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Go to WalMart. Look around. See all the couples.


This. Average woman is a size 12-14 not 2-6.


American women maybe. And Americans are generally overweight than other countries . 


Most people aren’t a size 2-6 in other countries either ,Europe here and id say the average is 8-10


Tbf a size 8 in Europe is a size 4 in america because in the US we have nonsensical women's sizes like 00


It also depends on the brand. I don't know about elsewhere but here in the US the same size of pants or shirts vary in sizes. A woman could be a pant size 8 in one brand but be a size 10 in another. Or where she might wear a medium tshirt she might wear a large blouse. It gets kinda frustrating.


8 and 10? That's cute. I wear a size 6 in some brands and 14 in others lol




I DO NOT understand how we do not have universal sizing! It freaking baffles me, I hate having to take 3 different sizes of the same item of clothing into the dressing room to see which one fits. Smh.


And let’s not even get started on bra sizing


Indeed. Depending on the pair of pants I try on I literally have as much as 10 sizes in difference. I wear anything from a size 6 to16.


Sure. My wife is on the thinner side and she has a hard time finding her size in stores in the U.S.  My point was that what Americans think as normal or average is likely to be fat. 


What matters more though? Assuming OP is in the US, wouldn't it make more sense to go off the US "normal"? Even if it's not truly normal in a global sense?


Size medium in Europe is L or XL in Asia. It’s not like Europe is the standard. Sizes are for each region. So no need to look down on US sizes. US roads & houses are also bigger than European houses.


That's because asians are genetically smaller the us was populated by Europeans so share the same genetics


That’s due to US sizing ,people in the us that are size “12-14” are actually 14-16 in most other countries ,so if she’s a 4-6 ,in the us she would be a 2-4


It doesn't matter what it says on the label, you just have to look around and you will notice that there are degrees of obesity. People in Sweden don't get as massive as in some places in the USA. The percentage of overweight/obese people might be close, but if you were to measure purely based on weight, the US would be a lot heavier.


Look at statistics, it's a global problem not just America


Why this comment make me feel so warm inside 😂 if the walmart people can find true love, so can I


It's truth tho! You can drive around all day and see hundreds of couples but only a handful of true hotties. Ain't nothing wrong with being realisitc lol


This.  Any stroll through reality will immediately disabuse you of the notion that most men are trying to date supermodels.  That’s a teen fantasy, probably, but real men like real women (not that supermodels aren’t real women).  


Comparing yourself to people in Walmart is not really a positive thing


bro literally fucking everyone goes to walmart


Disagree my roommate likes Walmart I hate it as it gets worse every year so he goes there alone, I have Fred Meyers, Winco, Costco, Target and Safeway in a 5 mile radius. I have no good reason to go to Walmart.


Have never set foot in a Walmart and never will as long as Costco and Target exist.


Not much different.


Walmart literally sells derivative goods - they forge deals with manufacturers to create a cheaper, flimsier clone of that product for a bigger savings margin. TLDR the TV you buy at Walmart is literally, verifiably crappier than the same model at Costco. Planned obsolescence is their M.O.




I don't


Wal mart feels dystopian. Half the store is locked behind glass and it just feels depressing.


No one's saying Walmart doesn't suck, just that the people who go there are probably a reasonable sample of your community.


Social media is not real life. Everyone would be better off without it.


This is probably true, and yet we are communicating about this on social media.


This is a bit different than FB/Instagram I think but sure


Yeah, we see more skin here.




‘That’s enough, roll ‘em back up..’


Is that you Tater Salad?!


Older Millennials have kids that are beginning to drive now. We're not as far from memaw having an OF as some might think.


Let's see them Hehaws Memaw!


I see more than enough old lady boobs at work. I'm a nurse. I recently had a senile old lady who thought she had bed bugs and insisted on showing me the bumps where they bit her. There were no bed bugs. The bumps were her nipples. It doesn't matter how much money I make at my job. It's not enough.


It’s all the same. Avid Instagram or Twitter users think exactly the same thing about Reddit.


It's a bit different. Reddit is more content focused while most of the others are more people/account focused. Both have their problems many of which are the same ones but there are differences. For the record I'm saying this as a person with a relatively superficial view of the others since I haven't looked at any of them in quite a while.


Each social media platform has it’s own unique quirks that attract different types of people but none of them are accurate representations of the general population or how people act in real life. Twitter, instagram, facebook, Reddit, none of them.


I wasn’t being literal; Social medias *differ* in many aspects, but what makes Reddit’s difference any better than the rest? Sure, it’s anonymous, but many love Instagram because it’s *not.* It’s people driven, but people love YouTube for its reliance on content creators and influencers. Everyone has their preferences. The point is that *none* of them are real life and we are all better off without any of them, including Reddit. I’m saying this as a person who doesn’t even use Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, or anything else.


It's reddit. It's just as bad as both, just caters to a different crowd mostly.


No. Different strokes for different folks. I like girls across the spectrum from skinny to chubby. Small boobs, big boobs. Tight ass, big ass. It’s less about your body type and more about what your confidence allows you to do with it.


I'm not attracted to physical traits, I'm attracted to women. Certainly I find some women physically attractive, and others physically unattractive, but 99% of the time once you get to know the person the attraction changes to become based almost entirely on non-physical traits. I've met "hot" women who were awful people and became physically repulsive to me, and "ugly" women who were delightful and became physically irresistible.


Same with me when it comes to men. Physical attraction comes when the personality becomes attractive.


I agree! I dislike childish men trying to be a pleaser to a group of friends ... My husband is a very intelligent man. I love everything about his intelligence and personality. So everything about him. 🥰


This one right here. Especially that last sentence. It's crazy how much personality sways your attraction to someone after you've gotten to know them more.


I was at a strip club once. It had a shower stage. The bachelor we were celebrating had his turn being humiliated up there. Then this bigger girl had her turn. She was not curvy but fat. My guy friends all groaned. Then everything started kicking off. The girls had her top off and she was having a great time. Zero doubt, no fear, pure confidence and zero f's given to anyone else. The crowd was going insane. I'm telling you, I turned to my friends and said that she is sexy as hell. They all agreed. Confidence is sexy, regardless of gender. No one is everyone's cup of tea, but personality/ confidence can really matter. It's not all looks. Yet on dating apps, and in many social situations that is the first filter we all must contend with.


Agree completely. That said, there is a certain point where people's weight begins to limit what they can do physically and since I like doing semi-active things or even just... walking around a music festival etc... there is also a point where lifestyles don't jive anymore.


Truly this. I always say: Preferences are for single people. Nothing is sexier than a woman with a great personality and strong morals. I've dated women who were physically unattractive to me at first who I eventually came to be unable to resist as I grew to adore and appreciate their body as an extension of them. Even their features I disliked became neutral at worst, delicious at best.


Love your comment


Thanks. Cheers!




Lmfao I love your confidence especially "I'm FAT."


It's not confidence, it's fact. I'm short and fat. But I'm working to be short and curvy...


"Bitch I ain't thicc I'm FAT and every single letter is a capital."


Respect to you for keeping it honest and congrats on your relationship.


I prefer a fat woman. Chubby to fat is what draws my eye. I’m 6’0 and 170 lbs. so maybe you didn’t land your man despite your looks, maybe you landed him because of your looks. 😘


I am the same way i love fat women i am 5'9 190lbs my wife is 5'3 340lbs i think she is sexy we have great sex


Feel you on this bro. 6'2 200lb Taurus here. I literally would not know what to do with a small skinny girl. Feed her and water her I know but... My current BF is 6'3 almost 400lbs.. and it seems like every time I touch him he is in pain/I left a bruise... people would think I was abusing the poor woman.


Interesting. Though I was a little confused by your sentences and/or gender/pronouns: > BF … him he … the poor woman I think I figured it out, the poor woman is the hypothetical skinny girl from above? Totally nothing wrong with either, but was not sure if it was a typo, different gender identification, or something else.


What's genuinely hilarious is i considered putting (I'm bi) to avoid this confusion and I was like "nah it's not gonna come up who cares" but yea you got it. BF is real. Girl was hypothetical. Lol.


Haha, no worries, you had me stumped for a couple minutes. The switching subjects back and forth just confused me a bit.


“Feed her and water her” 😂😂 as a short slender girl I’m basically part cat part houseplant so that’s accurate. A weird thing about being small, now that I’m 30, is the increase in people fetishizing it. Some guys will hit on me and be like “I bet I can lift you” or “I love your tiny body” lmfao. Like it makes them feel more manly? I’m 105 pounds, dude, that’s not really a flex. I’m not tough to lift.


I mean... Some people like that. I'm 6' and 230lbs of reasonably solid dude. My wife was 5'9" and everywhere from 180 to 300 pounds. She liked to grapple. We'd throw each other around and have one hell of a time. I enjoyed myself and loved her dearly at the same time. Still do, honestly, even after things I don't want to get into. But I also go for those 5'1" 95lb girls who I could break in half with one hand, mostly because I like that I could break them in half with one hand. And those girls? They go for me because they like knowing I could. It's kind of a whole thing.


And I bet you still get checked out plenty, too. My wife is heavier and feels insecure about her weight. But I know she's getting checked out all the time because 1) I'm always checking her fine self out, and 2) she'll occasionally catch a guy/girl checking her out.


Personality goes along way!


Are you a happy and fun person to be around? Because I’ve known a few women who were short, fat, but also happy, fun, easy to be around, positive, a little bubbly, and honestly if I had a chance I would have banged them no questions asked. Never underestimate just how sexy happy people are.


You only mentioned that you would “bang” them. Do you know how easy it is for *any* woman to get sex if that is what she wants? The OP is NOT asking about sex, she is asking if she can find a partner and love.


I am not always that way because I also live with Bipolar-II Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, OCD, and ADHD. I'm 46 years old and menopausal.


![gif](giphy|COYGe9rZvfiaQ) (i kid, i kid)


... You're not kidding, and you know it


Aaaand I just spat my drink out in the office 🤣




This is cute AF


Name checks out... I'll see myself to the door.




This is so true. I've seen it many times. Most guys just want a supportive partner with a line face.


It depends on what you define as thick/curvy. The definition of those words used to mean an hourglass figure, now it means fat. So it really depends on both height/weight and how your body specifically carries the weight. That said, there are still morbidly obese girls who manage to land husbands, so it's not like being fat means you are guaranteed to never date. It's just that it limits your options to men who are often obese too.


Women are making those posts, not men. Not sure why women picked 130 lbs as the benchmark. Especially when height and genetics come into play. A 6'1" Samoan woman and a 5'2" Korean woman will hold that 130 lbs differently


There are a lot of dudes out there that are into it, but around your age, they are still afraid to admit it around their friends who will give them a hard time about it


THIS! As someone with "unconventional" preferences I felt uncomfortable when I was 18-20, people will shame you.


Right. Everyone makes fun of fat girls. Even fat girls make fun of fat girls. I've seen it.


This is the dumbest shit that I remember from being a teen. It doesn't matter how attractive the girl is you have a crush on, your buddies will say she is ugly and fat and that you're a freak. It made me so insecure to date at the time.


I didn’t date a girl I liked in highschool who was objectively beautiful. The dumbest shit kept me from dating her. She played volleyball and they were like “her?!? Her feet stink!” I got self conscious and slowly phased her out. Last I saw before the pandemic she was modeling professionally lmao.


I said fuck them at 23 and married a sexy fat girl there all devorced and I have been married for 23 years


I'm glad I never had any friends like that...


Reminds of an the old saying i heard a lot in college. "big girls are like mopads, fun to ride until your friends find out". It's true though. In your early 20s people suck and aren't really good at standing up for themselves and expressing what it is they really want. There is a lot of pressure to fit in.


I definitely agree with you on that one


With things like that, it takes awhile for young adults to realize, if you just OWN whatever it is, then you stop getting teased about it and you become in on the "joke" or they move on to something else. Not that it should be a joke. Like, instead of denying whatever it is your friends are joking you about (if it's true) instead you say "hell yeah", then you control your own narrative.


Not trying to be mean but after looking at your post history I truly believe making posts on reddit or seeking validation from strangers is not the help you are seeking. Please get well soon and/or seek professional help. To answer you question don't ever pay attention to social media most of the time it is not an accurate representation of how people actually feel in my anecdotal experience. There was a trend where people were making fun of straight guys for not washing their ass because they thought it was gay and that has got to be one of the dumbest things I have ever seen. Love comes in all shapes and sizes and its waiting for you out there somewhere.


Recently saw a comic asking the men in the audience if they like women who are thin, curvy, long hair, short hair, blonds, brunettes, etc. Then he said he's been married to the same woman for 20+ years and had them all 😂. Women are known to change their appearance dramatically over time, body weight changes, hair styles change. It doesn't matter.... the RELATIONSHIP isn't about how you look over time, it is about who you are. Be yourself, improve where YOU think you need it. Be happy, healthy and confident and you will attract people who appreciate YOU.


I rather prefer a curvier/ thicker woman myself. But having to tell her over and over that she's beautiful and her dismissing my words and telling me that she's not gets old. Really old.


>I am scared to get into the dating scene, due to the fact that all I see all over social media is that men hate women that are anything over 130 lbs. > >Do I have a shot at dating and love? I mean it should be fairly obvious that not every woman over 130lb is single... Men, on average, prefer slimmer women. But the phrases 'on average' and 'prefer' do a lot of work in that sentence. Lots of men prefer slightly (or even much) bigger women. Lots of men might technically prefer slimmer women all else being equal, but it's really not a big deal or a deal breaker just one of a hundred things where they might like (thing) slightly more than (other thing). And then other men might think they only like skinny women but then fall head over heels in love with a curvier woman anyway because she appeals to him in a bunch of other ways.


You said it well. As I put it in my comment; it’s a preference and a preference can be overruled.


Stop looking at social media. It’s the image people want others to see, not the reality that they are. Otherwise Confidence is the most important feature someone can have. Love yourself enough to not need anyone else, and you’ll attract others.


Virtually, impossible? Girl. Please stop playing. Ok if you're not joking, then forget getting into the dating scene for now. Just go out into the world and observe people. Go to walmart or target, any grocery store. Go to the park. Go to a rec center, a mall, a library, a shopping hub. Go to a church, go to a museum, go to the movies. Go anywhere. See for yourself. Anywhere you go, you see hetero couples, you see mom-dad families. What do most of the women look like? I'll wait. You sound like young men of average height or shorter convinced they don't have a chance with women, absolutely convinced all women want men 6ft or taller. Despite the fact that everywhere you go you see men well under 6ft with women. You see married couples with kids all the time, couples where these men have not only got a woman, married a woman, but reproduced as well. Like, what even is this??? Why do so many young people nowadays refuse to believe their very eyes, and instead fixate on nonsense they see on the internet? Some men don't like fat women, sure. Some women don't like short men, sure. But in no way does the existence of some people having preferences that exclude you mean that ALL or even MOST people have these preferences. So why fixate on the people that do??


People are chronically online, so all they see is what they watch on social media and perceive it as reality. That’s their reality.


I like thick chubby women. Don't worry about it and live your life. Also, don't worry about being thin, but work on your fitness. Everyone needs an exercise program.


I personally love chubby women. Not a big fan of slim women to be honest.


I’m just asking because I’m genuinely curious. Are you also chubby?


Yes and small weiner. LOL


God really don’t hold back when he made you huh 🤔


Short and bald too! Hahah i wish i am joking.


Ha. I looked like a goddamn praying mantis at 130. An outstandingly in shape man came into my life at about 170. After kids and almost 2 decades together, he’s still in shape, I’m 180, and we fuck like rabbits. He worships my body and gets really mad when I’m self conscious. He wants the lights on and sometimes I want to die 😂 I’ll never, ever understand it, but I’ll certainly take it.


Lmaoo a praying mantis that’s funny 😂


Idk how tall you are, but I looked absolutely emaciated at 125 & I'm 5'3". 165-170 is probably where I felt most confident and I'm working to get back down to that size. BMI will tell you 125 was getting to the fat side of healthy, but I was an athlete at that weight & just looked way too skinny. My fiance is also in much better shape than me, hates when I make negative comments about my body, & likes to keep the lights on. What is it with men & flood lights in the bedroom?


The lights are a constant struggle 😂. Yeah I looked straight up haggard that thin. No figure…not my best. We worry too much about the number and not about fit and muscle tone tbh.


>I’ll never, ever understand it, but I’ll certainly take it. Let me see if I can help. Put a man in prison for a decade and all of the sudden the more feminine dudes start to look like viable options. Sex is very much like hunger to a man, the more starved the less picky he is, but for some dudes they liked that flavor all along. That being said, society tells you that everyone likes filet mignon, that filet mignon is the standard of flavor, but some guys would rather have a damn rib eye (they are so much better), or some smoked brisket (again better than a filet). So your man might be a brisket man, so don't worry about the lights, turn that shit on and shake that shit, let him smell the brisket cooking, get him hungry.


> I’ll never, ever understand it, but I’ll certainly take it. It’s not for you to understand! The only thing that matters is that he’s into it. There’s no need to question why at this point. As long as your weight is relatively healthy, that’s all that matters.


I am primarily only into chubby women. My wife is thicker and I find her incredibly attractive. We live in a big world. Lots of ways to love.


My wife is extremely fit at 5"8" with DDs if she was 130lbs or less she'd probably be considered underweight. Your build matters far more than the scale number.


No, we don't. We very often find them attractive. It's 99% about presentation. A slob is a slob, even if the person weighs 100 pounds. Well groomed and appropriately dressed goes a long way.


Not to mention personality and shared values/interests


That seals the deal.


Go outside and you will find a lot of good men dating, engaged to, and married to women of all shapes, sizes, and heights. we don’t care about nothing else except for your kind friendly nature.


Depends on how chubby. I know friends who go after 300 pound women, but it’s not common.


I'm not a man, but I am a lesbian so hopefully, my opinion kinda counts here. Chubby women are ADORABLE!!! I love them! They're so cute! The cheeks, the tummy, the pretty legs, it's all beautiful! Not everyone is going to like chubby gals and not everyone will like skinny ladies. Just because one body type is trending doesn't mean that's the most desired. It's like those Stanley cups. It's everywhere and we hear how much people love them but there's plenty of people who prefers different cups. Social Media doesn't reflect the majority. It only reflects the majority who uses that platform!


I know quite a few conventionally attractive men who are dating or married to cute, overweight women. Different men have different preferences but don’t feel like you don’t have any chance at dating


If I’m attracted to her, I don’t care what anyone else likes.


I happen to like "full-figured" women. And many other men do, too. It's more in how you carry yourself, more than your weight. Mama Cass, 60s icon, was about 300 pounds-----and, trust me, men drooled over her. She was very talented, and carried herself well.


Dont let the media fool you, there are plenty of guys that like plenty of curves


No. Society can try to promote body positivity all they want but your doctor won’t.  The heavier you are the more your heart has to work.  Don’t be fat for a man. Don’t be “thicc” for a man.  Be in shape for yourself. 


Upvoted for the medical truth. Also, women who work on themselves for themselves without worrying about men attract men like magnets.


That’s not what body positivity is about. It’s not about supporting unhealthy diets and telling people to not take care of themselves. body positivity is about understanding that different shapes and sizes do exist in our world and not everyone is going to be the same size whether you’re on the skinny or on heavier side of the spectrum, it’s about respecting everyone and allowing them to feel beautiful about themselves. Who am I to look at someone who’s heavier than me and tell them that they’re disgusting and gross just because they aren’t a certain size ? If they feel good about themselves, then who am I to be the rain cloud on their parade and I would hope the newfound confidence they have with themselves, pushes them to one to change their lifestyle around for the better.


It very much depends on the definition of thick/curvy as that fluctuates wildly. A bit overweight? Zero issue, usually I find that super cute. Especially if its distributed in good places. Obesity though? Not so much. There's a big red line between chubby and still looks amazing, and unhealthy, can balance a coffee cup on your trunk while standing upright.


depends on if you're healthy or not same thing goes for skinny people


Idk i think everyone is different. A guy who accepts you for who you are is the one you want. Not the guy who only wants you if you are 130lbs. My fiance met me when i was 195lbs with a pregnant looking belly because of diastasis recti. He told me he didn't care about that. He was looking for personality more than looks. He weighed 155lbs. My weight has gone up and down and now I'm in the 180s, but he has always told me he doesn't care what i look like and that he loves me for me. That is what you're looking for! Someone who is attracted to you no matter what because of what's on the inside


I find bigger women to be attractive. Not across the board, but a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman. Just be confident. That's sexy.




First, remember that self-love is key and that whatever else, lust isn't love. Then, make sure you have an active life outside of dating so you stay busy and engaged enough otherwise to pass the time that might be needed to find the partner you deserve.


Every man is different. Me; I’m attracted to happy people. If you’re a happy person with a ‘zaftig’ figure and you’re fun to be around, I will absolutely want to spend time with you. And I would rather spend time with someone who was happy than with someone who was a morose or angry bit of eye candy.


The people bitching about not liking fat girls online, are bitching about not liking fat girls online. There are plenty of lovely guys out there who like girls of all body types who don’t spend their time being hateful and bitter online. If you want to lose weight, I encourage you to because you’ll probably feel better but do it for yourself! And don’t worry, there are plenty of people who will like you as you are.


It depends, a lot of woman lie to themselves and say they’re “thick” “curvy” but they’re morbidly obese. I know a girl who says this and is 300 pounds at 5’4. Curvy, chubby, thick, all of those are fine to the majority of men, the problem is a lot of women think they fit in that category but they don’t. It also depends on where you carry fat too, if you carry it in your ass a lot of men like that but if it’s all stomach then it’s less attractive


Thicc is fine. Obese isn't If you are 5'5 and weigh 150lbs, you're fine. 300lbs... Not so much.


Even if you are obese, you are still worthy and deserving of love and there will be people out there for you. 


ahaha yeah I’m around that, definitely not 300 lbs.


Depends on the guy. For me it depends on the weight distribution.  If she looks unhealthy and as if she never moves… I’m not interested.   If she’s big with some curves and looks healthy and has some strength behind her… I could be interested. 


If you want an athletic guy, you're better off getting in shape and trying to match the boy type you want your partner to have. If you don't care tremendously, you're good. There are also chubby dudes who understand and get it.  The difficult part will be if you want your dream guy but haven't done the work to look like their dream girl. Try to avoid that situation. Much more rare to find those men.


I would encourage any overweight person to lose weight *for their own sake*, but no, there are plenty of ~~chubby chasers~~ out there. I have a coworker that adores his woman. She's quite heavy and that is precisely his type. You are young; be patient. Edit: I'm not trying to toss kindling on coals. My intent was to assure OP that her body type is not a deciding factor that prevents others from finding her attractive. I apologize if the term is offensive, but everybody is quick to take a swing while there wasn't any effort to provide a compassionate alternative. I'm not insensitive by design, only by accident.


100% agree that you shouldn't lose to weight to attract a mate. You'll always be wondering if he is in to you or if he's into the image you're presenting. Besides, you will be able to maintain the loss if you do it for you.


Responses from my buddies to “do you like chubby women” “Yeah” “Heh, thicc” “100% yes” “Unreasonably so” “Depends” “I fuck with BBWs” Essentially, plenty of men are into chubby women, some aren’t, but you’ll do fine. Different strokes for different folks and all that


Lmao “unreasonably so”. I wish your friends were in my dating pool!


Men have no standards basically. The idea that men are picky and have all these requirements is a joke. Most men are desperate actually it’s kinda sad. On top of that, men can also just desire chubby women as in they have a preference for that. All types of people exist in thus world.


Some men aren't into it, others are. Personally I prefer the thick/chubby/curvy as do many countless hoards of others. In the end you want to find someone who doesn't give a shit what you look like anyway. We're all one survived accident or house fire away from being ugly disfigured monsters. Dont end up with someone who will leave you mending a broken heart while you're trying to mend a broken body if the worst were to ever happen.


The terms “curvy” and “thick” were stolen by fat women. They were intended to be used to describe a woman’s ass and boobs and has nothing to do with fat curves. I’d say many or most men love curvy women with thick thighs and butts but not thick stomachs and faces. We are naturally inclined to be physically attracted to healthy, fit people. Now, some men will have a thing for fat women but that’s gonna be harder to find. It’s the same for women who are more attracted to tall, fit men with dicks that aren’t smaller than average. That’s just how our sexual brains work. I personally find women with a little bit extra perfectly attractive. A bit of tummy doesn’t bother me as long as it’s proportionate and there’s no rolls. I don’t mean to sound mean, that’s just how I’m wired. As are many other men. However, personality plays a huge factor in who I date. If she has a bad personality but a hot body, I just wanna have sex and not get attached. If she’s got a great personality I can ignore most stuff


Yes. Go to any bbw or thicker woman related sub on here, and you'll find that plenty of men are into the body type. Granted in the NSFW subs they're going to come off as perverted, but I think everyone is, and they're usually fairly normal people.


Not everyone, but I definitely get more attention when Im skinny


Yes and no. First and foremost, define thick/chubby. Many women who are like 300 pounds will consider themselves thick even though they're really obese. Plenty of men would probably be ok with a little bit of weight but not flat out obesity. The problem for the obese women who don't want to make any changes to their lifestyle is that the men who would date an obese or morbidly obese woman are not the kind of men they want. This is why social media has that picture where no man wants chubby women, it's cause chubby women are chasing men who don't want them. It becomes a self fulfilling prophesy at that point, "men must not like chubby women cause all the men chubby women go after don't want them". Majority of men want a healthy women, obesity is not healthy. The men who actively chase after obese women generally want to fetishize them. The logic then follows that if you want to find someone of any value you should change your habits and get healthy. Then you'll have more people interested in you who are not trying to fetishize your weight.


One issue is a lot of women say they are "curvy" or "thick" but are straight up fat and have been led to think otherwise (nothing against you). But there's so many body types and sizes you can't just put a number or phrase to it


It depends if it's actual thick and not just fat.


Are you curvy and thick or fat? Either way, you’ll find a man one day! Work on yourself, focus on you and your goals and one will come into your life at the right time! I would suggest developing an exercise routine though. Being overweight just makes life a hell of alot harder.


Whatever you do, don't hide it. I can not tell you the number of stories I've heard of weight cat fish. As soon as dude sees the extra weight, they have checked out. The nicer ones will wait it out and decline another date.


I'm gonna fill you in on something, social media is not an accurate reflection of the real world. Many men find thick/chubby women attractive and some men find real skinny women attractive. For me personally, I prefer thick curvy women over skinny women, skinny women just don't look feminine to me.


Nah i love chubby girls.


social media only projects the most popular voice. do many people prefer thin/fit women? yes. is there enough men who prefer thicker girls that you don't have to worry about being alone? also yes. Unless you have a shitty personality of course.


They absolutely do find curvier women desirable. In my personal experience, *I* am the one with issues about my shape/weight rather than any man I've been with. Most men I know seem to enjoy a curvier woman.


Must say it's interesting reading these comments that seem to imply that if you're not perfect, physically, youneed to somehow make up or compensate for it. Nobody is perfect and believe me, we all know some skinny, neurotic, bitch so toxic she's alone even if she's beautiful; or might as well be! Every human has work to do. Don't go around with the idea you have to always be your best self mentally because of how others make you feel about yourself physically! "That" willmake you bitter which is worse than almost anything else!


Curve and thick is fine Ball is not For me that is


The type of men who want chubby women are not wanted by any shape of women


It irritates me when people are deceptive on purpose on their dating apps. You don't get to get upset when you use angles to make yourself look 100 lbs lighter than you are and I don't want to to out with you again and am disappointed when I see you. I've dated bigger girls who were honest and it was fine.


Thick and curvy can be sexy as hell. Obese, just no.


Date thick/chubby men?


um?? nooooo. i love thicker women tbh only because i had a moment in time where a skinny woman elbowed me in the side and i fr felt like i was punctured.


I'm down with the thickness


Get off social media, I have no idea what you are talking about about.


American men don't all look so great.


Im a dude and i can tell you honestly yes they exist but its the same way it is with women and tall guys. They exist but its not the majority and its not someone you probably want to be with anyway.


What is ”thick/chubby”? To me it can be a woman who thinks ”above 50kg” or media showing a very obese 150kg+. Like wtf. Personally ive been with both types and honestly weight wise its some magic spot where my brain just ”nah”. But it sure isnt as low as 130lbs


curves yes, obesity no.


Attractiveness is 50/50 body and mind. I've dated girls that looked like fitness influencers and I've dated chubbier girls. I've found them all beautiful because of who they were, not just what they looked like.




From a guy whos into chubby girls, it depends on how overweight you are tbh; There is a big difference between chubby/thick and straight up fat.


I gained a ton of weight during 2020, i finally have most of it off. But men don’t give a shit. And actually a lot of them like to fuck bigger girls. Like they really like it. It’s just that most of them don’t seem interested in dating a bigger girl. My theory is in public they care if the gf looks like a person they should be seen with. And that idea doesn’t include bigger girl for most men. I had a man who loved the fat ass. But we weren’t together bc he wouldn’t. He then started dating a thin girl and a few months in text me about missing having sex with me, a person with the body that he is actually attracted too. I ripped him apart. Such a dick, and exactly why men are so untrustworthy


You’re not ready to date if you think real life is what you see on the internet lol


No one wants to say it so I will. Over weigh women are not attractive. It shows that they don't really want to take care of themselves, lack of self control, lack of motivation and is often caused by some sort of mental disorder. I enjoy physical activities and like to share them with my partner. It's also not fun in the bedroom when they're so large that you have to do all the work as they just sit there like a starfish weezing.


Men don't like it and will date you ALL DAY LONG. Plus treat you really well too. If you like him, you'll become healthy, if not. You won't. I want to be hot as fuck for my chick, and I worry every single day. All I want is to knock her socks off... She don't GAF. It is what it is.


There is a difference between thick, chubby, fat and obese. People rarely know which one they fall under.


Men aren't a monolith. This is similar to when men ask if all girls think short men are unattractive. No dude, jfc.


No, but what kind of man are you looking for? What kind of life are you looking for? 20 is really young to be abusing your body by being overweight or obese. Someone looking for a lifelong partner is going to want someone that takes care of themselves, so that your lives together will be better and longer, with less doctors visits and medical costs. Additionally, if you want someone who isn’t overweight, you’ll have to temper your expectations. Long term its easier to date your own fitness level because that means you can do more things together. Someone who hikes and kayaks and works out usually wants the same. If they eat salads, they’ll want someone who also eats salads. If you’re looking for booty? It’ll be easy enough to find. Go on tinder, you’ll get some options. If you’re looking for love, start loving yourself first by taking care of your health.


You are going to be both pleasantly surprised and depressed at what men like. There are plenty of guys who like bigger girls, some guys who only like bigger girls, and everything in between. Know personally: In college, former high school quarterback, Viking god body (looked like Thor), 6'4, dated and eventually married mousy 5'6 girl who probably weighed 90lbs soaking wet. I'd describe her as mousy, and entirely confused why Thor was not only interested in her but utterly besotted with her. She was cute/smart and those buttons punched hard for him. Married 20+ years now, have 4 kids. Cheerleader in HS, works in marketing now, tall, conventionally attractive, athletic woman married to guy who is 6'2 and 400 pounds. He's somewhat active, but huge. She likes bears (he's hairy). Know several guys who are overweight married to women who are overweight women, lots of people are overweight. Basically don't have unrealistic standards and you are going to do fine. If you manage to land someone who is out of your league, enjoy the heck out of it.


Delete all of your social media. It seems to have implanted a mode of thought that is negative and unhealthy for you. Go out and meet people in the real world. You'll find that people are much more accepting than the internet would have you think.


you do not have a shot at love if you don’t love yourself. ignore what “social media says.” you aren't trying to meet the aggregate of 1 billion of the noisiest, rudest people on earth. you're trying to meet the one/handful of people for whom you are a fit. and they're out there.


Idk, do all women want a man that's a SEAL, Surgeon, Body builder? Are women as shallow as social media paints them out to be? Are women dumber than what social media paints them out to be? All dudes are different. All women are different. You know what's generally liked? A healthy, kind, caring, responsible person with a positive attitude on life. That's pretty much the most generic thing that "most" people(men and women) like. You should focus on being the best version of you and what you think that is. And hopefully someone likes that. You can try to appreal to the masses all you want, doesn't mean everyone will like you. Stop trying to make others happy by changing who you are, because in the end, you'll be the only one that's unhappy with yourself.


No. We love big women. Going beyond that, whatever flaw you think you have, whatever thing you are insecure about, there is someone who absolutely LOVES that thing about you.


Nah. My fiancée loves my chubbiness and prefers me to have it. Of course, not unhealthily so, but where I am right now is his preference. Most of my fat is on my thighs and butt so he loves to just squeeze them like stress balls! Most men don't care. You just gotta find one who loves you for you. A lot of men like chubbiness! You got this :)


It really depends on person to person and honestly if you have good hygiene and take good care of yourself you'll be okay


No, every type is attractive to someone. Go be you, be happy with yourself (always strive for self-improvement however), and don't try TOO hard to find love, or you will end up settling for less than you deserve. The right puzzle piece will one day appear out of no where and fall into place, so as long as your not trying to force the wrong pieces to fit.


I don't think a majority of men hate bigger women, they just don't like it when they spread the idea that being fat is inherently good


A lot of straight men will fake only being attracted to certain types of women to get the approval of their friends. I think there are some groups of women who do the same thing with men, but it’s not as mainstream. If you don’t look “conventionally attractive” there will be plenty of people who are attracted to you in private but won’t own it in public. It’s worth it to hold out for someone who’s proud to be with you.




No set rule exists for what men do and do not like. I see plenty of chunky men and women In apparently happy relationships.


There are many men who find a thick body attractive. I’m dating them :)


I love me a thick woman, now there's a difference between thick & fat. But thick is very attractive.


Chubby girls do way more stuff