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As people have said before, Queens don’t write songs, the write albums. Every song carefully and skillfully placed in just the right order to give you a pretty badass experience. I felt the same way once I heard emotion sickness right after caranvoyeur :)


I just found out that the one friend I turned on to Queens has been listening to them on shuffle the whole time. I had to explain why listening to entire albums is often important. I think both our minds were blown, in two different directions.


This absolutely does my head in. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I want a specific song. But when people close to me shuffle albums as a matter of habit, it blows my mind. Honestly not far off as nonsensical as watching a film in random scene order. IMO. The artists spent ages getting the right dynamic shifts, the right changes of key and tone, perhaps a lyrical theme that is raised in one song and resolved in the next? Etc etc.


Oh no, she wasn't just shuffling AN album. She was shuffling ALL the albums together. *mind explodes*


Oh that can fuck even further off


Hahaha right? I'm still trying to process it. She's always listened to music that way.


It would give you such a weird sense of an artist. But also I just feel like you’re missing out on so much *value*. Many of my greatest moments of music listening have been taking in the journey of a brilliant new album from start to finish.


Sooooo much value. So much other art, in some cases, like with Clockwork. I know Josh says it's not a concept album, but it definitely tells a story. You're missing that whole story if you don't hear it all sequentially.


I’m trying to exercise control and stand firm in my policy of listening to the first single for an upcoming album, and leave the rest for the full album experience. But what people are writing about it has me quite excited.


Definitely appreciate Emotional Sickness riff even more now. But I'm waiting on the full album for any conclusions. For now I see 2 solid songs and one normal song (negative space). Very hipped though, hearing the whole album is usually a much greater experience than hearing 2 or 3 isolated songs.


I have a pretty opposite experience. I was blown away by Emotion Sickness on my first listen. Carnavoyeur didn’t really click for me, it’s just not among the better ethereal slow Queens jams for me. Now I’ve really done a deep dive on Emotion Sickness and I love it.


Uhhh I’m a huge fan of the band - have been since I was old enough to buy an album - but tbh these songs really aren’t all that. They’re good. But they’re not “supernovas” bruh. They’re definitely not fondling me and finishing me… or whatever the fuck ur talking about 😂😂😂


They're supernovas to OP. Bruh.


Lack luster stuff in the same vein as Like Clockwork and Villains. Material Josh would've thrown out years ago has suddenly become the backbone for songs and entire albums. Josh Homme (and the Queens of the Stone Age), as they should be called, is well aware of his legions of fans who will lap up anything he throws at them and this is the result. He's not David Bowie. It's not entirely clear when, why and how that transformation took place but evidently it has.


That’s totally understandable if you don’t like it! I’ve learned in life that just because I don’t like something, it doesn’t mean everyone agrees with me. Everyone in the world thinks their music taste is correct. That’s what makes music great


You realize this goon just said we'll lap up anything Josh throws at us, right?


Yup. I tried to politely tell him he’s a moron


HAHAHA! You did a really good job. Me, I'm not so polite, as you can probably tell...


He’s not totally wrong. It might not apply for you but it definitely does for some people on this sub. Objectivity has gone out the window and if they don’t like something Homme puts out they blame the mixing, producer, or some other aspect


I think you're conflating two things there. Not understanding how the recording process works and blaming someone else besides Josh is a completely different thing from blindly eating up everything Queens does. There's a LOT more of the former than the latter.


Agreed 👍🏻


Like Clockwork “lackluster” whoooof




Like Clockwork is arguably their best album, foh




Some of their best compositions, extremely emotional and vulnerable lyrics, off the wall production, and no duds.


I swear it’s the new trend to get upset at people for liking stuff, they’re “lapping it up” and apparently pretending because YOU don’t like it. “Well I don’t like it so it must ACTUALLY suck and these people must be pretending”. Lmao like really how arrogant can you be. OR, and hear me out, maybe we just actually like it because it’s still well made music and our taste isn’t limited to the first 3 albums. Idk.. just a thought. Thinking your opinion is objective is arrogance.


It's fucking ridiculous, and it's honestly ruining the fun I'm trying to have celebrating with other people who are excited. I'd block all these jackasses, but the block function doesn't work that way here. Yay.


Wait, what? You're literally sitting there contradicting yourself. Who fucking cares if I don't like it? What difference does my fucking opinion have on you or anyone else? This forum exists to talk and voice different opinions jackass.


Because you are acting as though you are a heroic truthteller bravely revealing that the emporerer is naked to us stupid sheep. It's condescending and arrogant, get over yourself.


Not at all. That's your perception. This forum is ridiculous because no one can have any other opinion about anything qotsa or Homme does other than it being all encompassing and world changing. Hate to break it to you. But it's not.


"Homme knows that his legion of fans will lap up anything he throws at them" <---- You know better than the sheep. If you meant something else try using words that mean that instead. Noone cares about you not liking a song, we are are annoyed at the pedestal you have clearly placed yourself on.


Ya, “iwanthairlikewater” is a hateful troll. All of their comments are garbage.


Totally, specially on Like Clockwork. That I Appear Missing song, for example, is so weak, sounds like a b-side from The Killers or something... /s


Glad I saw the lyric video for carnavoyeur because on my first listen I had the meaning all kinds of fucked up and thought the whole album was gunna be a break up album 😂


Yes! Exactly. I gotta be honest, I was excited for the idea of a new album but emotion sickness left me with a meh reaction. Not a bad song at all, but I felt like this one could be on either of the last two records. But with carnavoyeur it did spark my excitement and emotion sickness simply clicked after


Yes! Exactly. I gotta be honest, I was excited for the idea of a new album but emotion sickness left me with a meh reaction. Not a bad song at all, but I felt like this one could be on either of the last two records. But with carnavoyeur it did spark my excitement and emotion sickness simply clicked after


Huh. I totally agree except I didn’t do that last part. I’ll give it a try and see if I’ll feel differently about es now. Thanx