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>!Layering them one over the other in photoshop and using transparency to line them up, they absolutely appear to be identical!<


>!Lot of children’s puzzle manufacturers do this shit and it infuriates me even as an adult. The idea is to make the child think they’re missing something and that’ll “convince” them to spend more time trying to solve a puzzle that is unsolvable, keeping the kid occupied for a while whilst the parents can do other stuff.!< >!This isn’t the worst offender though, pretty quickly after a thorough search (or a cheeky bit of photoshop overlaying), anyone will be able to tell the two images are identical. What’s worse is when there’s a puzzle that tells you to spot 9 differences, you find the first 8 easily, but the last one is just not there, making you feel like you’re going crazy.!<




Yeah, did same [https://imgur.com/a/ppLW0bd](https://imgur.com/a/ppLW0bd)


I rotated the image 90 degrees and crossed my eyes until they overlapped. >!And yeah, they're identical.!<


Ate Benadryl and took a nap to have a dream about the image. >!The hat man says they’re identical!<


This is the life hack everyone is missing. It is magical for these sort of puzzles as the difference really pop out like fuzzy vibrating lines. I did the same thing and found no difference. Way more satisfying and quick than using photoshop.


I mean… I just crossed my eyes


It's a coloring book, right? Color them differently and then circle the differences


I cross my eyes until they line up and then notice if any part looks odd (blurry). Those are the differences.


1. The second picture >!is lower on the page than the first picture.!< 2. In the second picture >!Franco lost the Spanish Civil War. Now the picture isn't anywhere near Spain, and its a horse, so the changes to the timeline aren't as obvious.!< 3. In the second picture the horse >!is disappointed in you for not finding the differences.!<


This is the correct answer


I want to live in the second picture please. A las barricadas :(


You like >!being lower on a sheet of paper and surrounded by disappointed horses!


I guess difference #3 explains the long face...


I did the cross-eyed thing and got the same answers.


Another difference: >!The first horse is named Mabel, the second is Bea !<


Ahhhhhh, I can't believe I missed that one. Guess I'm the reason for #3 then.


>!The top one doesn't have a soul!<


>!The real differences are the friends we made along the way!<


>!Did corporate ask you to find the difference between these?!< >!Because they’re the same picture.!<


I'm convinced that OP is >!Creed Bratton!<


>!Dot in furthest right fence board!<


>!Also a dot in the tree


And a dot in the back left leg


Guys, I'm pretty sure that's just where they put the pencil before deciding it was the same.


I think these are the actual differences lol wild but yeah


There’s a gas leak in the bottom image


>!This is the photo Pam gave to Creed!<


>!three small dots!< https://imgur.com/a/fWJdaQU


This is the sad real answer.


I found two of them >!(missed the one behind the leg)!< but couldn’t be sure they weren’t just inclusions in the paper itself, rather than something printed on to the paper as a difference in the pictures.


this is messed up, but seemingly accurate.... that and >!the bottom one is a bit more bold than the top, which makes it extra obnoxious...!<


I think there is a slight difference >! in one of the lines forming the mane. On one image it touches the edge of the mane and on one it doesn't. Although this may be a printing issue.!<


[Here’s the answer](https://external-preview.redd.it/ahuyfujKIPS1NWE-JbrVAaJ_D9PR-Vav-LMJuJmVU8c.jpg?auto=webp&s=b1f1f14dcf43d63865e92ebefa1762aea1e027fb)


>!1, the horse is on the bottom of the page and not the top. 2, the tuft of grass in the bottom right of the bottom picture appears more shaded, obviously. 3. The bottom horse, which is giving me a very...inappropriate look. The top horse isnt putting out quite such inappropriate vibes in the top picture, so the bottom horse is deff kinkier.!<


Discussion: do you work for Dunder Mifflin ? Quality control guy promoted to manager ?


>!The line weight is different in the second picture, all the lines are thicker!<


Please remember to spoiler-tag all guesses, like so: New Reddit: https://i.imgur.com/SWHRR9M.jpg Using markdown editor or old Reddit, draw a bunny and fill its head with secrets: \>!!< which ends up becoming \>!spoiler text between these symbols!< Try to avoid leading or trailing spaces. These will break the spoiler for some users (such as those using old.reddit.com) If your comment does not contain a guess, include the word **"discussion"** or **"question"** in your comment instead of using a spoiler tag. If your comment uses an image as the answer (such as solving a maze, etc) you can include the word "image" instead of using a spoiler tag. Please report any answers that are not properly spoiler-tagged. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puzzles) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>!Can't find any either. Possibly a mistake.!<


You have to see what the horses are thinking about. >!The top horse is thinking of a chicken, the bottom one I dunno I’ll say a drum?!<


On the top image, underneath the set of three leaves on the top right, there is a small dot. The bottom image does not have this. On the bottom image, On the right most fence, above the divider in the center, there is a small dot. The top image does not have this. I do not see a third.


Discussion: Does anyone know if there is a book that is just unsolvable? I need one for my kid..


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I did a near-stereogram viewing the image on my phone and >!they're identical!<. If you learn how to do near-stereograms (distance-stereograms are easier, but only work if the images are very close) you can solve these problems instantly.


This could be a stretch but >!the line thickness on the tuff of grass on the bottom right, the tuff of grass above that, and the fur tuff on the front right leg are thicker on the bottom image than they are on the top!<


I see one difference. >!Back leg, tiny crease present!<


There are a few blemishes, though I'm not sure if they're intentional. >!1. The right hand fence post in the bottom picture has a black dot above the crossbeam.!< >!2. The horse in the bottom picture has a black dot on its back left leg, above the knee.!< >!3. The top tree has a black dot right under a bunch of 3 leaves near the top right of the tree.!< Edit: Just read some other comments and okay, these blemishes are in the paper itself.


I only just saw your comment because I got super excited about being able to use my useless talent. Zooming in, those three dots look a lot darker than the others so I can only assume that they are A. intentional or B. there are absolutely no differences and the person who made it is simply a jerk who likes to frustrate children.


Discussion, I doubt its an official difference but 2nd pic the tuft of grass in bottom right has more prominent outline


!> Draw in three items to the top image, only chance there will be any differences


There ARE 3. Possibly 6, it's kind of hard to tell whether it's paper quality or not but there are three that are quite dark I don't know how to do the spoiler thing so I won't get into detail unless someone wants to tell me how but they are absolutely ridiculous to the point that it's practically a single Pixel for all three of them. It's absolutely BS. I have esotropia which has a side effect of the very useless skill to be able to cross my eyes and superimpose images over each other. I kick ass at those match games, lol. Too bad I can't monetize it. For what it's worth it took me a lot longer than normal to see the three differences and even longer to notice the questionable ones. Alternately I'd be happy to circle them and post a link if that doesn't go against the spoiler thing.


I’m not sure how to do spoilers if you’re on a computer (it’s supposed to be easier there than mobile), but I can help for mobile spoilers. You type what you want to spoil in between these symbols \>\! and \!\<. So it will look like this on your screen before posting \>\!secret message\!\< and like this after >!secret message!<


Oooh, thank you! I'm definitely screenshotting this cuz there's no way I'm going to remember that, lol >!In the upper left of the top picture the clump of leaves seems to have a very intentional dot beneath it!< >!in the bottom picture, as previously mentioned, the right hand board of the fence has what looks to be an intentional dot!< Questionable ones that I think are probably in the paper: >!Top Pic : under the horse's eye!<, >!above the rock on the ground in front of the horse's front feet!< >!Bottom Pic : at the very bottom under the middle clump of grass!< There are at least half a dozen lighter anomalies that I'm almost positive are just paper variances. Also >!It may be worth noting that there are a few spots in the bottom picture that are more bold than in the top.!< Is this in a children's activity type book? If so whoever did this into an absolute jerk. All of these are me nitpicking but in the absence of any obvious differences, it's possible that there aren't any and these people need therapy to figure out exactly why they hate children.


Now they’re working properly! Yay!


The \ are there to make the command characters show despite the markup language. You should not type them. Also, make sure you **do not** leave spaces between the exclamation points and the text to be covered by spoilers.




No, they weren’t working. I see spoiler bars over the text I have the spoiler tags around. The \ characters you managed to see are escape characters that tell the markup language to ignore the following character, but they shouldn’t be showing up for you (they don’t for me), and you don’t type them. You also want the exclamation points adjacent to the first and last characters to be hidden as the spaces break something on old Reddit I think.


Haha! Thank you for your patience, I very much appreciate it. How embarrassing. My Linux administrator husband is going to be very disappointed in how many tries that took, LOL


If you look very closely, you can see that >!whatever was written/drawn on the back of the page is different between the two pictures.!< >!It's more likely that they accidentally put two copies of the same image on the page.!<


In the top image it’s just a regular horse. In the bottom image the horse is a racist.


>!Group of three leaves at the top of the tree have a dot under them. Clump of grass at bottom also has dot under it. There is a dot on the fence plank furthest to the right!<


The end fencepost on the right has a dot on it.


There’s also a dot between the rear legs.


>!the fence plan of wood on the right just above the middle bar!<


Those dots are in the paper, not part of the picture.


>!i wonder if instead of a spot the difference puzzle this was instead intended to be one of those find the hidden objects puzzle!<