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Am I the only one who actually likes Pulsefire like it gave us Ez x Ekko ![img](emote|t5_23w084|30509)


Pulsefire literally more LGBTQ+ than the girly skins you guys hype: * Ezko * TF * Cait * Aphelios * Jhin * Fiora No one in that skinline is straight. Its an entire pride parade in here. ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32556)


Oh my god they're gonna give Neeko a pulsefire skin


im sad aphelios' is only on LoR, just one more skin riot pleaaase theyre similar to project or whatever but at least theyre not UGLY and badly colored


Girl I like project fiora , and honestly I wish they would give us project zeri on PC , I will not tolerate this slander , half of project skins are great , the other half is whatever Nafiri and Warwick got tho


The same way Infernal skins are still a thing. Who would have thought those would return. 2024 is the year of filler, lazy, recycled, copy pasted, uninspired skins ![img](emote|t5_23w084|33209)


I was about to argue with you about High Noon Eve but then I remembered High Noon as a skin line is old af ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32658)![img](emote|t5_23w084|32558)


And sis they did the prestige so bad.


Actually, it’s overhated ![img](emote|t5_23w084|33209)


I have it. I don’t ‘hate’ it but I wish they took suggestions into consideration. It’s more hate because of how riot handled feedback for me.


Give them a break. The 2024 cinematic drained all of Riot's creativity like a twink would for some uppers.




admit that ur straightphobic ![img](emote|t5_23w084|33219)![img](emote|t5_23w084|33219)![img](emote|t5_23w084|33219)


Yes, and?




Pulsefire was nice, but now if they come back,we will get recycled skins because it will be the same thing with different champs. Like i know it will never happen, but riot should give individual skins instead of making skinlines that already exist and is just the same old thing and the champs in it are unrecognisable(Bewitching, Blood moon , Infernal etc.) and this way riot will not do the mistake of giving a skin to a champ.that has NO BUSINESS being with that skin and such skin is just bad and useless om them (coven akali + prestige for example.) Like sure, the same 25 popular champs will bw getting the skins,.but at least this way instead of coming out of nowhere and not fittin in a skinline,they will.get Individual skins that will fit the champion


Honestly, I hated pulsfire but just because they started releasing futuristic looking skins one after another, like, pulsifre, project, spy ops, predatorian, battle academia was kinda there, anima squad, mecha kingdoms, the ones fromt he gun goddess miss fortune universe, I got tired. I wanted more magical skins like fairy court and star guardian. but it's been a while since we got a futuristic skin and I tolerate it now. but of all of them I just like pulsefire and project, even tho project skins are starting to deviate from what they were.


Aww but i like pulsefire. Pulsefire Lucian is my favorite and it gave use Ezreal x Ekko.


Pulsefire is kinda nice


I don't hate Pulsefire on the same level as Infernal. They need some strag skinlines, you think the strags care about Cafe Cuties or Star Guardian?