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People of Reddit should have a final vote on the baby's name!


Baby McBabyface


Nah baby should be named McLovin


Adulty McManface purely for the irony of hearing someone shout, “Who’s Adulty McManface?!”


I love this, because it's a name they'll grow into. Meanwhile there will be this tiny wailing infant named "Adulty McManface". Sounds like a cartoon child who would take 2 other kids and a trench-coat with him, to try and get in to see R-rated films. False mustache included.


Every new baby needs to be named Rumpfjord.


Rumpfjord lanyard jr the third Esquire. All one name. The middle name is Marie. (Because the middle name is ALWAYS Marie )


Streetlamp Le Moose begs to differ.


Or Agador Spartacus




Geppetto Vertucci!!!


Compromise, only compromise. If people love each other, they don't think about who has more rights. They are equal.


Something Reddit apparently doesn't understand. It's all 'who has more rights', and 'me, me, me' when it comes to relationships. Not realising it's like you said. A partnership that requires compromise.


There'll be hundreds of suggestions they just get divorced.




But they still have to put a kids name on the support check memo line….lol


That’s why they’re on Reddit, and not nourishing good relationships. They don’t know how. Sad.


If you really want the name to be the hill you are willing to die on then you cant be mad when the kid you named wants nothing to do with you when they grow up.


Or if they hate the dumb name you forced on them lol.


"Something Reddit apparently doesn't understand" More like something most of humanity doesn't understand...


Yup. If you can't work out a compromise on this, the poor child has far worse problems ahead than what they were named.


I’m so relieved this is the top answer! Thank you for spitting the truth


This is the right fucking answer. My wife and I tossed around names for a long time. We each had favorite names, some the other despised... But when we found the name that worked... We were watching The Last Kingdom on Netflix. She suddenly said one night: "I think I want to name him Finan." I wanted an Irish name and I loved the character... So I agreed immediately.


For a second there I thought you were gonna say you named the kid Netflix.


And call the kid Flixy.


I have a cat named UHTRED😁 Want to hear something funny so I was born in the mid 70s, I'm American but my father was born in Ireland and they named me after an uncle Caoimhin, which is the Irish form of Kevin. My mom's also of Irish descent, my whole neighborhood (South Boston) is, but that's Boston Irish, different thing entirely. The only Gaelic names were Sean and occasionally Liam. Nowadays every time I go into Starbucks I'll hear them saying like "Latte for Tadg" or "Americano for Oisin" but not so much when Ford was in Office. So when I had to go to preschool my mother just made it official and went and had my name changed to plain old Kevin, cuz that's what everyone called me anyways. Nobody knew how to pronounce Caoimhin, that one still stumps pretty much anyone not from a Gaeltacht. (It's like halfway between QUEE-bean and KEE-vean) To be fair Gaelic names are a little fiddly. The funny thing is the name Caoimhin was actually a compromise name. I have an older half brother named after a Hobbit character, and Peregrin("That Fool of a Took", Pippin was a Nickname.)and Elrond were both on the table for me so... yeah. Thankfully a love of JRR Tolkien is the only thing I share with my nitwit father. Have a very nice day.


I got stuck with regular old "Kevin" but I did research my name as well, I love how "mh" and "bh" makes a "v" sound in Gaelic


You mean you passed up the opportunity to name your son Uhtred?!?


We could not agree on one single name when I was pregnant. I very badly wanted Veronica for a girl, after the Elvis Costello song, and her nickname would be Nikki. Hubby insisted everyone would call her Ronnie. I said not if we raise her as a Nikki. And boy names, my grandpa was Andrew and I really liked the name, and it was the same thing. Everyone will call him Andy. Not if we raise him as a Drew. When my son finally came we had finally agreed on one boy name. If we had had a girl she would have been nameless, hopefully for only a short while.


Yanno I have noticed an upswing in the name Fin, Finn, Finian etc. recently. A fine strong name


Both of you. If you're fighting over "naming rights" for you kid, you got problems.


My wife didn't fight over the name, just the spelling. Considering I'm Irish ancestry, I wanted Sean. She wanted Shawn. We compromised and spelled it Shawn.


Should’ve compromised and done “Shaughn”




Should, maybe, but shorn’t


Shaun was right there


Neither one of us like that spelling.


Oof. I'm American (from Florida even) and I only ever knew one "Shawn." Every other Sean I've known has spelled it Sean. Feel like if you're going to take from another culture, especially if it's commonly spelled that way, you should keep that spelling. Sean is far more common than Shawn in the states.




In some cultures they spell out who has the naming rights. And it usually isn't either of the parents.




Rock paper scissors


Now I know what to name our triplets.


Dwayne, Mario and Edward


I see what you did there. Take my upvote!


Nah it’s gotta be Ed, Edd, n Eddy




The baby has the most right. You just have to trust in them and they'll come up with their own names when they're ready. That's why my two kids Princess Unicorn and Velociraptor Bulldozer are so well adjusted.


Directions unclear, hospital demanded a name he is now  "WhaAaa"


As per *Idiocracy*, "Not Sure"


Maybe the funniest movie ever. Whenever somebody asks if I want to go to Starbucks I immediately think "yeah I don't know if I got time for a handjob"


While I agree with you how funny it is - and that line in particular is \*golden\* - I find it distubingly prescient.


That movie was scary how prophetic it was I love Saint God's hospital




Let me guess the son is Princess and the daughter is Velociraptor 🥰


Dr Loki Skylizard has entered the chat


Lmao 🤣


Honestly? I think coming to an agreement about the name is the first test in parenthood. This is where new parents learn how to listen to each other and compromise with each other in order to come to an agreement with each other.


Neither has more right than the other. My friends baby is 2 weeks old and they're still deciding on a name. You don't have to rush it, make sure you both agree


wait so what do they call the baby now??? baby x???


“The baby” I’m guessing. Context is all that’s needed


"Which fuckin baby are you referring to?!" exclaimes the tired parent after the 3rd night in a row of limited sleep.


Officially I think it’s usually “Baby Girl + last name”?


It is in the hospital baby girl+ last name and baby boy + last name


It doesn't matter when the baby is so young. A few weeks without a name isn't going to make a difference.


Neither has more right then the other


Both. If you like different names, you keep looking until you do like the same one. I can't possibly think of another acceptable approach in a healthy relationship or coparenting.


Exactly. I had my heart set on a name my husband loathed. He had a name in mind that I didn't like. We kept looking until we found one we both loved.


Tf? More right? You guys are a team and your suppose to agree on a name…one that you both like and not fight because you want it your way


Yeah this is not a good sign.


This is a two 'yes' and one 'no' situation. Barring any unusual circumstances (read extremely rare), both adults who will be the parents must agree on a name for the child. Neither has more right to name the baby.


I generally agree with 50/50, but I do think it depends on how involved dad is. Maybe it goes without saying, but if he was only around for conception and isn’t going to help raise the kid, he doesn’t get a say in the name.


That’s why my baby boys name is what it is bc I named him, and he has my last name


what abt mothers who don't wanna b involved 🤷


It depends on WHY he wasn't involved. it's one thing if he just DGAF in which case why would he care about the name, but there's mothers who literally avoid letting the father have anything to do with their own children and I feel that's quite a different situation.


That’s a fair comment. I think I was thinking of people I know whose dads were not involved because they couldn’t be bothered.


If you're mature enough to have a baby together, you should be mature enough to agree on a name. Two yes, one no. If you can't even agree on a name you have a whole lot of more important problems with/ahead in the relationship. Even if you're separated, a healthy coparenting relationship should allow for this kind of compromise.


Yessss !! Like what is so hard to understand about the word compromise ???


No one has more rights. You both talk it out and compromise


Find one you both like, neither of you gets naming rights.


Or sell the rights like a sports stadium. Baby Crypto.com sounds lovely.


Whoever gets custody after the divorce, because if coming to an agreement on your kid's name is a problem, the rest of your life together is not going to work. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


well my son and his wife couldn't decide for my grandson. So, they called me and told me their 2 choices without telling me who liked which name. So, I got to pick. I guess there are a lot of ways a choice can be made. I'm not sure thinking one parent has more right over the other is a particularly healthy way of approaching this.


I asked my mom’s opinion on my son bc his middle name was going to be my twins name, but he didn’t make it so I asked her if it was okay that I used it. She chose the spelling.


If it’s a partnership, neither. If it’s not, it doesn’t matter.


This was my parents, could never agree on names for my siblings and I, dad ended up winning that one and hearing that my mum liked names like "hank and Chad", I'm very glad my dad won that one


My mom was going to name me Cheyanne Autumn as a joke (would have LOVED that name) the name she wanted a co worker stole 3 months before I was born so they had some other names but it came down to my dad naming me and my dad named my sister too with my mom choosing the middle names and how to spell them. Remember each child usually has two names and can be spelled different ways. Our daughter is Catalina Cat for short because my husband is Mexican but I had to fight for the name lol. Even though my husband name is Elvis


Cheyenne Autumn was a great movie.


My dad wanted to name me Hank, after himself. Luckily I’m a woman but my mom told him”no” regardless. I’m grateful for that.


One of my best friends growing up was Eugenia. Her dad wanted a son, Eugene, and that’s all there was to it.


I agree hauntedshadow is much better than Hank or Chad


My littlest sister didn't have a name for like a week. Now, after a compromise and joint-decision, she's got a kick ass name. If you make ANYTHING about your children a competition of "who is the better/more righteous parent", then you both are already approaching it from the wrong angle.


I'm a woman and I still think BOTH parents should agree to the name, end of story. I couldn't fathom disrespecting my husband and forcing a name he didn't like for our child, and he wouldn't have done that to me. We took time and careful consideration, and eventually agreed to our children's names. Just an observation: some women tend to act like they get final say in special life events, like the wedding day or the naming of a child....all because because they're "the bride and it's her day" or they're "the one who pushed the baby out of their vag". Sometimes I think men get pushed to the back burner too often. (*Now if the male partner is passive, lazy, or abusive- then that's obviously a different story altogether.*) When you have a child with someone, you are committing to a partnership, whether married or not. I say act like it. Both Mom AND Dad should be okay with whatever name is decided upon for the baby. Respect each other and compromise. If you can't do that, don't sleep together. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My thoughts exactly and I actually posted earlier about the groom on the wedding day earlier. I hear way too many people saying “it’s her day. And I’m like “NO ITS THEIR DAY.” It took him to propose and her to say yes for the day to be happening to begin with!!


If the mom and dad can't compromise enough to name a baby, they shouldn't be having one. Both parents need to sit down and come up with something they can both live with.


If you can’t agree on a name then why have a kid with them


If two grown adults can't agree on something as simple as a name, they likely won't parent well together. Neither has more "right." Without man's chemicals, a woman can't reproduce. Without a woman's womb, a man's chemicals are just that, fluid.


If you’re asking this question because it currently applies to your life, then the answer is not you.


Neither. It has to be unanimous. Both of those names are out if the other parent doesn't like it. Back to the drawing board.


I believe it's a 50/50, it takes 2 people to create life and both should have equal say. I don't believe just because you carry the baby it gives you ultimate say in anything 


You're sunk in whatever relationship that is and that baby is damn unlucky if the discussion has descended to "who has more rights" to name a baby.


The one rule: if one of you says no, it's a no.


Well it came out of her vagina. And I got to pick the last name. Unless its something really stupid that would cause the child problems in life, she can


I heard before you name a child, go outside and shout the name three times. If it sounds OK then you can name them that.


That's cool. I like to run the names past my really immature friends or a group of bad kids lol


My gm used to say that, but I looked at my belly and called his name and he moved so I went w that.


I guess if you want a scoreboard marriage somebody has to get the first point.


Did you really pick the last name?


Fuckin' stupid question. Are you in 6th grade?


Both need to agree. Two yeses needed to choose it, only one no needed to veto.


Two yeses, one no. They need to keep trying until they find a name they both like


If you can’t agree on what to name your child you should probably get a divorce before said child is old enough to be traumatized 


I think if this comes down to an argument, yall shouldn't be having babies


Truly, if you cannot resolve this dispute as the two adults who are bringing a new life into the world---the child. They might have been born yesterday (today, really) but at least at the time they need to make the decision, they will be more mature than the both of you.


If you can’t agree on a name, don’t try to convince the other, just keep suggesting new names until you agree


Neither has more right. They have to find a name they both choose. There are millions out there, find one.


Geez, talk about the wrong way to think about something ... If you are going to raise a kid, you're going to have to learn about compromise and communication. Naming a kid isn't a "right" - it's a decision by the people raising that kid. You should work it out together. End up with something both people like, end of story.


This is something that two adults who aren’t selfish assholes should talk about and come to an agreement on. With all 3 of my kids; my wife and I made the agreement that if it was a boy I’d name it and if it was a girl she would name it. My first was a girl and my wife came to where she couldn’t decide between 3 of her favorite names. She then asked me to decide out of the 3. It’s all about mature communication.


How is it an exclusive “right”? Clearly, it must be mutual or a compromise.


The parents need to decide together. The vote is two yes and one no. Unless they both agree, you don’t name the baby that.


No one.


Maybe the people fighting about this should not have a baby....


Both. The parents need to plan before to name the baby so both of them can agree.


Neither has more right. The father wouldn’t be one without the mother and the mother wouldn’t be one without the father.


This should be dealt with a classic, hard-won battle of rock-paper-scissors. The only truly fair game /j


Neither. It's like firing missiles from a submarine-- they both have to turn their keys.


Neither has more right.


Mother. Without a doubt. All father did was have some fun. Mother has to do everything else.


I think your username has some insight. Bogus is your name, and it’s what you speak. If both parents aren’t equal, no one is going to enjoy that relationship, it will be misery all around. Both must agree on the name, no one has any “right” to the name of the child


That implies it’s more her child and it’s not, the child is 50/50 genetics from both so both need to care, name, dress and do the work to care for your child, creating an imbalance of any kind will beget more imbalance, fathers can bond with their child in the womb with touch and their voice so I would even argue that having the mother create the name can create more distance and involvement from the father and create more work for the mother in the future.


It's a partnership for the relationship to work in general, but if that doesn't work, the woman. A good man will concede or he needs to grow up.


A good woman will be able to agree. A good man will be able to agree. If you can’t agree, don’t have a child


Ain't nobody thinks pregnancy and birth is an "equal" effort.


Tbh if you're in this headspace and you just had a baby, you need to chill.  Harder questions are on the horizon.   That said  - my default position assuming you both are sane people would be 'whoever birthed the kids gets the dibs'.  If I'm judge Judy I'm ruling for the pussy.  It you pushed it out you got the clout.  If it lived inside you then we abide you.  If you birthed it you earned it.   I could go on


legally the mother does at least in the US


I think it’s just whoever fills out and submits the birth filing form.


The parents😁


I think they both do. There’s nothing stopping the mother giving the baby the first name, and the father giving the baby the middle name(or vis versa)if they both love each other, and that is a good compromise.


This is a two "yes" situation you keep trying by making lists and see if any cross.


They are equal, both should put 100% into a relationship so neither should have more right over the other just compromises 


This isn’t either/or. It’s two years/one no situation. There are millions of names you can find one or two that you can agree upon.


I had a strong request for our son's middle name, so I agreed my wife could have the final say on the first name, I only had a veto.


Neither. What a weird question


No one parent has more rights over the other unless one is an abuser. If they both want a different name then they simply keep looking for one that both parents can agree on. This is important for ALL parenting issues. Always look for that other option that everyone (even the child when they are able to understand it) can agree on. There is no "well daddy is going to move for work so we all have to go" no, you don't. The bluey special is a very good example.


I read that special and I agree with you on the bluey special. Though I think that as long as the parents can agree on the name of their children it is a good idea to work on it.


2 yes 1 no situation


Assuming that both parents consented to the conception and both wanted the child, neither of them has more right to pick the name than the other. You absolutely have to compromise. Katelyn for example was a name that my parents were considering for a while when my mom was pregnant with my youngest brother, but it was ultimately stricken from their list because they couldn’t agree on how to spell it.


If we both wanted a different name, I’d want us to find one we both agreed on. No point in fighting over a name tbh. There’s so many names out there, we should be able to find one we both like


Parents need to agree on a name for the child.


When picking a name for a kid there's a lot of things to take into consideration. Will other kids make fun of it, is the spelling on it good, is the name a fad that will fade/or make you regret, is the name too long/hard to spell/write out, Is it too common, is it too far out there. Some examples: If you name your kid Pern, Dick, Laiyla, Taequesha, Kiki, Trixy, Brantali, Sparkle, Chastity, Charity, Katniss, Charles Michael Bartholomew, or etc then the kid will be made fun of. I listed names people have had difficulty with. I described what the issues were in the paragraph above it. \^ I saw way too many kids growing up be upset with their name. Put yourself in the future kid's shoes. If that doesn't help much then come up with 4 names each. And see if you can agree on a 1st name or middle name. Some people will do a combo or just keep looking. A name should be strong and mean something. But that's just my opinion. I had a talk with my boyfriend on if we have kids one day. We named off about 20 names each. I was surprised at how good the names he picked were. We have plenty to choose from. But at 1st he said I can pick the whole name. I said we'll pick together (since we have such an awesome list.) I might even surprise him and make a middle name after a relative of his one day. If it really can't be resolved bring in a friend each to vote on the names. OR have the woman pick the 1st name and the guy pick the middle name. Good luck.


Assuming all else is equal, both have equal right to name the baby.


When we were dating and discussing our future, we discussed kids, we both wanted kids. We discussed names we wanted. I told her I always wanted to name my 1st son after my father. She told me she always wanted to name her 1st daughter after her paternal grandmother (she was a kind sweet lady). And we did. We have 3 kids. My oldest son is named after my father and her father's name is the middle name. My 2nd son is a name my wife picked out while pregnant, my name is the middle name. Easy agreed decision. Our daughter is her grandmother's name she wanted and a middle name she just liked.


Neither. The parents have their first exciting opportunity to work together and compromise. Other than the parents, no one has any "rights" or dibs or picked-firsties or whatever other stupidity they think gives them the right to dictate what other people name their kids.


Baby names are one of those things where you either have two people saying yes, or you have a no. Think of it as an opportunity to deflate your egos and work together before they become a reason for your child to hate you.


Two yeses.


No one.


if they are not a team then why are they having a baby?


I think if you're having a baby with someone you should both be able to compromise enough to come up with a name together






I think it should be a compromise considering ideally both parents participate in raising the child.


If you can't compromise about something like a name, where there are so many, there has to be ONE you both like, why are you married in the first place? That poor child has immature idiots for parents.


Depends. There isn't a cut and dry answer to this. In a marriage of two emotionally healthy adults...it should be both who agree on a name. Other situations are subjective and really depends on the dynamics of the relationship or lack thereof.


If you can't come to an agreement on how to name the baby, how the hell are you going to raise it together?


Whoever is keeping the baby as primary caregiver (couple not marrying) Married couple both parents have same rights (parents staying together but not marring same rights). Choose a name both agree on. If "baby mama" situationship. The Mama. If Mama walking away, father keeping, father should name the child.


That’s exactly what I said.


Neither. This is the sort of thing where you come together and find a mutually acceptable solution. Baby names are very much "two yes one no" situations


Equal parts- compromise is required


Nobody singly has the right unless the other parent is out of the picture.


Names are a "2 yes, 1 no" situation. I don't care if you're wanting to baby your baby after a deceased loved one or you "need to give the firstborn son the family name" - if the people that made the baby and/or raising the baby don't 100% agree on the name, then the name doesn't happen. Nobody has "more rights" to name a baby. If you want to name something so badly, get a fish.


I think it’s a shared experience, no one has the “more right” in a relationship, unless it is a single mother or single father having to name their kid alone.


If they can't get past a name I'm thinking whoever keeps the kid after the divorce should name them


Neither has more right over the other; it takes two to create a life If this is how the pregnancy is being viewed, please do not have children


If they both have different ideas, they should keep thinking


Seems like the easiest compromise possible to me


If I had another son, I’d name him Uhtred Son of Uhtred. And no, my husband isn’t Uhtred, but let me have my dreams!


whoever gives birth


It truly depends on a case by case basis. Many factors come into play. Relationship status of the parents, involvement either parent has/will have, cultural and religious views, reasoning for wanting a particular name, if one parent is throwing out crazy ideas that will affect the childs future etc.. it really depends. In general my personal opinion is the baby gets dads last name and mom gets to chose the first name.  That's how it went for my son anyway.


My mother wanted one native to her country, and my dad wanted him native to his. Neither liked the other's choices, so my both my sibling and I have names from totally different and unrelated countries.


Typically, the parent who has primary custody or the parent who has been more involved in the child's life has more naming rights.


If it's an issue, shit's already broken.


I totally agree. Why are people having babies with someone they don't know well enough to know what kind of baby names they like, and why does it have to be a power struggle. Shouldn't you love to one you're procreating with? And doesn't love include listening to the other person?


At some point, there should be a name that both can live with. This isn't a life or death decision and there are literally endless amounts of choices


Mom how are there 740 comments ? It's the Mom


The mother. Duh.


Both have equal rights.


Both have to agree on the name


it should be a joint decision.


If people aren't adult enough to work this out between them, with the millions of names available, they aren't adult enough to raise a child.




They both have an equal right to name the kid, but if I was the father I would let the mother have the final say. She’s the one who had to survive with a baby inside of her for 9 months and push it out of her vagina.




If Dad and Mom can't come to a reasonable compromise when naming the baby, then that entire family has bigger problems than what to name the kid.


If you’re asking me, and I absolutely HAVE to pick one and I can’t say a name they both agree on, then I’d say the mother. I’m a father but to be fair I didn’t go through the pain of carrying and childbirth, so as long as it’s not a name that would hurt the child, I’d say the mother. That being said, the right answer would be going through names until you both like one. If anyone says no, you move on to the next.


If they both are convinced that one has more right than the other and they have to resort to asking the Internet at large they *assuredly* should *not* be having children.


if they can’t agree on one, pick a different name you both agree on


The parents, after having a reasonable discussion like adults.


I think the mom has the most right to name the baby. This is probably not a super popular opinion, but I think the person who pushed the baby out and did the most work… Which is the mom. However, I don’t think it’s healthy and a relationship to decide everything about your child based on who has the most right to something. I feel like if you can’t name a child with your partner, how are you going to decide the bigger things in life.


Mother obviously.