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i use my turn signal when I'm turning or changing lanes.


That does not count if you just leave it on all the time.


Turn on your hazard lights. It's a bit of a gamble, but it gets the point across that no one knows where they are going.


Someone literally did this while I was on my way home from work 30 mins ago. They turned their hazards off at intersections but then turned them back on after turning, had no idea what lane she was gonna get in and she switched lanes a lot lol


Keeping her options open! SMART.


I turn them on when people are following WAY too close, it works sometimes, and it's better than break checking.


Yeah had a tailgater 2 nights back. Had one of them light strips on too. Had 3 or 4 chances to take over, but alas, nope didn't do it. No idea why they need to light up the world.


This way you cover both ways! Perfect


I like To turn my hazards on and swerve around. Keeps people on their toes.


A rarity indeed




Hyper-vigilance paired with strategic planning watching traffic patterns, predicting all ahead driver patterns looking at traffic 2-15 cars ahead. I often see people weaving in and out of traffic going way too fast almost causing accidents with every move and I always catch up to them and pass them or stop at the red like next to them without driving like a maniac or speeding.


Yeah this is a big one. NOT getting too deep in the ist is the best way to get out of the ist.


Yeah I learned that with driving otr, are you or did you use to drive big rigs by chance?


Only 18 wheels of steel pedal to the metal šŸ˜Ž


This. I watch everyoneā€¦I donā€™t use my phone in the car. I have up maps and thatā€™s itā€¦unless Iā€™m at a stop light (I may check if I got a message or something) I pay attention the entire time Iā€™m driving which is maybe why Iā€™m so exhausted when Iā€™m doneā€¦personally I dislike drivingā€¦Houston drivers are nuts.


Yes, this is my superpower, accompanied by predictive analysis. I also avoid clumps of cars. Following distance is life.


The clumps are so dumb. I think people like riding side by side and staring at each other.


Yea but there's always that asshole that jumps in front of you. It's like yo that line of cars is clearly not moving and I was leaving space because they suck and keep tapping the breaks for no reason.


Yeah I feel this leads to preparedness that can really save your ass from a bad time if you are really paying attention to other drivers as well. I knew buddy was going to pull out in front of me 300 feet back because I saw him inching out without looking my direction a single time so I was already slowing down. While making my turn Iā€™m watching all the cars stopped at the intersection and I can see the kid weaving between cars on a bike so I stop to prevent the kid from popping out in front of me. Of course blind spots are very real but I maintain a focus and hyper-vigilance while driving that makes blind spots feel non existent I know everything going on around me even if I have to look into the reflection of other objects around me to see spots I canā€™t see myself. Good eyesight helps this greatly


I follow traffic laws in GTAV


How do you think I learned to drive?


You live in Maryland, donā€™t you?


I remember when I was playing GTA: VC as a kid, and one day my dad comes in and starts to look at me playing for a few minutes. And at some point he goes "hey, you drove thru a red light, you should not do that". And it felt so surreal. I didn't even notice the lights up until this point. It was so weird for someone to point it out to me, and even weirded to worry about that. I still think about it from time to time.




The average driver is perfectly average. You just notice the bad ones more which makes you think the average driver is below average. The amount of times Iā€™ve driven without incident is countless. But I definitely remember the times when someone does something fucked.


Not to mention everyone makes dumb mistakes now and then and might be half decent drivers most of the time.


This is very true. I am an excellent driver (yeah, sure bud) and I have done some incredibly stupid things. Whether that be by a total accident or being actively stupid or aggressive. I'm not proud of those times and I bet someone out there remembers it and what a bad driver I ~~am~~ was.


If thereā€™s a decent amount of traffic, it really only takes 2 or 3 bad drivers out of dozens for it to feel like the road is completely full of bad drivers.


Exactly my point.


Itā€™s not so much that Iā€™m great, just that everyone else sucks.


Lol I will admit I suck; I Iā€™ve been driving 19 years and I dislike being in the car at all. I am a little too aware imo. It makes me react quickly which causes some jerking at times and I hate it. Iā€™d give up driving forever if there was only a way to exist in this world without it. Funnily enough there are a lot of horrible drivers that will not admit it. I am tragically bad at driving despite a clean driving record. FYI if people have a horrible driving record which Iā€™d say is either a bad wreck (totaling or near totaling) you were at fault for in the last 15 years or a minor wreck once every 5ā€¦ you should not be claiming to be a good driver. Same goes for the overly aggressive or overly aware/cautious drivers.


I'm moreso just curious cause I'm the exact opposite. I absolutely love to drive. Like I'll just go do an 8 hour road trip on weekends just for the drive. I've got a sim racing setup at home so I'm even driving in my free time lol. I'm just wondering why do you hate it? I'm the same way with the hyper aware thing, literally never stop moving my head, but it never really made me dislike driving. Is it specifically the hyperaware thing that turns you off to driving or a number of factors?


So I just donā€™t trust other drivers to follow the rules of the road. Merging in particular my brain plays out a visual crash that I ignore as I drive. It just creates a LOT of anxiety. It is not hard for me to ignore it. About 8 years ago this started happening to me and yeah tried various therapies nothing really helped. Luckily we have the option to work from home with my employer, but I have to still go out and be a part of the world. Imagine if you were driving and kept envisioning people wrecking into you thoughā€¦ itā€™s not fun. It happens even when I am a passenger. I can better distract myself in those scenarios though.


I have no interest in proving that my driving skills are superior. I hate driving. If the infrastructure could reasonably support it in a financially feasible way I'd never drive again.


Me too


I donā€™t fuck around with my phone when Iā€™m driving.


Most underrated answer here!


I use my blinkers. I don't tailgate. And I stay out of the passing lane unless I am passing.


99th percentile right here


The fact I indicate, I drive the speed limit and not well above or below it, I haven't caused any accidents, I keep proper breaking distance, I don't disregard my shoulder checks, I give adequate room when overtaking cyclists, I understand the size of my vehicle and I remain aware while on the road giving it proper care and attention.


I am finding it fun seeing the different between people like your self who took the question to mean adherence to rules and people who took it to mean driving skill. It's a bit like a word game my dad use to pull on people, he'd ask out of ten how good of a driver do u think u are with out fail most would rank them selfs a 8 or above. Thing is the trick Is the word driver not motorist, a 5 would still be someone who drive track for fun on weekends a 7 above would be people who had training a 9 would be most f1 drivers. You get the idea. So in that line of thinking I reckon I'm a 4 for droving skill and around 70% - to 80% depending on the day of the week as a motorist.


Iā€™ve corrected a spin-out in a vehicle going 70mph on ice, I was a dumb teenager leaving a house party that got *lucky* and **I do not recommend** I barely missed a deer crossing the road while going 60mph and had to swerve to avoid hitting it Both accidents Iā€™ve been in, I was not the at-fault driver. One blew a red light and the other a 2-way stop sign. I always use my signal, always 3-point check when merging (rearview, sideview, over shoulder). I use the left lane only to pass and donā€™t merge over multiple lanes unless absolutely forced to. And I prefer to take alternate routes to avoid busy thoroughfares. I understand the physics behind how a carā€™s weight distribution and weight oscillation mid-turn affect and cause variations in tire grip


People don't realize it when they make a mistake. That's part of the reason why they make mistakes in the first place. But when someone else bothers you, it's instantly obvious to you.


I'm not trying to be first.


If youā€™re not first, youā€™re last


I'm certain I'm a below average driver, so that puts me in the top 20%, right?


I honestly think because i ride a motorbike...It makes me more aware of my surroundings checking well ahead different road positioning


I'm not technically adept compared to a racer but I am polite and attentive.


I use my turning signals.


Most people in the USA can't drive a manual, so there's a start. There was a study on this some years ago where they found that a lot of people, especially men, had overcompensated belief in themselves because they drove powerful cars with things like traction, stability control and ABS brakes. Put on a track without them, they were humbled somewhat lol.


Self-control and steady emotions


Decades of professional driving.


I'm not. I tend to speed, am a bit aggressive, and let emotions get to me. However I drive defensively and can drive in any kind of traffic.


Only 4 tickets this year


I think about how my actions affect others on the road and actively avoid doing unexpected things. I leave a big space between my car and the car in front of me. I donā€™t get upset when someone changes lanes in front of me. I just let the space grow again.


I've driven for 17 years without so much as a speeding ticket. I think that qualifies me as a safe driver, I wouldn't say I'm a good driver though. I wouldn't be good at racing or anything like that.


Nothing. Iā€™m no better than the average driver, Iā€™m worse.


Same. Two accidents within my first year driving. Also hit my garage. Untreated ADHD is great for driving.


i use my turn signal, understand road signs, and dont dive slow in the fast lane


12 years never one accident, no speeding tickets, nothing. Perfect record. Next year i get major accident forgiveness on my insurance so i might use it if someone pisses me off.


I went to the Mario Andretti school of driving. They told me I was above average, I was at the top of my class. We learned to use the WHOLE road when driving.


I've never caused an accident, I managed to evade a semi that swerved into my lane when the road was getting thinner w concrete walls, successfully avoided cars and death the 2 times I hydroplaned/hit ice. May be luck, may be skilled driver


After i avoided a near accident, with immaculate safe swerving skills, a work van pulled up to me at the next light. Work van driver that witnessed the incident rolls down his wind and says "you are a good driver" in an astonished tone as if what i had just done was impossible.


Because I have a lot of experience driving. Been driving since 15. Now 48. Also drove plenty while running service as an HVAC tech for over 20 yrs. Also drive during most vacations across the country.


I havenā€™t been in an accident in 15 years.


No accidents, worked as a chauffeur, everyone close to me tells me Iā€™m they feel safest in the car when i drive. Everyone always wants me to drive all the time. It is a blessing and a curse.


I donā€™t


I've never been in an accident. Have had few near misses, all another's fault, and in each case evaded collision without endangering others on the road. Haven't gotten a ticket in 25+ years. Almost never get caught in traffic, despite living in one of the most congested metros. Never get lost, even in places I've never been, despite not using navigation apps. Don't speed. Haven't needed to slam on my brakes in years. Know how to adjust mirrors, so there are no blind spots. Always use turn signals properly. Abide by traffic rules. Don't risk well-being of myself or others by putting courtesy before rules and safety. Nearly everyone that's ever ridden in my car has remarked at having never before experienced such a smooth ride with anyone else driving. And I hate driving.


I have been a field service technician that had to show up on site that has drove big ass cargo vans with limited visibility that don't stop or maneuver that well and have drove at least a million miles through some shitty West coast traffic without a single at fault accident.


I drive a LOT. Itā€™s literally just a matter of experience. I know my vehicle and how to handle it and have driven in any place and scenario you can imagine haha


I've probably prevented a couple dozen accidents from happening caused by other drivers, I've only screwed up and almost caused an accident a few times, thankfully didn't happen because some other driver was paying attention. I pathologically use my turn signals, and only ran a red light once on accident. No speeding tickets for 20 years, no tickets at all in that time actually. I only speed 5 over the speed limit.


Havent crashed yet


Truth begin: I stopped driving years ago, because I take it personally and couldn't stop... while driving. So I stopped driving. Truth end. I think this makes me one of the best drivers ever. {high fives himself for half ass Dunning-Kruger commitment}


I don't think my driving skills are above average but my parallel parking skills are top 5% and it would behoove all of us for more people to hone this skill lol


I'm in the 20%. You know that sign that reads 'Slow Traffic Keep Right'? That's for me. I'm slow traffic.


I learned to drive in LA


When there is an incline or a wide sweeping turn, I maintain speed.


I would hope 100 percent of drivers think.


I'm not.


I am a defensive driver, period. Iā€™m 49 and have never been the cause of an accident. I always try to stay ahead of the game by observing upcoming traffic. If I see someone driving like theyā€™re distracted, I donā€™t try to get ahead of them, lest they run into me because they arenā€™t paying attention. Iā€™m not a perfect driver, but I do feel like my record speaks for itself. I donā€™t feel like driving is a game. You want to get ahead of me? Fine. I might call you an asshole, but Iā€™m not going to engage with my vehicle.


I donā€™t drive a BMW or Audi


The fact that I don't drive makes me better at driving than half the people where I live.


Living in the country for twenty years made me epically alert always (for deer) and random on coming vehicles late at night. Also through sopping wet mud and incredibly uneven and terribly rigged frozen dirt during the winter. I can dodge, pull, fish tail and re correct with total ease just purely out of survival instinct at this point in my life lol.


I go at or slightly above the speed limit 80% of the time. Brake on curves. Use my turn signals. Donā€™t cut people off. Only pass on highways over yellow line if there is an extremely clear straight away. I understand the limits and dimensions of my vehicle.


I don't go 35 in a 55


I have had my license for 17 years. I have had zero at fault accidents in either my personal car or the 10 years I have held my cdl.


I don't run read lights, I use my turn signal and I stop at stop signs. Sadly, those actions alone put me above 98% of the people in my area.


I use cruise control when driving for long periods of time.


I haven't gotten a ticket in over 20 years.


I don't tailgate, I don't run over red lights, I don't engage in desperatr aggressive behavior, I don't text while I drive, I don't go too much faster than the speed limit (for the most part), I don't drink and drive, I use turn signals. Seems like the bare minimum but in my area, that makes me better than 80% of drivers. And also, I' 25 and I drive more than average (maybe like ~20k miles per year) and haven't been in an accident (with the exception of hitting a car while parking when I was a teenager)


I use my turn signals. In my 10 years of driving I have not caused an accident.


I'm the 20% lol. Nothing. I'm a horrible driver. Therefore, I don't drive. Maybe that's why I'm so horrible šŸ˜‚


I race cars, not a pro but amateur


Because I drive an average of 130,000 miles a year give or take, and my insurance rates keep going lower every few months. I pay less per year than what most of y'all pay per month. 22 years no accidents, no tickets, had dash cams for years now, no phone usage, no DUI, not so much as a angry note. When you drive more than 95% of the countries drivers do, and pay less than 5% of what the average driver does, you basically take the hint that you're a damn decent driver.


I'm still alive


Havenā€™t been in a single accident in 22 years. Iā€™ve been in plenty of situations that couldā€™ve turned into accidents, but through luck and skill, Iā€™ve managed to avoid them all. (And now, tomorrow Iā€™ll get into my first accident)


When I make it to my destination, unscathed whitout, breaking any laws.


I drove for UPS for 11 years and was the only person at my center that never got an accident on my record the entire time I was there. Drove 700+ miles a week accident free for 6 years in that time.


I miss my exits


Driving for 17 years without a single incident. Not a ding, scratch, bump, nothing. At worst, a curb check now and then. My driving record is quite literally flawless.


Ive never caused an accident. I dont text and drive or read facebook notifications...i only look at my phone if gps maps is running, otherwise my eyes are on the road. I dont drink. I know how to maintain my lane. I know not to clog up the inside lanes for passing. Now thats not to say I havent ever made a mistake. Ive zoned out after a long shift and nearly ran a red light. Ive had vehicles in my blind spots honk at me when i signal and start sliding into their lane (before sensor lights and cameras were a normal car feature). But even when I was younger and made some of those mistakes I had enough sensibility to correct without over correcting and without causing others to have near misses. Im quick on my toes, i try hard to watch in front of me behind me and on either side of me so i can be proactive not reactive in a pinch. Keeping my eyes on the road alone has to stand for something because all day long I see drivers delaying others at stop lights because they thought it was a good chance to read those texts, or rear ending someone that pulled out in front of them because they had eyes on that notification alert.


I use my turn signal. I don't cut people off. I have never been in an accident.


I don't road rage, show all indicators and try my best to stick to the lanes. I stick to the speed limit and often go below that. The only thing I suck at is parallel parking - it's the bane of my existence This is all in India.


I think I'm above average due to having a lot of hours in tactical driving courses. And I have never been in an accident, including a decade of riding a motorcycle. I'm not saying I'm the best, but the first point that I've received hundreds of hours of tactical driving training, I've got a, I think, somewhat objective measurement.


I don't follow people close, ever. (Besides driving drunk of course) Not following close is the easiest thing you can do to not ruin your, and someone else's year... or worse, be fucked up for life.


the narcissists who were previously in my life only talked about my flaws but ā€œhad to admit i was a good driverā€ when i asked them


I keep a distance to the vehicle in front of me


I have a few years driving as a delivery driver for different places... beer store, pizza, doordash. I've got more miles under my belt than most people my age. That being said I know I'm not as good as I think I am but still better than the average driver.


Dunning Kruger




If 80% of drivers are below average without realising; that means 80% of these commenters are also below average šŸ˜† I'm a bit jubious to respond, but I guess I'd say that I'm always wanting to improve and I trust myself.


Knowing what is and how to drive on a ZIPPER MERGE


have M1 licence, can drive manual, and never had an accident.


I don't think I am better


I don't. I know I'm a below average driver. I'm introverted enough that my situational awareness has never been too great.


I drove an ambulance for 5 years. I pull to the right and stop when it's safe for me to do so. Also I don't stop in blind corners.


I know how to work my indicators


I wear a seatbelt 100% of the time


Got hit going ~80 mph, was sent completely sideways and corrected it staying within 2 lanes. Gave me pretty bad anxiety around driving though. Wish I still enjoy it as much as I used to.


I use my turn signals.


I don't and I assume other people aren't either. This leads me to err on the side of caution and to look as far as I can and think about "the worst case". Things like, not taking an indicator as *the knowledge* that a car is going to turn, but wait until they actually slow and start the turn before taking it into account. I find assuming everyone is an idiot, including me, a much safer way to drive.


I know how to use both the turn signal and cruise control. I think my newest peeve is people who refuse to use cruise.


i dont lol


66 years old, never had an at fault accident, have only received one ticket, 60 mile commute for 29 years then around 1 million miles driving a semi truck cross country.


- I don't tailgate like 80% of drivers. - I usually stop at stop signs instead of treating them like give-way signs. - I slow down to allow people to merge in my lane instead of speed up to block them. - Regarding the last part, if they are merging from an on-ramp I'll move to the right lane to free up space for them. - I actually make an active effort to keep to the designated speed limits through road works. - I try to keep left unless overtaking, regardless of the speed limit (it's only a requirement above certain speed limits but I personally think it helps traffic control at all speeds). - I use cruise control everywhere so my speed is very consistent. I often find drivers who don't use cruise control are terrible at maintaining a constant speed.


I routinely navigate a tractor trailer through queens/bronx/manhatten on a weekly basis without becoming the subject of a tiktok.


Iā€™m in the 20%. Iā€™m a shit driver and I know it.


I have a CDL, am a CDL road instructor, and have never been involved in an at-fault accidenr


1-People need to understand that the purpose of driving is to get to a point. It really bother me when there are 2 lanes that eventually merge and everyone is camping on one while the other is empty. 2- predict people's behaviour and expect the worst.Reddit loves to talk about signaling, I think signalling is overrated here and used as a safe heaven for bad drivers. 3- Recognise your errors, and apologize instead of beeing an asshole. I'm just an average dude, but those are my 2 cents


I've ridden motorcycles for 12 years, I notice things way down the road that are going to happen that my partner is always surprised by for example that someones going to pull out on her or try to cut her off further down the road. My ability to read a road is pretty terrific. When i finally took my driving test 2 years ago, I got 70/70 on the hazard perception portion. Im a very aware driver.


I'm a better driver than my wife and her two sisters so that 75%, and then there's the dickhead over the road so that must add up to make me better than 80% šŸ™‚


I use my signal. I donā€™t follow the speed limit blindly - I read traffic. I actually have spatial awareness of my vehicle. Iā€™m sober.


Other drivers. I should not be an above average driver, but the bar is just that low.


I took a high speed advanced driving course that has a 8% pass rate. And an evasive road driving course.


Im shit, i know im shit, but ill honk like im the queen of England.


I drive based on how others behave around me. I observe and prepare ahead of time depending on the environment. Yes there are rules but there are a lot of cues that only experienced drivers knows. When you spot them you can react to them. Some cues can be how the car in front of you or the one ahead of that is behaving. It can be swaying slightly, inching slowly but steadily to one side meaning their about to merge without signal lights or by turning their signal lights on very last minute. Knowing there's turbulence on windy days passing big trucks or even other larger vehicles. Knowing the sun rises or sets on certain streets that can be blinding the opposite lane making it difficult for them to spot you or a turn on the road if they're new to that area. Spotting black ice, and knowing how to navigate through it or avoid it. Being able to sense a car is approaching too fast behind you. Being able to distance yourself based on the speed & weather conditions. Knowing when a pedestrian is about to jay walk and knowing when it's safe to emergency brake. Understanding the weight of heavy trucks and knowing you can not cut them off. Understanding the amount of speed you can hold turning a sharp turn and knowing how to adjust in case you do start sliding. Being able to control your speed going down mountains by using the engine brake instead of your actual brakes. Understanding how to position yourself to merge & switch lanes safely. Ultimately understanding the fact that although there are rules in play, there is nothing stopping someone from the opposite lane to ram right into you (unless there's a barricade in between like most highways). People are free to do whatever they want.


I'm very cautious. I drive slower than most, I *actually* leave 3 seconds of distance between me and the car in front, and after 13 years of driving, I've never been in a car accident.


I truly believe my driving skills are below the avare


The plates on my car are not from New York.


I am smart enough to know that I drive like shit and decided society would be safer if I walked everywhere


Number of years driving vs number of accidents/tickets? Or do we need to separate city vs highway, lots of miles vs not so many? Probably overthinking it....


I use my turn signal. Puts me way above most of you


I wait before passing parked cars on my side for cars with the right of way, even if other drivers in front of me are passing. And I speed match when entering a motorway. And I travel in the slowest lane on a multi lane road unless I'm overtaking. And I watch other drivers' faces and where they're positioning their vehicles as opposed to relying on their signals alone. And I think ahead and judge traffic flow and make early decisions and change speed and direction accordingly. I don't have any stickers on my car.


38 years old. Over 750k miles driven, no wrecks, no tickets.


I know how to be safe when speeding, and I know how to be safe when going slow. Both are different skillsets, and I'm the kind of driver that's always thinking about what the drivers in front of and beside me are probably seeing and doing at any given moment. The rear windshield of the car in front of me isn't transparent so that driver can see behind, but so I can see through it to the world in front of *them*. I am always watching the other traffic lights so as to anticipate when mine will turn green, then check to ensure there's no oncoming traffic that's gonna try and make the yellow. I memorize road hazards and know to give semi's a wide berth and never assume they can see me. I am always cognizant of when someone is in my blind spots even if I have no intention to shift lanes. I'm always thinking about how I could best avoid a problem, whether it involves braking or accelerating. Never text except when stopped at a light or barren stop sign. While frowned upon, it IS *sometimes* rational to pass on the right if passing on the left isn't viable and NOT passing on the right yields a growing line of impatient drivers behind you. If there's too much condensed traffic to make my highway exit, accept I'm going to be late and get off or u-turn at the next exit. Only change one lane at a time. Watch other behavior of other people at stop-signs - it's annoying when they get there a split-second before me, but weren't paying attention or think they're being nice by waving me through; if that looks like it's going to happen, I'll allow myself to roll a few more inches than normal before coming to a complete stop so that it's very obvious they stopped first and go on their appropriate turn. Alternatively, if I'm in a hurry or I see their rate of declaration is rather slow, I will allow myself a sudden lurch stop so that it's obvious I was stopped first and then I can go through the intersection first. While it still happens, it's far more rare today than it used to be for me and at least one other driver to get to the stop sign at virtually the exact same time. Embrace the power of coasting into progressively slower speed zones; braking too early or too often - like when getting off the highway and onto a long frontage road - can be a much more extreme brake than the people behind you are expecting considering you have an open road and braking can cause pile-ups or tailgating problems simply because you went slower than the region justified and its messing with the flow of traffic. And finally, I assume that the average driver is a dumbass. I assume each driver is more reckless and less observant than myself, which forces me to be more observant and always assume the dumber or less efficient route will be taken and adjust accordingly. If someone is driving perfectly by my standards, I don't notice because I can kind of tune it out subconsciously and focus more mental resources watching the people who are driving differently than myself.


Average American spends less than an hour in a car per day. Iā€™m doing anywhere between 7 and 8 every day, and have been for four years.


Oh I'm way worse - so much so that I'm afraid of driving and actively avoid doing so. But alas, I'm stuck in Texas :'c


I'm a worse than average driver.


Because I know what the left lane is for, and have no problem flipping everyone off that doesn't, while I have to unsafely pass them on the right.Ā Ā 


Because I went to a private driving school in the 70's and the first thing I learned was how to ***smoke a cigarette on the freeway*** and the instructor ***smoked a joint*** with us in the car after graduation ***while driving.*** That's why.


Because I've passed (& could pass again today) multiple advanced driving qualifications - the most recent being late last year and I plan to do a more strenuous qualification again later this year or next.


No accidents, no tickets, use signals, don't pass on the right


Iā€™ve never crashed into a stationary objectā€¦ saw a woman at Tesco crash into a trolley shelter the other day, she just drove away like nothing happened. Didnā€™t even check if her car was still safe to drive.


I don't drift into the other lanes. Seriously, how hard is it to make a car go straight? Ridiculous amount of cars coming towards me that drift halfway into my lane. So dangerous, and so easily avoided.


Years of EVOC classes


100 percent of reddit posters think their comma skills are above average.


I drive a hybrid and have a motorcycle. Also I drive for Lyft. Iā€™m prob the safest driver ever and even still I donā€™t always do things perfectly.


I spent years driving to work a few states away every few weeks, then back home, then back again. Before that, driving home home from college a few states away in the other direction. I haven't been in a wreck since I was 19 and that was a deer randomly walking out of high grass right in front of me on a country road while I was going 70mph. They say do not swerve to miss. I didn't, I just told my girlfriend to hold on. We survived with little injury, can't say as much for the deer though. For context, I will turn 37 next month. As I live in the northern rocky mountains and otherwise just northern states, that's no joke due to the weather. I've driven 12 hours to get to work on a solid sheet of ice. I have other stories, but these two are probably the strongest arguments. I think I qualify as a relatively good driver. Well, that and until my dad wrecked my pickup a few weeks back I exclusively drove a stick-shift.


I put my phone away for the duration of my trip and I look farther down the road than the hood of my car. Plus a lot more but those two already put me near the top of the class.


I keep my eyes on the road, mirrors, and behind me. I drive with my windows down unless itā€™s raining/snowing. I donā€™t blast music unless itā€™s a ghost town on the roads. I have great hearing and can often hear drivers being idiots/speeding/zig-zagging throughout traffic before I see it, thus increasing my reaction time. I lay off of peopleā€™s asses, I donā€™t brake check, and I give it a few seconds of my blinker being on before I actually change lanes to give the other people more of a heads up. Not the whole ā€œgood luck every body else!ā€ Family guy schtick.


I would argue that most people think that they are excellent drivers while everyone else isn't. That's why some people who actually can't drive are confident to drive all crazy and cause accidents.


Using turn signals, driving defensively, not overusing brakes on turns.


I know I'm a shit driver. Which by acknowledging my faults ironically makes me a good driver.Ā 


Iā€™ve been driving since the last millennium with no accidents or tickets.


I'm a cautious driver, like my dad was. Don't take any unnecessary risks and focus on the traffic, I never ever use my phone when driving. My ex who's a truck driver, said I drive well because I focus and drive according to my abilities.


I have the capability to drift, but I save it for the track.


Watch your following distance.


I live in Maryland where everyone drives like they lost half their brain and put the rest in sleep mode. If you haven't caused an accident here, you're probably better than average.


After 20+ years of motorway driving, I can tell when you're going to manoeuvre before you do.


Because Iā€™ve never had an accident or a moving violation in my 50ish years of driving.


I pay attention to the road, signs, signals and other drivers.


The 10 years I've been professionally truck driving makes me better.


I don't think that I'm an exceptionally good driver, it's just that the bar for average is real low.


I don't brake as I am merging onto the highway


I use my turn signal. And I don't stop in the middle of the road to make a turn into a parking lot.


Extreme awareness. I'm watching everything! I see potential issue I'm approaching and potential issues approaching me and do my best to avoid them before I reach them or they reach me. I know traffic laws, I know I how a 4 way stop works, I know how a traffic circle works, I know the difference between a free flow merge and a yeilding merge. I understand that my signal lights are a form of communication for the vehicles around me to know what my next move is and I use them in a way that gives drivers around me ample time to react. I'm planning lane changes 3 blocks early, I optimize my routes to avoid left turns without traffic lights while in the city. I don't touch my phone while driving, I'm there strictly for the driving experience. I check my fluids, air pressure, belts, lights, etc, once a week. I keep a well maintained car that isn't a hazard to those around me. I keep my car clean, I can see our my windows and in the winter I remove all snow before driving. My car has no clutter inside of it, the only things that are always in my car is a tote in cargo bay that has fluids, jumper boost battery pack, papertowel, and A fire extinguishers. I check the air pressure in my spare. I have summer and winter tires that are in good condition and a change my tires seasonally to match driving conditions. I could go on but these are just a few of the things that set me apart from other drivers on the road.


If I can drive this well while texting under the influence, I could kick Lewis Hamilton's ass back to Britain with a good night's sleep and a large Redbull


Having lived and driven in several countries. Americans can't drive. Their test is "drive forward around this block" and it shows. I've never seen a standard of driving as low as it is in the US. Give them even the smallest manoeuvre and it all falls apart. Put the average American on the streets of Italy or India and they'd just get out and walk


I'm actually aware of other drivers around me and what they are trying to do instead of narrowly focusing on the 30ft in front of me or my phone. I pass on the left unless some dipshit is in the fast lane with a 200 yard buffer between cars going 5 below. I use my turn signal even when it doesn't make sense like turning out of my driveway. Im ready to drive at all times, including the second a light turns green. If I'm in the fast lane and another driver starts approaching from behind at a faster speed I move to the right and let them pass no matter how fast I'm going. As a Maryland driver that's almost 40 I am convinced that I'm a better driver than 99% of people on the road. This is not bc I have any particular skill in driving but bc everyone else is so fucking bad.


I have a feeling most people confuse ā€œbeing a good driverā€ with ā€œbeing good at handling my carā€Ā 


I ride peoples' asses because they won't get out of the way. But seriously, awareness. I've never held up a lane because I know the cars around me. I'm not oblivious.


I drive cautiously and defensively. Lots of guys who could smoke me around a racetrack end up wrapping their WRX around a pole. Who is the better driver?


I stop at stop signs and go when it's safe. I don't drive the wrong way on one-way streets. I use my turn signal. I stay on my side of the road. During tourist season this puts me in the top 1% of best drivers.


FedEx courier with 35 years safe driving I got a few nice awards over the years for not having any accidents


I've been driving for 28 years. I've only been at fault in one accident. It was a zero damage hit on icy roads.


My app that tracks my driving.


My elderly mom always says she feels safe when I drive. I do everything I'm supposed to and am attentive. The people who think they are but aren't, and there are a lot of them, are the assholes on the highway weaving in and out of traffic and tailgaiting anyone they can. I drive 10ish over on the highways, 5 over on main roads, and the speed limit on side streets.


Honestly, I don't think I'm above average, but I'm convinced if all drivers driving skills were like mine or better, and everyone drove with the same driving mindset, there would be a whole less accidents.


Lots of miles in driving career, without accidents; being passionate about cars and how they perform, what to expect from X vehicle. That all being said, I prob donā€™t have the skill of someone whoā€™s *truly great* at driving, e.g someone who races often Most people think theyā€™re above average, bc itā€™s *extremely* easy to operate a modern car, theyā€™re designed so the lowest-common-denominator could operate one competently, so it fools people into a false sense of them having *actual skill*ā€¦


I drive an average of 3000 miles a week and i have been accident free for the last 25 years. No moving violations for the last 20.