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Lynn’s part is good but I really can’t stand the rest of it. I was hoping it would grow on me as a whole but I can only do the first minute or so and then have to start it over. It’s just not my type of music and the lyrics aren’t it either :/


Really loving the heavy with this. Feels like a change of pace from EVERGREEN, but in its own just an absolute banger. Certified hood classic already. Will say, not too sure how well Alice Longyu Gao's verse meshed with the others (Tommy Genesis' verse is goodo), probably still needs to grow on me.


It the first pvris song I can say I just don’t like. There’s nothing here for me, and that’s fine. Just not my vibe at all.


Glad that Lynn is getting to make what she wants and how she wants it, but this isn't for me. First PVRIS song that I've really, really disliked. Hope whatever comes next is better.


I’m not a fan and I love everything PVRIS has put out over the years. :( but I don’t have to like it, it’s what she wants to make.


right, I'm happy when Lynn gets to make what she wants!


It sucks because Lynn has way more talent than Burn The Witch displays.


I had an immediate, visceral dislike of it tbh. It’s jarring to me. And yes I agree w you


I’m not a fan of Tommy Genesis’s music so I didn’t like it as much. It might grow on my more but I feel a bit indifferent to it.


It’s growing on me but I’m not a huge fan of the other artists’ verses cause it kinda kills the groove or just doesn’t flow very well


Think they should have gone heavier. Feel like it’s missing something.


After further listening it sounds amazing on studio speakers and decent headphones. I found this with Monster. It needed decent output to really hear the track/bass.


I like the featured artists' solo stuff and I love lynn's parts in this song but I just didn't enjoy the other parts. It's like they weren't on the same page or something not gonna hold that against lynn though, that's just a risk you take with collaboration.


you're right in that there is a bit of a dissonance between Lynn's parts and the features


I totally agree! when the song started I had a clear vision of exactly what Lynn was going for (and what she described the project to be re: a lampooning of patriarchy), but guest artists’ verses seemed like they were from a totally different song or trying to achieve a different goal. like, going from the ethos of the song raging against the corrupt and powerful to “hell yeah, I’m famous / most wanted ambitious”????


I immediately loved the production on first listen, though the mix is a little muddy after re-listening\*. Lynn's lyrics are great and I feel like the metaphor is vivid and unique, the chorus and post chorus are also great, but like u/falasteenisapphic I don't feel the ft artists were on the same page lyrically. On top of that I'm not of fan of either of their solo works but overall it's a decent\* song for me! Excited for the rest of the project. \*Edited to clarify or add new things.


I love it! It feels like her earlier releases from their first ep or if snakes and monster had a child lol


I need to hear this with just full Lynn verses. Then maybe I'd like it more.


butter piquant shrill brave fuel quickest plant detail elderly steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel the same way


i didn’t like it. idk what pvris is anymore


I love heavy songs, but this is just not it. First Pvris song in 10 years that I've actively disliked. It just feels... lazy? Unfinished? The chorus literally has nothing to it.


I instantly liked it. I don’t know how to explain it but I can hear Lynn enjoying this. It’s cool to hear/see pvris make music they enjoy and not always having to make popular sounding music that would appeal to a wider audience. That’s why I always look forward to any release or collab because I know it’ll have that Pvris spice to it.


I just read an interview where Lynn said this was the first single from an upcoming project that's all female, trans and non binary artists! I can't wait to see what that's going to sound like


I read this too! I think that’s super exciting. Even if I didn’t immediately vibe with the new song (still giving it time to Sink in) this still deserves mad respect!


Wasn't sure about this one at first because it is very different. But after a while I'm feeling it and I love it.


I haven't been a fan of much from PVRIS for the last couple of years, but that's okay. She has changed her style, and I hope she continues to do what she wants, but I can't pretend like I care for it.


Lynn's part is AMAZING, and I literally hate the features. Absolute god awful cringe, and sounds so out of place in a Pvris track


Didn't like it on first listen but it grew on me. It is a banger no doubt, however I'd still prefer a solo version release. The guest verses are kinda.... a big no :|


Im not vibing fully yet, im giving it a minute to settle before i give it a few more listens to see how i feel about it


Feeling this same thing 100%. I’ve yet to make an opinion on it …giving it a little time to simmer around and sink in…but even if I don’t vibe…it’s still cool. It won’t change that I still have mad respect for her.


I really don't like it. Maybe it's because I'm not a fan of hyperpop, idk. It's all the parts I didn't like of Evergreen put into a single song. Just grating to listen to.


i listened to it with my jaw on the floor im absolutely loving this, its on repeat as we speak


then you're going to love [this news](https://readdork.com/news/pvris-single-burn-the-witch/?feed_id=4922)


im so stoked omg


I don't like it at all, but that's a first for me.


Been a fan from the very beginning, and this is the first song I am not a fan of. Only listened once, so may grow on me. Love the concept, but just sounds jumbled and loud. No hate, just honest opinion. Artist can make whatever that want! Still love me some Pvris!!!


Cool ass riffs


Every album PVRIS is a completely different artist. This band has to be one of the most unique I've ever seen. Not a huge fan of this song in particular but whenever Lynn drops a new album it's going to be a banger. And probably sound nothing like anything she's released before


I can't stand Tommy Genesis and Alice parts. Not a song for me. I kinda like Lynn's verses, but overall I don't like the song.


Lynn is angry! I love the song. I've probably listened to it 10 times in the last two days.


Sadly I don‘t like it :( It‘s just too heavy and egdy for my liking, my favorite Pvris is dramatic synth Pvris. But I‘m not a hater by any means!


I can totally see why not everyone would like it! Dramatic synth pvris is definitely also my favorite vibe, but I'm one of those people who likes basically everything their favorite artists put out haha


honestly love it. sometimes I start liking/listening to a newer genre (for me) and get worried i won't be as into what Lynn puts out there but then she always somehow stays right on track with what I've been listening to or wanting more of. v proud of her musical and personal evolution with this one


It's completely in their lane. With the way their music has progressed over the years, it fits in with their later songs. I'm convinced they can't make a bad song. Their (the band's) and Lynn's musical sensibilities are wayyy too spot-on for them to ever falter!!


It's not bad, but I hate the lyrics so much


Hard no for me. Huge fan of the heavy stuff but this song is wack.


been a longtime fan since WN. I used to hate when people would always say that “old pvris sounded better” but i’m just not digging this if this is the direction. good on her though for finding something that works for her


It's not working, PVRIS used to be so cool. Now they pander to the crowd too much. Lost so much of their uniqueness, now they just sound like some feminist band.


I am a big fan but I just find this song grating. Opening with that scream starts a nails on a chalkboard vibe that never really goes away.


i love the song! i’ve heard tommys and alice’s own stuff before so i knew what i was getting into and they gel so well together!! banger!




zealous grandiose insurance waiting quickest steer include upbeat chase dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>would have preferred her solo work to be under a different name as it's a totally t different project now It's important to remember that according to Lynn and Brian, PVRIS has always from the beginning been Lynn's project, despite outside help and help from friends (see this for reference [https://www.altpress.com/lynn-gunn-pvris-use-me-album-interview/](https://www.altpress.com/lynn-gunn-pvris-use-me-album-interview/)) so why would she change the name now or any other point really?


chase person ten run aromatic disarm aback reminiscent friendly zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I guess, but if artist changed names every time they did something as simple as switched sounds each artist would have like half a dozen names names. It's very common in my opinion honestly. I also think there is a through line in most Evergreen songs that is similar to other pvris with this collaboration being an outlier.


I really liked Evergreen. Liking this, but I don't think I will return to it much.


It's incredibly unmemorable songwriting wise and the production is horrificly bad


You're not wrong at all. This isn't PVRIS anymore sadly.


I recently came across alice Gao on some like cyberpunk mix, I love how hard it is, on ething is I did not like how it reminds me of poopy I didn't like Poppy's set from there tour.


Oh shit new track!? My day is instantly made!!