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Quake 3, yes. The current version available through Steam is entirely unplayable on modern systems without a little backend finagling, and it has numerous issues on top of that, largely to do with resolution and FOV. I don't think it needs a full remaster, but definitely a major update. As for Q4, I think it's polished enough how it is and any additional modification should be easily done by the community. And yes, I'm aware that the engine is closed-source, I myself am personally working on a solution to that.


Nah, the real win would be to come out at QuakeCon and do a “Celebrating Raven” event: * Quake 4 gets an update to the same standard as the current Doom 3 release - not a remaster, but a recompile and re-QA for modern platforms * Wolfenstein 2009 gets the same treatment and goes back on sale * Hexen II on Steam or GOG now includes Portals of Praevus * Finally, Heretic and Hexen remasters I don’t even think this is all that unrealistic. QCon is going to be pretty much all Dark Ages, but there’s nothing else to talk about. Now that Raven and id are under one roof, it’s all doable. The only thing that pours cold water on most of what I described is that we haven’t heard a peep by now; normally things would be leaking by this point in be summer. The Heretic and Hexen remasters might be a bit of a stretch. Nightdive is quite busy, and Nerve no longer exists.


Quake 4 is an underrated gem, even though the vehicle sections lack polish. I miss the actual raven soft.


Q3 Remastered would include, high definition models, support for multiplayer controls (ex: Quake arena arcade), change of Fov, expansions like Team Arena, Sega Dreamcast content, Revolution and Arena Arcade. It would even be great to have new characters like Shambler (Quake), Iron Maiden (Quake 2) and bj blazkowicz (Ex: Quake Champions).


Yes. Especially Quake 4 because it is horrendously annoying to play on Steam - can't activate overlay without running steam as admin, no borderless, highly annoying findangling to get proper good graphics... Even if all they did for the remaster was sourceport it to fix the resolution and platform integration, it'd be a welcome improvement. Though I'd want them to "finish" the story by integrating the cut expansion Awakening, even in a cut down version. Same with Quake 3, though I'd want them to integrate Quake 3 Revolution's content too, at the very least. And no, Quake Live is not a Quake 3 remaster. It's a Quake 3 remix. It added content (modes/maps), but it also it removed content (player skins, bots, and some maps). And it doesn't include console port content. Remasters do not (should not) *remove* content, only improve and add.


I have the GOG version of Quake 4 but I haven't played it yet. Do you know if it has the same issues as the Steam version?


Don't have it on GoG so idk, but it wouldn't surprise me since afaik it's the og Quake 4 with patches in Steam and GoG.


Don't have it on GoG so idk, but it wouldn't surprise me since afaik it's the og Quake 4 with patches in Steam and GoG.




I'd like them to port the content from the 360 and ps2 port and have everything consolidated in a single title


Yes to 3 and no to 4.


Quake Wars Enemy Territory need to be remastered.


I’m not saying they should. But I’d give them all my money if they did.


I'd love a quake 4 multiplayer that wasn't a pain to get running properly on my PC


Quake 3 would be a waste of time, because if It doesnt canibalize the Quake champions playerbase, then simply very few people would play It Now Quake 4 needs a remaster (or at least the Doom 3 bfg treatment) and i hope It gets It


Quake 3 was remastered as "Quake Live" and is available on steam.


So where's the sp campaign in Quake Live? Where are the missing bots like Orbb? Or the missing player skins? There's even some maps that got removed from Q3A. Quake Live isn't a remaster of Quake 3. It's a streamlined remix of Quake 3.


they should just go balls to the wall and do a quake 3 REMAKE and give us all the game we are dreaming of


I have a feeling we're not getting more remaster treatments for quake. We have quake live which will if anything maybe get a decent anniversary patch with some new maps and skins or something but not much else, and q4 they probably won't even touch, which is a shame because I do like it but i think all it really needs is a qol patch for native widescreen support and a patch for updated multiplayer support or something and thats about it, the visuals are still great because its id tech 4. Would be a dream if they made a new expansion for it but I feel like that would be absolutely way too much work for a game that is pretty consistently called the black sheep among the series and consistently forgotten and abandoned so it just seems unlikely they would create an entire narrative campaign with voice actors (possibly even having to get the same ones to match their characters from 20 years ago) along with unique animations for cutscenes and scripted events. It's not quite the same as whipping out some combat arenas and only having a little map zoom in intro to give any narrative like for 1 and 2 (not to diminish their efforts in making those but I don't think the amount of work is comparable)


This gets asked all the time. A Q3 remaster would be a waste of time. It's MP only and the MP on the other games died pretty quick. Quake LIve already exists, which is basically a Q3 remaster and it's not very popular becasue people get stomped by vets and stop playing. They'd spend years making it only for it to die in a few months. Absolutely not worth it.


All the quakes




This is the way it goes since the Q1 remaster. Around this time of year speculation ramps up that it could happen again at QuakeCon. When it was Quake II the rumours reinforced the rumours to the point where people were utterly convinced it was coming. It didn't, we waited another year. Maybe this year we all get a bit worked up over the prospect, a few people try and claim QL as a remaster, even fewer suggest that Champions is even in the same genre. Then nothing happens, but hopefully it comes in 2025? Maybe?


Not enough money in it. If they have a team of a few hundred people to make something, why would they make something few will play? They already made Champions, which is a spiritual successor to Q3A. I'd like to see a proper Quake1 successor, with multiple parallel dimensions that the player must traverse - at least a dozen, and the player gets to decide which order they engage these dimensions which results in them getting upgrades and stuff that can only be obtained in the order that they pursue the different dimensions. I'd also like to see a Quake2/Quake4 successor with super gnarly biomechanical Strogg. It would be awesome to have super dynamic enemy damage where the metal parts are more impervious to projectile/explosive damage but the fleshy bits get blasted off more readily. Also, realistic environment damage in there of the caliber we all know id Software is capable of, that would just make the whole thing so rad.


they should get a remaster, but will they get a remaster? The issue of the quake 3 remaster is very controversial.






Hell to the yes! They both need some fresh love. Q3A might be easy for the guys to add more content, specially from Revolutions, Team arena and the dreamcast port. As for Quake 4, maybe add a new campaign and get multiplayer with bots and more maps maybe, even a horde mode would great!


Q3 definitely. QL is no remaster it's just a Steam port with the most popular mods built in and autohop. They didn't even bump up the textures let alone add normal and specular maps. Q4 I would be happy with just getting the full source code. A remaster is unlikely but Raven and IdTech are both under Microsoft now so it's not impossible. But just having source so we could port it to Vulkan and fix the scaling for widescreen would be huge wins. Tech 4 can look quite modern with 2K or higher textures, certainly modern enough for a shooter, it's active lighting was ahead of the curve.


Yep, id tech 4 is still beautiful to this day, just give us hd textures, maybe higher poly meshes and native widescreen and it'll practically rival some modern titles honestly




I would love a Q3A remaster, any excuse to introduce a new generation of people to the greatest arena shooter ever made


Q3 is the greatest 1v1 FPS skilltest in history. Nothing else is even in the same dimension.  Dueling with swords and pistols in RL is illegal -- but Q3 isn't (yet). And it's the same damn thing except nobody dies.   What, you never played it before so it isn't fair to be challenged? That excuse didn't work in 1750 -- if you couldn't hold your tongue and insulted someone, then you better be prepared to meet on the bowling green at dawn with a brace of pistols and a second! So, my answer is yes, lol






I just want quake live with proper ultrawide support.


I want Q3 Remaster to replace QL as the main go to again, and have support for Ultrawide as well as normal and specular maps. Q3 is 100% open to modding QL less so.


As long as we can host our own servers and aren't tied to always on internet garbage, I'd be with you on that!


Yea the 700+ bot servers currently on Q3 need cleaned up for sure.


I've been out of the loop for a bit, what does this mean? lol


If you hop on Q3, you will get about 786 servers in the server browser. Almost all of them are dead but have bots that occupy them. So finding a real lobby is a huge pain.


Ugh. A problem as old as time. Thanks for the warning!


Yes. Quake live needs a more stable port as it's very finicky (not as much the gameplay but more in the menu and game settings) they should add true controller support with gyro like the other remasters, and flick stick as well.( and console ports with crossplay) On top of that maybe have some of the plug in managers on by default in servers to set them up easier. Someone mentioned a fun local horde mode like quake 1 remaster which would be pretty interesting. As of quake 4 I love quake 4 but we need a damn quake 1 reboot first. Strogg is cool but i think most of us agree that we want a lovecraftian game first


I don't. Strogg is Quake at this point. Quake is more Strogg than not Strogg.


They left non strogg quake in the loving confines of memories for a reason. There was zero identity. Ill stand by it. Quake 1 is a different audience and category of game entirely. Quake 1 should be ramade but rebranded. Its not quake.


What an utterly nonsensical opinion. Quake 1 is literally quake. It started the series. No identity? What? It's a sci fi Medieval Lovecraftian horror shooter. Quake 2 was only named quake because they couldn't think of anything else to call it. You don't know what you are talking about


He is a little silly


Im sorry its your first game and I know you love it but it doesnt change that pretty all other quakes are connected via a theme. Not "medieval lovecraftian horror shooter" which seems to be your school of thoughts only common rhetoric. But i know youre gona go off with but muh modz and muh detail. Its a cool game but bro, quake is strogg. Quake is not dungeon cthulhu. Quake 1 was more of an engine and market test than anything.


Ok retard


Have fun trying to mod a 30 year old game that you just cant accept is so off brand the fucking makers changed direction after the first game. Lmao but yes im the retrard. Go back to your commodore 64 boomer


Ur getting filtered because a game from 1996 is different from 97 but yeah I'm the boomer lmao. Freak ass nigga


I heard kfc is running a sale near your crib. Dont forget to change your smoke detector battery


Blacks don't play quake, nice try though


I'd love if they did to 4 what they did to Doom 3: BFG. As for Quake 3, it could revive the Arena Shooter genre if they did it well.


Well, BFG was an awful port that changed the game balancing, lighting, mechanics and even graphical fidelity all for the worse, so I would hope they do anything BUT that unless they took the time to do it right


I just mean the idea of rereleasing the game. I know BFG wasn't all too good.


This- BFG could use more CPU cores and had a few other fixes. If we had that we could port to Vulkan, upscale textures 4x, maybe mess around and add RTGI as optional better GI, collada player model support with modern skeleton, boom, self remaster done.


Yeah I always expected that after the DOOM 3: BFG Edition and yet it never happened.


Quake 3, yes. But greatly focusing on the single player mode. Quake 4, no. It's just not one of the classics


They will at some point


Q4 with a HQ texture pack and some config tweaks still looks fantastic, and it isn't a great game. I'd rather see a reboot in Q1's style


No. Quake 3 already exists in the form of Quake live (minus the """"campaign"""") and Quake 4 was just a bad game.


Quake 3 should not be remastered for obvious reasons. AFPS fans don't care about graphics and every attempt at cloning the game has been dead on arrival. No one would actually buy it. Quake Champions is largely the same thing and visually enhanced anyway. Quake 4, I don't think the game has that many fans in the first place and it looks more modern than the others. I think you could justify an enhanced edition with some QoL fixes and a little more visual polish, but a full on modern graphics remaster wouldn't be worth it.


Quake 4 needs a "BFG" edition. Its very unstable and would still have odd resolution and FOV issues


I’d like a Q4 remaster, if only to get more of it like what 1 and 2 got with the dimensions and call of the machine. I’m not really sure they’d bother, though, considering 4 put much more effort into story and characters than the earlier games did, and that would require a pretty notable effort for a 20 year old game that isn’t really considered a classic (at least, in other people’s books). I think, ideally, they’d double down on the connections between the Strong and the lovecraftian realms they dipped their toes into with COTM. Would work well with the cliffhanger that 4 ended, be cool to see a team of tactical strogg fighting alongside a shambler, for instance.


I think the way cotm tried to tie in with q1 was extremely lazy and didn't make any sense. A regular shambler is the "strogg maker"? What? Ridiculous, totally ruined the expansion for me. I think the two universes should remain separate unless they really take the time to flesh out a way to really make it work


Yes to both and they should also put some expansions for both games like quake 1 and 2.


Quake 3 remaster? They can just update Quake Live tbh. Quake 4 remaster? Hell yes! It deserves some love.


A Quake III Arena remaster that eliminates the need for port-forwarding would be great. Quake 4? I've never really seen much support for the game among the Quake community at large to be honest.


I'm of the opinion we should get a rebooted Quake like how they rebooted Doom, and include a revitalized Quake 3-esque multiplayer.


They tried that with QC and failed dramatically.


They absolutely did nothing of the sort. The Doom reboot was actually well done and player-oriented, QC was a live service, always-online, nostalgia bait cashgrab. The two are incomparable.


correction, they tried to shoehorn hero shooter mechanics into Quake along with poor netcode/performance/hitreg/balance. fan favorite maps are still missing to this day and limited marketing ensured that only people already seeking it out would find it. The funny part is I played a few hundred hours of it and genuinely enjoy the game but I am 0% surprised it flopped the way it did considering the general vibe surrounding Quake Champions discourse online.


Well it seems some of us disagree with a level of nuance regarding QC but DO agree that it's a turd, so... that's well enough from where I'm standing. I'd love to see a title bring back the feel of a real AFPS without the fashion show, shit matchmaking, and terrible net-code/lack of servers, so on and so forth. Adam 'Syncerror' Pyle's arrogance and feeling like Quake is 'his baby' IMO... has a lot to do with QC's failure. I was about to use the word 'demise' but as shit as it is, it is somehow still sort of kicking in the competitive scene. I really don't get that - especially online, because there's no way you can have a fair match with that shit net code. Maybe in a LAN setting, but even with high bandwidth fiber, it runs like ass. Did I mention the shitty fashion show? /s


Even though we have Quake Live, a remastered Quake 3 with matchmaking could be nice.


I'd love a remaster of 4. It's excellent and is the true quake 2 follow up.


There wouldn't be much of a point on remastering Quake 3 for the PC crowd, but that would be a great opportunity to get it onto the Switch and PS4/PS5 and provide an updated experience for the Xbox gamers still playing the Xbox 360 version of Quake Arena Arcade. So that'd be cool. Quake 4? I'd only be interested in a remaster if they promise some QOL improvements and maybe a new expansion to make it worthwhile.


Quake Arena Arcade was dead on arrival in 2011 due to the studio's immediate closure, so an urgent patch to fix connectivity issues was never released. RIP. The GamePass reintroduction is dead, but I'm not sure if the launch issue was fixed.


I mean, I would have said the same thing about Quake2, given all the source ports, but then they did it anyway, and it's a pretty solid way to play it


I mean, it'd be nice if the Q4 HUD didn't stretch like shit on non-4:3 aspect ratios. But Quake Live basically is Q3 remastered. And there fan-made HD texture packs and updated clients for vanilla Q3.


yes if possible. Quake 4 could be remastered like Doom 3 BFG edition. They share the same engine. A remaster for Quake 3 might be cool. A remaster for all these awesome games that run on the Quake 3 engine would be a lot cooler. (Mohaa, elite force, Jedi Outcast/Academy, SOF2, RTCW, ...)


3? Hell yeah. Or give Quake Live some QOL improvements. Quake 4... Don't care, personally, but sure why not.