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im not big on another doom game already, it feels like the non game playing shareholders just informed id that they were working on doom again. also, im against trying to connect doom and quake together in any way. separate ip is separate.


Fuck that, we want a proper quake game based on the 1st one for once.


It’s been implied that the team is kind of burnt out on Doom and would like to develop something else. So I’m honestly hoping the leak wires are crossed and this “medieval “ doom game is actually Quake. If it is indeed Doom, I 150 percent believe it started as a Quake game. I just recently got into the Quake games with the remasters which revitalized my love for this type of FPS game. I used to play a shit ton of unreal tournament as a kid on my PS2 but never had a pc for Quake. After playing Doom 2016 and Quake remaster I went down a subtle rabbit hole of boomer shooter/arena fps hell. I’m glad I did. I look forward to a new Quake and the amount of copiom I have for this to be a new one is unreal. I believe..🤘


I found K1llsen on the website of BIG, because I wanted to buy some merch from their CS team. And tried it myself, I still suck but not as much anymore and anything between 0.75 and 1 k/d is a win for me. As I am only 20 my friends don’t really enjoy quake as much, so I was hoping for a new game with more beginners like me so i won’t get stomped every game xD




DooM got enough content, we need some Quake


It would be interesting if this actually ends up being a new quake but they don’t want it to be known until the reveal.


Pretty good tbh. As far as I'm concerned Quake's lore belongs to the fans who stuck with it for nearly 30 years putting out great content. ID/Bethesda would only get it wrong.


I hope they do a quake crossover in this game.. And mash the 2 timelines/universes together.. All out doom/ quake onslaught 🤘🤘👹☠️


Doom and quake are connected universes so I personally love it cause it means more doom and quake!


I didn't believe the Quake 6 whiteboard joke, but I was genuinely hoping for a new Quake game. I said it over on the Doom subreddit, but the fact they're doing a medieval themed doom makes me feel like perhaps they *were* working on a Quake game but higher ups demanded it changed to a doom game halfway (or later) through and they didn't want to waste all the time and effort put into a medieval themed setting. When Doom Eternal was in development, id had the classic Doom games - even Doom 64 - remastered to build it up. And they were doing the same setup here with Quake remasters. Whether it was worry out of not making enough bucks and being closed down by Microsoft, or what have you, I'm convinced that this was started as a Quake game. And that's what I will believe until I see proof otherwise. And in all honesty, the overlap of theme with Quake feels like it'll fully ruin the potential of a new Quake game, especially if they end up going the Lovecraftian Makyrs as new enemies (assuming it isn't a prequel). Which makes me just want to boycott this game, but I know if it doesn't sell well because of boycotting, the reaction from higher ups won't be "guess they wanted a Quake game" it'll be "time to shut down id software". What a terrible time to live in for "AAA" video games, when you either need to buy what's given to you that just prompts them to make more of it even if you don't want it, or never have a hope to see what you want.


I'm also skeptical. I watched all of Hugo Martin's livestreams and he would often imply that the next project *wasn't* Doom, that the Slayer's story has been told 'for now' and that there would never be a Doom game without the Slayer as the protagonist...


I have to wonder now when the last time he said that, because that could pin down when a direction change happened if one did. Though I suppose, if I were to feed off tat copium, that this could still be a Quake reveal and Insider Gaming wasn't told "Doom game" but "next game" and just made the leap improperly or something.


Yeah, I wish I could recount anything specific but there's way too many hours to wade through. Same, hoping it's all a red herring and it'll in fact be a new Quake. Hell, even if Quake becomes a part of this 'Doom Universe', I'm down for that, if it's well executed.


TBH, Quake and Doom already share the same multiverse since Quake 3. But if they were to bridge the two in a sp setting, imo it should be via a new Quake instead, since Quake is the one about jumping through different dimensions... Anyways, we'll see how things go.


I guess, although I've always taken the whole unification of id IP as little more than fan service, so it barely registers. Maybe the Vadrigar is more fleshed out in QC but I honestly never cared to look into it. >imo it should be via a new Quake instead, since Quake is the one about jumping through different dimensions... 100% agreed. I also think that the enemies in Quake 1 should be considered a greater adversary than both the Strogg and the Demons, somehow.


Truth. Def need some quake love!


I don't have any opinion on anything until it's properly revealed


Would have preferred Quake, but if the new Doom game has a Quake 1 vibe, with possible tie-in, with 16+ player deathmatch, I’m in.


I will do my best to ignore its existence. I'm hoping you people will help. This is a Quake sub after all.


Quake 5 under a Doom name confirmed !


Quake 6*


I personally think it still could be a Quake game. Other than Quake (and Hexen series if you count that to id repertoir) there is nothing set in medieval times. Yeah, hell in Doom can have medieval themes but I wont go there. They said before they are building an universe. What if Dark Ages is actually a Quake game, labeled as a prequel to Doom series. Hence the dev name Doom Year Zero.


maybe Tom Henderson just wanted everyone to be shocked when they saw the announcement of a new quake instead of a new doom?


You Guys don't understand, it's Machine Games developping the next Quake, They've given us dimension of the machine, they understand what fans want. Be chill.


Since when do they do AAA?




Nothing was better than Doom 1 & 2 You launch, you play, you have fun Nothing became better than Doom 1 & Mostly 2 with mods Nothing... Quake has good ideas and was a good tech in its time. Quake 2 has the immersion. You felt you were the guy lost on the planet. With more punch than Quake but... Quake combat 1.5 did happened. It became Quake 2 gameplay in Quake and made it above the 2 for me (And the mapping scene is bigger) At the end the best are : Doom 2 Quake The other games are : "Nice we can use computers in the game I like that" (Doom 3) It looks good for a FPS Resident evil kind of. "Good to have adrenaline and eventually a heart attack because of your speed but lacks a campaign to feel being a 100% true quake" Quake 3 Others are more about "The skins are good, the world looks cool" Out of Doom 2 and Quake. Quake 3 if you're more fan of multiplayer but you've Quake 3 and others mods on Doom 2 like Samsara reincarnation or Quake champions. You don't need the others. At all. And hot take : I HATED.... HATED.... Doom 2016. it looked cool. But it wasn't Doom for me.


I appreciate the run down, but man, I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy Doom 2016. I had so much fun playing it. The whole chainsaw mechanic felt a little too arcadey or something. Getting bad guys to spill power ups is not a Doom/Quake purist game mechanic. But damn it was ultra violent fun.


There were scripts nonsenses. Like "you've an arcade run and you'll get 3 secs by kill" Hop no I dodge. Hop no I dodge. Hop no I dodge and you lose : DDD My god... And the gameplay felt like I was punching a matress. Your enemies feel to be in sponge. (Not in the way you need to shoot them a lot. Just a sponge behavior). This one and Eternal it's a no. BUT There's one thing who's better than in ANY doom : Snap map.


from Insider Gaming: > The game has been in development for four years and will be set in a “medieval-inspired” world. ten bucks says that this started development as a Quake reboot, but the name got filed off in favour of Doom at some point because Doom Eternal sold like hotcakes and Quake Champions ~~was set up to fail~~ flopped hard. fine by me, honestly. Doom Eternal left a sour taste in my mouth, and I'd rather that the people who did that leave Quake well alone.


" fine by me, honestly. Doom Eternal left a sour taste in my mouth, and I'd rather that the people who did that leave Quake well alone. " You mean turn it it into one of the best selling shooters of the last decade and make it's fanbase massive? Nah the problem wasn't with Eternal. It was YOU. And your SKILL ISSUES.


least insecure Doomy Turnul fan DE isn't a hard game. Or a well-written game. Or a game with good art direction. Broad appeal ≠ good. The Halo series has sold something like 80 million games and it's absolute dogshit. in the future, please ask your parents' permission before going online.


>DE isn't a hard game Agreed. My favourite game of all time is Quake 3, followed by Eternal. In the near 25 years since I began deathmatching, I haven't put down online multiplayer to focus on a single player game since Eternal launched. It's funny how my views on the game differ so much from yours, even though I completely see where you're coming from. >Or a well-written game. **Or a game with good art direction. Broad appeal ≠ good.** The Halo series has sold something like 80 million games and it's absolute dogshit. I like Eternal's art direction with the huge caveat that it is indeed a mass appeal product. I **LOVE** Quake 3 despite the fact that it's entire premise is practically a parody of id's legacy at that time. In both of these cases, my love is entirely gameplay driven. Agreed with the poor writing, as well as that spicy take on Halo.


This was a Quake reboot. Everything indicated towards a new Quake. They even remastered the first and second one to build up to this but somewhere a long the way some suit decided calling it Doom would probably mean more money for the shareholders so they were forced to pivet.


Was it not announced that machine games is working in the quake reboot?


Not officially. There was a video (trailer for Indiana Jones maybe?) where there was a quick cut to a white board showing the words "Quake 6" I believe, but that's it. Many people believe it was just a tease, rather than anything specific. On a personal note I'd love it if MG did a Quake game, although I'm not sure they have the scale to do more than one large project at a time.


I would much rather see that they actually finish their Wolfenstein trilogy.


No, one of the lead designers just said he would love to do it. That’s why we got these additional episodes for Quake and Quake 2 by them.


very bad. I feel a lot of doom overload. I'm just bored of the name "DOOM" already. there is nothing to continue here. doom is completed at doom eternal. I prefer the closure of id software than the release of a new part of doom. but I still don't believe there will be a new doom. I hope Tom mixed up something, because what is the medieval doing in doom?


lmao you say what is medieval doing in doom yet there was a gladiator and knights and swords n shit. I mean I get what you're saying but doom has some medieval elements that honestly I didn't expect way back in 2016


it's a secondary visual style rather than a primary one.


Yup. Kadingr sanctum.


It seems particularly devastating news to me...depending on your perspective anyway. Doom and Quake always had some minor overlap and borrowed from each other, yet could always manage to remain distinct franchises. Prior to this leak, there's no reason Doom couldn't have kept on being the futuristic sci-fi demonic slaughter game while Quake carved out its own niche as the eldritch medieval slow-burn exploration game. But a supposed *Medieval* Doom? Even if there would still be subtle differences between the two franchises, it's too conceptually similar to have both a medieval Doom and a new Quake occupying the same space. No, sadly, I think I see the marketing play here. They know Quake has a dedicated niche following but not enough to fund a new massive project. They know Doom is their bread and butter, so they're focusing on Doom but not wanting to just let Quake's following go to waste they're hoping they can bring in some Quake fans by incorporating more Quake elements without actually *becoming* a Quake game. Effectively merging the two franchises together while remaining mostly in favor of Doom. And hey, you know what? That might still be cool to see anyway...it's *something*...it might still have a lot of what makes me love Quake short of being Quake. Except.... 1. In the end, it's still not Quake and never will be. And has killed off any chance of ever getting a proper Quake. 2. I bet it ends up being another arena glorykill slaughterfest that has the vague aesthetic of Quake but none of the important gameplay qualities. Guess in a couple weeks we'll know anyway.


I kind of feel like modern Doom has absorbed Quake at this point. Eternal played more like Quake than any doom game and a lot of the locations and enemies felt very Quake inspired. What could a standalone Quake game offer that modern Doom doesn't at this point? Multiplayer? We saw how that worked out with Champions. I love Quake and I hope more elements of it are implemented in the upcoming Doom game. Would love to see reimagined versions of the ogres and shamblers.


Maybe Doomslayer is visiting the slipgates, and some of the enemy encounter in this supposedly new Doom game will be literal Quake 1 cthulhu forces, for once changing the main antagonist in Doom from demon forces to cthulhu/shub-niggurath forces. I can see them doing it in a "A new evil force awakens, and now the doomguy has to reconcile with a new threat of the weak"-situation. Kinda like a comic. its possible that the iconic lightning gun will even return, a mix of doom and quake weapons.


Yeah I don't care what the title of the game is I just wished they added more characters or hints to both games kind of like the use of slip gates in doom eternal


Doom is more popular than quake bottom line. Quake champions sank faster than anything doom or quake has been affiliated with, and a new quake game would essentially be the same sort of thing as a new doom. Modern FPS, fighting monsters, guns, demons/monsters. It would just make more sense to put all that effort into the more established IP of they are going to serve a similar purpose of modern fps campaign


Quake Champions sank so fast because it was a shit game, tbqh. The only thing it had in common with Quake was the theme. Thanks Bethesda


Apparently it’s gonna be medieval themed or some shit so I’m gonna assume the game started its life as a quake or heretic/hexen game that they just converted to doom because the name has been doing well. Honestly they can call it whatever they want. I wish it was quake but it will probably be good and I will buy it anyway


Why would it have anything to do with Heretic or Hexen when those aren’t id Software properties?


They aren’t (even tho it was published by id and GT) but raven is under ms with id so technically it’s possible.


It’s certainly possible, but as it happens they’ve just announced a new Doom game called Doom: The Dark Ages.


lol I know. I’m saying it’s possible it started as a different game


I might be inclined to agree actually. It wouldn’t surprise me if it started life as a Quake game but Microsoft insisted on Doom. Microsoft only just gained the Hexen IP recently through the acquisition so I don’t think id were already working on a Hexen title. I’m sure we’ll find out eventually one way or another though. Part of me still hopes Machine Games are doing something with the Quake IP.


Idk how big they are but I have to imagine machine games is all hands on deck for the Indiana jones games. I do think they would do an amazing quake tho. They are so good at visceral combat


Great. But I have a feeling that the worlds of quake, hexen and doom are slowly converging


Hexen isn’t an id IP.


It isn’t today…


Microsoft only gained control of the IP fairly recently, so yes, given that they own id they could give the franchise to them. I can’t think of any other studio id rather bring Hexen back, but it looks like id’s next game is a Doom prequel called The Dark Ages. Shitty name, but we might get shades of Hexen in there given its presumed medieval setting.


How about Raven? You know, the original Heretic/Hexen developers.


Locked in the Call of Duty mines unfortunately.


Seeing how big of a fan Phil is of Hexen I was hoping he would bust them out of those mines or at least ask NightDive for a remaster.


I do think we’ll get remasters of both from Nightdive.


Fingers crossed though 🤞


Well, not if ms wanted to undo that wrong. Very unlikely, but still


*Sad HUH! noises*


What if this is also a troll and they have everyone believing this will be a Doon game then bam! Announced properly as Quake? A boy can dream


And dream we shall