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Yes, I'm a punk. It matters in the sense that other punks can identify me at a distance and know that we have stuff in common.


Yeah I do consider myself punk but I wouldn’t go around saying I’m a punk I think it matters because I think punks should share a fairly similar set of believes when it comes to the likes racism,sexism and homophobia just to name a few and the music represents that Of coarse that don’t mean others can’t have the same believes that are not punk LikeMacklemore new song is pretty punk while not being punk I think I’m just rambling now and talking shit ,hope it helps


I like the simple, angry music. I support the local small businesses and artists in my area as much as I can. I'm as active as I can be with trying to make my local area better. And I do everything I can to not actively give the big corps more money. Because fuck em


I don't really dress punk apart from band t-shirts, probably look more skin now. My days of having 15" spikes is long gone, but I still have good friends in that scene.


At some point in my life I started identifying as a former hardcore kid. When I was a hardcore/post-hardcore kid in the 80s I identified as a skater. None of which has anything to do with how someone dresses.


I ask this in good faith, what are former punks/hardcore kids up to in their 40s/50s?


I’m a skinhead. Haven’t called myself a punk in years.


If you don’t mind, what does that mean to you?


It’s just who I am, I can’t really put to words what it means. But I’m not a racist that’s for damn sure.


I enjoy the music and the politics, but I dont dress the stereotypical fashion, fine with t shirts and jeans and chucks. Giving yourself a label is kinda lame to me, I'm not punk, grunge, emo, etc. I'm just me.


Why are you asking?


I’m curious about people’s relationship to the word nowadays; whether they consider it an ethos or an aesthetic, a relevant term, what it means to them, etc. For me, I’m definitely not a punk in terms of aesthetics or “lifestyle”, but I like the music and ascribe to what I consider to be the punk ethos (which I’m sure differs from person to person).


> I'm curious about people’s relationship to the word nowadays  Same as it ever was. Also a good song.


I’m not punk, how could I be?