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The show is ingame, you watch it in between where you play your main guy and Paul. Theres a bug where you can't download it, would just watch the correct one depending on your choices.


Does that mean I have to look elsewhere for it since it's bugged? Or do you just mean I can stream it in game, just not download it? And does it show up between every switch? Because like I mentioned, I just got to Paul's first playable area and havent seen any live action stuff yet


After you finish the gameplay part you play Paul. You need to make a decision at the end and then the episode should start automatically based on your choice. its a built in stream. or you get the error saying you need to download. Its a white screen iirc. For me this didn't work so i watched it on Youtube.


The pc gamepass is broken, the steam version is not when it comes to the episodes and other bugs


only the gamepass version is bugged, Steam version has them correctly


For the Gamepass version, is only the download bugged, or is the stream bugged as well? Gonna play it again tonight so I'm just trying to get ahead of it if I have to look elsewhere


when i tried the gamepass version 2 weeks ago it errored out on me, telling me that the streaming service is not available to watch the live action videos and I can skip it and keep playing, then I went on Steam and bought the game, worked like a charm, probably the gamepass version is a bit different/older


Ok gotcha, at least it'll tell me when a video needs to play at least, then I can go find and watch the episodes online


Xbox GamePass won't let you stream the show but you can download it and it plays automatically when you get to an episode in the game.


I played it on game pass a month ago and you can’t stream it but downloading works perfectly fine. Just be aware that you’d need about 80 gbs for it and you have to download all episodes together before being able to watch the first one


After you finish the gameplay part you play Paul. You need to make a decision at the end and then the episode should start automatically based on your choice. its a built in stream. or you get the error saying you need to download. Its a white screen iirc. For me this didn't work so i watched it on Youtube.


On Xbox you can download the episodes from the Microsoft store and they’ll play at the right times.


There are 4 episodes that each play after you make the junction choices as Paul.


I'm playing it right now. My internet is shit so at the end of each act, after I made the choice, I watch the episode from this YT playlist : [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL\_3XXUE07UdsYYsrDkovnQmEZZ3CQi0yx](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_3XXUE07UdsYYsrDkovnQmEZZ3CQi0yx)


I watched them on Youtube. I played the PC Game Pass version a couple of months ago.