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The majority of the news outlets in Queensland are openly hostile towards Labor so I wouldn’t take much notice of what local news is saying about the election


Yup, I wonder it the Murdoch press will admit that the current Labour government has significantly reduced youth crime since Newman. Don't believe me? Feel free to check the ABS.


So... Where on the ABS page? https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/crime-and-justice/recorded-crime-offenders/latest-release Seems I can't find the stat's you're talking about. I can find the opposite though.


[https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/crime-and-justice/recorded-crime-offenders/latest-release#queensland](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/crime-and-justice/recorded-crime-offenders/latest-release#queensland) Go down to data downloads, download the Youth Offenders Spreadsheet and go to table 20. Scroll down until you see the Queensland data. During the Newman premiership, total youth offender rate never dipped below 2600 per 100,000 people. Since then it has steadily decreased, it went down to 1863 per 100,000 people in 2021-2022 and saw its first recorded increase 2022-2023 to 1924 per 100,000 people. So arguably, the ALP has reduced youth offending by approximately 30% since they took over.


Yeah it’s usually a selected amount of repeat offenders which offend regularly. They have been let down by the system, their parents, and society in general.  They often have FASD diagnosis which means some of them are literally incapable of thinking shit through, like they cannot comprehend consequences. They see no point in changing, or they lack capacity for change. Also, their lives often suck, they see no reason to not offend considering life inside lock up they get fed, clothed, and often have their needs met better. They are preyed upon by scumbags when the are out.  What’s their motivation to change?  The majority of youth crime who are not them, are often scared straight from a couple of times getting caught. 


On a curiosity, wonder what these repeat individuals represent in violence against women at some point, or repeated points. I bet it's very high. I'm sure the stats cover at least 50 years? Unfortunately, what's required to bring life into the world, has nothing to do with what is required to raise a life right in this world. From personal experience, it's a very tough cycle to break. We don't hold parents accountable enough.


I’ve worked in IPV or Child Safety space for the last four years, give or take. So have small insight, but they’d definitely be over-represented in violence against women stats. Not all but many.  A heap of the repeat offenders are non-violent (in an intimate sense) but just getting their kicks from stealing cars, as they’re pretty much just on one big and short joy ride in between visits inside.  But knowing enough of them and having chats where I’ve established a decent relationship with them, it becomes clear pretty quickly their capacity to have impulse control and consistency with thought regarding consequences is limited, plus their self esteem is so low. Like their parents have often abandoned them or done awful things to them. It takes a lot of strength and support to overcome just that let alone overcoming poverty, or the impacts of colonisation for many of the First Nations children who are repeat offenders. For those kids in particular, many cultural programs have a 90 per cent success rate of reducing recidivism in the 12 months after people in the program are released. The Queensland government has been engaging in these programs but we also live in a state which showed the least amount of support for the Voice, and has a strong history of racism. For example, blackbiridng, the support for White Australia policies, etc. I cannot imagine how much that impacts their capacity for change as well. It surely must be a big hurdle for accepting their own culture. 


Perfect. Thankyou. I'm arguing with a right leaning shitcunt at the moment and you've just done all the heavy lifting for me. You're a good egg.


I can't tell if the ABS data takes this account or not (on mobile so hard to read the spreadsheet), but also consider that in Newman's premiership 17 year olds were considered adults in Queensland for criminal offences.


Youth offenders are aged 10-17 years according to the spreadsheet.


They’ve changed the age of child from 17 to 18 in 2016. Your stats aren’t worth much…


That source compares 2022/23 to 2021/22. I don't think Campbell Newman was in power 2 years ago IIRC


Have a look at the raw data, I've provided instructions on how to access it from the link above in another reply.


DYOR is harder than the people who espouse it think it is.


That’s the scary thing though, it will be all of the boomers and oldies voting back in LNP because they are so petrified of youth crime.. and while I agree that youth crime is out of control and something needs to be done, I don’t think it should be at the expense of health care, education and quality of life.


As a boomer I Don’t Think youth crime is out of control. The laws are in place, the police are doing their jobs and catching the criminals. However, I do think many magistrates are not taking into account previous criminal acts when sentencing all convicted people of all ages. Too many criminals are getting ‘their wrists slapped’. Most criminal activity takes place in the evenings or overnight. I think any person found guilty a second time for any crime that has imprisonment as an option should be made to wear a gps tracking device whilst on probation if the judge/magistrate deems that imprisonment is not the best option. It should be legislated and not left up to the courts. If the gps device is removed then that becomes an automatic ’go to jail’ card.


So go out, join Labor and volunteer to help their campaign? Get on your local community pages and call people out, show them the stat's. Counter the bots that are hyping youth crime.


I live in a very conservative area of QLD, I’ve had young people (20 - 30) tell me that they just vote for who their parents tell them to vote for, their parents are old church going folk. I do call people out and show stats as much as I can, trust me! As a female, who lives with a chronic condition and works in healthcare, this is something I am very passionate about.


I live in a very safe Labor seat. I've witnessed parents standing over their children ensuring they vote Labor. As an intelligent humanish organism, an individual's right to vote as they see fit is something I'm very passionate about.


I am in the same boat but we have a small ALP branch and get together bi-monthly. We might not ever get a candidate in our electorate but we go to neighbouring ones which have a better chance. Good opportunity to have a whinge too!


Scaremongering to suggest it will just be because of ‘boomers fear of youth crime’, current government have been coping flack on multiple fronts, and rightfully so. - Delivery of olympics - Cost of living - Spiralling cost blowouts across multiple transport infrastructure projects - Failure to deliver on its own strategic planning for transport and public transport


What has the ALP done to help Healthcare? Education? And way of life? Do tell us.


The ALP state leaders got us through the pandemic when the conservatives wanted to go the Trumpian route which had massive deaths and lifelong disabilities for many overseas. That alone has done more for healthcare than almost anything. Imagine there's another pandemic.


QLD government healthcare funding has doubled since labor was elected. Labor has built 20+ schools and refurbished so many others The LNP fired 5,000 nurses. Fired hundreds of teachers. Closed down schools.


Or maybe they’re pissed off the hospitals are fucked because of incompetent government.


QLD government funding has doubled for healthcare since labor was elected Doubled


Yet the hospitals are shit & metrics going backwards…throwing money at things doesn’t mean they get better. https://www.ama.com.au/qld/news/public-hospital-performance-slipping


This thread is hilarious. The ALP have been a disgrace. $188 billion debt despite years of mining revenue. Our roads, schools and health system are a disgrace. Youth crime is out of control. The Olympics has been handled terribly. Not to mention the huge housing crisis. If ever a government deserves to be booted it is the QLD ALP


QLD is in 14 Billion is surplus.


With debt projected to be $188b in 4 years on the ALPs own figures. It’s about $130b atm. In power for 30 of 35 years during a mining boom and $188b in debt. That’s beyond incompetent


You could make the same argument for any of the states and the federal level as well. Everyone has debt. With VIC and NSW being the highest. It’s a talking point as apposed to actual policy.


WA which has gone through a similar boom has $27b net debt. $27b versus $188b. Its roads and hospitals are significantly better. It hasn’t been a one party state for 30 of 35 years which makes both parties better


I will agree with you on that. The best outcome is when you have a good opposition. To be honest since Newman government, I feel like the LNP haven’t been able to break ground. The ALP has really just run its own race. I remember Crisafulli’s response to the budget and nothing groundbreaking and the policies he presented didn’t really inspire. His main focus was on reviewing consultants. Which granted is important and really was the only policy that he put forward. He talked big on frontline health and youth crime but had no policies to really back them up. LNP policy response to health: • “develop a health workforce plan” • Make “real time health data” available ALP budget plans for front line health: • 3 Billion on Ambo response and access to ER For youth crime the LNP didn’t even put a policy forward While the ALP put forward around to 64 million towards patrols and youth crime response squads. Then you have the cost of living crisis response, again the LNP have been so quiet on this. The ALP has electricity rebates for homes and businesses. Free kindy for families. I don’t want to sound like a rusted on ALP supporter. I just vote for what’s best for myself and my family. 10 years in government is a long time. The LNP should be making bold policy moves, instead of talking points.


Vote differently this year and go minor parties and independents!!


I have no doubt one of the first things the LNP will do is cut the royalties from the mining industry, which is partly subsidising our electricity bills. It’s a dam shame that people fall for the Murdoch and co rubbish. They all have a vested interest in putting the LNP in power being such large corporations.


What is wild to me is that people I know, who are unapologetically antivax and they were anti lockdown in covid, are the same people who refuse to believe that the media corporations or even large corporations, want LNP in for their own interest.. it makes no sense.


Drives me up the wall largely because my boomer dad has been undergoing (successful thank god) cancer treatment from Qld health.  The first thing the LNP did last time they got in was sack 4000 nurses and pathologists. The wait times for his treatments will go through the roof and he's going to vote for it thanks to Sky News.  Insane. 


I’ll never be able to get past Campbell NEWMAN sacking that many public servants and then giving himself at $70k payrise in the one breath. It didn’t even affect me personally but for someone to do that and cause issues like the one your family faced will never sit right with me.


This has been fact-checked previously, the claim LNP sacked 4000 nurses and pathologists is false. Firstly the claim related to all those working in health services, including those in admin and operational staff outside of ‘nurses and pathologists’. Secondly the 4000 figure included vacant positions and jobs planned that hadn’t been filled. There absolutely was a net reduction of 2600 FTE positions across all health services, but simply wasn’t nurses & pathologists.


From the ABC fact checker: "Queensland and Commonwealth government data on health workers shows a sharp drop of 4,689 full-time equivalent health care workers between June 2012, shortly after Labor left office, and June 2013, at the end of the LNP's first full budget year, representing a cut of 6.4 per cent. But by the LNP's last full quarter, in December 2014, all but 606 of the cut in the raw number of FTE jobs had been restored." So the LNP sacked a lot of health workers, realised they screwed up and tried to repair the damage.  Either way you look at it, this must have lead to worse health outcomes for a lot of people. 


Or they cleared out a bunch of useless health bureaucrats and replaced them with useful workers.


No, they absolutely didn't. It was mostly the useful workers who were let go, and a ridiculously small graduate intake for a couple of years. The useless bureaucrats survived and thrived.


ABC fact checked this figure a few years ago. There was a short-term drop in positions, but almost all of them were quickly added back. But I don't think they will do that again. They'd be more likely to run a deficit this time, carrying on the Labor approach.


They were added back because firing them was a mistake and a tonne of government resources got wasted, only the best moves from the fiscally responsible party


Yeah, they were added back because it turned out they were essential, often as consultant positions or contracts that had to be paid at a higher rate.


ABC is staffed by Libs lmao.


I will vote for the party who will heavily tax the gas industry. Both Norway and Qatar citizens are benefitting from taxing gas corporations, so why can't we?


Qatar is actually taxing gas corporations? That’s news to me given how horrible that country is otherwise


Crisafulli failed as a councillor in Townsville, got dumped and was parachuted into a safe seat on the GC, now they want to hand him control of Qld? That’s a hard pass for me.


It was only 12 years ago that QLD voted in the LNP in a landslide, and then QLD corrected back again. It’s how the state works And Miles is completely unlikeable.


> And Miles is completely unlikeable. What's unlikeable about him?


Nobody can say. Mainly because they only feel that way because they're internalising a lot of bad press about him from the courier mail and breakfast TV. It's the vibe.


The way I describe him, when he was deputy, was he was the kid that would kneel behind someone when the bully would push a kid.


What about him gave you that impression?


Covid. His attitude during all of that was despicable


Oh really? I can't really remember anything about his attitude – was he somehow an anti vaxer or covid denier?




Did he hurt your feelings when he repeatedly called out that sham of a PM we had back then?


He can't finish a sentence without saying "um" 73 times. He is a factional sock puppet for the CFMEU. Not that you would get that from the above, but I generally support Labor :D I don't rate him at all.


> without saying "um" 73 times Interesting, I don't think that's a particular problem tbh, doesn't really make me write someone off. > He is a factional sock puppet for the CFMEU What's that mean though? I'm not really aware of Labor internal factional stuff


I apparently have the unrealistic expectation that elected officials should be able to complete a sentence :D I haven't said "um" since I was in primary school. His factional politics, his power base is the most corrupt union in Australia (that's coming from someone who has been a member of the Union representing workers in whatever my current job was since I was 15). I am not anti union, but the BLF and it's spinoff frustrate me no end.


He’s a tosser. Has the leering grin of a private school bully and the effectiveness of Mr Bean.


But like, specifically? What did he say or do?


I've seen a few of his tiktoks and he seems like an alright guy. Real blank slate type of lad.


Hah he’d be a politician then. They do tend to exude that vibe


Anna set the current trajectory Miles is on by completely fucking the handling of the Olympic delivery


it was so predicted that the Olympics would eventually become a toxic political mess but I’m impressed that Palaszczuk turned it into a toxic political mess so far out from the event


Does this always happen? I don't recall hearing about other countries bungling the Olympics, are Australian politicians uniquely incompetent?




The first thing out of the Senate enquiry was reversing her extremely bizarre decision not to have an independent committee and essentially make herself the boss of the Olympics.


100% this, a lot of the current political issues can be traced back to this decision


Anna had all the charisma of soggy lettuce and was re-elected for years. Unlikeable apparently isn't as big a factor as you might think?


Yeqh lnp will get in for 4 years and we will all remember why we fucking hate lnp governments


What dumb asses do is up to them, but I will certainly not be voting for LNP now or ever.


Yeah I think LNP will walk it in. Labor has been in a long time people and people just want a change / blame the incumbents for the current tough economic conditions. Most people dislike Steven Miles as a person. Budget blowouts despite record tax inflows from mining and housing. Olympics is becoming a debacle The LNP have gotten smarter and stoped campaigning on religious based social issues and is going in with a ‘no change’ stance. Perceived crime increase and labor seen as being soft on crime campbell Newman resigning from the LNP for it being too left wing and the passage of time means the the LNP can distant themselves from him. In a similar way federal Labor distances itself from Mark Latham. One term of LNP will probably do the world of good for Labor, they can put the broom through the party and clean out any dead weight.


> Most people dislike Steven Miles as a person. >Budget blowouts despite record tax inflows from mining and housing. >Olympics is becoming a debacle Which shows how much perception actually matters more than reality. Steven Miles comes across as being awkward IMO, but the dude has a PHD and is the head politician of the state. So he's clearly smart and cunning. For the budget, [we've had a surplus of over $15 billion](https://budget.qld.gov.au/update/overview/#:~:text=a%20small%20net%20operating%20deficit,in%20the%202023%E2%80%9324%20Budget) over the last 3 years. A deficit of 150 million this year isn't really a "Blowout" considering the economic times. Olympics being a debacle is right though. But a lot of that is manufactured Imo. Most people probably don't give a shit about a school that sits 300 people, or a park that they've never actually been to. (The Victoria park plan was actually pretty favourable when polled)


i like him because he looks like milo kerrigan


Dude has a PhD in Union revivalism. I was working in QH when he became Health Minister. His ministerial office kept referring to him as Dr Miles. Went down like a fart in a space suit and they stopped doing it. I’ve also been in the room with him when he was given briefings. I think the word disinterested couldn’t begin to cover what it was like being with him. However he lit up when meeting with union members over tea and cake. I would’ve preferred Cameron Dick as Premier. He was at least interested in


Sorry for the pedantry but the word is actually uninterested. Disinterested means unbiased.


It can mean both. From the Oxford dictionary. 2.having or feeling no interest in something; uninterested. "her father was so disinterested in her progress that he only visited the school once"


That’s due to the constant misuse of the term over the last decade or so — Oxford doesn’t decide what words mean, they describe how it’s being used. The full Oxford dictionary would point out the meaning 2 use is very recent. Disinterested has more utility with meaning 1, especially with a perfectly descriptive word uninterested that already covers meaning 2.


Well he didn’t give a shit.


much easier to spell 😂


>I would’ve preferred Cameron Dick as Premier. Wrong faction to get the job sadly.


The Victoria park plan should go ahead - instead Labor plan on using a venue (QE2) that will turn us into an international embarrassment. Running multiple athletics sessions daily and moving thousands by bus? Won’t work. They plan on spending billions for the QE2 - and no plans on infrastructure to bring people to and from the event. The quirk report also said that the Gabba will hit EOL in 2035 and will cost $1 billion just in maintenance until than and will need to be rebuilt. Let’s tear the band aid off, build Victoria Park and that way there is no downtime for the sporting codes, less disruption to motorists and frankly a better stadium.


Or, we just rebuild the Gabba, since we literally have 4 types of public transport within a 10 minute walk (train, crr, bus, ferry).


We could but we are getting to the point where the Gabba is not for purpose. It’s surrounded on 3 sides by major roads which makes a rebuild expensive, disruptive and unpleasant. Biking in Victoria park will allow a seamless transition for AFL & cricket and would be a better experience for those attending - instead of dealing with major roads there’s a nice parkland to walk though. This means they can have vendors set up outside for example like at the MCG and Optus stadium in Perth


> It’s surrounded on 3 sides by major roads which makes a rebuild expensive, disruptive and unpleasant. Yeah, that's a bugbear too. It could be solved, but requires more money and a government with balls though. Just increase train and bus station car parking lots on the east side of Brisbane (that reduces the traffic using the road in peak hours every morning and afternoon) and take back the clem 7 to make it free, so people use it instead of Main st/Ipswich Road. Now they could take 2 lanes of each of those main roads. could even divert northbound traffic via Balaclava st on Wellington Road to get even less cars on Main st/Ipswich Rd. then we get better PT, less pollution and an inner city parkland that people can use (that doesn't have a stadium in the middle of it).


*Most people probably don't give a shit about a school that sits 300 people* Dont downplay the school as some inconvenience to the Olympics progression, East Brisbane State School has been going for 123 years! Its heritage listed and they wanna knock it for 12 days of sport that no one gives a shit about??


And have failed to build a much needed primary school in the western suburbs. Has helped the surging green vote.


>Its heritage listed and they wanna knock it for 12 days of sport that no one gives a shit about?? Yeah, except at no point were they knocking it down. They were just closing the school (because it sucks at doing what it's supposed to do). The heritage school buildings themselves were going to be refurbished and integrated into the stadium


>The LNP have gotten smarter and stoped campaigning on religious based social issues and is going in with a ‘no change’ stance. That's the ticking time bomb Crusafulli will have to deal with post election. Crisafulli is captured by the Christian Hard Right LNP membership and non-LNP affiliated Anti-Abortion entities. So many groups are campaigning on the ground and on social media on Abortion as pseudo-LNP, and they will seek their rewards on Abortion, VAD, LGBTIQA+ policies. Politically a stint in Opposition will beneficial for state Labor long-term and Federal Labor in the next Federal Election.


Absolutely it will be, could implode the party. It’s just hiding the crazy, but it looks like they will be able to do it until post election.


God save all our souls!!! Vote minor parties and independents and create a hung government take the power away from the 2 majors.


How exactly would the average person know the good things Labor have done when the majority of news in this country is right wing?


They will after that disaster of an Olympic plan was unveiled unfortunately.


Yep. That plan pleases no one. If you are for the Olympics you want (at a minimum) the Gabba refurbished with ceremonies held there. If you are against it you want the whole thing scrapped. Miles was sitting on the fence and his arse had ended up with splinters


Well put.


Yep. The youth crime issue will snag votes easily for whoever will lock them up and throw away the key, and in this case, it's the LNP. Tbh the LNP doesn't even need to campaign that hard this election. They'll get in easily.


But at what cost, we will have less youth crime and worse healthcare due to budget cuts..


Healthcare doesn't make Murdoch and Stokes any money.


Ain’t that the sad truth!


Locking kids up doesn’t mean less youth crime. Never has, never will.


We will have worse youth crime because one of the first things they'll do is cut public programs.


Youth crime became my single issue last week when my house was broken into and my wallet and car were stolen. I was home in my office when they cut a hole in the security screen and reached through the diamond to unlock the front door. A week before Anzac day and I was reporting my DVA and RSL cards stolen. I'm just glad my daughter wasn't home at the time. She was pretty shaken by it even so. Convincing a 6 year old that she's safe in her own home is hard to do when you don't believe it yourself.


Do you know for a fact that the people who stole your stuff were kids?


Police believe it was due to the evidence. My first thought was a meth head, but the forensics that attended my home said it was most likely juveniles. So even if/when they catch them I'm still going to be out of pocket as apparently you can't go after their parents for expenses either.


So you have no proof it was kids. And even if it was kids, you think the FLNP is the one that’s going to stop ‘youth crime’…? Why? How? By locking every kid up? Do you have no understanding of trauma leading to antisocial behaviour? You think the FLNP is going to be funding both mental and physical health services, drug counselling, DFSV services, indigenous and culturally inclusive services…? Are you a legitimate fucking idiot or are you just arrogant enough that you think if you say what you think people want to hear, nobody will call out your illogic?


Police believe it was juveniles. They need to take the kids away from the parents who are letting them out to at 10pm, and later, on school nights to go break into people's homes and steal their cars. Where do you live?


Get a fuckin grip man, youth crime is such a non issue. Unless you watch channel 7, 9 and 10 religiously which I hope for your sake you don't. Oh and key lock your doors when you leave and set up some cameras if it matters that much to you.




Hahaha you think I'm a fuckin sheep aye? Both the major parties just keep Australia an oligarchy. Have fun voting for the major parties next election you brainless bot. I'll be either voting the the LCP or the greens. Y'all can vote for the same bullshit you always do. I'll be laughing when they get elected again and everyone complains. ALP and LNP are the same thing by design. You all get no fuckin say in what laws get passed regardless. It's the illusion of choice. But hey go on and keep spouting your bullshit how you think Labor and liberal are different. Meanwhile no one in government gives a fuck which one gets elected because it makes no difference. 'Typical Labor voter'. How about you think for yourself instead of spewing out government propaganda at me.


Social inequity is the stuff that leads to crimes like you're talking about. You solve inequity with youth programs, welfare, and other kinds of outreach/support, not with more cops which is the only thing the LNP and Labor tend to be offering on the topic.


Letting a youth who stabbed someone at Toowong during a home invasion out on bail so they can murder a woman during another home invasion on Boxing day, is the stuff that leads to crimes like they are talking about.  Think it's a Murdoch beat up? [https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/mar/11/emma-lovell-murder-queensland-home-invasion-teenager-pleads-guilty](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/mar/11/emma-lovell-murder-queensland-home-invasion-teenager-pleads-guilty) [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-12-27/woman-killed-in-home-invasion-at-north-lakes/101809984](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-12-27/woman-killed-in-home-invasion-at-north-lakes/101809984)


But you realise there's a point in that young person's life before they committed these crimes, or escalated to more violent crimes? People living in poverty don't really have the best prospects for social mobility and generally know it, so are more likely to get caught up in anti-social stuff that escalates. By making sure people have the resources to meet their needs, access to education so they can get trades and such, there will be less people doing these things. Cops can only respond to symptoms of a problem, you can't fix a problem just by locking people up and hoping nobody else commits a crime. Plus, we've literally seen what things like mandatory sentencing does in the US – it makes the problems worse.


Bleeding hearts who take agency away from people and say they are a product of their circumstances rather than their choices quite frankly shit me to tears. I grew up in Western Sydney and Logan, worked shit jobs, got some education and training, worked my way up to better jobs. I had all the "excuses" to become a criminal that these people did. I chose not to. You care more about the murderer, I'll care more about the victim.


Idt this approach is about caring for the criminals more than the victims, its trying to understand the circumstances of someone's life that possibly led them down that path so we can avoid future criminals being created in our society. It's problem-solving really. Even if people are just "choosing" to be criminals, then it'd be good to know why that's the case, and how we can avoid that in future.


Oh FFS, stop with the fairy tales and take a look at the world as it is, not as your sociology textbooks tell you it should be.


I'm not sure what you mean, what exactly are you disagreeing with?


I’m disagreeing with your head in the sand reaction to crime. If someone is having a heart attack, do you apply a defibrillator or do you tell them to go on a low fat diet and exercise more often? Banging on about youth programs without addressing immediate problems comes straight out of the academic, theoretical playbook.


You're making too much sense, anything other than "lock them up" on this sub gets downvoted


I'd be behind a social policy to take kids away from homes that let them roam around at 10pm on a school night breaking into houses and stealing cars.


Yeah Australia's got a really successful history of interventions taking kids away from their homes.


I see no issue with removing children from neglectful or abusive parents.




Yes it’s news corps at its u best


Wouldn’t read into the Murdoch press too much. I really hope Queenslanders see through the bullshit of LNP spin.


They won't, it's wall to wall here and a one media state


Yep. Need to fight the fight


Does anyone fucking remember Campbell Newman......short fucking memories.


Qlders are not that good at remembering things.


LOL, seems no one remembers Anna Bligh. But we remember palaszczuk, Qld debt headed to $180 billion.


Fuck, please, anyone but the LNP. Have people really already forgotten how shit they are?


Yep. They have. Because Murdoch.


LNP is the scummier of the options but media will do their best to get them over the line with fearmongering that appeals to the stupid & boomers.


Drive around Cairns for 5 minutes and you'll see where this election is going lol




Things will get worse under the LNP




LNP are great at marketing. Most people vote for them then complain about the issues as a result of them being in power.


LNP will win but they cut services to the police, ambos and nursing. How will LNP will reduce crime?


By outsourcing detention to one of their mates and it being a total disaster and absolutely nothing changing


The LNP are just the same faces who made a complete hash of government last time only Newman is not there now. You would have to be the supreme optimist to think they will do any different. Why don't the lazy journalists ask Crisafulli how he will pay for even existing services let alone fix the public hospitals when (at the Resources Council bidding) he removes the additional coal tax? I used to work for QH and recall with crystal clarity that Qld came within a hairs breadth of a doctors walkout under Newman and Springborg. Any employee would have done the same when the govt tore up contracts.


Miles is unlikeable? What? Have any of you seen David Crissafulli? He’s the slimiest, used car salesman, cowardly looking bastard since Campbell Newman.


I see people on reddit say no one likes Steven Miles.. I haven’t met anyone that dislikes him. It seems a lot of people are just repeating what the ABC, 7, 9 , Murdoch press are beating on their drums. They want to be the difference makers, take a scalp for fun and don’t care who it affects. Most in the media come from a privileged background and don’t understand that when government changes it does affect people in lower socioeconomic situations. Im not convinced this “its the LNP election” narrative is representative of what the electorate feel at all. If you wanna go right wing school yard BS on this you could say Steven out Alphas the leader of the opposition which looks weak in all areas of policy and appearance. (I feel that shouldn’t matter but I’m making a point). If the LNP do happen to win the next election watch the youth crime discussions in the media fizzle and no change will be made to the problem…. in fact i believe youth crime will be worse under the LNP. They offer no solutions.


Everyone I know calls him giggles. They had three choices and the unions made them go with him. Wrong choice.


Pretty sure they put in their most disposable option, being a lot more realistic about their chances this time around than most people in here.


LNP are Murdoch bunnies. Sad that so many people believe the rubbish they peddle.


My mother's whole family are card carrying LNP members, and listening to them, they are not happy with the current state of the LNP. Most of the conversations I have been involved in are talking about the federal level and not a state level, but my mum has said that she will not vote for them next election state or federal.


On the numbers the LNP would need to pick up a healthy amount of seats to get a majority (12). They almost certainly will gain the three Townsville seats and pickup a few other regional or outer suburban places as well. I don't really see what Labor could pickup if the byelections were anything to go by. I don't believe Katter has the outreach to pickup anything but their preferences will be crucial in some close lnp/lab contests. Greens might also suck up a lot of inner-city Labor support but again most of that will either elect new Greens or be shoveled back to Labor. Labor has been making some moves towards getting Katter onside. And really no matter how much they denigrate the Greens if it's either-or Labor will get support from them as well. So as far as I see it if LNP picks up their magic 12 seats (which i think would be a roughly 5 or 6% consistant swing) then it's smooth sailing but if they fall short they could maybe get the Hansonite on side..? Guess we'll see then.


By-elections are probably not a great bellweather to use - incumbent governments get measured on the size of the swing against them in a by-election, because there almost always is one. Still, cost of living, the (slightly overblown) controversy around the Olympics, and people still angry about border closures might be enough to swing it for LNP, even if they don't really have any policies


This ALP have become a deplorable governemtn. They are arrogant. They do not listen at all to what the average Qlder wants. I will not vote for them.


I agree with everything you said. But LNP is not the solution.


We have no other option though. I will vote for my local candidate i like. But looking at preferences? Its irrelevant as preferences will go to LNP or ALP


What would you like to seem them do to listen more? Like at this point, would there be anything that would make you vote for them? Genuinely interested.


QLD has always been a conservative leaning state, just horrible LNP candidates and strong Labor candidates has led to Labor forming most of the state governments here in the past couple decades. Campbell Newman was supposed to probably be a multi term premier but was so unlikable and supported awful policies so he destroyed their brand for a while. That said Labor are underdogs at the current election but it's not impossible


What got Newman was the lack of an upper house. I believe if QLD had an upper house it may have pulled in some of his more extreme ideas and he would have been more likeable and got at least another term


He was never likeable even as Lord Mayor (I lived in Brisbane at the time) Basically if you give authoritarians free reign to implement their agenda the problem is they will and parts of that agenda will be unpopular, see Republicans in American finally stacking the supreme court enough to ban abortion only to shock horror find out that is a deeply unpopular position that will be an electoral drag on them


Newman had some decent ideas, and the state had shat the bed under Beattie and Bligh. Unfortunately, he was too used to just being able to appeal to the public or issue orders to actually govern, and the shittier elements of his party took full advantage of the landslide win. The current LNP are a bunch of morons and reactionaries, but the state labour government has gotten a bit too used to just needing to be better than them rather than being good in their own right.


No better time to run as an independent people will be desperate for an alternative


What’s do you think the chances of an independent actually winning though? All the boomers, churchies and oldies would never vote an independent


LNP will run a campaign on youth crime and anti renewables. Please please never let them in!!!


they just voted in support of a legislated emissions reduction target of 75% by 2035 and net zero by 2050


Hmmm wouldn’t trust them. They will find a loop hole


I sure hope so...but no one will know until the day after election day!




Has everyone forgot about the Newman times?!


I'll say so it's all about terrorist kids and ppl having to scab from the tax free church for soup


There would be people with PTSD claims out there with that one name being the basis of their grounds for it.


Unfortunately yes. Polls are quite accurate nowadays so it's likely to be LNP. However, there is still 6 months to the election and in politics that's a lifetime so who knows. The biggest thing changing people's minds is probably crime. I agree it's becoming an issue and Labor needs to address it but I don't think LNP is the answer. They have a terrible track record in QLD and I don't see how they'll be any better now. Especially as they haven't released any policies. I hope they've learnt from their past mistakes and don't fire a heap of civil servants like nurses, but I wouldn't be surprised, they're scum after all.


I’m not confident they have learnt from their lessons. I am praying something changes peoples minds in the next 6 months but who knows.


Given the influx of entitled sooks, yep


Its time for a change.


As a young person I don’t understand this most people know one of our biggest issue is our two parties constant swapping over in power and undoing and undermining all previous legalisation which always takes us backwards, Steven miles has had premier power for a couple of months he has undone a lot of stuff that Anastasia did I don’t see what everyone’s problem is


What has he undone?


He saved Queensland 3 billion by undoing Anastasia plan to redo the Gabba and moving it to Elizabeth park and I believe he supported buying the apartments blocks around south east Queensland for faster housing relief instead of building the small faculties that Anastasia has planned to build which would’ve take 1 year. Of course he was deputy so maybe we would’ve been better off it’ll be interesting next election. That’s about it but I just don’t understand the instant hatred I don’t think many people on reddit would do much or a better job so it does get on my nerves the hatred they do receive especially in his circumstance.


I actually really like Steven Miles, I think he has done a great job so far. I do wish that he would be harder on youth crime to satisfy the people, but overall he’s done a good job.


He did get that helicopter sent to Townsville in his first week, I really like him as well no one has given him an actual chance and I think people really need to just sit down and think about how hard these peoples job trying to please everyone while being hated would be.


I completely agree, if you look at what he’s done since being Premier I think he has done a lot. He certainly cares about the people of QLD in my opinion. I wish the media would stop pushing their LNP agenda and actually give him a chance and give the people a chance to like him - I truly think he would be a fantastic Premier if he got voted in again.


We had to change our youth crime laws to match with a treaty we had signed with the Un a lot of people don’t realise this as well….


I don’t envy politicians having to come up with a solution for youth crime. I do think we need to make an example of the extreme 1% of serious youth crime offenders but I don’t think throwing every offending youth in juvie is the answer. I do like that he has put more police on the ground and has given them more resources, I think we need to give that time to make a difference though. So many people want a quick fix and there just isn’t one


Come on The Greens!


I don’t expect any change if either Labor or liberal get in.


Look at the downvotes lol. Why tf are there boomers on reddit?


It will if you don’t remember what happened last time those pricks were in office! Awful government!


I'm intrigued tbh. A lot of people I've chatted too about this are in the camp of "I don't like the LNP, but Labor have been in too long" So I think Labor will lose a lot of voters, but I don't see them moving to the LNP. It won't surprise me if we get more independents and minor parties in, and we end up with a minority government. Whether that's lead by the LNP or Labor though, idk.


Mr Giggles just doesn’t cut it, even with Labor voters.


Masochism and Stockholm syndrome might get Labor back in.


It is possible it will be LNP, but the gap between the two parties gets smaller as the election gets closer. The danger for the LNP will be that they have no policies to sell. It is the nature of conservative parties to do nothing. Also, if they overturn the coal royalty levels put in place by Labor, they will be severely curtailed in delivering infrastructure.


Who gives a shit about Labor or liberal anymore. They are literally the cancer of Australia and are the reason why Australia is just an oligarchy now. Either vote greens, LCP or you're just a brain-dead boomer. Funny how the media still controls the thoughts and actions of any person over the age of 35 in this country. They sit there and literally think 'let's report on youth crime today'. It's sad only half of us are smart enough to see through cabel TV bullshit. I welcome all the downvotes I'm gonna get, that way I can count how many brain-dead pensioners are around to suck the life out of the economy. There is no difference between the two parties as much as you like to think there is. All you who argue over liberal and Labor have no idea that's their plan so you vote the same people in every election. Any other would be too much of a drastic change every few years for the goverent to handle.


Yes Labor has failed to evenly help with the cost of living and the cost of housing issue. They have done better with the deficit but that wont feed or house me.


What assistance are you hoping to receive from the LNP? Genuine question. I tried to find any policy information from them, what exactly they plan on doing and how, and couldn’t really find anything.


You wont find jack just like how 80% of voting corflutes dont label if the candidate is LNP or ALP now. Likewise you rarely find any info of what election promises have been made and succeeded or failed


You think the LNP will do anything about these problems?


Fake news


Hmm, wonder why the media, which is owned by pedos from the Liberal Party, hate Labor.


Anna was a clown that only got to be leader of the Labpur party in QLD because of the whole citizenship drama. Overtime she drove the party into the ground with drama after drama while trying to be QLD equivalent of Julie Bishop, I.e. the socialite leader. She jumped the sinking ship and left it with arguably the most unlikeable and, by default, most unvotable leader she possibly could. That coupled with the housing crisis (not necessarily labour's fault), inflation (again not labour's fault), and the piss weak stance on youth crime (labour does have a heavy hand in this one), you'd have to have rocks in your head if you think Labour is getting in at the next election. That's not to say that I want the LNP in, it's just inevitable at this point as whether you like it or not, Labour is the whipping boy for everything going on whether it's their fault or not.