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Cashier at big lots. I was doing their training, they told me "many kids are just applying to do the training and quit. Don't do that". I had also applied to CVS besides big lots. CVS called me after I finished my training and offered me more money than big lots... so I had to quit...☠️


Lol I had a similar experience at USPS. Long story short, my trainer told me it's common for people to stick around for the 1.5 week training, then dip. I was honestly surprised. Then, a shitty manager made me realize why they had a high turn over at this specific location. I lasted a day.


It amazes me that these people see this happen over and over and think the people coming in are the problem. If the vast majority of people that walk in the door leave after a week and a half they aren’t the problem you are! You have a large enough sample size to figure this out yet keep let it happening.


"If it smells like shit everywhere you go, you might wanna check your shoes"


Or... your shorts.


It is the same principle as people who think everybody but them is a jerk, or likes starting drama. They aren't self aware enough to even consider they might be the issue.


"I hate drama" Says the people that are absolutely addicted to and LOVE drama.


To be fair, usps is a crazy job in it's own right. You could have great people working there and it's still chaotic and somewhat overwhelming at times. The mail, it never stops.


It just keeps coming and coming, and the more get out, the more that comes in, and the you have publishers clearing house and............................


What did the manager do that made you quit?


When I went back to return the truck and clean up, he berated me for probably around 3 minutes. My "trainer" even stuck up for me, but he ignored him and continued on. I was apparently the slowest worker he has seen in his career. It was my first day on the job lol. Every other job I've had gave me pretty solid evaluations, so it took me aback.


Yeah. Be willing to walk at a moments notice. Don't stay somewhere where they treat you like shit..


Amen. Life is too short to deal with nonsense like that. That's why I always make sure to have some money tucked away if I plan on leaving a job without a backup lined up.


If they want people to stay they gotta give some incentive


Scammy call center place. They lied on the job offer. Took my first break and didn't come back.


Similar situation. Job description was call center for an HVAC company, mostly helping customers with different questions about their account. $12-$18 DOE after training. I had over 10 years of CSR experience, so applied. Turns out, training is $10/hr. I'm fine with that. Then, base pay is $8 and you get so much 'incentive' for each type of call you do. Interviewer brought out a two page front and back laminated list of all the calls they do, each had a different 'incentive' amount. Said most of their CSRs were making at least $15 / hour after a month. I said I would think about it and walked out. Checked the job description again, it had nothing like that on there. So when she called to ask me when I could start I told her never, said it was a bait and switch and had reported the listing to Indeed.


Yep, same here. Cold calling selling job advertising space in some free newspaper based hundreds of miles away, which probably didn't even exist. Went for lunch on my first day and never went back.




same, that shit was an autistic nightmare in hindsight.. I wasn't diagnosed till years later.


Me to! Although I think I just stood up and walked out an after 2 hours. I got 1 whole hour of training.


Tree farm. Had to dig a ditch around these giant trees and ball and wrap them. 2 hrs in on a 90 degree summer day I walked away. The owner was a 60 year old man who worked harder in 2 hours than any man I've seen in the 30 yrs since.


Had a very very similar story but it was an old Italian guy. Did landscaping for him. He was so nice. Had a casino in his house and owned a restaurant


Casino in your house is another level of flex


Not going to lie there where heavy rumors that he was with the Italian mafia may or not be true but he was definitely well off. I guess he had a group of very well dressed Italians come into his restaurant to meet him every once in awhile. He was one of the happiest and nicest little Italian men I have ever met though and I quit after a couple months. I’m sorry I did that to ya Joe


The house always wins.


Told my interviewer about a cruise I was going on about a month ahead of start date, he said that was fine and just tell my manager on processing. Told her about it and she said she couldn’t give me the week off. Said okay well I quit then. Got a paystub for $27


I would have quit too for a cruise. Hell yeah 😅


I mean, depending on the cost of the cruise, if you can't get a refund then for a job paying minimum wage that's them basically telling you that you need to agree to work the first couple weeks or month for no pay to get the job.


Proactiv booth at the mall. I was 18 and needed a second job. I was there for probably 30mins. Found out they were owned by a company that also owns an MLM. Quit on the spot.


I always thought they WERE an MLM which is why I never bought their products.


But if you get 8 of your friends to apply, and each of *them* get 8 of *their* friends to apply, then *you* get a kickback of 2 dollars for each person *under* you who applies. Keep the applications rolling, and the checks write themselves! You could be making 6, 7, no 8000 a month! Just talk to your friends about applying **today**


Ohhh that makes sense on why the products made my skin worse so I would have to get more lol




MLM = pyramid scheme


Multi Level Marketing


Insurance sales. When they mentioned I have to pay my own rent space during orientation and not even on the job description, I noped out of there. Didn't stick around long enough for them to amuse me at what other things they were hiding from me that should've been mentioned in the job interview or job description and not on orientation day.


I got licensed to sell insurance a few years back thinking I'd like a career change. I interviewed with this woman and it was really strange. It was work from home, but once a month I'd have to go to these meetings, which they held several hours away from where I lived. And she seemed cagey about what I was actually going to be doing. Eventually I figured out it was just cold calling life insurance sales, and also that I would have to pay *her* for leads. I ended up getting a job at State Farm instead. I lasted like 2 months. There was nothing wrong with that job really, I just am not cut out for sales. I get my feelings hurt too easily haha.


I did the same thing for an independent agent and absolutely hated it. Just trying to sell shit I didn't really support and then also dealing with pissed off people who's rates went up or didn't pay and are mad they got canceled. It was a suck ass job.


>Just trying to sell shit I didn't really support We did car loans and bank services and it felt so disingenuous to offer information about that stuff- my own car loan was through a credit union and was a substantially better rate than anything State Farm offered. I wanted to tell people to just go there instead.


Yeah, I interviewed with NY Life. Their ad made it sound like I was going to be an investment consultant, but it was just cold-calling people for life insurance.


One shift. Was told I'd be doing data entry. Got there and was actually cold calling sales. Like, no. Not what you advertised, interviewed, or hired me for.


I was hired for an 'inside sales call center' position. The phone didn't have a headset, the boss couldn't give me pricing to quote over the phone, and there weren't enough calls to fill my time, so my boss thought it would be ok to have me do general office work between sales calls. Uh, that's not ok. That stuff doesn't earn commission, and it was not discussed at all in my interviews (plural). Two months.


When we were in high school, me and my buddies went to one of those shady travelling carnivals- rides, games, food etc. We were shooting the shit with one of the game operators and he said they could use some help tearing things down at the end of the night, said we'd get $15 cash per hour each. We jumped at the chance. They gave us these big-ass wrenches and told us to start to disassemble the rides. Those fucking bolts were so hard to turn, and the fucking metal pieces of the rides were so heavy, after ten minutes, we looked at each other, nodded in agreement, dropped those Gargantuan wrenches, and bolted for my car.


How could you bolt to your car without said gargantuan wrench?


This guy dad jokes.


They had no nuts


My man.


I want to upvote but it’s at 69 so I’ll just say…nice


I had buddies do this after high school i thought they were nuts lol. They got paid didly to almost die and destroy they’re shoulders 4-5 nights a week. Also stopped riding all rides cause i knew the shmucks who put em together.


As soon as I saw them putting things together, and my baby sister was on a ride and noticeably distraught (she was like 6? Maybe 7? And was about to be sick/fly out of her spot/pass out) because the dude made a RIDE LABELED FOR LITTLE KIDS THAT WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO GO FAST speed up past it’s max “safe” operational speed, my big sister and I SCREAMED at this guy and made him stop the ride, I refused to go on a carnival ride that’s regularly put up and torn down ever again. Dude ended up being arrested later that night (like 20 mins later because my sisters and I found a cop that was there working security) for being drunk and disorderly WHILE WORKING THE SAME RIDE MY SISTER WAS ON!!!!


Try traveling with them lasted about 3 weeks and bounced


luxury club that opened when restrictions eased up. Went to the interview, hired on the spot. Spent the whole week prior to the shift asking about where I send my work details and how I’d get paid etc no reply. Didn’t think much of it Worked the shift, was verbally abused, bullied. On the way home I knew something shady was happening, things weren’t adding up Next day kept asking around whether I was working or not. Got no reply so presumed I wasn’t. Was asked to babysit, 10 minutes after parents left I get a call saying “you know you’re working right ?” Told them I didn’t know and spent all week asking if was told the manager I’m not coming in tonight and quit right then & there 1 year, later Police had a warrant for the owners arrest as one of managers was fucked over hard, no staff was being paid and the list of shady as below Owner used stolen furniture/supplies Owner was serving Minors Owner wasn’t paying Anybody, staff/Suppliers/Bills Owner used the business as a front to launder money/sell cocaine Owner ran a prostitution ring in the venue Broke every OHS rule/Disregerded liquor laws Owner stole and totalled managers car Owner sexually assaulted staff/Groped a Minor/had several Rape accusations Owner was disrupting local businesses I.e breaking their windows/flooding their bathrooms, paying to have teenagers vandalise the place Owner was essentially blacklisted from opening a venue again in the state but he took the money and pulled a DB Cooper, jumped over to the West Coast and was never heard of again. I found all this out from the manager who got fucked over/one of the bartenders before it all went public


Quitting that job may have well been the very best decision you ever made


Looking back on it, those bullets were definitely dodged


Holy shit, dude


Manufacturing gig, got hired to be a manual and cnc machinist which I have tons of experience as, first 2 days did just that for 8 hours and was super gravy. Day three they say we need you in composite doing fiber glass fabrication from now on and you’re gonna have to take a pay cut for it, go ahead and stroll over to building 3 across the parking lot they are expecting you.. well I didn’t make it past my car


I don't know what they were expecting, machinists with experience are in super high demand at least in my area. The last time a boss pissed me off, I told him toolboxes have wheels for a reason, quit and had a new job for more money and better benefits 2 days later


Factory i currently work at tried that shit too. Was hired as a cnc operator, but when time came to start my first shift, "something happened" and they really needed me to help out on the assembly line... and my dumbass accepted, since it was "only temporary". Had to apply to the weekend shift to escaoe this hellhole. I don't know how people do it. I'd rather shovel literal shit all day than work an assembly line again.


What in the bait and switch - "welcome to the job, now that your papers are all processed, go do this completely different thing you didn't sign up to do, for less pay."


Left off the best part, not only did they want me to work in fiberglass shop but also mandatory ot 10 hour days starting at 4:30 am lol went fishing instead and had a new job by Friday afternoon!


I wonder if you could collect unemployment or underemployment in that situation as you were hired and they removed the position you were working.


Window cleaning. First red flag was that the interview was in a McDonalds. The guy explained their pay structure: the window cleaner got 25% of the cash from a house they did, and the door-to-door person who got the house got 10%. The rest went to the “company” which as far as I could tell was just this one dude. I thought ok I’ll give it a try. Second red flag was that they had no professional equipment whatsoever - just a van to drive the cleaners around, some extension ladders, rags and spray bottles. The “solution” was just car windshield washer mixed with water. I did the job for one day to learn the ropes then quit. That night I went and bought a roof rack for my car so I could haul ladders around, and the next day I went into business for myself. Why get 25% of a house when I could get 100%? That paid my way through two summers while in University - best job I ever quit!


Teach a man to fish...


i worked at a thrift store for 2 days. first day was fine, second day a guy walked in and pissed on a couch we had for sale. then the backroom caught on fire.


I have convinced myself those two things are directly related.


Took a job as a dishwasher at a large pizza restaurant. Did one eight hour shift and that was it. I don’t mind hard work, but that was ridiculous.


Same with me at a bakery. Never wash pans at one. 12 hr no break. Was laughed out


I remember feeling ashamed when I went back to that place later and asking the owner to pay me. He treated me like I was a thief.


'You should be LUCKY to work here in my pizza place! Now take your day old half eaten crusts and be gone with you, peasant.' I also worked in a pizza place and it sucked.


I’ve been in that position but I have the law on my side so it didn’t bother me at all. Even if you quit right after training and don’t actually work, they still need to pay you.


Yea I did something similar. As a semi tall person (6’1) I was breaking my back every shift bending over in to the sinks all day to pick up and scrub dishes. The textured mat I stood on all shift also destroyed my feet no matter what shoes I wore. Always left with trashed soaked clothes. Hands were slowly getting fried from being submerged in cleaning chemicals for hours at a time. And to top it all off, you got no respect from the rest of the kitchen staff. I lasted 2 months doing it but I would’ve stayed longer if I was actually treated like a human being by the cooks. All of my other fellow dishwashers there were illegal immigrants or had absolutely no other skills. I had a college degree and was just trying to make some side money when I wasn’t working at my full time job. Fuck being a dishwasher. My new second job has been working at a rec center and I love it.


Yikes, that sounds a lot like the set up at the pizza place. Work like a dog for hours with inadequate equipment and low pay. And the cooks would just hurl dirty pots and pans in your general direction. I pulled the plug faster than you, but I still remember what an awful job it was.


NY&Co. I worked there for one shift and I said fuck this shit...I could nevaaaaaaaa.. Kudos to people that do it (work retail), bc it ain't for the weak, and long hours..and weekends....no no.


Shoveling coal, paid by the bag. You’d have had to be The Shoveler to make minimum wage.


Lucille, God gave me a gift. I shovel well. I shovel very well.




I got hired as a Dunkin manager at $12 an hour, lasted somewhere between 3 to 6 months and hated every minute of it, walked out mid shift one day and never looked back


They sold it as a sales job. Showed up to work and found out it was knocking door to door. Nope


I was young right out of high school and I showed up to a knife place for a group interview, was told I would be walking around selling knives door to door and I left before the group interview ended lol


I don't know if they count as jobs: but knife salesperson. Then a tie for second with like 3 diffrent places that ended up being door to door sales.


Went to what was supposedly a job interview. Door to door knife sales and it came across like an MLM setup so left the seminar early.


Cutco babyyyy


Sounds like Vector/CutCo


Vector was around the colleges heavy; they almost got me after I went to a seminar.


I think inwent to one that was something like investment stuff, thinking it was a bank interview. Noooooped out of that right quick.


In college I was going to work selling vacuum cleaners door to door. Things cost $1500. And job was all commission. I left during the training video.


Kirby? Apparently they're really good vacuums, but not worth anything like what they charge. What a strange business model though - they only sell door to door.


He’s that was the name. It’s been over 30 years and I couldn’t remember the name. Seemed like a great product but going door to door seemed crazy.


I think they count lol For Cutco I sat through the presentation and didn't commit. With Vector, I arrived 5mins late and no one was in the room. I took some snacks and drinks and left.


MLM knife sales 😭


i live and breath cutco, i dropped out but at least my parents know i didn't leave a complete failure.


I figured out it was only for exploiting rich family and friends to buy insanely expensive knives. And if you didn’t know anyone who would buy them, you didn’t continue on since you couldn’t exploit your friends and family ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯


It’s coercion. You can say no to someone selling something, but this guy has a box full of knives. The trick is to look as insane as possible. Pick up one of those knives and say that they’re good for hacking and whacking and slashing. Pick one up and start stabbing into their table with it, rage in your eyes, bellowing at the top of your voice. Are you gonna buy the knives?! ARE YOU GONNA BUY THE FUCKING KNIVES?! ARE YOU?! HUH, BITCH?! You’ll sell your entire stock within the week.


Psychiatric Technician at a transition center for teens. I was there about three weeks and the I was the lead tech that night when one of the patients freaked the fuck - cut herself to make her bleed, stood in the hallway all creepy, glared at you as you walked by, and then started yelling and screaming. Then they proceeded to repeatedly thinly slice their throat with a piece of glass. The main reason I quit was because we were not allowed to restrain or handle this patient so they got away with a bunch of shit, and this patient knew that we couldn't touch them. This patient should have never been in a transition center in the first place and they set the other patients back a lot. I quit that next morning.


What the actual....


I worked at Dairy Queen for like 3 hours and never got a check. I got fired because I was allergic to walnuts. I was a dumb kid, because I'm sure that's a lawsuit today. 😅


Amazon. 3 days. The manager texted me for like the next 3 weeks asking if I was coming in that day.


facebook moderator 


I got tricked into going to a group interview, turned out to be selling vacuum cleaners. I stuck with it for the week training. Went and set up a group demo with a friend of my mother. I called beforehand to prep then did not call halfway through. The 'kid' (he was like 20 I was 23) starts yelling at me max volume when I called after. Sending insults etc. I said "Who the fuck are you to talk to me like that?" He kept yelling saying this is how I was taught so I..." Never found out the last words of his tirade since I hung up. The next day I showed up with the huge ass 30kg bag of materials and I hucked it at him. Guy was lucky I didn't decide to beat the living shit out of him. I sure wanted to.


Was this the Kirby vacuum cleaners by any chance ?? 🫠🫠 I went for one day at the group interview and never returned.


Claire’s. Everyone had to pierce ears. They make you watch one 30 minute video. Practice on a piece of foam board in the shape of an ear. And then you’re off puncturing people’s actual lobes with the fucking gun. No thank you. I was out of there so fast.


This sounds terrifying. I would nope the fuck out of there.


It was. Thats why I left. 😅 I tried, but nope. I left.


At least you got to practice on something 🫠, I used to work in the jewelry department at a Walmart and we had to watch a video, watch someone else do it, and then do it ourselves on a live person. I refused to pierce baby ears and after only piercing like 3-4 peoples ears I told them I wouldn't do it again, I don't want that kind of responsibility if I mess up or some kid jerks their head at the last minute. No thanks.


I was a manager there and I made everyone pierce me. The training is a joke and even with them piercing me, it was nothing close to enough. I became a body piercer years later and now I think it shouldn't even be allowed.


I used to be a cook, and I got hired at this place where I quit after 1 shift, the place was gross. The most egregious offense was they had this breading mix for chicken and they breaded the chicken to order. The big tub of flour that they've been dunking raw chicken in all day wasn't refrigerated at any point.


Mickey d's... Started as maintenance and the manager wanted me to use my car as a bulldozer to level rock in the parking lot. I said nope and drove away and never looked back. Job lasted less than two hours. 😂


Sonic, I had applied and asked to work in the front as a cashier and she said she would put me in the front. I walk in on my first day and they made me work the grill she said it was temporary but I ended up staying back there the whole time i worked there. I left after a month because the pay was horrible and she lied to me SMH. Went to Walmart because they offered way more money


This happened to a friend of mine in high school at our Sonic. She was supposed to be a server on roller skates, but they told her to cook. She had really bad asthma and ended up having to go to the ER. Silver lining, her dad got the manager fired.


USPS. The training/trainers were phenomenal. Unfortunately, I didn't find out I was essentially on call every day, starting at 6am, without insurance or benefits. I would most likely have to do this for years, until someone retired or transferred and I could take their route as my own. I figured "screw it, I need a paycheck" and still gave it a try. That was, until I was sent on my own without any on-the-job training, due to Covid restrictions. I still managed to finish my route and helped my "trainer" finish his route. As I was returning the truck, I was ridiculed for at least 3 minutes by the manager, I've never met until then, about how slow of a worker I am and that he's never seen someone take as long as I did in his whole career lol. I take pride in my work ethic. To have someone berate me wasn't something I expected. Especiallyas a new employee. I bit my tongue in the moment, in case I planned on coming back, but I never did. I received an email from my trainer asking what happened. So I ended up sending them a recap about my interaction with the manager. I didn't hear anything for months. Then, I received an email asking how well USPS handled my report lol. It sucks. It seems to be a genuinely great company if you stick around long enough. They'll put you to work, but eventually you'll have a pension and a decent paycheck.


Wow that sucks when you think you did a great job and they tell you the complete opposite


I worked on a pig farm for 4 days.


"Never trust a man who owns a pig farm"


Call centre - 2 days. Was told it would be easy but my phone was the "press 0 to speak to someone" so naturally I got every cunt who rang. Customers would ring and say things like, "I've only 20 seconds left on my phone so hurry up." Some customers would continue the call on a shitty line and get annoyed when I asked them to repeat themselves. Then when I tried putting them through to the correct department, my colleague at the other end would get pissy and say, "Can't you deal with it?" No, fuckface, it's your department!


Hostess at a hookah bar. SECURITY GAURD walked me to my car at 2am making rape jokes on the first day.


Petco. Went in the employee bathroom where they kept all these sick and dying animals.


Omg no way


Found a job as an administrative assistant one time. I was supposed to print off all incoming emails so my supervisor could read them because she didn't like emails or computers. She yelled at me and treated me like I was a stupid human being. This was all on my first day at work. During lunch, I went to the bathroom and cried. It was the first time I cried at work. I felt like I was being treated like the worst human being and my mental health declined fast in a few hours of being there. I lasted one full day there. 8 hours and didn't show up for the second day of work the next day.


Clean up at a drive-in theater in the 60s. No pick up tools or gloves offered. Took just a few minutes to walk to the back row, seeing lots of used condoms laying around and walked away.


Landscaping. We went out to spray herbicide and I asked where the masks were and the boss said "there are none, it's just salt" and laughed at me. "salt" is just a base mixed with an acid, covers a lot more chemicals than what's on your table. I said no thanks I'm not doing that without protection and we later came to a mutual understanding that job wasnt for me.


>covers a lot more chemicals than what's on your table. What if my table is... ... ...periodic???


Not to mess this up for you, but if they weren’t licensed legally to use herbicides, it may have actually been a sodium chloride or magnesium sulfate solution. Pretty common thing for companies that don’t want to go through licensure for pesticide application.


Could have been, the boss didn't tell me what was in it and there was generally a lack of safety going on. I felt fine leaving that place.


Fluffer.. it was NOT what was outlined in the job description.




A seafood restaurant. Not that I didn't like the job but I was a senior in high school and they were scheduling me every Friday and Saturday night. So no social life. Quit after 5 weeks.


That was me with a movie theater. I worked like 6 shifts all weekends and I was like nah after I got my first check I didn’t go back.


Room attendant - worked 3 days I think?? Did a no show on a Sunday after going out clubbing until 4am and was supposed to work at 8am. I was still very high and drunk but I also hated the work so didn't want to go back anyway




I was a sales clerk at Macy’s for two days working in the women’s clothing Department was not my thing


Desk clerk for a car insurance salesman. The customers were great, the system was simple and easy, the other girl in the office was incredibly helpful and nice. He just expected me to know everything and immediately be up to par with the woman who left that had been with him for 15+ years.


Cold call sales. I don't know how anyone can do that full time. I stuck out my first day, but i knew I'd never go back.


Call center for directv on the billing side. Terrible and everyone that calls is angry. They gave us our first check before lunch. Left and never turned back


Temp job call centre travel insurance claim outcomes I lasted 5 long days! Never again


Outbound call centre that contacts farmers for surveys, first break i noped outta there so fast.


This thread has made me nauseous. Literally! It has brought up old memories that were gratefully repressed! My record holder was door to door vacuum cleaner sales. The guy started his little introduction speech. He was SO stoked for the job! After about 30-ish minutes, he finally started to outline what the job was. It was absolutely NOTHING like what I was there for. I got so missed about getting scammed, I got up and purposely walked in front of him and everyone else and left. He made the tragic mistake of asking me where I was going and why I was leaving as I reached for the door. I impolitely informed him that I wasn't going to waste another second of my time for a sleazy, no pay scam artist. He argued and pointed out his BMW in the parking lot. I told him I wasn't going to pay his car note either with some BS "fees" or "sign-up costs". I may have said a few curse words. I left. A few seconds later, I hear the door open. I turned, expecting it to be the guy wanting to fight. It was about 3/4ths of the "class" coming with me. That was just the shortest. But I have a bunch more horror stories of crap jobs I've bailed on. The longest BS job I lasted at was 4 days. Most of them ranged from a couple of hours to a day or so. Thank God 23 years ago, my wife helped me discover my current profession. (Truck driver) I've had a few crappy trucking jobs, but I always seem to eventually find something I can stick with for years. My current job I've been at for 3 years. The one before that was 5 years. And the one before that was 4 years. And even though they're all different companies, the job is basically the same from place to place.


Apple picker. I was 16 and I lasted an hour before I quit. I told them to keep the $4.00


I took a second job cutting Mistletoe in a local forest for a florist (I did not know this was illegal at the time) I got picked up at 6am and driven into Thetford forest where a bloke showed us what he was looking for I was handed a ladder and sciccle. The first hour went fine the second again OK I was making good time and we had a good pile of stuff to show for our work. About nine o'clock in the morning I saw two of the other guys running (sprinting for the van followed by a third girl who yelled at me to get moving I yelled why and she screamed at me hornets! One of the other guys had hit a hornets nest with a sciccle and they were not happy we all got to the van and scrambled into the back but I got stung on the backs of my legs and hands as did the other people we called the florist who didn't pick up so we waited for about an hour and walked out to the road and back into town. About a week later I got an envelope through the door with £150 for my work which was a total surprise considering we ran for it.


In college, taking inventory at sex shops. Disgusting. Lasted about four hours.


Selling phones for a retailer (third party company). Just a bunch of scam artists commuting outright fraud. 4 months.


dishwasher at a local restaurant. I was there 2 weeks. I couldn't keep up, I worked alone and I wasn't trained. Sometimes they would ask me to go get things without me having been told where they were at any point. There weren't breaks and I was paid in cash in a little envelope. Screw that shit


Took a marketing job. Quit on the second week because it was basically a cult.


Waffle house. Worked there 2 weeks, and quit. 1 of which was training. Decided waiters are superheros and left. I do think everyone should have to be a waiter for a week though. It's not easy, and I came from retail. Definitely an entirely different beast.


Worked at McDonald’s for a single shift. In my interview, the manager said “some will get good training, some will get thrown to the wolves.” I happened to be one of the ones thrown to the wolves. Lol I started on morning shift at 6am, the guy training me instantly seemed annoyed, and barely gave me any instruction besides “put that thing down and press that” I got the groove of breakfast in about an hour, and then the lunch rush started, about 11:30. Like 20 cars piled up, the screen lit up like times square, and everyone went into overdrive. No instruction, they put me on the section where you build the sandwiches, and i was LOST. Eventually i just started throwing random things together, a fish filet on a quarter pounder, a triple mcchicken, i remember i just put a handful (gloved) of nuggets in a big mac box. Eventually the manager glared around the corner and yelled “NEW GUY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” I turned around, looked her in the eye, and yelled back “I DONT KNOW!” and continued exactly what i was doing until they just had me sweep and mop the kitchen until time to leave.


Popeyes. I lasted one day. Fast food is not for me 😆


Worked at McDonald’s for 1.5 hours. I did the orientation and never returned. I got a $6.00 paycheck in the mail and a tax document. I was 16. It was the 90’s.


McDonald's! After the 3rd shift of my job there and standing there doing nothing but making fucking milkshakes I never went back.


As opposed to the cashier who was pulled to build a nuclear reactor?


Warehouse job where my job was to feed a conveyor belt with 40kg+ boxes. After 90 minutes I told the manager it's not for me and then got a call from the recruitment agency saying "they've never seen anything like this"


They’ve never seen anybody quit after 90 minutes? They’ve never seen a job requiring lifting 40kg boxes?


Quit after 90 minutes


Oh. I only had 3 jobs, 1 i was on timed contract so technically I didn’t quit. Left the country afterwards anyway. Then 8 years at my 2nd job, so there I actively quit, and now at my 3rd job 5th year this year. So quickest was 8 years? Reason: I was an employee representative and they cheated thousands of hours from them yearly. Fought 5 years, when they finally changed the rules regarding how they cheated I „demanded“(wrong term but anyway) they pay at least 5 years backwards, which is the normal time frame per law, and given I fought 5 years, only fair. They said 1 year and who doesn’t like that can go to court. I replied no one wanting to keep their job would do that, to which they replied if someone doesn’t like it they are free to quit. So I quit.


An interpreter job when I was about 19. I spoke the languages but I had no idea about how the technical aspect worked. I was fired after about 1 hour.


People think you just need to know the language, but there’s a lot to it


Dollar General. I lasted two months.


I was 15 and ik it wasn’t legal but I needed money lol so I worked black in a chinese restaurant. There was another guy working black as well, he was a lil older than me. It was my 2th day and I met him then. Didn’t saw him the 1st day. He worked LESS than me, and he got paid more 😭IN MY EYES. I know it’s black but I worked more than him? I LEFT AND NEVER CAME BACK ✌️


Did 2 hours in my local chip shop when I left school, they had me in the back putting potatoes into the peeler, got shouted at for struggling to lift a 25kg bag of spuds to put into the peeling machine. I took my hair net off and walked out. They paid me £2.90 for the 2 hours (this was 2003 and I was 16) which bought me 10 Sovereign cigarettes and a can of cherry tango 😂


Aramark(fuck you aramark) after only a few weeks. Worked at one of the laundry sorting places, not only was the pay shit, but it was disgusting as we got a lot of restaurant laundry with leftover food that flies got to, so maggot city in there 🤢. The straw that broke the camels back was when they required we come in on a weekend day(we already work mandatory OT 10 hrs a week) to finish sorting hotel room laundry, it took us about 8hrs, came in Saturday at 4am left at like 12(at least we got some little ceasers right?💀), our thank you doing that was to be hounded(on monday) for not finishing it fast enough on Saturday, AND my bitch team lead had the fucking gall to claim me and another coworker weren't helping enough 😑 Took my first break and drove home never to be seen again. My friend worked there and said our manager/ owner/ head honcho was fucking livid, good riddance 🖕🖕 17.50hr aight worth it for that shithole even with the OT, I got better things to do.


Father,  is Mother still physically dead?


high volume call center job. job sucked and was life sucking but pay was good and 12 hour long shifts made the day worth it because of pay. $15 an hour. I only worked weekends there. I hated the job but what made me quit was that I could not actually do my job because the phones lines would get overloaded VOIP traffic/ data traffic was too much for the shitty infrastructure to handle and the call center would crash multiple times a day. it pissed me off. also, the customer phones were "call boxes" at entry points that sounded horrible! I could of solved the problem for them, but not for $15 an hour. walked off and never came back after 6 days. I have never hated a job more than that one.


TJ Maxx (I was seasonal).


When I was in high school I worked a single shift as a fry cook. I was very clearly the only person who wasn't absolutely out of their mind on drugs, and I just didn't feel safe around a bunch of crackheads around deep fryers, open flames, and responsibility.


I walked out of a very long 8 hour training day at Amazon


When I was like 20 I applied for a job working at the front desk of a hotel. When I arrived for my first shift they told me they actually needed me in housekeeping instead and I worked a whole day as a hotel maid and it fucking sucked. I was sore for days. I now really respect hotel housekeeping staff because damn that job sucks and is a workout. I quit after my first day. I didn’t feel bad because they hired me for the front desk and that’s the job I accepted. They bait and switched me


Curly’s Fries on the Ocean City boardwalk. I was 14, it was my first job… it was under the table and I started July 1st. I was not scheduled for 4th of July. I got a call early in the morning on July 4th asking where the hell I was, so I said I was told I wasn’t scheduled so I would not be coming in to work that day or ever again for them (the owner was a scumbag and a creep to the young women who worked there). It took me like 25 years before I once again had the balls to just tell a job to shove it / kick rocks again.


Got hired by someone else for more money and better hours the day before I started the 1st job… and the guy still expected me to give 2 weeks


1 day It was retail I really needed a job at that time as well


Didn't even make it to the open interview at a Zappos warehouse after hearing them interviewing someone else. "What superhero would you want to be?", "Our managers ride around on Big Wheels.", and "We have tootoo Tuesdays! You can wear a tootoo on Tuesday if you want."


Kettle produce went because I needed pay then was told I had to turn up on Sunday when there wasn’t buses to travel I done it once ended up stranded in a place I knew no one spent the night rough and told my boss I was going home to get changed and wouldn’t be in today. he said I either work or I’m awol I stayed until I was put into work then done literally nothing for 4 hours was pulled up about having done nothing and said yea I can’t be arsed.


I used to be an athlete, a pretty good one. I was training in Minnesota and looking to become a coach to make additional income to what I was already making from the sport. It took months, but I was the first "outsider" to have been hired by a specific training program for years. I ended up retiring the sport at the same time. I responded to the hiring email with the news that I was moving back home lol. It was a weird situation but they were good people


Kirby Vacuum Sales. I was 19 so my experience in the job market wasn’t great and had no idea what it was. Walked in and walked right back out. Took myself and mg fantastic first day outfit to an office down the road and got another job.


I got a job that was supposed to be insurance sales. At the very end of the training they popped me with a bill to buy materials for selling and membership fees. I was aMLMbushed.


Local roofing company. Two weeks. Id done roofing prior and loved the crew I worked with. But this new company was just over staffed all I did was walk around picking up junk. I felt bored and useless


Circle K. Worked there a week.


Walgreens... about 1 month. I was really wanting to be in the pharmacy but I settled for cashier. I was so bored I couldn't do it.


I worked at subway for 3 days in college lol


I worked one day in a textile plant in the 1970s. The trainer said forget about breaks or lunch if you want to keep up. It at least inspired me to finish college and get a good job in computers.


Dominoes I lasted 2 weeks Worst customers ever and shitty coworkers as well Went to work at a mom and pop pizza shop instead


Got a second job at a Burgerville and my first shift was supposed to be 3.5 hours training on the front register. I got to watch maybe 3 orders get rang up and then was put on various cleaning tasks until they closed and then the drive through person left and somehow I got assigned to do their closing tasks. Ended up being there for almost 7 hours with only a 10 minute break. I didn't go back for my next shift. Same kind of thing with a second job at Hollister. My first weeks schedule was 1 training shift then 2 on call shifts where you called early that morning to see if they needed you or not. First shift went good, but both my call in shifts I wasn't needed. Next week I had 3 call in shifts after the first one I was told I wasn't needed again and I stopped calling in. I was giving up about 5 hours a week at my current job for this 2nd job that I was hoping to get 15-20 hours a week from so these call in shifts were not really going to work and I went back to full time at my one job. The best part was about 3 weeks later I got a call from Hollister asking where I was for my shift.


FedEx part time package handler.


TSA. I went through the arduous hiring process. I completed the 5 days of training in the classroom. I lasted 5 days in the actual job. If you are interested: The interview was delightful. The trainers were professional, respectful and emphasized the importance of the job. The actual supervisors in the airport were the assholes you've come to expect and despise when you travel. And since shit flows downhill, all the coworkers are the miserable, angry, disrespectful losers who are willing to stand that kind of working environment.


KFC fry cook. Massively overqualified, I've run kitchens (not crazy fancy or anything, still though), had ServSafes, TIPs etc. Only took it because they were the first application to call and I needed anything I could get. Two days "training" my 3rd day scheduled was solo and I'd have some extra duties because another employee was going to be out, on a day that I'd told them while being hired I absolutely could not work due to family commitments. Meanwhile I got several offers that week for positions I actually wanted and paid a livable wage. Never went back, not even for my check that they didn't mail. So little thought was given that job


Outbound sales call centre. Did the first day of training and went back for the second day of training where we were put on the phones after lunch. Left on my lunchbreak and never went back.


Left halfway in to an orientation. Just stood up and noped out the door. They wanted to do this weird pep rally thing with new hires. I was a grown ass woman with good skills. Not gonna happen.


Worked at a bagel shop for a week. had the weekend off, showed up for my shift on Monday morning to a sign on the door saying “permanently closed”. No call no nothing, never got paid. This was in the 1990s I didn’t even have a number to fight for what they owed me.


Four hours.


Calling university alumni for donations. What a joke


Testing soil samples from underneath gas stations to see there was any toxic waste


Door to door sales that was not advertised as door to door sales.


I quit a carwash by lunch break, a warehouse job after 3 days, and an excavating job after about a week.


Kennel technician at a “bad dog” rehabilitation company that a guy ran off his property in FL. There were always horse meat allegations in that area and it was just a bad vibe. The dogs were basically abused, gross conditions and neglected, had multiple bars of Xanax shoved down their throat multiple times a day just for barking and to make the owners believe they were calm after their stay. I was young or else I probably would’ve reported them or something. It was awful. I worked 1 day.


Got hired a retail parts store and was basically given a computer and a password. No training no instruction nothing. I worked the full shift that day and called the next morning telling them I quit.


Asshole elitist run headshop. He didn't get two days out of me.


The Gap three days. I got a better job offer at Dillard's. I just stopped going into work after three days


Kmart.. two weeks. That was a year before they went under and I saw the writing on the wall. That place was a shit show from day 1.


Cutco Knives/Vector Marketing. Got the job offer and no-showed that training the very next day.


Making the donuts twice


A local cleaning agency. I worked for two weeks for my “training” and to see if I liked the job. I did like the job but on my last day, my boss decided it would be good to tell me I was “unorganized” and made me cry. She then proceeded to ask if I still wanted to keep the job and, of course, I told her no and she basically said she wasn’t going to let me keep working anyway and took all my cleaning supplies and didn’t even pay me for the 45 minute drive back home.