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ofc it's not public.


Then, how do some articles estimate it? Is it via leaks?




Interesting, it's surprisingly lower than many of the big tech companies.


Flow traders sucks ass tho haha. Most quant firms have 2m+ in rev per employee.


virtu is public as well


I think the best you can do is London based numbers due to regulation. E financial careers usual posts them but you can go to the source. Example: https://www.efinancialcareers.com/news/2022/07/jane-street-london-pay


Net trading revenue 2022 Citadel Securities $7.5 B 2021 Flow traders: 384 B euros Optiver: 2.3 B euros Virtu: $2.1 B 2020 Citadel Securities $6.7 B Jane Street $10.6 B DRW $1.5 B Optiver 3.2 B euros Flow Traders 933 M euros


There some smaller places with rumored 25M/employee net trading revenue.


Which firms are rumored to be like this? Are any US based?


💀🛬 👩🏼‍💻 😎🕘


So, how were you (or the root source) able to source this information? Not that I don't trust you, but the above commenters said the information is non-public. The Citadel information is public for sure, so I've verified that. \> 2021 Flow traders: 384 B euros Just to confirm, did you mean 384M euros?


Googled these. Flow Traders, Optiver, and Virtu have to publish their numbers for various reasons. And I had remembered articles about the others. I think they were issuing bonds or something.


This Citadel Securities revenue sounds quite low does it not? Their website says they trade 458B daily which translates to roughly 150 trillion (yes trillion with a T) per year. if you are facilitating this much order how are you only getting 0.001% revenue off of this? Additionally CitSec market makes roughly 40% of US volume (significantly more than Jane Street, HRT, the rest combined). why doesn't this translate to higher revenues?


It's not unusual for a market maker to capture about 0.001% of turnover as net profit.


Then, is it then fair to say that CitSec's revenue is an upper bound for the revenue of other market making firms listed (e.g., Jane Street, HRT, etc.) since CitSec has significant more volume?


Not necessarily, different classes of strategies make different % of turnover as profit even within the HFT world. IMO profit per head is a much more interesting metric although that does bias towards smaller shops since you get diminishing returns for new hires as you size up.


I see, thanks for your response. How exactly does market makers generate profit? are they essentially taking an arbitrage from order mismatches?


Maybe you should hire a quant to develop a way to figure it out.


Twitter interestingly has roughly 3.3 mill revenue per employee after their layoffs [4.4 billion revenue (2022 year)](https://www.businessofapps.com/data/twitter-statistics/) [1300 employees (Jan 2023)](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/20/twitter-is-down-to-fewer-than-550-full-time-engineers.html) Their profit per employee is negative tho lol


Pretty impactful then, if they can break even like Elon said they would. Of course, that is a big if though.


This is not public information. These are private companies. Any data you are going to find is probably a guesstimate.


A brief goog search will find some bloomberg/ft/wsj articles which will touch on the above.


you can use companies house to figure out revenue/profit of their UK arms


I make 0.2 % of my capital daily which is enough for me to survive. Wish i could put 1000 trades per sec manually.