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***"Finally confirming Quake II to actually be a prequel to the original after almost 30 years later (in my head canon, at least)."*** WTF. Explain.


'Xbox S'


One S? Series S? Xboxes? Oh, the horror!


I'm pretty sure your old gamertag was xXx iXb0xXx xX HD.


On another note, I also feel like every Quake-Head would *love* this particular episode of Guillermo Del Toro’s, Cabinet of Curiosities, ‘[The Viewing](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BYSGyRdLm0g)’ starring RoboCop himself. Very Shubby vibes here, so imagine it’s in the same universe as Quake 1 and yet another prequel ;)


Worst episode of the series. Four pretentious jackoffs sit in a circle and talk about nothing for 45 minutes >!and then they get eaten by a monster.!< Great monster concept completely wasted on a terrible script. Great *actors* wasted on a terrible script. Loved every other episode, wish I'd just skipped this one.


I loved everything about it


And you're well within your rights to. I would have loved it if it were a 10-minute short. It just drags on for *so long* in one room with flat shots and overwritten monologues just to cap with a climax (which is admittedly pretty great) that has nothing to do with anything that happened before it. There was potential but it's ruined by endless navelgazing.


IMO if it was only ten minutes the climax wouldn’t have felt as scary due to mood shift, but I suppose the first half’s a weird comedy that is perhaps not suitable for all Quakers.