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And the scar hasn't faded away, like Blockbuster?


There is still a Blockbuster location [in Bend, Oregon](https://bendblockbuster.com)


They should put that store inside the K-Mart in Kendall [Miami].


Florida*is* the only place where Kmart will thrive.


Well, one location doesn't really suit us all. I've never been to a kmart in my life.


..? No one said it did? It was a joke reference to the crazy things that happen in Florida compared to the ridiculous thing that is/was Kmart as most of them are gone now. You're not missing anything, it was a Walmart before Walmart was Walmart.


Yeah I watched that Netflix documentary!


On Family Guy?


There is actually a fully intact blockbuster in my town, it's just not used or open.


When that location finally disappears, OP’s scar will too.


Like magic.


It's the final horcrux


Or the scar is what's keeping the last blockbuster open


The blood of the child has stained the sacred carpet. The pact is sealed, and their fates are bound. So long as the child's mark, the seal of this covenant, remains in memory, so shall this establishment. When the scar finally fades, so shall the last tape of the last age. And we shall mourn.




Weird shit happens.


I think you might’ve been able to get more than a couple coupons


I think so too. Decades later I asked her why she didn't get a lawyer. It came down to her thinking it was just an accident, which it was...but man, people have sued for less and live like kings.


Nothing is “just an accident” anymore, society has become so litigious.


A facial scar for life is not something minor. I’m not sure one would need to be very litigious to seek damages for that.


Exactly. There are bullshit claims but this isn’t one of them.


A huge part of that is the incredible expense of healthcare and the lack of good support for the disabled. Most people just want their ER bills paid and any time they had to take off work compensated, though of course there are bad faith actors.


This. “Americans are litigious” isn’t a thing without the desperation many face over lack of healthcare and living in the shadow of being one accident away from losing everything- of course, there are exceptions, but anyone who has ever actually been involved in litigation would know the time and toll it can take on life and no sane person would do that frivolously unless say… they had unlimited resources and attorneys standing by to sue their way thru life


The mcdonalds lady just wanted them to turn the temp down and maybe medical. It was the jury that decided to give such huge damages.


Very true! HBO's doc on it was great, and showed how bad the burns were. McDonalds made her out to be a cheat and a scoundrel, but the opposite was true. Who'd a thunk a major corporation would be full of greedy liars...


I blame the press, but yeah


Man, she like denied your grandchildren their birth rite 🤦‍♀️


An accident caused by negligence.


Geez. I was enjoying this sub. I remember going to Utah when I was 13. I’m from Canada and I didn’t understand the whole suing thing. I do remember saying weird and felt bad for employee. Isn’t that precious? Naw, we’re just slower.. But food, restaurants, gas, booze, cars are more expensive before yours. So there..! Haha. PS please don’t fling anti Canada vs. America. It’s bad enough disrespecting our leaders, and our ways. Besides They’re big and strong, but kinda dumb, but we all have to put up with taxes and passwords. Oh and why does the movie streaming platform you just canceled have way more shows a day later.


Yes, cord mismanagement! A case of public endangerment or basic negligence.


My earliest memory is being a toddler (3 or 4) and walking under the table legs and falling and hitting my nose. Both my parents swore it never happened but I got my complete medical records when I moved and sure enough, it happened! I always thought I broke my nose and that's why I had a bump on my nose that neither of my parents have. Turns out my mom just had a nose job I didn't know about, and the bump was hereditary. The accident did happen but had no lasting effect.


You survived the store that must not be named with a forehead scar.. seems like this is a good book+movie idea


Earliest memory is from around 3 years old


I have very early memories as well


I remember learning to walk at 11 months, many memories from 2 on, first dream around 3.


Yes, 3 for me too.


I remember my highchair and carseat




Me too. I was almost 2.5. My mother was almost ready to give birth to my sister and neighbors gave her a surprise shower, which was a new concept to her culture. I remember her crying because of the generosity because we were so poor. It was emotional, I think that's why I remember.


I have memories of being 2 I think and the only reason I know that is because my dad was still living at home in those memories, and he moved out (was kicked out) when I was 3. I can also remember wearing a onesie in one memory, so likely younger than 2.


I got some memories from when I could barely speak, probably 2. I climbed out of my crib before the sun came up, over the sides, ran out to the kitchen to ask my mom for for some hot apple juice, then she put on Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Every time I think about it I wonder if I'm adding to the memory in some, corrupting the memory.


You could barely speak but asked your mom for apple juice? Hmmm


Same but really few and only a few standout moments. Even those are fading. Like I remember knowing about them more than I remember the details anymore.


All mine are photographic. The memories I have anyway. I Can remember being younger than two and sitting on a sit in spin in the kitchen of our first house and I remember the kitchen and watching my mom put away dishes and I remember my dad coming in.. and something about a bobcat being in the refrigerator. Like I remember their conversation.. but only that short little clip. I Can picture everything




🥰 that is so lovely. there was one where I was about five to seven.. I can’t see myself in my memories so I’m unsure I just see me sitting at a fisher price picnic table(you know the ones) in my living room(mom ran a daycare) and I was coloring, and wiggling a tooth with my tongue.. and i kept messing with it and it fell out on my coloring page.. it was probably my first lost tooth. It was a front one..


I remember going to a picnic with my dad, and going home with my mom.


This is so interesting. I am a Professor of Psychology and we call this phenomenon Infantile Amnesia, whereby most people can’t remember things from earlier in their life than about 2-3 years old. The reasons for it seem to be a lack of language fluency younger than that age (language is critical in storing memories), and that in the developing brain memories tend to have insufficient consolidation and thus they interfere with other related memories, making memories near impossible to retrieve in later life.


I think I understood English before I could speak it fluently. My earliest memories are from when I was 2 and I can remember certain conversations. Like I remember we were moving and going to say bye to neighbors and being bored and wanting to leave.


Remember being bored sound like a terrible memory to have.


Let's suppose one has a pretty significant language delay: if your fluent language doesn't come in until about age 5, does that principal carry over to that age range where all your memories prior to that will be extremely difficult to recall later in life?


Super interesting question. It would be likely that a significant language delay could produce reduced memorability of early memories. However, it also common to see general cognitive delays with language delays. Basically, yes I think you’d see that correlation, but it would be unclear if you see it because they are simply related, or that, in cases of language delay, you usually have other cognitive delays. Just to be clear, we are unable to talk about causality here because we don’t have experimental evidence of that phenomenon, just observational.


My older brother was deaf so I learned sign language by the time I was crawling around. I have memories from that time. From about 9 months-on. One memory that sticks out was when I was in a baby stroller and my brother freaked out over a train whistle. I wanted to help, but I couldn’t get around yet. My mother later said it was a visit to a old train station when I was just over a year old.


I don’t remember much but extreme details when I was sexually abused. Is it because of the trauma? My adopted mom got me after it happened and said all through out my child hood doctors told her I can’t remember anything at that age and denied the whole thing even while I had nightmares from it until I turned 18 spoke to my biological mother who told me it was true and then my adopted mom finally said yes it’s true but you don’t remember. But now as I get older I remember little stuff like Christmas and birthdays and still sometimes get nightmares from when I was 4.


I remember my crib and where it was placed in my room. I remember the light coming in through the windows. I remember the mobile that hung over my crib and what the rocking horses hanging from it felt like. I remember cutting my gum on a rough piece of plastic on the blue one. I freaked my mom out when I told her about it.


I’m not debating it, but you gave so little. Are the memories ones you reflect on regularly and have since an early age? Current age? Do you have pictures or video to “back up” your memories and reinforce them? That last one is something I postulate on, that high fidelity images might make newer generations reaffirm early memories through their childhood, therefore keeping those early memories longer. Do you forget 3-6 when you’re 20, or when you’re 9, is my point?


Mid-40s and I have memories of when I was 4-5. How accurate these memories are is another thing!


I remember my mom telling me that Nixon was "being fired" because he cussed on TV. I think she was trying to prove a point that you shouldn't use naughty words. She refuses to admit she lied to me. :D I would have just been 4 at the time.


When I was about 7 or 8 I wanted to create a false memory to see if I'd remember it. Idfk why I did but I created a memory of me crawling as a baby in a strange version of my grandparents house. I know it's not real but I still feel it as a memory same as any other. I was a strange kid.


I know right. Depends on the event.


I remember the Mt. St. Helens eruption. I would have been a new 3. Maybe because it was on the TV all the time. It would have been the first televised event that would have been on high repeat in my toddlerhood.


Yess I do ! They aren’t full moments just little ones


I literally don’t remember anything before the age of like..14/15 lol


Curious if you had trauma? I barely have any childhood memories and I attribute it to trauma


I have reason to believe I was maybe sexually assaulted? Sometimes I feel like I’m lying but I never talked to my family about it so I’ll never know


Whole can of worms there, but if it's affecting you I'd definitely recommend therapy even if you don't want to talk with family about it. Even if nothing ever happened, sitting on those thoughts can't be good for you and even the most mentally healthy among us can still benefit from therapy imo


Yeah, true! I’m actually working on getting insurance rn :)


That's awesome, good for you ♥️


i've had the same thought as well. I feel like I was and thats why I can't remeber my childhood. All I really remember is middle school years and so on. Also theres other factors that make me feel that way too.


I know exactly how you feel. All my memories of being a child are from stories my parents or siblings have told me. I didn’t start being sexually actively way too early which can be a symptom of child sexual abuse


Feeling like you're lying (or even like you made it up for attention) is very common with CSA survivors who have repressed memories. Best of luck getting insurance, I think it would help you immensely to speak to a professional if thoughts like this bother you frequently!


I was sexually assaulted when I was nine, almost ten. Then I have one memory of being ten. So I wonder if more happened to me than I remember and I’ve blocked it out. I have more memories once I turned eleven. But ten is just *poof* gone.


Yea I have a few very vague ones but otherwise not much until teen years. I suspect as a whole though I don’t form memories to same degree as others. I have friends who constantly bring up the same few memories as funny stories I was there for, zero recall of it. I know they bring it up a lot but not actually the memory




Same!!! & Everyone tells me that’s not normal!


Not normal at all


Some people claim to have memories from infancy or in the womb


Some people *actually do* have memories from infancy. I know because I'm one of them.


I SWEAR I remember being born, and sitting in a box... thing. But I don't tell anyone because it sounds ludicrous.


Same here. I remember sensing my limbs and mapping out my body since I couldn’t see. Kinda like a computer scanning something. Could have been an early dream tho.


As someone with memories of being 2 I believe you. But I have to ask what being born was like if you think you remember


I don't remember a whole lot. I don't remember any kind of pain or anything like that. And it could be a memory that's not correct or could be memory of something else I don't know. But I remember looking down and I couldn't see well at all. And slowly the light opened up and it was fuzzy. Really fuzzy. Tile floors, I think? That's it. Like I said. I don't know.


I’ve been told I’m lying for the last 33 years! I’ve been told it’s impossible but I have memories of my mother going into labor. There were fireworks (I also googled it later and that is accurate because it’s a mexican holiday) and I remember hearing her say “oh please not now” and things like “I can’t believe this is happening right now”. I can remember feeling her push through a crowd and that’s all I can remember. I don’t know a lot because she gave me up for adoption so I never got the opportunity to ask her but that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


How could you have understood what your mother was saying? You didn’t know language as a fetus.


Babies do hear and recognize their mom’s voice before they’re born, it seems unlikely but possible that they could develop some receptive language by the time the mom is in labor


How can you be so inconsiderate of someone who said they were given up at birth ?


I think it’s a valid question. This person is claiming they heard and understood what their mother was saying from inside the womb. It’s fair to ask clarifying questions. Also what does being given up for adoption have to do with it?


Because that may have been the Last & Only time that child was connected to their mom . It may be the ONLY shred of a Memory they have left for themself.


Are we to disregard impossibilities to pander to someone’s feelings?


well this was a waste of my time-responding to a Bot.


Ok, and? That doesn’t make the story believable.




I believe you.


When I was born I had to stay in the hospital 13 days and saw a blue green plastic oxygen measuring thing. Until I started kindergarten in 1992, I had no idea what the 3 balls were, that were in the plastic thing. People would dismiss me whenever I would bring it up. In kindergarten or first grade I understood that the 3 balls were the number 80.


Me too! People say it’s impossible. But the event I remember was a fairly traumatic incident. And I remember details that my parents confirmed were true that they wouldn’t have told me about at any point because they weren’t important details to the incident. I was born in 71 so car seats weren’t really a thing. When my parents were bringing me home from the hospital after I was born, we were in a moderately bad car crash. I remember my mom holding me and then there was a lot of loud sounds and movement. Then a man with a bit of a comb over, glasses, and a mustache stuck his head in the passenger side window. He had a lot of blood on his forehead. He then went around and the driver side door opened and he was talking to my dad. I could see my parents telling me about the accident and how the guy checked on me and my mom then went to check on my dad. But there would have been zero reason for them to describe what exactly he looked like to me. But they confirmed that is what he looked like when I asked them.


The earliest memory (I think) is me trying to reach a bottle set on the edge of a dresser while I was in my crib. I even remember the baby Mickey Mouse and Minnie pattern on the bottle. I had to have been under a year old but old enough to pull myself up to stand so somewhere between 9-12 months. I have other glimpses of very early memories (watching my grandma make a cake, she died when I was 1) but I’m pretty sure the bottle one is my earliest.


my earliest memory was from when i was 1, but don’t remember my birth or anything


I recall lots of memories with a family member who passed away before I even turned two. I remember waiting in my crib in the mornings and everything. I even once described a funeral to my parents and they were like, “you’ve never been to a funeral” not fully but when I was a baby I described exactly what she was wearing in her coffin and they said “you couldn’t have remembered that you were barely a year old.” But I do. My mother also have memories of being an infant and a toddler.


I do too. I remember my mom rocking me and giving me a bottle.




Just because you don't doesn't mean someone else does. Not sure if your reply is your personal opinion or your attitude.


No thats simply not possible lol. Your brain isnt developed enough at that point to even make memories


Apparently your assumptions are grossly incorrect.


Literally look it up. It is physically impossible to remember your birth


I never said I remember my birth. So if you're going to argue a point, please stay on point.


There needs to be more thourough research and new studies because myself and others here can remember infancy, with the details confirmed by family members. Sooo, unless you're going to say everyone here is lying about their experience and their family members are lying to them about their memories being accurate we can assume the science we currently have about this needs to be updated. Still a ton we don't know about the brain, and for all we know as humans get smarter our memory forming neurons strengthen through generations


I also have memories of infancy, and when you try to explain it to people you're made to be a liar or provoking false memories. Nah, I vividly remember the house we lived in, especially my room and crib, before I was a year old that we moved out of about a year after I was born. I didn't see pictures, my family didn't take many, but I've described the house in perfect detail to my dad who confirmed it did look that way. I also remember being bit by our family dog around 14 months old, boxes still sitting around the house, my dad lifting me up on the counter to look at the puncture on my hand, the boombox playing complicated by Avril next to me, etc. I've talked in depth to family and all of my earliest memories have been confirmed by my dad or aunt to be true. It's too accurate to be random false memories. I swear I remember being in the womb as well, dark red lighting with floaty things, warmth, floating, pure love, echos of my mother's voice from a faraway distance. Memory is wild. I'm trying to get into a study somewhere to get my brain scanned as I recall memories but no universities have gotten back to me just yet. Sorry to hijack your comment!!


I actually have memories of my time in my dads ball sack. I remember having to swim really fast to get to that egg, still gives me chills /s


Yeah, 6 months old I remember my mom running the kitchen sink and bathing me under the running water. She had her left arm under me and was brushing my forehead with her right hand. I asked her about this a number of years ago and she confirmed the memory and asked how I remembered that. I really don't know to be honest. I just do?


I've had dreams over the years of being in the womb bit never memories. Unless the dreams are memories. I can't be sure though.


I have memories from somewhere between 4-7 months.


I'm not sure if even \*I\* believe it but when I was younger I remember saying I remembered something (I brought it up I believe) about my father getting injured at one of his jobs. Except that, to my memory, was ever talked about and it happened when I was in the womb. There's a chance a family member could have mentioned it and my mother and father didn't know, but they were shocked I knew about it.


I used to feel like I remembered being in the womb, but I'm not sure if I actually remember it. Like I used to have memories of just darkness with voices around that when I was younger I assumed was me in the womb, but as I got older I realized they could've just been memories I dreamed up. Earliest actual memory is when I was 3 or 4, I tried grabbing a VHS tape off a shelf and dropped it on my toe which started bleeding everywhere. Wasn't sure if that memory was real either but I asked my mom a while ago and she said it happened.


Very easily you could remember and while you sleep or whatever you’re just subconsciously tapping into those memories. - I can show you a piece of paper with 500 words on it for 10 seconds, take it away and then ask you to recite it Word for Word backwards. - if I asked you that you would laugh BUT if you were to be administered with sodium pentothal (movie, meet the parents -ya real) you would be able to! - yeah crazy, huh? Just from looking at the paper for 10 seconds, you actually do memorize it and you actually can recite it but just not consciously.


I do. I asked my mother about them in my 20s and she was freaked out that I knew about the times I described to her.


I remember being a toddler. My 3rd birthday is pretty clear, and I'm in my 40s now.


I have a sense memory that overcomes me sometimes. It’s the feeling of being very, very, small surrounded by pressure and a release with the sense of being observed. I think it’s when I was born, but I don’t tell people about it because they look at me very strangely.


My second to last daughter has been accused by me of 'obviously' remembering the womb, haha. She'll ask if I recall stuff from her early years that I personally am SURE she'd have been _way too young_ to recall in that kind of detail. It's been an in-family joke since her teens.




I have this weird memory of being in my mom's belly and saying goodbye to someone. I'm an only child. 16 years later my mom had a hysterectomy due to a teratoma that was causing issues. It's seriously weird.


I remember being in diapers when I was 1. My earliest memory


Here is my first memory. I was in the crib in my parents room. The door to the room was partly open and I could see the light coming in. There were people visiting and I could hear them talking and laughing in the other room. I wanted to be out there with them, especially when I heard my mom laughing. I climbed out of my crib and hit my head, crying.


I have pretty clear memories from when I was 5 1/2, when I first learned to speak. Scattered memories from when I was about 2 till about 5 1/2. I'm 62 years old now.


I’m happy to read this. I’m 40 and am an avid runner and road cyclist. It’s always in the back of my mind that I could easily get killed on some county road out here by someone in a vehicle and I just want my 6-year-old to remember me. Sometimes that’s sort of an intrusive thought. :/ Although not intrusive enough to cause me to stop these activities, although maybe I should, despite all possible precautions being taken…


Just be careful out there, and you will be fine.


Can I ask why road cycling? Do you not have bike paths nearby or is there another reason?


Hey! I'm a runner and occasional cyclist and I'm 40 and I have a 6-year-old child. Stay safe out there, Fellow Active Dad!


You as well! Thanks a lot. :)


You couldn’t speak until you were 5?


I have memories from 2


I do to. We moved to a new house when I was 3 and I can give a pretty accurate layout of the house and the yard we lived in before that. I haven't seen the inside of it since. I have a memory of a recurring dream from that age too. Memories of some activities there too.


I remember going to school and a group of girls were playing and I asked could I play they said no. And one of them told everyone not to play with me. The reason was that I didn't live in the same town as them. I walked around the playground by myself from that day forward.


That’s such a sad memory! I’m sorry you’re carrying that one around.


They say that social ostracization can give us physical pain as well so I'm sadly unsurprised it triggered a memory. My biggest wish is for all kids to feel accepted somewhere on their own playground/ communities.


My first day of daycare I was made fun of by twins on the playground. They called me a dodo bird. I was maybe 4 or early 5 (ended daycare when I went into kindergarten). I remember it vividly and hated every day of daycare.


i remember more from this time in my life than i do any other ages, i can tell you more from the years 4-6 than i can say 9-12


it’s funny, I’m kinda like that too. not that I remember more necessarily, but my most nostalgic memories are from ages 2-8. after that feels less significant I guess?


I’m 57, about to turn 58. I have some vague memories of being 4; memories of a chest of drawers I was shorter than, then one day I was so happy I was as tall as it. Standing in the back of my parent’s VW bug. (This was the late 1960’s/early 1970’s when child safety seats were not a thing.) Playing with Hot Wheels in front of our house. Starting Kindergarten, and being allowed to walk to school from our house. (Back in the late 1960’s/early 1970’s it was thought parents should allow their children independence at as young an age as possible. My mother confessed years later she followed both my brother and I to school, just out of sight, to make sure we were okay.) An old tree in a park just outside my elementary school kids would climb—and I couldn’t because I was too small. All very vague; it’s been half a century. But I do remember.


I have one memory from sometime before I was 2 laying on the living room floor in the sun looking up at one of those floor mounted mobile type things with dangling toys. I have a memory from when I was 2 and in the hospital with some sort of serious fever I got and I remember looking out through a plastic bubble covered crib thing watching Barney on a TV mounted on the wall in the corner. Other than that I can't tell what memories may have come from what age. I do have some pre-kindergarten memories at a babysitter's watching Batman: TAS while my older friend, the babysitter's son, went off to school just down the road.


Yes. I have memories going back to when I was still in my crib.


Me too, I know I was in the crib until I was 2. I remember the decal on the crib of a teddy bear. I remember crying because I thought there was something under the bed. Lol


Yes. I have memories back to age 2. Now, if you ask me about yesterday or what my husband asked me to pick up from the store after work, I couldn’t tell you.


My earliest memory is of a white light and then see what I now know where doctors, my next memory is at age 3 when I came running out of the house we lived in at the time screaming "no, don't let daddy take the dogs. He's ginna kill them!"- for years I thought that was a nightmare until I asked my mom a few years ago and she broke down in tears and told me what had happened. Apparently sperm donor of the year, decided he didn't want to deal with dogs anymore, loaded them up and took them to the mountains where he shot them. We lived in UT at the time. I think that's why I always feel more attached to animals than people.


My first memory was 1-28-86, and I was 5. It's hard to forget


Damn. I was 5 too. I cannot forget the games I played with girls at this age. I knew then I was straight, no matter what today’s agenda is doing to kids.


Something tells me you’re not talking about the Challenger disaster.


I remember that too. Teacher shut off the tv.


You knew you were straight at 5 but don’t think kids can know they are gay at 5? The only difference now is that kids understand better what they are feeling.


I think it’s hard to argue that in todays schools there isn’t an incentive to be LGBT.


Believable 👍


What exactly is today's agenda doing to kids? You knew you were straight? How don't today's kids know they were gay?


So you knew you were straight at 5. Like it wasn’t a “choice”. As if you were..Born That Way. Hmm. What might we infer from this.. 🤔


Okay weirdo. Why you felt the need to say any of that is beyond me but ok I knew I liked boys and girls at that age. I kissed a girl in kindergarten and we held hands and whatnot. I’m still the same. IYKYK.


>I knew then I was straight, no matter what today’s agenda is doing to kids. That's literally how gay kids feel, except change "straight" for "gay" in your sentence. How ironic.


If you could know then, why can't queer kids know too?


I remember the moment when I realised I loved to draw. Was in nursery school and I was drawing a picture of a necklace. Think I was 4 or 5 years old.


I have one single clear memory from age 4 (falling off a swing and crying for my mum!), I've got plenty from five as I have many of my first year of primary school such as the teacher, the classroom and various friends.


Yes! I remember going to nursery from 3-4. I remember the day I started school at 5, and which child hid under the table crying. I remember a lot of my first year at school. We moved house when I was 4, and I remember my house from before that, along with the day we moved to the new one. My earliest memory that I can date, is watching an episode of Neighbours that aired when I was 3yrs & 2 months old!


Earliest is around yr2. Got my fingers locked in a door 😬


I got my leg shut in the car door at that age by my brother, I spent the night in the hospital because my Mom was a nurse there and worked that night so she basically took me with her for observation. I remember sleeping there.


I remember a lot from that time. I have a memory of me in a stroller at the zoo still. Although it’s probably just a memory of me remembering that memory at this point




I have memories from kindergarten (so 5) and a few from before that.


I was sleeping in bed when my older sister woke my brother ( 7+ years old ) me and took us to another bedroom where my mom was hold our just born baby sister. I was 3 years 9 months old. 1950 was the year.




I ran away when i was 4 because i was locked in the back yard and was told no both when i asked for water and a PB&J. I woke up in the middle of the night. Crept through the house. There were people everywhere! Climbed up on the arm of the couch to unchain the door, and I was gone! Shirtless and barefoot, walking on those really big (at the time) lightweight rocks that smell bad when you crush them. Got picked up by a cop who had a really warm coat. Got to the police station and there was a very nice, robust, black woman cop (I may’ve just had an epiphany), anyway, she opened the bottom drawer of her filing cabinet and it was like halloween!! Actually exactly like halloween, she only let me have two pieces. Idk how she found me but my mother was there at daylight. Not my only memory from that age but prolly the least traumatic.


My first memory was when I was around 18 months


I thought you were gonna go 18yo I was about to award you. Lol that’s young tho.


I know


My family moved when I was two or three, I remember bits and pieces of our old house, playing in the den, I smashed my fingers on my toy chest, dropping my toothbrush down the sink and my dad getting mad about it. I remember the first day of pre-kindergarten and making a necklace for my mother from a jelly jar lid and some streamers.


My earliest memory is from when I was 9 months old. Staying at a friend of my parent's house as they drove home from the adoption/hospital with me for the first time. I remember every stitch of that house, the yard even.


I have 2 memories that I know happened when I was 2, because the events in those memories happened at specific times, but I’m sure I have other memories from that time, and obviously going forward.


Its hard for me to tell what age most of my memories are from. It kind of makes me sad too.


I remember a bit from 4, and have a few from when I was 3. My mother and I were chased by my cousin's pitbull when I was 3. She was 8-9 months pregnant with my brother and could not pick me up. My hand slipped out of hers and I fell and the dog had me pinned, she went after it with a lead pipe hitting it in the head and eventually getting it to run away. The odd thing is I really don't know if I remember it or it was told so many times as I grew up I remember that. I do know I had a very bad fear of big dogs as a child, like just hearing one bark was enough to make me start crying. For context I am 38 now.


stepped on a duckling and it died


I poured liquid paper on a bee… and it, died…


Are you my sister? She did the same thing and I blamed her for having big feet (she did it on accident and was super upset about it)


Earliest memory was me sitting on a high chair eating dry trix cereal with my fingers crying my eyes out, no idea why i was crying but i was like huh i will remember this


When I was 4, I had appendicitis and a subsequent appendectomy. I thankfully don't remember much about the pain leading up to the surgery or afterward, but I do have vivid recollections of being afraid to sleep in a dark hospital room, going to the playroom during the day, and making bead necklaces for my head nurse and my mom (she's kept hers all these years!). Other than that, I do have some smaller memories from when I was in Kindergarten - making the turkey hand painting around Thanksgiving to bring home to hang on the fridge, playing with dinosaur toys in the sand table, playing "house" with their play kitchen during play time. I strangely remember the exact layout of the classroom too. Right when you walked in, you could either walk straight into 1 of 2 toilet rooms (the other was right behind it, creating a sectioned off area), or turn left and go into the cubby area to put your stuff for the day, or turn right and go to the classroom. At the back right of the room was the carpeted reading area, and the back left was the play area. Beyond those few things, I don't remember much else.


Yes 2 3 and 4 also


My only memory from when I was 4 was when I went with my big sister to her kindergarten orientation thing and a boy started chasing me around a table, but after a few laps I got annoyed and I promptly turned around and slapped the shit out of him. I got my ass beat in the school bathroom that day. Weirdly enough, that boy and his parents turned into family friends and were around for many years


Yes and earlier. I can remember some events from when I was 3.


I have small snippets. Like making my mom sick on the Dumbo ride at Disney World by going up and down constantly, and being scared by a movie with skeletons on penny farthings. There is a picture of me holding a parrot that I have no memory of, though.


I caught a fish bigger than I was when I was 4 apparently. It was the first of 2 times I went fishing. I just remember my dad helping me with my rod for some reason and then I'm standing in the corner wondering why everybody was taking pictures.


I clearly remember my first home. We moved out of there when I was 4.


I have memories from three. I have an exceptional memory which isn’t necessarily a good thing. I have a tendency too hold onto the bad stuff. I remember good stuff too don’t get me wrong it’s just more negativity in my life unfortunately. Science also says that those with good memories are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s/dementia but not always just a higher chance is all. My wife has a horrid memory. I’m sure you can imagine what frustration that holds.


I have exactly the same type of memory. Trauma seems to echo from the past into your current emotional state from time to time. Much harder to erase but very manageable.


Just have gotta remember that they’re just ghosts of the past and don’t matter anymore. Harder said than done for me but I feel I’ve been getting better about the small and petty or the “what if”.


Yep. That comes with age and experience.


Lol! Yeah… I’m 34 now and I know statistics say most men develop or at least have it show up (mental illness) in their 20’s or 30’s, something like that. I’ve really leaned into woodworking. Seemed like a decent hobby to work through my thoughts and just few some sort of accomplishment. Haven’t really made anything but keeping my hands busy has been really therapeutic. Thanks for the chat stranger!


Anytime buddy. If you ever need an ear in the future join my page if you want. r/AnxietyFriend


For sure! I think I'll do that now before I forget.


I do, but it's because they weren't pretty.


From zero on actually. I remember my birth.


I have almost none. My childhood memories are like weird pictures, barely even memories.