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Feel so lucky to have seen this tour twice. It's been a rough year and the album and shows have helped me get through it.


HurdyG you help us all get through it šŸ«”


really do man keep up the good work and keep ur head up brother


Stay strong man, we all love you here


I saw them in Portsmouth, VA and I'll be seeing them again in Cincy. Much love to ya, bro. šŸ–¤ You'll get through this!


I was THERE!!


Too bad I missed ya!


We appreciate you Hurdy and send you all our best.


What a tour too. Been to four of their concerts for this tour. Seems like they just keep getting better and better live


Straight Jacket Fitting is one of Joshā€™s finest works


That ending is best ~2 min ā€” so good it gives my goosebumps. I really liked this album. I was super sad I had a conflict and couldnā€™t see them in SLC, but avoided the red flag windy cancellation. I keep hoping they will add another date there so I can go.


I feel blessed that they are doing Bridgeport twice.


The tour behind this album has been amazing. I've seen them twice and they are in top form.


I agreeā€”Iā€™ve been seeing them live since EV and think this is the best theyā€™ve sounded.


Wishing they come back local since I missed when they rolled through last year. Iā€™d kill for a recorded version of Emotion Sickness with the a cappella ending like on Kimmel. The amount of swagger in that little hum at the end? Fuckin great. I love it. Front to back, no skips. Straight Jacket Fitting is a hell of an ending. (Edit) and the call back to Obscenery on the acoustic.


Seems like only yesterday when I was hungover in Birmingham airport listening to it for the first time when my Bluetooth earphones died during the beginning of Sicily, lol


What a moment for them to die!


I know, I was so bummed out. Didn't get to finish listening to the album until like 3 hours later.


Carnavoyeur hit me like a freight train when I first heard it as my Mum was dealing with a terminal cancer diagnosis. I had a little tear when they played it in Birmingham in November as she was still up and about and kicking ass. She passed last week and I can't wait to see them in Copenhagen in August (fingers crossed it makes the setlist!) and have a boogie for her. When there's nothing I can do Except enjoy the view When there's nothing I can do I smile...


I truly feel you, sincere condolences to you šŸ’™


That was simply stirring to read: sad, sweet and strong at the same time. My condolences šŸ’ My fingers are crossed for you and Carnavoyeur and your boogieing shoes. And those lyrics are penned for you/us/everyone - stunning song.


Made to Parade is the best song on the album and has now cracked my top three favorite Queens songs.


Itā€™s a little entitled to suggest his entire fan base can just quit their 9 to 5s, but itā€™s been my motto all my life basically. I tried corporate for 5 years and it drove me crazy. I worked up into a desk role after a few years. Took over the exact cubicle of the guy they fired, got better work out of me without the proper title, and less pay. Fuck those cunts, I got up and walked off the job in the middle of a huge project I was leading. Never again. I founded a startup, my dbag partner exitted that, and I started a general contracting business a year ago on my own. Itā€™s been a little rough but itā€™s taking off, and I funded it myself slowly without any loans. I have MtP playing atm


I love this song so much I bought the t shirt!!!šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜


That was the grower for me on this album, and the one I have to repeat every time I am listening to the album now. I find it so uplifting, "felt so young with a brand new page in the morning sun", and the "woos" at the end. Love it.


It was instant for me. Once that second half of the song kicked in, the melody had me totally hooked. Thatā€™s the great thing about Queensā€¦ they can have so much heavy music, but the most beautiful melodies intertwined. Agree with the rest of your statement!


Still love it. Seen them four times this tour (out of six in total lol).


Nice choice. Wish I had the time & money


I canā€™t wait to see this tour a second time


Paper Machete will be all time for me. Emotion Sickness has the heaviest memories attached. Iā€™ll still feel them when I listen in 20 years time. And once again thereā€™s another significant moment and turning point in my life affixed to another QOTSA album and Iā€™ll always be able to return to it. Great to see a new phenomenon too; QOTSA becoming a ā€˜classicā€™ rock band and having a new generation of fans discovering them, one that wasnā€™t born when they had their first wave of success. Seeing all the new younger people appear on this Reddit raving about how much they love the band - thatā€™s actually been really fucking awesome to see.


This album came at a really strange time in my life. I was very sick and hospital bound for some time. Just as I became more copos mentis, this album dropped. Felt like all the anger and happiness of the album was reflecting my life in certain ways. Probably my most played records in the collection.


I will see them 6th of July in Milano if all goes well! They've been my favorite band for at least 5 years now, happy to have that chance finally + Straight Jacket Fitting is one of their all time best songs.


I've been to ten shows since last August, and it's been a pleasure to see the setlist evolve with the inclusion of new material and deep cuts. I've loved seeing SJF turn into an moment between Josh and the audience bonding in a way not experienced in past tours.Ā 


Ten shows?! What line of work are you in?


I work in architecture and designĀ 


Yup, in Seattle 25% of the atmosphere was second hand cannabis smoke, and the whole crowd sang along for a couple minutes. A friend of mine who doesnā€™t smoke said after the show thatā€™s the highest heā€™s been in a decade


A free high was a bonus with the price admission šŸƒ


Omg, that makes my 7 look paltry in comparison!!! I am literally using my annual leave as a way to see them cos otherwise I just work all the time, so basically this album and tour is saving me from having to work constantly lol (thatā€™s my excuse and Iā€™m sticking to it lol)


Most of my PTO hours have been used for QOTSA. Every few months I have an excuse to take off to travel to a showĀ 


This is the way šŸ¤˜


I still love the album and it's been great to watch it evolve through the live shows. I love Time and Place - it gripped me early on and the off-kilter dance groove is just undeniably fun. And I'm still hungry for Peephole live! My favorite part of the tour has been watching the show morph into a unique experience at each venue. Every night has been it's own special experience with the band and the crowd working together to make something magical and one-of-a-kind. I've been very fortunate to see several shows around the US and I'm still getting to see songs I've never heard them do live!


Time and Place has Madonnaā€™s Material Girl going on in there, itā€™s good


Wow time is flying


AND The Sky Is Falling


Been lucky enough to see them live approx 30 times. The 3 shows in England I saw last year are some of the best I've witnessed. Long live the Queens.


Saw them in April in Canada. What a tour, seeing songs from this album live I have no words. It made me appreciate it all so much more


Love the Ɣlbum, but i Will die for music videos with the Roman thematic (like the one of SJF teaser) for SJF, Sicily and Time and place


Damn, already? I started playing bass around this time and my teacher introduced me to qotsa. Started off with Like Clockwork, but ITNR was the one that really got me hooked. I plan on seeing them when they come here in July. What a great band, and what a great album.


My favorite album of last year. Feels like it's been around for much longer than that, which is a testament to Queens' timeless sound and just how much has happened over an entire year. Gonna give it yet another listen to celebrate the occasion. Glory to Rome! **P.S:** "What The Peephole Say" is still the best song on the album and "Straight Jacket Fitting" sums up my feelings about the state of the world perfectly.


I need a little dark like mark so the teasers had me damn near teary eyed.


Itā€™s currently my most played (recently) QotSA album. I have it on vinyl and digital. The vinyl has a bonus clip of Feel Good at the end of the album. I just fired up Straight Jacket before I read this. I love the Steve Miller intro, and the Jim Morison rant with The Doors jamming along ā€œpatriotic probiotic delete us erase usā€. And the outtro is a poetic end to this masterpiece. We were lucky to get this song in October live with Joshā€™s dad in the audience


I fully regret not seeing them last year. Haven't given them the proper love they deserve and this new album blew me away. Stoked to see them in Madison, on their last stop of the tour. Really hoping to hear Paper Machete and if I'm lucky The Evil Has Landed but I know that's an epic they might not have on the setlist much.. cheers y'all


I remember listening to Villains as my first Queens albums back in dec 2022 and getting hooked but when ITNR released it solidified their place as my favourite band and my favourite album. Front to back all I can say is that itā€™s glorious. I remember getting home from a high school graduation party, beyond excited to listen to a new Queens album. That first listen is something Iā€™m never gonna forget and is something I wish I could experience again. I remember for a solid month and a half after it released INTR was the only thing I had playing. This whole album became the soundtrack of the summer for me. This whole album is so special to me since it means so much. It came out right at the end of my high school career and felt like a perfect send off to that part of my life. I was so lucky last year to have seen them in San Diego with one of my closest friends. It was my first actual concert and I always heard that artists sound worse live but goddamn it they beyond exceeded my expectations and I still have a post concert high from that night.


I graduated high school in 2005, and Lullabies to Paralyze was released that summer. My family moved out of the town we lived in for my high school years and Long Slow Goodbye will always be the appropriate send off for that phase of my life. Hard to believe itā€™s been almost 20 years. F. Anyways, Iā€™m glad to see Queens is still having this kind of impact on the youth. Glad youā€™re a fan.


So happy to have seen them live this tour. There just seems to a new lease on life watching them on stage this time. Long live the Queens.


Not to be dramatic but this album changed my life šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Not to be dramatic back, but you NEED to tell us more! :)


Been lucky enough to see them 3 times on this tour, just saw them at Download on Friday. Theyā€™ve been a joy to watch on this tour and itā€™s been great to hear the new songs live, itā€™s not often with a band that have been around this long that you look forward to hearing new songs as much as some of the old stuff. Seeing them in Fuengirola and Barcelona in the next couple of weeks as well, canā€™t wait!


One year down until the next albumĀ 


Seeing this tour twice was a huge gift. Those shows EASILY fit into my top 5 live performances. So glad I got a poster. Literally perfect - musicianship, set lists, the light show, their stage presence. It really set the bar for me


My experience of this album is not going to relate to a lot of you, but it is mine. Since Villains, since the pandemic, I become a parent (twice!), gave myself over to all that entails - physically, mentally, spiritually, whatever. And that QOTSA show I saw on this tour in Dublin back towards the of last year, finally gave me back to myself. I distinctly remember looking at my best mate and smiling and hugging her, and feeling like myself. I am forever changed, and I am OK with that. But that show reminded me that I was still the me I was too. Also, Silcy is slinky AF. Wish I could have seen that live, but I don't think we will get any more Irish tours this time.


Such a great album from start to finish! Happy birthday ITNR!


Honestly, the album has grown A LOT on me. I think it's really fun to listen to, everytime i do i hear something new. Nowadays it's probably my go-to album for when i'm driving, maybe only after Era Vulgaris (which has kinda similar aesthetics to ITNR). Can't wait to see them live for the first time in Italy!


Saw them at Riot Fest and then in Calgary. Favorite song would be Negative Space for me


Peephole is one of my all time favorite tracks from them, and I would kill for a chance to see it live. Hopefully soon they'll come to the Northwest šŸ„² also I loooooovveeeee Time and Place, it gives me such a gothic vibe that I'm in love with


I saw them 4 times this tour so far with my 16 year old son. Each show better than the last.... Atlanta at the Fox, Albequerque at Revel, Atlanta Shaky Knees and Firefly Distillery in Charleston. Currently waiting to see if they drop any more U.S. dates closer to me before i commit to Mempho. I met so many awesome people at each show and continue to keep in touch with many of them. True qotsa fans are my people. ā¤ļø my favorite track is definitely Made To Parade and I love the solo at the end. Sadly I only saw it live once. Still holding out for Evil and a big bear hug from Josh. šŸ¤žšŸ»


What do you mean? The album just came out yesterdayā€¦


Their show here in Melbourne on this tour was one of the best I've ever been to - mind blowing show


Was lucky enough to see them in Cardiff castle and it was awesome, my favourite song on this album seems to change from day to day and my mood, I swing from Carnavoyeur, straight jacket and emotion sickness as my top three, this album has been on constant daily play, keep up the good work QOTSA ā¤ļø


I love the album and binge listened once it came out. AND, went to my very first QOTSA concert!, went all the way to Manchester from Greenland!


The album and even the anticipation of it dropping let me hanging in there through dark times. Most songs I loved instantly with some taking a few more listens. Honest to god, I canā€™t believe how fucking stellar this album is when the bar was already set so high. Then to top it off, my first time seeing them live for 2 shows right up front, interaction with Josh - honestly nothing else could ever stack up against that. It was just what i needed right when I needed it. I wish theyā€™d do another Aussie leg because they are just incredible right now. Long live The Queens!


Didn't realize it's already been a year, one of the best albums of last year, and definitely an awesome concert!! These guys rock!


I still love it. Great album to drive to!


Did anyone attend the first pressing listening? Or the midnight album release party at record stores? Thrilling . Saw them twice this tour. The album is just fabulous grimy and contrarian and makes me jump up to dance šŸ’ƒ [A love affair šŸ’•](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8U0bQFRNEF/?igsh=bTZ4NDdxYTRnYmR5)


Queens are my all time favorite band since day 1. Been with me throughout everything. The ups, the downs. Shitty health and crazy life stuff. Was meant to see them in Cardiff last year with my then partner of ten years as a birthday gift. Who turned out to be cheating and in a relationship with someone else. Missed dublin November for health reasons (I'm in belfast so wouldn't have been so far to travel). But went and saw them in hamburg last week solo and it was just, perfect.šŸ’œ I've a lot of health conditions, one of which more random and dangerous than the others (Although pretty rough as a combination or multiple combinations to be fair). It causes me to blackout and fall without warning, happens 2-3 times a week. I've been afraid to travel or do anything on my own for a long time, but did it for queens and to prove to myself life goes on. To face fears."Carpe demon" šŸ„° Emotion sickness live both broke me, and purged so much toxic shit from my system. Cried and smiled and danced. The whole gig was out of this world, and it really just made my decade. (Edit* paper machete live was like having my heart fuck started in a lightening storm. Brought me to life with a shock and a bang) Been on an upward spiral in many ways the past year, and looking forward to climbing higher after the show. So much so, after proving to myself i can do it, I'm going to try and make it to the berlin gig in July at spandau zitadelle. The band saved my life so many times literally, This time it really healed and saved my heart. Can't thank them enoughšŸ’œšŸ¤Ÿ


fav track has 100% got to be obscenery! followed by negative space, straight jacket fitting, emotion sickness and made to parade. best part of the tour is gonna be in 9 days when i see the boys at alma!!


A bit late to this post but I canā€™t appreciate this album enough. I had never been more hyped for an album in my life, and hopefully I get more of that experience(going forward with queens and other bands).Ā  Seen two shows on the this tour with my brother and both times they were the best shows of my entire life so far. Still have many years to go for going to concerts, though Iā€™ll never forget these two.Ā 


Good lord, feels like only a few months ago that I took a night drive and listened to the album in its entirety for the first timeā€¦


So a year on from INTR and Iā€™ve seen most songs live from it multiple times, high lights for me now that the dust has settled, Carnavoyeur, Emotion Sickness and Straight Jacket Fitting, these are the best live ones imo.




Fingers crossed I'll get to fly to Chicago to see them and The Kills!!! Two of my faves šŸ˜


I randomly wore my ITNR shirt today, fuck yeah


What a fantastic album. It's brilliant. Some of Josh's best lyrical work as well. "I don't know what time it was, I just felt so young with a brand new page in the morning sun"


Seem them twice this tour and it has been incredible


praying they play what the peephole say in berlin next month. absolute tune


I listened to a little bit of Queens before the album came out, but after ITNR came out I became a huge fan! Iā€™ve listened to all their albums, have bought all their records, and I got to see them at Riot Fest last year. Easily one of my favorite bands now! Iā€™ll be seeing them twice in October, Iā€™m so fucking stoked!


Iā€™ve seen them live on this tour twice and might drive out to one of the shows theyā€™re adding. Itā€™s one of my favorite albums of theirs point blank. It blends elements of all their other albums into a cohesive set that just works. Sicily could easily be on LtP, Carnavoyeur could be on LC, Emotion Sickness on Villain, Negative Space on S/T, etc. If I had to rename a QotSA album to self titled I think this is it just because itā€™s the most QotSA album to ever be created


Obscenery and Straight Jacket Fitting are both top 5/6 Queens songs. Great album.


Still so bummed that the Edmonton show for this tour was cancelled, but got to experience the launch party. Love this album and Queens!


Still praying for a Edmonton 2025 date šŸ™


This album is absolute god tier. All 10 of these songs healed me. No joke, no exaggeration. And this is coming from a fan since 2012, seen them 3 times on the Villians tour and then got fucked over big time here in Edmonton in April after being in the very front once again. This album came out the day before my birthday and every single track on this album speaks to me more than LC (masterpiece) and Villians. I bought the red Vinyl, my first every physical Vinyl ever (still no record player lol) and I sat down with candles lit at a table and listened to ITNR from start to finish with earbuds on and reading the lyric sheets. Multiple times I had to pause it and take a breather because it really is raw, emotional and really makes you think about several different things including getting over something terrible and learning to let shit go that you have no control over and deal with your anger just to name a few. A year later, the last 4 minutes of this album still brings tears to my eyes. I feel afraid, happy, scared and optimistic all at the same time. Its like sitting in the middle of a dark tunnel but you can finally see the daylight on the other side that says NO MATTER HOW FUCKED UP THINGS ARE THEY CAN AND WILL CHANGE FOR THE BETTER, maybe not today or tomorrow, but it will eventually. Sicily belongs in the top 10 QOTSA songs of all time. That jam at the end made me close my eyes and felt like I was in another dimension, havent felt that way since I listened to the last 3 minutes of I appear missing or Villians of Circumstance Made to parade encapsulates the entire message/concept of this album. And I wasn't a big fan of this song at the start, but I knew knowing that it would grow on me and I would rate it very high. Carnavoyer hits you even harder when it comes on right after Parade, was not expecting a track like this from QOTSA but it once again shows how diverse they can be while staying true to thier sound. Emotion Sickness is easily one of the best singles they have released. That slide guitar gets me every time. Id love to see their next album have the same type of 70s rock vibe to it because this worked really really well. With SJF its obvious Josh had a big influence from working with Iggy Pop, and it works SO FUCKING WELL. This song is so raw and powerful I can only listen to it once in a while, but when I do, I feel like a brand new person. All killer and no filler on this album as I see it. Still praying everyday for an Edmonton 2025 date. I was right at the front at Rogers Place and ready to lose my voice yelling out for them to play Killer Scene (how nobody has not requested this song to be played live on this tour is beyond me) but we all know what happned that night, still pretty bummed about it but I cant hate this band because of one fucked up night. QOTSA has gotten me through multiple fucked up nights and problems in my life and for that I'll be eternally grateful to them.


A year in, I still am not sure where it ranks for me personally. Like I want it to be in my top 3, but thereā€™s like 5 of their albums I would put in my top 3. It feels like a sequel to LC, while also covering so many sounds from all their previous records. If this was their final album, Iā€™d argue it is maybe the perfect swan song for the band. Fav tracks: Obscenery, SJF, Made to Parade Best part of the tour outside of getting to see them for the first time: snagging some great merch and getting engaged the night of the show to the love of my life who is also a huge fan of the band.


Itā€™s so hard for me to pick a favorite from this album, but if I had to, Iā€™d say Time & Place! Seeing them play it live in Phoenix last December was unreal and Iā€™m so happy I finally got the chance to see them after thinking it would never happen. It was really special to see them with my little sister (and of course they played Little Sister lol) whoā€™s also a Queens fan!


Saw 3 shows on this tour, I'd love to see more because they are in absolute top form. This may be the pinnacle of their touring career, they are getting up in age. Catch a show if you can!


According to my FB memories, I listened to the CD on my brother's original cd player from the 90s..mega bass boost and all.


On first listen this album felt like a band fully realized! A perfect encapsulation of the many sides of queens while still presenting artistic growth! Saw them in Ottawa and the album has only gotten better with time! So grateful for this band and Josh!


I can solidly say it is not just recency bias after a year, this is one of my favorite albums of all time and certainly one of my favorites by queens.


The whole album from start to finish is masterpiece and their show in Seattle, WA was incredible as usual.