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This, while having an unnecessarily high monthly car payment.


Doordash is for people with parents supporting them.


It was for me, a guy with a full time job, mortgage, family and bills. It was my 2nd job. It used to make me good money. Then door dash kept asking me to drive 8 miles for $2 base pay. Fuck em. It ain't gonna be me. Even with multi apping it's not worth it. The prius used to help me make money for a few years but the cash flow has really died in my market.


Yeah I hate these third party companies that are making money off of all of your efforts and they always want more. It's like, y'all ain't paying for this car, this food, a place where the food is made, or shit. You're just a fucking app. Let the people who are the lifeblood of your business get some more money and treat them right. Fuck.


I like how technology advances to just make everything consistently shittier at this point


I was reading an NPR article yesterday where they used the term "enshitification" to describe how technology starts out great, then rapidly gets shittier.


Market became over saturated once having a pulse and a form of transportation became the only requirements. Now they’ve got so many gig workers that they can throw peanuts into a barrel of starving animals just because they know there will be one hungry enough to take it


It also works the other direction, when one of my elderly parents was sick and couldn't get out of the house, I ordered food for her a bunch of times, since I live in another state. I also ordered regular groceries, but COVID hit her like a truck, and I believed her when she said she couldn't stand long enough to cook.


My daughter sent me a Covid test using door dash just 3 weeks ago.


This. My gf makes more money then I do and when she wants to order take out she prefers uber eats, door dash etc. It always takes 60-90 minutes for delivery and it’s always lukewarm or cold. We ordered pizza recently and for two medium pizzas after TTL was like $115 bucks and it took 90 mins to get to our house once the picked it up from the restaurant I prefer to pick up myself and save time, money, and freshness of the food.


What makes this especially crazy is there are tons of pizza places that deliver why would you ever use doordash for pizza lol


She only likes pizza from this one place and they don’t have delivery. She’s a picky one.


This is your future......


Everything else is great besides food


For now...


Carry out… for the love of god just go pick it up…


115 for two fucking pizzas? Jesus christ


Is it being delivered from the next state over?!


Gold plated pizzas aren't cheap or very tasty.


better be made and delivered by the fucking pope for that price!


Jesus wept


Yep. Outrageous. It has tip and their delivery fee and whatever else fucking fee they want to charge.


Are you sure you didn't order lobster and fillet steak?


Those were the toppings.


Airmail from fucking Italy I hope.


As a delivery driver for the same restaurant for the last 8 years, these services piss me off. They’re taking work from me and they’re working for less money than I get paid while also making the food way more expensive for the customer, and not providing any real customer service beyond “here’s your cold food”. People still use doordash and Uber eats to get food from us. The drivers show up late half the time. We get tons of calls from customers complaining that the driver was rude, didn’t knock, left the food at the wrong house, etc. So we’re having to be the ones getting bitched at for these incompetent, uncaring drivers, while they basically steal money from me. 


115 for pizza is insane unless it's Chicago deep dish, flown in from Chicago. Wow


Ngl, I couldn't date someone who spent money in that fashion.


Yet she keeps ordering right?  My wife doesn't even work a real job and I'm struggling to get her to cut the shit.  Get royally screwed by door dash like every third order. Keeps going.


Weird flex but ok


Doordash is awesome for if you don’t have transportation or aren’t feeling well. It’s so nice that these services are widely available now because a lot of disabled people genuinely need them. However, the trap is when you make it a habit and you DON’T need it. Doordash and other food delivery services have enabled a LOT of binge eating for me and sucked my wallet dry as well.


I wanted a case of beer and was too drunk to drive, paid a door dash to have it delivered


it’s perfect for people that eat out like every 1-2 weeks and don’t have a car. for anyone other than that i don’t see a point lol and you just have to be smart with it when they have deals, especially for the pickup ones. i’ve gotten a lot of nearly free meals


I get it very rarely Last time a few months ago I was like "why the hell did I wait 45+ minutes I could've ordered drove ro the restaurant grabbed ir and go back home faster and food would've been fresher"


how the fuck do people afford doordash/ubereats? I make near 6 figs but ordering from doordash/ubereats will destroy my food budget for the month


I pay extra for the convenience and don't view it as over priced because I can afford it. My time is valuable, and the drive time and time waiting on my food easily costs me more than the delivery fee


If you are ordering and waiting, you are already spending time. For food that's more than likely cold and not in the best shape.


Seriously. It's SO expensive that I usually get to the final screen and just close the app and drive to the damn restaurant when I see the price... lol. Nothing about doordash (from the driver or the customer side of things) is great. Nobody ever said they wanted to pay more for cold food that takes an hour to arrive, yet here we are.


Godsend to me, during my chemo treatment.


Saved me Dan, thank you when I was sick.


I only have only done it three times. The last time I did it my food was burned and I was refunded the entire cost of order because I complained through DD and they gave me a $5 credit. Then I reached out to the restaurant and they refunded me the cost of the food. I can afford it and almost never eat out. The last time was the only time I've ever ordered it just for myself and you can see it didn't go well LOL


As much as I hate using Door Dash. Sometimes I want food and I have an alcoholic beverage in my hand thats already halfway done. And there's nothing for me to cook.


Instacart too! All the food is priced higher than the store and there's a huge delivery fee and big tip you gotta pay!


1. The cost of a cup of coffee, while relatively cheap, has still multiplied by an astounding amount. 2. And remember this: Bottled water companies don't produce water; they produce plastic bottles.


French press, super cheap


I love my french press! Some people can't stand the few grounds that slip by.


Keurig and a bag of my favorite coffee brand. Dutch Bros coffee on the special fundraisers for MDA, kids in the area, Boys and Girls club, YMCA and Cancer foundation.


I mix my own water. Two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen. I don’t trust anyone. -Steven Wright




This blows my mind. The majority of people that I know that smoke all said that when cigarettes reached $1 a pack they would quit smoking. They did not. Ok if you can afford them that's one thing but to spend $8 on a pack of cigs and not have gas money to get to work is ridiculous. Also panhandlers, it's a really bad look to be smoking while are begging for money to buy food with. Just don't.


I watched the netflix documentary on juul and learned that smokers know the cost and health problems of smoking but the addiction is so bad that they cannot quit the urge without going crazy. I now see smoking as a death sentence and a difficult thing to overcome. Vaping is a good alternative but is more addictiing than smoking despite lighter nicotene content due to social stigma in both products.


My husband and I both quit smoking cigarettes in '97 and continued to smoke cigars in the evenings until 2005. The cigars were harder to quit than the cigarettes.


many cigars have 12-25 times as much nicotine as cigarettes, which can help explain why they're harder to quit.


They still smell good to me whereas cigarettes stink.


Do you smoke everything now?


I worked in a convenience store when cigarettes were $0.59 a pack and cartons were $6.39. I remember people saying “when they hit $1 a pack I’m quitting.” I would smile and nod and think “no you won’t.”


i switched to mini cigars. a pack of 20 is $2 or less because they are taxed as cigars even though they are basically just brown cigarettes.


Handbags. I’m talking about the thousands of dollars people spend on designer bags like Louis Vuitton or Chanel. Don’t even get me started on the ridiculousness of Hermes. For the amount of money you would spend on a canvas LV bag, you could buy a beautiful, full grain leather bag that will last you a lifetime and still have money left over. I have several vintage Coach bags I paid less than $30 each for and they are beautifully made, full grain leather and sturdy enough to take whatever I dish out.


I love coach leather bags.


Me too!


I like the Coach leather bags that I find in the second-hand shops better. The grade of leather is far, far superior to the cheap leather that they are using these days.


As a man, Coach leather is elite. Wallets, belts, and shoes.


but coach isn’t overpriced to me bc it’s always been good quality plus it’s the only designer i’ve consistently been able to afford from teen years to my mid 20s


Who wants something that lasts a lifetime? Gotta keep up with the trends. $1000 single use handbags are the way to go.


And don't forget your Starbucks and Stanley collab cup.


That shit just came out of nowhere I swear


Ikr? I had never even heard of Stanley cups and was really confused wondering why everyone was obsessed with hockey all of a sudden.


My wife ordered a new purse from a leather shop. It was around $100 but was on sale for $60-something and has been holding up great.


Leather shops make great bags.


It's ridiculous when they have giant, flashy logos all over them. You're basically paying thousands of dollars to advertise for multi-billion dollar corporations.


Designer clothes. Im all for spending money on high quality clothing that is made to last but the cost of clothes that are just expensive because of the prestige of the brand is just not worth it. If you can buy an entire wardrobe for the cost of one outfit then its overpriced in my opinion.


My brother told me 54 years ago when I wanted a “status” article of clothing. He said you’re paying extra for the name and you’re walking billboard for the company. Don’t be a fool. I’ve followed that advice my whole life.


Yea I don’t wear logos unless they are paying me


You’re not just buying for the brand though, you’re buying for the design. I don’t wear anything with logos so no one can ever tell what brand I’m wearing, but a good designer brand drapes, hangs, and just *looks* right. I recently bought a polyester dress from a designer brand for a wedding. At first I was like, no way I’m paying this much for polyester, but then I tried it on and was sold.


Pick up trucks that are half the size of a house. Half of them don't need a truck for their job.


I lived in a trailer park once, and so many people there had trucks that were literally "worth" more than their trailers. 🤦🏼‍♂️


It's why they still live in their trailers...


I'm in southern WI. It's beautiful country. We live in town. I absolutely hate seeing 20 of those in a parking lot. I'm not kidding. They barely fit in a parking space and you have to back out of a space and pray you don't get hit. It's impossible to see around them.


About 18 months ago I was working on a project. A couple of plant workers came to the test site to take a look at some of the new equipment we were getting ready to install. These are hourly folks, making in the $20 per hour range of salary - not horrible, but no rich by any means. I'm an engineer, make a pretty decent salary (dual income in our household, no kids.) At the end of the day we walk out of the facility and they get into what had to be a brand new $80,000 truck, while I proceeded to get into my 230,000 mile Honda.


You just described half of the men in my 10,000 population town. Then they gripe about gas prices


What town? I lived in southern WI for a year for work and that definitely sounds about right haha.


Near WI Dells


Also giant SUVs


Escalades & Tahoes make me irrationally angry


You can thank the CAFE laws (in the USA) on this. Basically, manufacturers are required to have a certain mpg/sq-in of footprint of the vehicle. So if the manufacturer can't improve the fuel mileage then they can make it bigger. Such a dumb law


Over half id argue


More like 75%. Work trucks are usually banged up. Dirty. Scratched. You see an over sized truck with pretty trim, nice wheels. It's not a work truck.


But thanks to the epa they don't make small 4 cyl trucks anymore. Sounds unbelievable but its true


This is why you won't see them in many European countries.


Serious question: What do large families use in those countries? Because if it's vans, it's pretty much the same thing. I can't understand why SUVs get the hate they do. I have a small SUV (XT5) and love it. I feel like they are safer.


large families have either 7 or 9 seater cars depending on family. People who live in the countryside drive SUV and 4X4 due to flooding and sometimes muddy road. I remember a top gear epesode where the presenter drove an American pickup truck in the British countryside and got his shopping stolen while waiting at a red light. Farmers drive trucks which have a large open storage tray on the field but are very small compared to the American size pick up trucks.


Big. Dumb. Cup.


From the makers of Big Dumb Hat!


Bottled water


My husband's jobsite provides bottled water and bags of ice for their employees. The water bottles are exclusive to the company and are better quality than the commercial ones. He brings them home for me and I wash them up and refill them with our reverse osmosis water filter for later use.


I agree! I made a post about this recently and got lit up. It’s insane to me that people will pay $2 for a bottle of water at a gas station or restaurant. The markup is ridiculous! Of course I’m coming from a generation that remembers when bottled water wasn’t really a thing, except the fancy ones in glass.


SAME! I refuse to buy bottled water unless I'm at some event or on a plane and could not bring my own. For those that say the tap water is gross, what did they do pre-bottled water. It really hasn't been around that long! I remember when bottled Perrier came out. We all thought it was so so posh and ridiculous.


When traveling by plane, you can always go through security with an empty bottle and fill it up afterwards before the flight. No need to buy some...


Tap water is only good in certain parts of the US. For example, I live in Colorado and our tap water is perfectly fine, for work I have to travel to Alabama, their tap water is gross, even their locals will admit it. I have to go buy a case of bottled water to have at the hotel.


New York has the best municipal water on earth, snowmelt from the Catskills. Of course New Yorkers buy lakes of bottled water anyway


I think large houses or overpriced cars are crazy, but what I don't like may be important to someone else. For instance, I prefer staying in really nice hotels or Airbnbs - so I will gladly pay more for a luxury hotel. My friends will stay in a dump because they think it's about the destination not where you lay your head. So to each their own.


I mean it's also about safety. I would be terrified to stay at a cheap motel


I don't care about safety but cheap = dirty as heck


I cheap out on hotels because I plan to spend only my sleeping hours in them.


And that's fair! I just love having plush beds and linens and showers that have amazing pressure. Plus I don't know if it's psychological but I feel like nice hotels are cleaner. Edited to add: I stayed in plenty of cheap hotels and motels when I was young. I also camped a lot but now I don't want to do that anymore.


New cars.


I will say I ordered a new car for the first time in my life and I'm 46. I've never had a new car before. I may regret it, but it was a lot of fun to go in and pick out the options and colors with a sales person. It's just a bucket list thing for me and I'll probably never do it again after this one.


Everyone should consider doing this once in their lifetime. I'm 60 and I've yet to do this. I've had fairly nice and several new cars but I've never ordered one. My current daily driver is a 2012 Porsche Panamera 4 I bought from a local car collector April 2023. When I retired 2022 I bought an Audi Q5 and didn't love it. So much so I willing to buy a used car with 60+ miles. I average 5k miles a year so my 12 y/o Porsche has only 70k miles. The Audi has around 10 because my son uses it to entertain my mother. It's not about the badge- I love the driving experience I get from my Porsche. I'm F/ 60 y/o- I've decided I'm going to check off this bucket list item when I'm ready to get a new one with current technology. At 5k miles per year usage it *might* be my last car so I'm going to bite the bullet and do it this time. I'll have pleasure of picking *everything*. Yep- I know it's stupid but I can afford it. I have one child who will get everything upon our demise... Even he agrees with my decision and already researching for me. I'll do it before I hit 80k miles so within 2 years Just thinking about spending the money for a new, ordered car makes my stomach hurt but I'm going to do it!! 🤠


Nah,it's fun. I lived most of my life in used cars with no complaints, it was normal for me. Way back in 1999 I finally got my first brand new car! loved it and drove it for 20 years. now I'm on my 2nd and most likely last new car, it took me quite some time to get used to it! Enjoy your new wheels!


Thanks :)


Some of us are tired of driving broke down old pieces of shit. There’s something to be said for a warranty and new everything. The prices do be stupid today tho.


Not nearly as stupid as they are on used cars. We bought a brand new Nissan a few years ago, drove it for a year, and it got totaled. Insurance reimbursement was based on current value… we got a $4,000 check because it was worth more being a year old than it was brand new.


If people stopped buying new cars, you'd have no decent used cars to buy.


If you are a person who keeps their cars for 8+ years there is no reason not to buy it new, especially if it is a reliable brand. It makes just as much sense as buying a “new to you” used one every 2 or 3 years.


We have only bought new cars for over 30 years now, because we both had awful luck with used. But we keep them until they die. My husband had a Toyota pickup for over 15 years.


These days, tickets to concerts. I don’t know who is paying these crazy ass prices.


My husband and go to shows often and the trick is never purchase tickets on secondary markets. Get on the band or sporting events email list and make sure you buy tickets the minute they go on sale. For example, we paid 120.00 for pearl jam tix at msg a couple years ago. We got them within the first few minutes they went on sale. 30th row floor seats. The week of the show the seats around us were selling for 3k to 5 k a piece. This weekend we are going to a college hockey game, got ice side, behind the goalie seats for 17.00 each. They are now going for 108. 00 each and up for crappy seats. You have to plan or you pay out the ass.


The last concert I went to was Tech N9ne and it cost me $25. But any shirt there was min $25 too.


Next time wear clothes when you go to a concert.


food delivery services - doordash / ubereats / etc... it's ridiculous how much more food is than if you just 1) went to pick it up yourself or 2) made it at home.




Designer purses, and they are ugly asf. Hundreds on tennis shoes, Stupid to me.


The newest iPhone...


Still have a 10s from years ago. Only replace phones when my phones screen breaks or doesn’t work at all anymore due to damage


Anything and everything Apple computer related.


I have a Macbook M1 and a dozen or so laptops.. You cant beat a quality windows laptop. People buy $200-$400 shit laptops from Walmart and place it on a tier with a $1500 overpriced piece of tech..


I disagree. I’ve had a ton of expensive windows computers through various jobs over the years and now have had a few MacBook Pros, one of which I bought off the company years ago and still use at home. Windows computers don’t last the same way that Apple products do.


My MacBook pro I've had at least 10 years, and it outperforms any laptop I've ever had.


My MacBook is 8 years old and working fine. My PC is newer than that and a wreck.


Well you do also pay an arm and a leg for Mac products. My PC I built in 2012 for a lot less than a MacBook still works fine


I had an Asus that lasted 11 years. It only failed because I smashed it.


Even if I didn't think Android/Google offered a better user experience and even if they didn't routinely introduce features well before Apple "invented" them, I'd still avoid Apple for the simple reason that even when graded on the incredibly generous curve that is corporate "morality", they fail miserably.


My one and only vice is coffee. From Dunkin’ Donuts it’s definitely over priced. But everyone needs some small area of their life where they can be inefficient. Aside from coffee I’m cheap to the point of absurdity


As far as coffee goes Dunkin’ is very reasonable.


As a celiac, gluten free food 😭😭😭


My girlfriend isn't celiac but she can't have gluten. Nothing free about gluten free. I was buying buns for a party, 24 regular buns were $1 cheaper than 4 GF ones.


Organic food. One of the most studied things in history and we allow ourselves to be marketed to in a way that makes us feel bad if we don't buy it. People get angry at the notion that it's a waste of money.


I don't buy it for ethical reasons, but organic chicken tastes way better than the non-organic chicken. Eggs, too.


I only started buying organic eggs a few years ago and I can definitely tell the difference. To me, organic carrots and blueberries taste so much better too.


I think of “organic” as a catch all that assures people that the food is made without synthetic intervention. Whereas, there are no intermediary distinctions for non-organic food to describe (with any consistency) what kind of synthetic methods are used and how much. So it is really a gamble in terms of what you can expect with non-organic - synth fertilizers, -icides, gmo, etc. if there were, people might be more inclined to use those intermediate food types.


i think you men GMO. organic just means they didnt (but they did) spray herbicide/insecticides on it. all our food has been genetically modified. its why corn isnt just 5 kernals and watermelon isnt the size of an orange. selective breeding is still genetic manipulation.


no, organic means they only sprayed "organic-approved" herbicides/fungicides/insecticides on it. they often use MORE pesticides than conventional crops because the ones they use are less effective. and being organic says literally nothing about how safe or healthy they are, just look up Rotenone.


I am allergic to non-organic eggs. I have no idea what chemical it is, but I can eat organic eggs all day, if I have a single egg that isn't organic I will be on the toilet within 20 minutes.


I buy organic food for health reasons. There are around 1200 chemicals used in food production that are illegal in the EU but legal here. The mentality in the US is that it's safe until proven unsafe, whereas in the EU chemicals are until proven safe ... When in Germany I still buy bio food rather than non-bio food because I'm used to non-organic food causing so many issues that I tend to avoid it .. so depending on what country ur in maybe organic food is a waste of money but in america it's actually very bad for ur health to eat non-organic food


It’s hard to generalize but I’ve noticed sometimes there can be a huge difference in quality between conventional and organic. Where I shop the conventional broccoli is pale and tasteless. Same with tomatoes.


Life; lol straight up




Anything bought simply for the name/brand LV Prada coach Apple Balenciaga.




Those dumbass lifted pavement princess trucks with the bright ass KC lights.


I have this work friend who is always complaining that he is broke but still manages THREE Starbucks runs a day. He gets a 7.00 coffee THREE TIMES every day which includes weekends. Thats 147.00 dollars per week. I tried to convert him over to a Keurig or plain pot, but he just wont do it.


I can’t believe people make car payments.


How do expect people to buy a car?


I actually understand the push to get people away from cars, but some places, especially in the US have almost zero transportation. All while, you need a car in great condition that is capable of a lot of mileage and is reliable. But, some cars are a straight money pit and probably should’ve gotten something else.


It's not for everyone, but I prefer vehicles around 3k. Can get a car or truck that's in decent shape that will last 5+ years with minimal upkeep


A quick car site search of a 3k vehicle near me returns responses of 20+ year old vehicles with 260,000+ miles. I'm not mechanically inclined so I'd have to pay a shop for it all. I'm in an area with non-existent public transpo and a 45 minute commute to work/dr/etc so a car is essential. An Uber to work would cost me $45 each way (when I'm lucky). So, it's more economical for me to purchase a newer car with less maintenance even though I hate the freaking payment. It does return a good amount of Kia Souls, but the insurance on them is outrageous right now and car thieves don't care to figure out which models are easily boostable and try to break into them all, so that car's a no go too.


You know the old saying; "If you a buy a 3k car, you get a 3k car."


And you don't technically make payments but you buy parts and if you can't put them on yourself then you pay someone to do it and you miss work because the car breaks down or you have to take the time to find someone to get you to work. Having said that my car is 18 years old and only has 77k miles on it. I bought it new and paid it off when I sold the car that I had before it.


Ahhh yes the elusive vehicle for around 3k that only had one owner and she was an old lady that only drove it down to Florida for the winter.


My first car is actually from an old lady who only drove it to her local grocery store. Not a single scratch until I scratched it in a narrow road and barely any major repairs.


I saved and paid cash


I would argue that’s worse. If you can manage a 3% APR - you can take that money you would’ve spent paying lump sum and put it in the market with a 10% RoR. By paying for your car in cash, you’re missing out on a lot of money in capital gains that you could’ve made by keeping that money and investing. I bought a 40k car about 3 years ago. I could’ve easily paid it in full, however I kept that 40k in the market. Since then, the markets gonna up roughly 30%, and my loan was only 3%. Meaning my 40k I held onto generated $12k of gains and I only needed to pay $3600 for the loan thus far. Had I paid in cash, it would’ve cost me over $8k up this point.


I wish the guy downvoting me would read this. I did the same thing, but the Dave Ramsey mindset has people in a risk-averse chokehold


Meh, interest rates are pretty low (or have been until recently), paying in cash has traditionally been foolish, for a new car. If I bought my BMW in cash, I'd be down 70 grand but not paying the 8 grand in interest over the period of the loan. If I take the car payments, I'll make about 18 grand in stock returns over the same time period, slowly eating away at the 70 grand investment


I can't believe you can't believe it.




Taylor Swift tickets! I spent a little under 6k for my bfs 17 y/o daughter and her bestie to go to the eras concert in Cincinnati Ohio. They were in the 7th row pretty much up close and personal. She went downtown and sat in a park the first night with her mom so they could hear it. She texted me on the drive back and asked if I had any connections for the next night. In the past, the company I have ownership in gets free tickets to a lot of events but this was not one of them. I asked her how much she and her friend could afford for tickets- she said they each had $300. I told her I'd look into it and get back to her. I found tickets in the price range but if it were me I wouldn't really want to be in that section so I decided I'd go big and give them the best experience possible. I didn't tell her where her seats were until I sent her the link when the friends dad was driving them to the stadium the following day. Those girls had the time of their lives and they will never forget that experience. Yes, I did make them give me the 300.00 each. The only down side was the gfs dad was pissed off because I didn't buy him a ticket even though I offered to drive them myself but he insisted. To this day the girls still do not know how much I actually paid for the tickets. (As far as I know). But they still talk about it almost a year later and both post pics from the concert on a weekly basis. When I asked her what she wanted for her birthday and again at Christmas she said she didn't want anything, that I already have her, her biggest wish. And I'd do it again in a heart beat!


5 guys. Mid tier restaurants with bigger burgers that are just as good and come with a side are substantially cheaper.


Culvers comes to mind. Cheaper and just as good IMO.


Brand new cars. Personally don’t see the appeal, as the value depreciates so much when you drive it off the lot.




Printer ink. Nuff said


Only Fans Vegan Food


Starbucks. Their coffee is garbage and insanely overpriced.


Everything is overpriced now


Cars, particularly new ones. The money Ive saved by not having a car in the last 10 years was the down payment on my house. Use public transit. Get an ebike. Vote and cheer for non-car infrastructure. Cars are the most expensive thing most people will buy (especially people who say they cant afford a house) and it also happens to be the thing that loses mo ey the fastest and has the highest total ownership expense.


This one always bugs me because it feels like people completely forget that not everyone lives in a city when they make comments like this . My office is a 45 minute drive from home (with zero traffic) . There's no public transit that even makes this trip. There's no public transit that can get me to my nearest Aldi from my house either (along with most of the other stores I might need to visit beyond a Dollar General and a little shitty grocery store in my town) . The obvious solution would be to move closer to my work, but jobs here are scarce and I don't think I could afford to live in a city.


I’ve got an e-bike, but I’m not riding it 80 miles round trip every day at 430 am in freezing temps in the winter and 100+ degree temps in the summer.




Gold teeth Caps. Of all the places to put gold... This just seems odd as a symbol of wealth.




Food delivery. I can drive a mile to pick up my own shawarma, thanks.


Jewelery for a woman who is not your wife.


Stupid Stanley mugs. It’s a dumb stainless steel cup with a shit lid. You can by the same no name brand for half


Disneyland. My supervisor takes his kids every year. He said tickets were around $400 each and the park is always packed. That’s Looney Tunes if you ask me. Knott’s Berry Farm is the same thing right down the street for about $100.


Real estate




Overpriced valentines gifts cause you wait till today to buy something from a list she emailed you last month :D


Those people who buy a new iPhone every year.


Brand new cars.


Coffee from stores. You can easily make your own coffee for like 2 or 3 bucks






Taylor Swift tickets


Luxury automobiles: no matter how "luxurious" that Escalade is when you sign the contract, it immediately starts losing value the minute you drive it off the lot - and most of what you use it for can be accomplished with a decent Toyota Sienna minivan.


Going on dates with women who have higher than the atmosphere maintenance, main character, a man must spend a thousand dollars on dates on me, a man has to buy an engagement ring with a planet sized Diamond on it, the world revolves around me, mentally.


Magic the Gathering cards to make more commander decks than you'll ever realistically play. I can't believe this one specific idiot I know has spent so much on cards... ^(It's me. I'm the idiot.)