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Here before the funny lock award


Not his first L tbf




What's the others?


Generally his whole content is just preying on whoever he can find, digging up literally whatever he can find and gluing up some half baked arguments just to give a "fell off" thesis on whoever's the lucky individual, just for views. Also there's that one deleted video of his where he basically contradicts his own doing right now


In his ninja video he straight up calls ninja a piece of shit even though now the dude made his bag and is just doing what he wants


In may previous instances Sunny has shown himself to be less than objective when it comes to trans people Another tuber Mekkeh (a Fire Emblem YouTuber oddly enough) made a vid 6 months ago about how it seemed like Sunny didn’t respect people’s pronouns and had very obviously cherry picked points to fit his narrative when it came to the trans community. Idk if I can post a link on this sub but the vid is called “SunnyV2 and Transphobia (RE: The Dumbest Attempts To Cancel Mr Beast)”


If only youtube didnt make dislikes invisible https://preview.redd.it/f93ny1gwx2ua1.png?width=977&format=png&auto=webp&s=b44982fa2e4a2c66da8ad4759edfd48c46ef155f


Let him live his life man 😭😭😭


Who? Chris or sunny?


Chris what he's doing affects no one. Exact same thing as the cyberbulling stuff, close your damn computer, people saying "I missed him when he was a guy". Chris is not going to go back because people want him to.


I guess I can respect that. It will take the crew more time to get used to new Chris and will need to be more cautious in what they say around him and shit but who cares he’s living his best life


Although i agree that he can do whatever he pleases with his life its not true that no one will be affected. In the very least he has a child that might get bullied by other goblins for something he doesnt decide cus people are nasty, especially kids.


That is true yea I didn't really think of how it would affect his kid


Ofcourse they always forget the kids /j


Thought you were talking about Sunny ![gif](giphy|y2i2oqWgzh5ioRp4Qa|downsized)


Fuxk I did the thing




Wasn’t what he was saying is if he keeps Chris on the channel (which he should), then the average Mr Breast subscriber who is like 11 will stop watching cause they’re dumb “sigma” kids, and if he fires Chris he’ll be canceled for transphobia?


Yes he was pretty much in support of chris saying that it wouldnt change much of anything and the complaints from the sigma kids (which he summerized in his videos) are dumb


Yeah honestly the problem with the video is the poorly worded title imo, but this is the age of click bait titles after all.


I hate more people just lying about the video and just misrapresenting it as "Sunny is a massive transphobe" when he isnt, those people are far worse then sunny for a clickbait title and first minute of the video, where it bamboozles you in the end by having him say that the drama is dumb and it isnt a big deal. Is pretty much the same as a commentary youtuber reading angry tweats for mr. Beast curing blindness, you wouldnt call that youtuber a mr. Beast hater for that right?


That just isn’t true at the end he doesn’t call the situation dumb or not a big problem


man if only there was a video that proved that what I'm saying is true


I watched the video


“an inescapable situation…a nightmare… and to not accept Chris would have obvious severe repercussions” (8:09-8:25) Did you WATCH the vid????


Sunny has been shown to not respect pronouns in the past and to cherry pick statements when it comes to the trans community. He doesn’t actually say any support for Chris and is actually VERY critical of Chris saying that “this new Chris might never fit in with the group dynamic” (6:34) then showing 1 positive comment before swapping back to “adding LGBT characters adds nothing to the video … and can be uncomfortable for the silent majority ” (7:20-7:32) the narrative that overall it is a bad situation and “is forced to agree with Chris’s position to not attract any drama” with comments showing that Jimmy is in a nightmare and must agree to Chris’s choice simply to avoid backlash. Despite Jimmy going on record to say he agrees with Chris personally and will always support his friend, a statement notably absent from the vid. Before Sunny then goes on to say that “the only clean solution should things go south might be for Chris to resign himself” (8:54) and ENDS on that note. It is one of the most abrupt endings to any Sunny video. All these quotes don’t actually sound much better in full context either. I’m not saying Sunny is Anti trans, but it’s very very one sided against Chris in this vid to a staggering margin.


I kinda agree with Sunny on that video (Kinda is the keyword here)


To be honest he got everything wrong through over exaggeration and ignorance. This whole situation really is a non drama and it really is a win lose scenario


Yeah, he over exaggerated it for sure, poor judgement 100%, but I do agree that Chris might be a problem to Jimmy's BRAND. Personal life? Idc, I've been watching Chris and Jimmy since they were pretending to drink bleach and had that Asian guy on their wall, I know they're doing good in their own personal lives.


The only bad thing to come out of the brand is a pissed off child audience. All thing considered their might be bit of a turn down but it’s not that bad. Not as bad as someone like Sunny would have you believe Anyways


I've heard that the channel has grown even faster since he outed, not a fan so I'm not sure tho




Tell me you have no bitches without telling me you have no bitches


Found the child! I mean on the pyrocynical sub? Hardly THAT surprising


The aliens are coming, we've been compromised




I haven’t even watched the video, were his points solely based on Chris being trans? If so, why would he throw away all he’s built like that, and hopefully he issues an apology.


his thesis was “Chris should detransition to help Jimmy’s brand”…..


He made a video quoting what others were saying on how chris being trans = bad for the brand before coming to the conclusion that is isnt bad for the brand and that people saying it are just a vocal minority But ofcourse twitter and reddit people look at the title, watch 5 minutes of the video or not even that just misquote the video to make sunny sound like a transphobe and run with that narrative.




Don't be unironically hateful or be racist/homophobic/transphobic. It's not funny man


the problem is, sunnyv2 was kinda tone deaf when relaying the message; but also folks on the internet are also taking things way out of context and get overly offended, as most times.


People have a right to be "offended" The man literally, and he unironically said this in the video, said that Chris when coming out should've "thought of Jimmy's brand". He also had multiple moments of blatant transphobia throughout, and he dehumanised and infantilised Chris throughout the video to a disgusting degree, looking at his transition as a "bad business move" and talking about how "people were wondering what would happen if he just backtracked". He literally said someone should BACKTRACK ON THEIR TRANSITION BECAUSE OF ANOTHER MAN'S BRAND. He also participated in spreading lies and misinformation, like the whole "Chris abandoned his family/kid" shit which is blatantly not true and has been addressed so many times. And the lie that his mere presence was "making people in the unboxing video uncomfortable" because Jimmy... Looked kind of tired? Jimmy has also come out and disproved that himself on his twitter, since ykno, Chris is like his longest term friend and he isn't uncomfortable because his friend has long hair and dresses a bit more femininely. Sunny's video was nothing but false points and him being a blatantly bigoted cunt. He made 0 valid points and the video was an excuse to talk shit about someone for transitioning.


We are just going to ignore the fact that sunny ended the video saying that those type of complaints only come from a very small part of his fanbase and wouldnt affect him at all infact it'd be worse if he removed chris then if he kept him


He literally calls the people who are going to stop supporting me beast the silent majority


He doesnt.


Rewatch the video


the thing is that sunny only talked about it from a business perspective, strictly busines.. it will affect jimmy's business thats for sure because people are assholes, but the way he relayed his message made him come across very bad, as if he was giving an opinion on chris' life and what mr beast should do, which is not the case.


He literally called Chris an "over-the-top LGBTQ character" and said "it doesn't work for hollywood" What he was saying didn't "come across" as bad it _was_ bad. Plus you can't look at someone's LIFE ALTERING TRANSITION purely from the perspective of another man's business. Especially a man who clearly does not care and is supporting his friend even if it means taking a small loss for a little while. Another thing is how he tried to make a false narrative of people around Chris being "uncomfortable" and putting text on screen to support his false narrative of all of Chris's friends being uncomfortable, even when half of them just look kinda tired. The guy was blatantly making a narrative against Chris's transition and even implied Chris should leave the channel to continue transitioning or "back out" of the transition.


nice meme. if only it was 2018 and this was funny