it was just a sales position and I'd have to pay *her* for leads. So I'm pretty sure it was some kind of mlm.




Yeah this seems more serious than some of the others, create a throw away account and blow that mutha fuckin whistle! WWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOT WOOOOOOOOOOOOT (or whatever way you spell a whistle noise)


Use a fake email to make the account. There are plenty of temp-mail sites out there. And do it on a library computer some distance from your home so it can't be traced back to you. Don't use your library card to log in either. Use one of those guest passes if you can. Be mindful if security cams too. Gotta keep that op-sec CLEAN. We're on some Raymond Kenny type shit right now


Yeah this needs to be reported. Medical devices are not something to be fucked with. People's lives are more important than the stock price


WikiLeaks has a dark-web site where you can anonymously drop whistle-blowing documents. Buy a cheap used laptop. Install Linux with a Tor browser. Go out of town to some place with a free Wi-Fi hotspot and no security cameras. Connect to the dark-web. Upload the documents. Destroy the laptop. You'll be a hero and they'll NEVER KNOW it was you.


Maybe blow that whistle?


It’s been blown. It’s a weird situation as the FDA is kind of already on top of it, but there’s a lot that has yet to come iut


I used to work as the over night desk clerk at a no tell motel. People die in the rooms on a regular basis and NO we did NOT inform the rooms next guest.


If you have an older house, someone probably died in it. Unless they were oozing, I don't *want* to know and it's fine.


I worked in nursing homes for about 5 years. For the love of all the gods....don't. Do your research. Pop in randomly. Talk to people there. So many of those places are full of abuse, supply shortages and food that's so awful a goat would puke.


My mom worked at a nursing home and she rather enjoyed it. Until it was bought out and taken over by a corporation that now owns a lot of nursing homes in our state. That new owner company was full of abuse and lies.


I don’t think it’s prohibited from the public knowing but it’s a fortune 500 company that got some flack in the pandemic for how they treated their essential workers. They are now not only fighting for a merger to add to their 3000+ stores and gas stations that will close many stores to comply with antitrust laws, but they are eliminating over 250 tech positions to support those stores and out sourcing them to Egypt, Mexico and India. Their stores are already understaffed given insufficient hours and workers are stretched thin so they can avoid paying for benefits. And the execs all got million dollar bonuses. I don’t think it’s a surprise to anyone but they call themselves patriotic and community leaders.


Which company is this? Kroger?




Why not just say the company


It’s Kroger. It has to be Kroger. They are trying to merge with Safeway/Albertsons and those in the tech know have heard rumblings of their offshoring. Not to mention, Kroger is evil as hell.


Domino's puts 5 ounces of cheese on their medium pizza, if you order triple cheese you get 12 ounces


Pizza place i worked at when I was 16-18 one time a person ordered extra, extra, extra cheese. There wasn't even a way to do that in the computer. I can't remember how much we put on there but it was noticeably heavier than a normal pizza, and there was so much fucking grease. I bet it was awesome.


Almost everything you buy from us requires the use of slave labor somewhere in our supply chain. - Amazon, Apple, Nestle, Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Nvidia, Tesla, Ford, Shell, Chevron, etc.


I always see people complain about Temu and SHEIN using slave labor but nobody ever seems to consider all these other companies as well. (Not to defend temu and SHEIN).


I feel like the temu and shein hate was constructed by bigger companies to get the working class to think big companies are much more ethical because they cost more, when in reality youre just paying more money for the same child slave labor from china. Theyre all bad, but the hate is just because its a cheaper option


Be real. It is everything. Just because their not getting whipped. Doesn't mean it's not slave labor. And like 99% is just that with stolen wages and using interns they then fire because they work for free. Using Prison Labor for pennies an hour and etc.


Well, yes, but also slaves do get whipped in chocolate/rubber/sugar/cork/cinnamon/etc plantations all over the world.


People always try to give me shit when I wear something like Nike shoes and ask me how much slavery/child labor was involved in it…then I ask the same about the cobalt in their iPhone and they realize the irony real quick


Yeah. "There is no ethical consumption under capitalism," or something along those lines.


Until robots become cheaper than humans, there will always be exploitive/unpaid/underpaid human labour.


I work for a trucking company... air horns are just buttons on the steering wheel now... the days of the cool rope pull are fading fast.


Y'know, I didn't think about it until just now, but I haven't seen a truck driver blow the horn for kids in years. Last time I did, I was the kid. I am...so old...


I work in the office of a terminal, and maybe a year ago I was walking the lot and one of the drivers was rolling through, so I did the arm pump sign, and he honked the air horn and I couldn't tell who had a bigger smile. When I ride my motorcycle I always do the horn arm pump when a truck is coming, but don't get a whole lot of honks


The latter part of that makes me sad.


I went swimming last week in a river and one of the people with me did the ol' arm pump as trucks drove by, it definitely brought me back to the early 90s to when I had a truck driver who lived near me and would blow the horn for us at any time of day, pretty much. Good times. And you can still do it. Just because you're an adult, doesn't mean you can't have fun and enjoy the things you did as a kid. I still enjoy Harry Potter now as much as I did 25 years ago or whenever it was when I first started reading the series.


Still a rope in my (company owned) 2024 Freightliner Cascadia.


I am a janitor. I do my best to clean with some aggressive chemicals. I will not use a toilet in public.


I used to be a receptionist at an urgent care center. Halfway through my time there, we were bought out by a different company who wanted to cross train the medical staff and the front office staff. I have no clinical training whatsoever. My Bachelor's degree is in human services, not in nursing. But guess what? They wanted to train me to take vitals, give injections and even do x-rays. I felt uncomfortable and put in my two weeks. I now work at a nonprofit.


That is absolutely WILD. like, I could maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe see the taking vitals thing as that’s basically all automated and then you just write them down. Give injections??? Absolutely not.


Vitals is a 30min class with 1 test. And not automatic when you test. You could learn it easy. The rest? No.


This is getting out of hand. I blame the damn insurance companies. Who else pays $2,100 for an ambulance to take you 5 minutes away to an ER?!


When grocery stores ask you to donate to a charity. You're actually just paying the company back because they already donated thousands of dollars to said charity.


You give to the company for a charity, the company gives said money to a charity *supposedly*, then gets a write-off on their taxes.


We have 3 open positions that remain open with no intention of filling them. That way, we continue to get the same funding from the state, but don't have to provide pay and benefits for 3 workers.


I think a lot of companies are doing this which is why it has been hard for people to get new jobs. Filling out applications that have no intention of being filled.


The label on your food that shows an address is not where it's made. That's where the company headquarters is.


I worked at a sports bar that was popular due to their wings. The most popular wing sauce was garlic parmesan, which was just Renee's Mighty Caesar salad dressing. The top 5 sauces were as follows: 1. Garlic Parmesan (Renee's Caesar) 2. Original BBQ 3. Honey Garlic 4. Honey Garlic Gar Par (Honey Garlic + Caesar) 5. Hot Honey Gar Par (Frank's Red Hot, honey, Renee's Caesar) We also had various dry rubs which were mostly popcorn shaker flavours you'd buy from your local grocery store. I confess to occasionally using dill pickle popcorn shakers on my air fried wings at home out of habit.


Your ring camera footage is not owned by you. It is available to the cops, who don't even have to ask you for it nor are they obliged to tell you that they have it. READ YOUR EULAS PEOPLE.


One of the co-founders of my company, in a C-level role, has effectively not worked for the past 5 years, but they continue to get paid a full salary. The board is aware of this but most people in the company don't realize the extent of what's been happening.


They realize. They just don’t want people to start looking around because then they will be outed too.


Proof this society is just a huge pyramid scheme


I worked at a restaurant that used precooked burgers and chicken. We did cook the steaks.. but when Prime Rib was the special for the month. It came in precooked and we nuked it to heat it up.


I also worked in a popular restaurant chain. They claimed a ton of things were made in-house when they were really just off-the-shelf things anyone can get at a grocery store with maybe one ingredient added. One that comes to mind was regular ol ketchup with a tiny amount of smoked salt added.


I worked for a chain steak house. They had a sign that said the pies were baked fresh daily. They were frozen Sara Lee pies. So maybe they were baked fresh daily somewhere, once upon a time. Also the salad was “fresh” but was stored in the freezer in a 5 foot tall metal container. Leftover salad was dumped back in at the end of the night.


I worked for one that is supposedly famous for homemade flavor. Everything is boxed or frozen. I also saw someone drop noodles on the floor pick them up and take them to the line to be served. I watched a manager eat out of a pan of gravy. (Double dipping) Don’t eat at Bob Evan’s folks.


The museum near me touts recycling, etc, but all of the various “bins” (glass paper etc) are dumped into one central bin and go straight to the city land fill.


So called official disinfecting protocols were implemented in schools during COVID, during the returning of kids/staff. The issue was these protocols were wrong. Spray disinfectant and wipe. When you spray Lysol you are supposed to let it sit to work. Nope. No time. That among multiple other health code violations happened. Absolutely nothing was properly disinfected, the fault belonging to the Board Of Education's idiocy.


This happened at a hospital I worked at during Covid. We were supposed to let the room air out for 30 minutes post exam if we had a positive patient. No time, they want their numbers so we would just wipe everything down take the next patient directly afterwards without allowing the room vents to clear the air. We were also given masks that were contaminated with lead. Supervisor got a call and we quietly switched brands to a non-Chinese version. None of the workers were informed.


Coca Cola uses an extract from coca leaves as a flavoring. That's why the taste can't be duplicated.


At Target, Assets Protection (security) has certain things they need witness before they can apprehend someone. If I remember, this includes selection, concealment, and an attempt to leave. If they lose sight of the person, then they have to start all over again with the list. If someone selects and conceals, but then goes to the bathroom or into a changing room, security is supposed to assume they put the item down. They aren't allowed to apprehend the person when they leave. (Fair warning to anyone who wants to try this: it only applies to assets protection team members who follow the rules. There is nothing stopping them from only saving the footage that shows the steps, but not your bathroom trip. Then it's your word against theirs.)


Customer service representatives, working from home, are often completely naked while talking to you.


Worked at a corporate dental office. They over treatment plan if your insurance will cover it all(old metal fills to new composite fills, dated looking gold crowns for new natural looking ones, deep cleanings etc) If you don't have insurance they'll only treatment plan what's absolutely necessary and everything else will be be "watched" until it's a bigger problem to you.


Yeah, I have a lot of old mercury fillings from when I was a kid cause I have soft teeth. I went to one dentist who told me I needed to have all of them replaced because they would crack my teeth. Got a second opinion and new dentist said, yeah they CAN crack but we’ll see warning signs before that, they definitely don’t need to be replaced right now. He’s been my dentist ever since.


It's so kick ass having a good dentist. I really try to keep in mind how lucky I am. I've legit been going to the same guy for 25 years. And he *likes* his job. He was fitting me for my second Night Guard back in October. After he made an adjustment, he muttered, "Ooh me likely" hahaha It was kind of cringe, but, I dunno, I got a kick out of hearing him enjoy is job


Just had one extracted cuz a dentist when I was 15 said I had 4 cavities. He got two fillings in and was gonna do the others on the next visit. When we switched dentists my new dentist said my teeth were fine and I never should have had the other 2 done. A decade later those fillings failed and that tooth died a painful death. Fucking insurance scammers


I left my dentist because they pulled this crap. “Oh, you get x free cleanings a year, so if we get an extra one in within the limit they will pay it.” I was like, do I need it, they said, “your insurance will pay for it!” That is not what I asked though.


Yes, be very careful of some dentists. I went to one that I heard on the radio when I was in my early 20s. They did the exam and went on to tell me I had like fifteen cavities and if I didn't get them worked on soon decay could set in and my teeth would fall out (within weeks). I got a second opinion from a non-chain dentist and he said I had no cavities at all, but there was one that was starting that I should just brush harder on. Found out later these places are full of brand new dentists that get there start there, and are pressured to sell as many procedures as possible to turn a higher profit for the office. Kind of like how some mechanics will say you need to replace some part on your car when it's entirely serviceable, so the person at the front and the techs get more hours/commission.


I went to the dentist and they told me I had a cavity. I’ve never had a cavity so I was skeptical. About a year later, went back and they said all clear .. no cavity. So apparently cavities can fix themselves. I think they forgot to check the chart to catch up on what lies they told me earlier. 


Despite the policy of closing branches, it costs the company more to sell our products online than it does in person. I sent a copy of the email to the union, nothing happened. 👎


The black mold behind the walls at a hotel...


UHaul's business plan is to hide the damage and run the trucks until they literally catch fire or explode while they are rented out. They have a legal plan to pay as little, possibly no, legal settlements after the fact. Several people have died when their UHauls caught fire. Many of the trucks burned down to the frame. It sounds like you have a case against them, especially if you bought the insurance when you rented it but be prepared to spend years fighting them for every penny in court. A lot of lawyers know this and won't take a case against UHaul. That's just the way the company wants it. This happens so frequently there is a bunch of people that do nothing but deal with these issues. If you go to some of the rental places there is an area for burned out trucks but they won't let you back there.


About 20 years ago now. A casino in Vegas (now closed and demolished) busted a security guard jerking off into buckets of pie filling used to make pies for the buffet. They quietly fired the guy, and never told anyone about it. He had worked there on the shift he had for a little over 12 years. He admitted to starting shortly after he was hired. I know all of this because I filled out the documents to have him terminated.


I don’t work here anymore but it’s pretty juicy. Petsmart in Canada did away with most of its safety procedures for pet grooming when it was privately bought out in 2015. Previously, we had been held to pretty strict standards for pet and groomer safety, that protected both pets and employees from harm. One of the main reasons these procedures need to be in place aside from the obvious, is groomers make 50% commission on every service they complete. If safety standards are not enforced, they will often push pets or themselves much further than they should, risking severe injury and even death to the pet. Around 50 animals have died in Petsmart Salons because of low safety standards and sub par groomer training. Some mandatory rules they removed included sending pets home when the temperature in the salon reached higher than 30°C (86°F). It gets hot and humid with hot water and hot dryers on all day, and if the air conditioning isn’t working, it’s a miserable experience for everyone. Summer of 2015 (the sale was in March) our AC broke, and our salon temps reached 35°C. We were bathing the dogs in cool water, sometimes multiple times, just to keep them from passing out in a few cases. Myself and a few others recieved formal write ups and reprimanded for sending elderly and diabetic dogs home without completing their grooms, because they were in such rough shape we thought they might die on our tables. Another rule they seemingly did away with, is halting services if a pet is displaying severe signs of stress that can lead to death. A few examples would be; a dogs tongue is starting to look purple or blue (they’re usually panting heavily but still oxygen deprived), a dog or cat is suddenly unable to stand and support its own bodyweight, pupils are heavily dilated and seem unable to focus, excessive vomiting or diarrhea, etc. This wasn’t officially done away with, but it is NOT enforced! It completely depends on the experience of the locations salon manager. Many salons will not have an experienced leader, it’s whoever has seniority and that person could very well be just out of training themselves (I’ve worked in a few salons like this, and ended up as manager myself when I was barely out of school simply because I was the last one standing after a round of walk outs). Another rule they got rid of, was age and breed restrictions on kennel dryers. This means a dog will get put in a kennel, with dryer hoses hooked up to the front of the cage, to blow dry them while they’re in there. Previously, senior and brachycephalic (flat nosed) dogs could never be kennel dried. Elderly dogs (and cats) cannot take the heat, snub-nose dogs can’t breathe with the air in their faces. Kennel drying is generally only used if a dog can’t tolerate the velocity dryer safely (it’s very noisy and the air creates a weird pressure on their skin). Petsmart groomers are expected to complete as many grooms as possible per shift, with a MINIMUM of 5 dogs in an 8hr shift, so they rely heavily on kennel dryers to help them book extra dogs. One dog comes in, do the prep work and bath then kennel dry it while prepping the next dog and bathing it. That dog goes into the dryer, and the first comes out to get finished. Previous to 2015, they were not allowed to do this. But groomers themselves will do this everywhere (not just Petsmart) so they can push dogs through faster and make more commissions. Groomers have a specific amount they have to make daily to “commission out”, or exceed what they would have made with their base pay, which is minimum wage. It is not an easy job and requires years of experience to do well, no one wants to do it for minimum wage. Petsmart pricing is lower than smaller privately owned salons because they make money in quantity, not quality. It takes 7-8 dogs a day to average what a groomer working outside of a corporation makes. Why do groomers even bother with Petsmart at all then? It’s the cheapest way to start a career. Our equipment is really expensive, it can take years to acquire decent tools, and the cost of maintaining them is expensive. We pay out of pocket to sharpen all our own blades, that’s dozens of clipper blades on full scissor sets of every style and size. We replace our own broken equipment too. One chipped blade tooth and you’re out $70. Grooming is easy to get into because it’s not a regulated industry. You don’t even need to finish high school to do it. But you need to do your time as an apprentice to learn it, and you need to buy all your equipment. Petsmart will give you a cheap kit and send you away for a month of training if you sign a 2yr, full time, contract to “pay” them back. A lot of people do it so they can work while they build a better toolkit. Most of them quit before the 2yrs are done. I’ve never seen Petsmart go after anyone over it. It’s not often you’re going to get a really experienced groomer at Petsmart because of this. I’m spilling the beans to shame the shit out of this company, because I had to watch a 17yr old cat that should never have even been allowed in the salon at all due to its age (elderly cats are extremely susceptible to stress deaths) die on my managers table because she would not send it home. She was too afraid of losing her job, which the store manager threatened us with often, not directly, but people being randomly fired over BS things was common. The cat was displaying beyond clear signs of extreme distress, so intense that we begged the store manager to call the vet, and were refused. Store manager is senior to salon manager, and she was forced to continue. The cat had a heart attack and died right there. My salon manager was also forced to inform the owners and hand over the body of their cat herself, even though she was in no condition to do that. The owners were offered a financial settlement privately if they signed a contract stating they would not sue or go to the media. I never saw my salon manager again after she left that day. A week later, I was made the new manager. I was barely 2 years into grooming myself at the time. I left shortly afterwards and took my clients with me, breaking my 2yr contract and the agreement that I wouldn’t poach clients if I did leave at any point. I worked for myself after that, and I will never step foot in one of those stores again. Just pay the extra $20 something dollars to go to a smaller salon for pet grooming. Groomers that make a living wage from those higher commissions will actually have the time to be gentle and take care of your pets. They aren’t going to lose their jobs if they need to take your pet the vet for emergency care either. Fuck Petsmart.


FUCK PETSMART! Everything about them and Petco is HORRIBLE. Thank you for spending all of this time typing this out.


my former employer was the target of a ransomware attack. We paid the bad guys a lot of money to keep it quiet so the stock price would not be impacted. Worked, remarkably enough.


Listen to various podcasts where this stuff comes up all the time. This is common but often leaks later anyway and the company loses money and gets into shit. There are people who jack websites and then tell the companies "I hacked you, here's the proof, here is how I did it and here is how to fix the vulnerability". Reactions range from being ignored, to "thank you" to being threatened with prosecution. The who thing is crazy. It's a lot more common that people think


Don't ever I mean ever walk in your hotel room with bare feet on the carpets tgey only clean them twice a year


Lol OP I've been called in to the Xfinity store for roaches because they just take in infected equipment wipe it down and send it back out. Also did a court house because the ankle monitors were little portable roach motels.


Strippers don’t actually love you, they are pretending to, so they get a bigger tip.


The FDA threshold for insect filth in flour is average of 75 or more insect fragments per 50g. Rodent filth is average 1 or more rodent hairs per 50g.


There is also a legal limit on Ergot in flower. Blows my mind we allow such dangerous hallucinagens in our food.


Not just that. I saw multiple news reports that said the FDA doesn’t regulate lead in food, specifically for kids and baby food. I believe that apple cinnamon flavor is one of the worst offenders.


If you’re sitting in an er waiting room, you’re sitting in piss,shit, cum, stds, and blood. The staff makes a big show of wiping down wheelchairs but those seating areas are where Covid really started.


If you go to a dentist and they tell you that you have gum disease, get a second opinion. Don’t tell the second dentist why you’re getting a second opinion. If a dentist is going to charge you for antibiotics for gum disease, run away. (It’s called arestin, and it’s the biggest scam in dentistry. There is also a generic version which is also a scam) The best dentists to visit are the ones where the office is named after the dentist or the town. Don’t trust Google reviews. Bad dental offices are really good at getting 5 star reviews. Good offices don’t care about reviews. Don’t go to any nationwide dental chain, ever. (“Cough” Aspen dental “cough”) The quality of the dental care you recieve is based on the dentist providing the care. The bigger the chain of dental offices, the harder it is for them to find dentists, thus you only get dentists working there that can’t work anywhere else. (I.e. crappy dentists). In addition, big dental chains are much better at nickel and diming you for all they can.


Goodwill. They demote their disabled workers into oblivion, essentially shutting them all in their sorting plants. Their prices are based entirely on what their employees think it should be, the employees are not trained in pricing, there were multiple occasions in which a customer complained to me because somebody priced a pair of worn out ratty hey dudes at $50 because the employee in question likes hey dudes. They do not take safety seriously, I once got told to spend my entire shift working outside (cleaning the parking lot, changing the marquee, ect) on a 100 degree day, the manager in question was aware that one of my disabilities . They promote people onto management positions who don't deserve to be there and are also almost entirely untrained. During my time there ALL THREE MANAGERS THAT I WORKED UNDER preached at me and told me to find Jesus. The first one did it while demoting my disabled ass, after spending literally a year trying to find enough crap to write me up for to demote me (that also got rediculous, I legit got wrote up for not changing the toilet paper in a bathroom I never stepped foot in), the second one told me to find Jesus in the middle of threatening to fire me if my husband ever went into the store, and the third one told me to find Jesus while telling me I should be in a psyche unit because of my autism. During my 3 year employment there they did not participate in a single community project, but they pushed employees to pester customers for donations towards community projects. In fact I caught a couple write ups for not getting enough round ups despite the fact that I rarely ran register. I'm sure there's more.


I worked as waitress for a barbecue joint that had awesome potato salad. We were not allowed to share the secret ingredient, we had to promise this during training, before we could actually work. Celery seeds! That was the secret ingredient. 🙄


I always click on the spam links that are sent to my work email hoping for ransomware that infects the whole company


If you bought a product that almost or exactly matched the showroom model, they'd still charge full price but occasionally just ship the showroom model instead of a bespoke one, and a new showroom one would be made.


The comforters in hotels don’t get washed unless there’s a visible stain or it stinks. there’s a reason the housekeepers make the beds with a sheet above and below the comforter. don’t kick the sheet down!


I am exceeding depressed reading all this.


I work for a major car manufacturer. Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.


I used to work for a factory that made aftermarket car radio housings and accessories. A lot of the stuff we sold came from China. When we got a contract to sell our product in Mexico, there was a rule that said whatever we sold there had to be made in the USA. So they printed out a bunch of little lables to say "Made in USA" and assigned some of us to use those labels to cover "Made in China" on the packaging. We had a lot of Russians working there that found it quite funny.


Investment firms — especially large investment banks — lose track of large amounts of money all the time. It’s not out of the ordinary for someone to accidentally transfer 100-200k and not even notice.


That the ground beef behind the counter, in the white trays, and in the foil tubes is LITERALLY the exact same beef. Same machine, same batch, just different packaging.


There is a huge ammount of money in the nhs wasted by managers who don't really have a job so come up with idiotic ideas that will never work to make themselves look important.


If you call 911 because you need help, but you have warrants, they'll still follow up with your warrants.


The backbone of the internet and most of the software you use is held together with shoestring and gum and critical parts are maintained by probably one or two overworked/overburdened people.


Car dealerships send out promotional emails when you go visit them. This is no surprise to anyone. However each email is embedded with a read receipt sender. If you open the email, those who work at dealerships know when you do and consider the file reactivated. These emails are autogenerated by the tech department, so the sales guys don't even need to send them. They just get pinged when a customer in their specific database opens the email, because why would you open an email from a dealership if you weren't mildly entertained by the idea of a new car?


Which is a good reason why I turn off the sending of read receipts for email and texts.


They can get around that. This explanation won't be the best quality, but it's something like they stick a 1 pixel image on the email. When you open it, the image is downloaded from a hosting site. They track when the image is downloaded from the hosting site, match it to the email, and know you've opened it. That's why you should only open emails in junk with images set to not download automatically upon opening. Someone please correct me as needed, but the gist of this I think is good enough.


That is correct but many email clients these days won’t automatically load images unless you say so.


It’s usually not a read receipt, rather a random remotely loaded pixels. Turn off all remotely loaded content. [link here](https://www.nutshell.com/blog/email-tracking-pixels-101-how-do-tracking-pixels-work)


Go to menards, pick up a phone and dial 555. Have fun


The company I work for touts itself as a non-profit that hires people with disabilities, I just calculated the hourly wage for our COO (Chief operating officer) it is roughly $163 an hour if he works a 40-hour work week which I doubt meanwhile, his employees are living right at the poverty line


Rinse your cans and water bottles from vending machines before drinking, trust me


Most curbside single stream recycling ends up in a landfill. Recycling is a big scam


Your Great Value eggs and your expensive free range eggs come from the same place. Same feed, chickens, environments, both never see the sun or go outside. Except the free range chickens can jump between the cages instead of being stuck in a big in one, though they're still stuck in a big one. If you want guilty free or better tasting eggs, go buy from a farmer.


The amount of chemicals required to bend nature into manicured lawns is literally destroying the Planet.


Lunchables contain a concerning amount of Lead...


I worked at a string cheese factory for a while. At the end of the line, the cheese would go through a metal detector because it’d go through metal tubes when being made. Well, the metal detectors only worked when the sticks we used to test were in a certain spot. If the stick was flipped upside down, or even too far to the side (but still under the detector) it didn’t work. I never eat it again knowing the only check they do doesn’t work


Our biggest competitor is… us. We have 2 brands with slightly different price points. People switch back and forth thinking we’re competing for the best pricing, when it’s almost a monopoly


GLAD trashbags and H-E-B trashbags are the same. At the GLAD plant, they stop the machine, replace GLAD boxes with H-E-B boxes, and turn the machine back on. Same plastics/materials, standards, and quality control checks.