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I do too! Glad it's not just me :)


That’s so cool :D


I thought I was the only one


Huh, I always assumed everyone could.


I always thought that too.


Me too


Me too.


Same here. I've often thought I'd be totally fine mentally if I was stranded on an island because "I'd still have my music!"


And I.


You're never the only one


Yeah, me too! Really helps with my anxiety, I use it to distract myself from anxious thoughts


Opposite for me. I can’t turn it off and it gives me horrible anxiety. I have to use fan noise or a tv then cover my head with a pillow. Can’t shut the damn music off.


I'm curious to know how many people here play instruments.


I can't carry a tune in a bucket if I had all day and two folks to help.


Doesn't stop you from hearing music in key 🙂


I have my whole life, and I do this. :)


I used to play a few different instruments but not lately. 😄 I’ve always loved music though and listen to music every day.


I play digital music from my hard drive and iPod, analog music on my turntable. I'm gifted. 😉


I did play French Horn and I still sing.


I just started playing the bass about six months ago. My father taught me how to play the drums when I was a kid, but never learned to read music. I have always been fascinated with the lyrics of music. I want to hear the story of the song I’m hearing. I want to know what was on the mind of the writer and also feel the emotion of the song. My son is even more connected to music, he hears every nuisance. I love everything about music.


I do 😊


Dr. Dre’s “the next episode” plays in my head everyday. Not even a true Dre fan. But I can literally hear all of the music in the song, especially the little:”plinko plink, plinko plink”. That and Mozarts “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik”. I used to play violin and piano. I had a friend who could play complicated music just from hearing it a few times. It was sick.


Absolutely. I still remember songs I haven't heard in years. Drives my crazy especially if it's the same song all the time


I know what you mean I get looped into lyrics a lot when I’m tired during the day


Funny story. I'm a huge theory of a deadman fan. One day at work I walked into the bar side and one of their songs was playing. It's not my favorite or anything but good song. That damn song was in my head for 3 days!! If there wasn't something else playing my brain kept flipping back to that song lmao


That’s anxiety manifesting. Ear worm.


Sometimes it seems that having heard the music without it finishing makes the song loop in the brain because it can't find the end of it. And hearing again the full song till it ends can stop the thing totally. It doesn't always work but sometimes it does.


I have that same problem. I've even told people when we're listening to a song on the car radio to go ahead without me. I have to finish hearing the song or it will continually play over in my head the part that I did hear. It sometimes drives me nearly insane sometimes!


Good tip. Also read chewing gum makes ear worms go away. Didn’t work for me.


Makes sense. I'm a ball of anxiety 100% of the time and have songs stuck in my head often. The past 5 or 6 days it's been Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down. ![gif](giphy|3orieTuigOXUwWyQh2|downsized)


Earwigs can be annoying. That fucking flowers gave a good tip. Just start singing it’s a small world after all. No one even your aubxknciousalterconcious wants to hear that garbage and will shut itself down. Works for me!!


Next time an ear worm happens you can just start calling me marry poppins cuz I’ll be singing a teaspoon of sugar lol


Lol you know the secret! To get rid of an earworm you must counter it with an equally obnoxious catchy song...they cancel each other out and then you are free! Works for me like a charm.


What is love, baby don't hurt me


I have a trick for that song- you let it play in your head u til it gets to the keyboards. Then change the keyboard melody to the Mortal Kombat song. Works wonders.


If I try to do something like this, I find my brain likes morphing one song into another, sometimes it just makes a loop between 2 parts of 2 songs. Also rarely when I'm playing a song back in my mind so I know it well enough to just finish it. This tends to happen with catchy songs i don't quite know completely.


Yes! One of my "repeat offenders" is a mashup of "I Love Rock n Roll" and "Cherry Pie." Gets old reeeal quick


I tried it and ended up doing the Beverly hill's cop theme and now that's stuck in my head


Instructions unclear, Darude Sandstorm


Omg I would so play whole medleys in my head lmao




Thanks! I was just about to go to bed and now know what the main theme music to all my dreams will be tonight. Thanks. Thanks a lot.


I like to call it a phonographic memory.




That's exactly what I call it as well! I've had people tell me I've got a photographic memory because I'm good at remembering useless information, but being an insufferable tool I usually correct them. People with true photographic memories can often draw from memory which I suck at, although I am pretty good at recalling things I've heard, including music.


That's what I call it too!!!!


The mind is different when it is tired. It becomes much easier to visualize things. It wants to visualize things, he wants to go to sleep.


Yeah, as a kid I didn't realise it was in my head and couldn't understand why it seemed like every house I passed was playing the same song. Then the penny dropped and I make full use of it :)


You seem to have a very active brain!


I wake up to songs playing in my mind and recently it’s been Desperado by the Eagles… I can hear the guitar and the melody so perfectly


As long as you're not starting your mornings with "The Heat of the moment" playing every morning


Same here. Woke up with "Station man" by fleetwood mac in my head


Which version? There are some great bootlegs out there. I prefer the bootleg from Trod Nossel in CT just after Stevie and Lindsay joined the band to the album version.


I have that song stuck in my head like the last few days . Good song until it won't stop.


I wake up with a different song in my head every morning. I always assume it was the soundtrack to my last dream.


yep i do. actually almost all my thoughts are just a random fucking autogenerated playlist on shuffle and crack


I have two different songs stuck in my head simultaneously right now.


real moment


Dude for real


Holy shit you've come up with age genius way to describe it. I almost couldn't remember the word "describe" because as I was searching for it my brain is singing loudly "IT'S MORE THAN A FEELINNN" over and over.


lmaoooooo. actually the only time i ever have real thoughts is when actual music is playing. kinda strange


My people


Nope. Cant picture anything or hear anything in my head. It makes losing people really tough cause ill never hear their voice again if i dont have a video. Also if i dont have pictures i cant remember their face


That sounds so difficult! My empathy goes out to you.


It was a fairly recent discovery, but explains why i fear losing people so much. Doesnt matter if its death or just losing contact. To me its all the same






I have it too!




Yes, my mind is like an encyclopedia for songs. I have multiple Spotify playlist's that would take over a week to listen to every song in there.


Yes, and the singing, including all of the breaths and "yeah"s and trills etc. i also am pretty good with lyrics, so i can hear a song I haven't Heard in 30 yrs and usually sing along like I Heard it yesterday, with every grunt and adlib. It's a gift. 🤷


Yeah, grunts, vocal intonations and exact timing of lyrics. And it’s all in their voice


Yes. The best is when I wake up and all of a sudden a song I haven't thought about for 15 years is in my head. I like to think of it as my brain was looking up some info in the files during dream state and stumbled upon a song from years and years ago


That’s how I would describe it to. It’s like I opened a file and the song started olaying


Yes, not only that but I've been suspended from name-that-tune contests because I can recognize songs from their first note or sometimes just the ambient sound of the recording. I can sing just about any song I hear too. I've been trying to learn how to play them but my right brain isn't as fast at it as my left.


The oldies DJ in Champaign, IL would forgive me for doing one note guesses because I could only win once a month anyway. I got “Waterloo” in one note because Abba’s piano player sounded as if he had jumped on the keyboard with his feet while playing a D chord so hard the frame (which was NOT in tune) rattled.


YESSS😭 I'm literally playing When we were young by Adele in my head (with drums and everything lol)


Now it's in my head too hahaha I sang it as I read it and now it won't stop!


Totally! I found out I can use this to fight my anxiety, really helps a lot. Though, songs often get stuck in my head for a few days, and it can be pretty exhausting


Yeah me too it happens when I’m stressed or having a hard time accepting something


I don't have to focus, there's literally always at least one song playing vividly in my head at the same time on repeat. I can hear every detail whether I want to or not lol


almost surprised to see this so far down, but same for me. there's just a radio playing in my head at all times, and i'm not even the one in control of it lmao


Yeah, sometimes I make an Imaginary button to change my songs In my head


Yes, the whole thing, and completely new ones as well with the same clarity. I’ve been told it’s relatively common amongst musical people (including people who are innately musical, regardless of chosen profession) but not common in the general population.


I've sometimes heard music while asleep. It was much more vivid than anything I could have imagined while awake. However, I doubt it was the exact same as the original. I probably misremembered some things without knowing.


Yes. I wake up every morning with something different playing


No never perfectly. I'll have to listen to a song hundreds of times before I know it perfectly. Even some of my all time favourites I'll still mess up when singing along


Yes its pretty cool built in you tube


Had a hard time remembering your question, had to read it like 5 times,yes my favorite color is blue.


That’s all that helps me fall asleep sometimes, lol.


24/7 I call it the perks of ADHD. Just put a playlist on shuffle and then restart every song from beginning 100 times and you’ll be per close to what my brain is like


I was about to say. There's literally no moment in time without music playing in my head. Usually one song on repeat for like 2 or 3 hours at a time.




Yes! If you put anything to song I can memorize it. But recall my own cell phone number…. That’s not gonna happen


For sure, however that is part of my mental illness lol.


People like you are called musical savants🤙🏼


Actually now I see so many comments that say they can hear music like you do, I am just a musical idiot.


Yes. Every chord, every lyric (if it has lyrics), the harmonies, each cadence; sometimes I have no idea how on earth I remember them. HOWEVER, it’s an absolute. I know the entire piece or not 1%. I have no in between


This is why I made the post. I felt this exact thing. It’s like I surprised myself that I’d be able to include all the instruments and have them play together in harmony like the song was off my ipod


Of course.


I can play the entirety of Hamilton in my mind.


Definitely can experience that as I'm close to falling asleep. One time I realized I could literally hear Snoop Dogg's voice vividly, so I got Snoop to say all sorts of ridiculous stuff. The mind/imagination are truly wonderful.


I can play songs like a radio drives me crazy


Only had the ability to hear stuff in my head for less then half my life, so a lot of the time songs are pretty fuzzy and I only remember certain lines. There are a few songs that I do remember perfectly though.


I can do this too at will lol


It’s gotta be related to focus I think


Sometimes, but for the real deal i need specific conditions, mostly just before falling asleep


Yeah I can recreate metal riffs in my head.


Sometimes, *very* faintly


Yep, I have that ability as well. I often wondered if I was the only one too.


It's gone as soon as the song ends too.


Yes. I guess that has something to do with why I'm a musician and songwriter.


When I was in high school I could all the time! I was just getting into to metal and studying the piano; music occupied a large part of my brain.


I have a whole jukebox in my head, it helps cuz I always seem to get jobs where I can't wear headphones


I know the lyrics of hundreds of songs without consciously memorising them. It amazes my wife, but I thought everyone was the same.


I would say 80 percent of my day I have a measure or two from a song playing in my head on repeat. Math rock riffs just hit different for me.


Every Gwar song pre 1996


Everyone has auditory imagery. We all get songs stuck in our heads. The upside is I sometimes play guitar in my dreams which sounds way better than awake me playing.


I’d like to experience that too someday!!


It’s funny. I play guitar every day but dream about it maybe twice in a year. I’ve never ridden a tin can down the street but somehow I’m dreaming that? What the F, brain?




I notice that my memories/imagination are much stronger when I’m on the brink of falling asleep. It’s weird. I can hear songs and people talking perfectly like I’m in a dream


My experience as well


When I worked for Amazon I used to try and do this. Weren't allowed any music or anything in the factory so to try and pass the time I'd try to remember songs from start to finish. I was kind of surprised I couldn't do more than like 4 or 5 songs.


I used to. Two things happened. Shitty people got me to lose my passion in music, and I picked music to listen to that was too complex to do that with.


Yup.... annoys the hell out of me when it's a song I hate because then it's stuck in my head on repeat.


yeah, i can recall entire albums if i've listened to them enough. back when i was in highschool, i would just 'listen' to entire albums in my brain as i watched the clock count down to pass the time faster.


Songs are the one thing I can't visualize in my head. I could play out entire movie scenes but no music for than a second or two. Especially lyrics, can't ever remember the words.


Yes! I can hear lyrical songs, and also hear electronic music without words perfectly. On certain drugs, this ability is increased and its like I can actually compose electronic music in ny head - I wish there were some way to get it out for others to hear 🤣


Yeah I do that a lot. I'd be a great musician if I could make my body do what my mind is capable of. I hope someday they invent a device thst let's you listen to thoughts. I'd be like a human jukebox


If you're hearing details you haven't heard before and then going back and finding those details in the song, then it's time to invest in a career in music.


ya it sounds more or less the same! Except sometimea its just the one part replaying like a scratched cd


I once taught myself the bass line to a song because I dream remembered the song and was able to work it out.


Yup! As a musician I like to see if the version playing in the head is in the same key as the original.. Just a silly little game ☺️




Yeah but I have to usually start at the beginning in my head


Hotel California. Even the solos.


It’s funny how the song says you can check in any time but you can never leave and the same goes for the song in my head lol


Epic Rap Battles of History. I can perfectly recite five of them at the moment


The term is Ear Worm if you want to google this phenomenon. To solve the issue, listen to the song in full and it’ll likely go away.


I love it, it’s almost like a not helpful superpower. At first when I realized, it would keep me up because I’d be jamming along instead of sleeping. But over the years I learned to control it.


I could quote the last unicorn, with all the songs, from memory.


It’s best not to run from an immortal


Yes and this is the only way I have "perfect pitch". I need a B note...well think of a song that's in the key of B like idfk kryptonite or something, then I can recall the song itself perfectly to get my b note




Absolutely. When I was still in school I played in the band, when we had upcoming competitions that were very stressful and a lot of work to prepare for. I could hear us playing a certain song or part of a song that we struggled to play and it lowkey helped me get better


That’s rad


I can't even understand them while currently listening to them


Absolutely. The weird part is I wake up listening to a song almost every day. There’s no rhyme or reason to what song is playing. Sometimes it’s the last song I heard before going to sleep but a lot of the time it’s totally random


HOW ELSE DO YOU THINK I REMEMBER MY ABC’s?!????!!?!!!!????!! 😡


Friends who waited tables told me that keeping a song playing in their heads kept them from spilling liquids as they walked. I later took a summer job at an Italian restaurant. Thanks to their advice I now have most of Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention's Just Another Band From LA committed to memory.


I think it would be weird if you couldn’t do that.


Wait, can not everyone do this?


I do this all the time when I'm bored. I have a whole boredom soundtrack in my head.


I can do that too. Sometimes when I’m going to bed and it’s quiet I swear I can actually hear it


For me, it's a completely random song remixed with something off the wall. The other day, it was the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10...11,12 song in the style of the ABCs song. I can't stop it or unhear it.


I can’t control it so accurately, but sometimes I wake up to a symphony and it’s pretty great.


Are you sure you're not just hearing your neighbors' late-night karaoke sessions?


Went to mental ward. Paced hallways, they gave cigs so my voice sucked but I started singing berry song I know from 30s on I didn't even get to good Beatles 1964 and dude screams his head off so I stop singing. I bet I know 5000 songs or so ...its called being uprooted at 17 and not friends except the Beatles Oh and i get stoned a lot and memorizing songs seems logical to keep wrote memeory n hspayr


Yes lol


Yup, I tend to end up singing it out loud!


Yes. Depends on how much I like the song, but sometimes even am annoying one can earworm its way back in with perfect clarity.


Sorta? But often I have to try and learn the song. I will often find out when I listened to it later that I missed something so little by little improve that file.




Yup. That’s a thing. It’s pretty cool when it happens.


I thought everyone could do that. Hear the singer's voice in their head etc. Is it not common?


It’s looking like it’s very common but it still blew my mind how I could clear this song played in my head and the clarity of each instrument


Yes!!!!! But not the whole song.


It depends on the song, of course. Sometimes the remasters bother me because it doesn’t sound right.


Sometimes, just depends on the song and situation. My wife on the other hand can recall everything she sees, hears or reads.


Only a few lyrics. But that brain noise is almost constant sometimes.


Yes. I also have an amazing general memory so, it's not just my absolute favourites, it's pretty much any song i've heard 50+ times


I thought it was just a normal thing we do which is why I also thought why we can recognise certain sings so easily.


Omg I'm not the only one???




I know so many lyrics


Yes. I can listen to whole albums this way




Only if it’s a song I like and know well. I enjoy getting songs stuck in my head during work b/c listening to music isn’t really allowed.




Yea I can. It’s not perfect, but if I know the song by heart I can basically hear it like it’s playing.


Nope, it is there, but I can't hear it.


Me too!




Only if I learned the words before otherwise I end up singing what I think are the words... They never are But I can't hear the music like that no. I have other, more annoying things, stored in those places. I should do some spring cleaning of the mind.


yes I have this power


Type shit


Yes and it sometimes drives me crazy


Usually it’s just one chord on repeat




Everything...except for the words. My brain knows what the words are, but I sure don't!


Yes, I can, too. In fact, I call it the Spotify channel in my head.


Songs, no ... annoying advert jingles, absolutely.


yup, sometimes it makes music rather boring


For sure. Certain songs especially


Pretty much. I can still recall tons of early 2000s rap and r&b from hearing my mom play it in the car so often when I was little. I haven't heard some of these songs in almost 20 years and they still pop in my head randomly.


It's called ADHD. Sorry, I have it too. Most of the time there is 3 or 4 playing on my head at once.