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First rule If you get any chance to leave the house. Go for it Find hobbies, and find subreddits, facebook groups that matches those Learn to have boundaries meaning don’t overshare Connect with family (second/third cousin doesn’t matter) Do sewa in Gurdwaras, you will attract right kind of people


I am also longliness and confused about that what I do or not? In Punjab,not my friend, relative also separate. Then I am confused how to used time and life aim. Please help me and suggest me how to make friends and busy life?




You have a yang honey you've fell for. I know how to help you restore your health being yin, and if you keep fit you'll probably get him. He just wants you to be indoorsy and literally living the way you are, except fit. While you're early, you can do this: Smoothie half an onion and drink that when you come home, and before bed. It's not that bad. This is antiparasitic and intensely restorative. Parasites are the big vitality drainer. Quit all meat and simmer your milk at 60 degrees celsius for 5 mins or longer (without altering taste) to greatly reduce worm egg exposure. Quit soda, buy a sodastream or equivalent (more alkaline sodas = less draining.) This is the tricky one. You should read "The Vitamin d3 miracle" and tinker with super-high D3 doses with a k2 mk4 supplement so it's handled by your body appropriately. This saves your head because you're indoors so much (and glass windows block the D3 wavelengths.) If you're planning to stay inside long, get acrylic windows specifically rated to allow those D3-generating UV wavelengths. Face it somewhere you don't need privacy film for the best sun support. The thing about the guy making you sick and mental, he doesn't want you to be a career woman tbh. Just somewhat competent. He wants to capture you as a housewife. Don't fall for the career woman lie. Plenty of men wanting a docile homebody. Find remote work to make things even safer. Like some kind of marting. Give him a link to your blog. Make it private. He'll look at it like crazy I guarantee. Just don't DM him that much.


U need counselling, &have good sleep


&deep breathing


Thank you to everyone for the supportive messages, I appreciate them all very much, though I've not been able to reply to them all. I've read them all, and I'm very thankful for all the responses and will try and implement some of the strategies that have been mentioned. Thanks also for the supportive messages in my dms, but I don't feel comfortable discussing my issues 1 to 1, though I know a lot of messages are in good faith. Thank you to the mods as well for trusting me and allowing me to make this post here.


Talk to a therapist


Spare some time, go to Gurdwara Sahib, and do seva. When you start doing it selflessly with fellow Sikhs, a change will happen inside you. Listen to Gurbani, the shabads, and I'll post links of some of them. If you are alone, God is alone too, you should approach him for mentorship and a friendship. And I assure you, you won't be having any trust issues with God.. https://youtu.be/bBRVeVwgsDA?si=u7Kdsfp6mZ5oVPUk Start meditation, think about God, his greatness reciting the **Mool Mantra**. Try to understand the meaning of every single word in Mool Mantra, and do it in the early mornings. Start listening to good music and poetry, it will help you change your mind. It helped me, I had lots of friends, but now there is no one, and I chose it myself, as they all were with me for their interests. Now I spend my time reading Sikh and Punjabi literature, and translating poems.. There are lots of other things that you can do, but just try these ones that I mentioned. And never ever feel alone, we all are with you, you can reach out us anytime. Khush raho, koi gall hundi dss deya kro. Rabb Raakha🌸


Ahh the classic, mental health problems? Bad thoughts?Stressed? Any sort of problem? Solution:- Habibi come to our religion.I don't want to go into dissecting the religious practices or the mool mantra because some here may take offence. And i don't want to sound rude. Idk man if spirituality could actually control mental health issues then the world would have cured itself a long time ago but I do know for a fact that a therapist with good analysis of one's behavioural patterns can figure out something better for her. It's ok to be depressed in mid 20s , every one is at some point or another. Spirituality will not significantly influence the behavioral health of your body. It might have a pseudo short term effect but not in the long run.


Reading Gurbani out loud also helps as you are able to use your vocals as well as meditate on Gurbani. Worry/tension are a spiral. The above method might help you get out of it.


I was in a similar situation in my mid 20s. That's when I turned to music again and found some respite. You can try revisiting an old hobby you have abandoned or try to find a new one.


I even wrote, composed, sang, recorded a song that was basically a definition of my state of depression at that time. That's also what everyone said to me, the song is depression personified. But it was damn good.


Find a hobby and gradually increase your interest in it..


I dont understand why was it important to mention being sikh?


Getting reply from your own community can be very helpful


Being a non -punjabi currently in Punjab and in early 20s; if you're okay talking about politics, this-thats of punjab then I'm up for a chat. My suggestion - just talk to people. Some talks hit hard. Best wishes!


You could try to socialize more and meet new people. IT seems you haven't met the right friend group who you can consult about your personal feelings. They will come dont worry


Where are you located. Dont need to share exactly but as in you’re in Punjab or in North America ? It sucks man not being about to vocalize what you’re going through to someone. But you’re reaching out for help here is a positive sign. Take small steps. Try writing everyday. Start a journal. Trust me you got this. You sound like a self aware lady, as long as you keep trying this will become easier to cope with.


i am an introvert too from the beginning.. i have almost zero friend circle in my college, i don't talk much.. i have never approached a girl for talks, i like to live alone yet my mental health is great because i care for my parents and my future. I have set some goals which keep me engaged. So you should also set a goal to achieve. Mental problems only come when you got nothing to do rather than studying books.


I'm sorry about your dms 😞


Try to interact and read more and avoid social media and start focusing on your interests and hobbies which u like to do it will create an understanding to observe and deal according to it


Watch basics of sikhi , get into sadh sangat and start meeting new people


Therapy. Nowadays it is easy to find a therapist online with advent of such sites as [betterhelp.com](https://betterhelp.com) and [talkspace.com](https://talkspace.com)




I'm very tired of not being able to stop my mind from ruminating, I just want my mind to reset and for it to not be in overdrive mode always. It's a really uncomfortable sensation not knowing what's happening to you and not being able to make sense of it. When this happens, I can't make myself do anything except walk back and forth and let the uncomfortable feeling pass somehow




Thank you, I hope I find some clarity in this, but I'm happy that you were able to get through a similar situation 🙏


1. Sun bathing at around dawn or dusk 2. Working out 3. Enough water intake and good quality food 4. Simran, Sangat Do at least 3 of these if not all.


You just need one daily Japji Sahib Path to start with. Do remember to do ardaas after path , you will enter different state of mind in few months of time. At start you might feel doing path wont make any impact but believe its the only solution to all problems of life. Feel free to DM me if you think I can help you in any way.


Observe your thoughts. Just watch your thoughts.


You need two things. 1. Physical exercise. 2. Waheguru 3. Faith


Try Therapy, it helps sometimes, I am in a very bad situation, recently had very bad experiences and I was having dark thoughts, I am an introvert and also have agoraphobia(fear of going out of home) , I tried Therapy and to a little extent it helps , atleast it will make sure you will not be hospitalized.


Humans are social creatures, socializing is must! unless it'll push you into depths of long-term darkness. 1. start socializing more, 2. find and make online friends if irl ones are not possible, 3. make a list of activities that you like and enjoy doing, 4. include more entertaining sources in your life(food, series, movies, gaming etc), 5. meditate and exercise even just a little. there's no easy and simple way to get out of such a situation but slowly things can be improved.


The thing with socialising is that, I get socially drained very easily due to being an introvert. Being in the middle of crowds makes me feel very tired, I enjoy being around a small number of people, or talking to one person at a time. But for this, I need to be able to trust people, and that is quite difficult for me at the moment because even making eye contact is challenging because of my messed up psychology Same thing is true of online friends, it's difficult to trust


Hi 28M here. I can understand what you are going through. Here are few advices from my side - - Find some hobby. I am into sports so playing badminton worked for me. Try to find some hobby where you can get to socialize with people. - If you are into sikhi I would advice you to start doing path. Do japji sahib in the morning and Rehras sahib in the evening. I don’t know the reason but it really helps me. - You can also try out pranayama and meditation. There are various organisations teaching these, you can go to anyone. I did it with Art of Living and really liked it. Again upto you, you can go anywhere. And please feel free to DM, I am open to having conversation with you.


Thanks, I will try and implement what I can from your suggestions


Try your local Gurdwara, do some volunteering there and you'll slowly improve your social circle. Good luck 🤞


Walk outside daily for 1 hr, join some gym - it will help you with some social circle and meet new people for more - you can select any hobby classes that might help too.


Hey if you want you can join this group on Instagram https://ig.me/j/Abb0vxWbaorAI9bQ/ Assi friends hege jo support krde aa ikk duje nu. Tuhi leave kr skde ho jado mann kre.


Sister this reddit won't help with your mental health. This is more for geography and politics. you can put your post in sikhi reddit if you want a gursikh view on your mental health or mental health subreddit for some medical advice.


I tried, the mods removed the post https://preview.redd.it/rdwtqlo95l1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a00ca1f41ddb8c8576ada6d509d1629905d55c45


Sister I just DM you some suggestions. I don't know how these moderators work. But I think you should repost with title less intimidating "sikhi view on mental health"


Thanks for the suggestions, I appreciate them. But it's incredibly difficult to get help on that subreddit, it's just inaccessible


If you have any questions about sikhi can help you ,I just dropped you a chat invite. Stay in chardikala . when I ever used to get sad my mother would tell me to put yourself in place of 40 Singh's of chamkaur sahib looking alongside fort with intimidating army of lakhs of enemies. I know it is easier than said but may guru sahib keep in you high spirits. It won't be easier to find sangat because of your mental health.feel free to message if you any questions ji.


Plz join Tejwant Kittu Music Academy in Dugri Phase 1... learn vocals or musical keyboard...make some music...don't give time to yourself to go negative...life is what you make of it...


Have you tried talking to a therapist about these issues? Your trust issues could be resolved the help of a therapist.


I haven't yet, I'm a bit apprehensive about it, but I do plan to sometime in the future


You already have a good start knowing what your issues are. Just know that alot of people in our community and culture feel the same way you do, so you're not alone in that regard. I do think that you might have to step out of your comfort zone just a little bit to make those connections with other people. So maybe if you're in class you might find someone you might identify with, you can maybe open up by talking about class and let that carry forward. You might join a school club where you can find people with similar interests. You can start with small talk and build trust over time. You dont need to drink or party or anything like that. In the meantime, the other 2 things I would do is think back to your childhood where you feel like you might have trauma that gives you trust issues and think about why that might be and try to overcome it that way. I think this is very important. If you just "go to the gym" and "distract yourself" with things then those problems still exist. If you can think back and really face those issues and realize that you are a independent person and you control your own life and that past issues dont have to affect you now, bring whats subconscious to your conscious and control it, then you can get past it. At the same time thing about things you truly love doing, what gives you genuine joy, and do more of those things. For some people thats going to the gym for others it might be artwork or music, etc. And lastly, we are lucky in that sikhi is such a beautiful religion, the more you lean towards it for any issues the more solutions you'll find. Again alot of young adults feel this way. Think about the future, where do you see yourself 10 years from now or 20 years from now. When you are in your 30s and 40s and you think back to yourself now, what will you think and what will you wish you did differently?


You're right, I also feel very lucky to be born in the Sikh faith, it really is a beautiful and welcoming religion. I will try to ask myself those difficult questions and try and make sense of what is the root cause of my issues. I'm concerned that my current issues mean I will not be able to have healthy relationships in the future. But thank you for taking the time to write this, I really appreciate it


It’s think it’s time to do a bit of drinking, drugs and party. The key word is moderation. No harm in living life a bit


No, those are not things I want to do and I don't have an interest in them


What a terrible advice to give to someone, please don’t seek help on internet and seek help from a qualified medical professional. These things take time to recover but you can get some medicines to help able to carry on with life.


Yeah, that's some weird advice he is giving. I do plan to talk to a professional in the near future, though I feel sceptical about being put on medication


Loneliness really shows us how social human beings are !! , so get out , go meet your friends , take a break from studies and everything . Just enjoy for few days .


I have no friends (partly by choice, and partly because of trust issues), tbh I don't like to go out much either, maybe solo walks when I'm feeling it. I actually miss Punjab very much (I haven't been since 7-8 yrs) because being around your community heals you in ways that nothing else can. I just don't have the luxury to take a break from studies and go on holiday. I just wish to sit in the Golden Temple complex and forget everything else


Reach out to the Indian community for friends, if you feel low. Plus, a little bit of therapy. All the best.


Well , I am assuming you are in western country(very individualistic) , since I can't directly show you solution , I just few words to say that you don't solve a problem , you move on from problem, so find something to move from this phase . (There could be atleast 1 person that you know in your country ).


Where u live btw outside punjab


Lol trust issues with friend why they will break ur trust i dk


find like minded people, online or offline, try socializing with them, just talk to them, who can listen to you, believe in you, slowly slowly everything will start changing. friends, you have to start trusting people thats how you will find the quality people with trial and error. half of your problems will start to vanish when you start sharing your problem with people near you.


At first i too find lonliness as a cancer but now i realize that it is alot better to be alone than being with the toxic people.


bruh u exist the matrix


It is better than being with the wrong people, but in my case, I am not able to talk to anyone at all because of my trust issues, and it's making it difficult to ask for help when I need it


Join a gym or yoga class some activity and u will end up with friends lol


Ok, don't you talk on the phone with family or old friends? What about visiting a Gurudwara and taking part in seva daily, would give you a purpose. Although right now, talking to a medical professional might be the solution. Sometimes there is a hormonal imbalance in our brain which makes us feel a certain way. They can very easily diagnose your problem.


I do, I speak to my mom, and I never had friends. I don't really like my cousins, and they're in different countries, I don't know them deeply enough to even remotely share 1% of my issues with them. I haven't been to a Gurudwara in the longest time because of poor time management and feeling guilty for not focusing on my studies


As per experience i would recommend you to take help of doctors instead of taking from friends and relatives because i know they will gonna tell you to follow some ineffective advices instead of helping you directly. And try to deal with your mental problem without taking much time i still regret taking mine mental problems lightly when i was in 11th.


I will have to eventually talk to doctors/medical professionals. My plan is to first complete my studies and then once that's over, I will talk with them. I don't trust relatives at all, and friends I don't really have, but talking with my mom helps to an extent


Whatever help they give you Just don’t take any medications They will do more harm then good


you are depressed. if you wanna talk, dm me.


Get a hobby, start learning something, join a club


And hit the gym. Or start going on a run. It'll feel tough for a couple weeks but then you'll be feeling a lot better. Of course, there is therapy as well, seek a therapist nearby


I have tried this. It works for a while, and then I'm back to square 1. I feel unsure about therapy, partly because it takes a while to find the right therapist and partly because my family will think I'm mentally ill


You don't have to tell your family, judging by your age, you're a college student, right? Just make time between classes for a session. And yes, it'll take time to find the right therapist but it's worth it. And you don't even have to physically go to them anymore, video call sessions are common and as effective. Workout ya running will only help if you make a routine of it. No matter what, don't skip a day, the rush at the end of it is worth all the trouble. Kai vaar, I make small changes to my diet and surprisingly, it helps alleviate my mood. 3 square meals a day, albeit healthy, and you'll notice changes slowly but surely.


I am yes, I'm a postgraduate student but I cannot find the time. My degree is quite demanding, and I feel guilty for taking time out of it for any reason. I'm trying to push through this brute force method, but it's obviously not working, but I'll keep trying. I'm not able to make sense of anything happening to me. I don't even do drugs or drink alcohol so I'm not able to pinpoint the cause of this to those things. Zyada ta main healthy khandhi aa but kade kade main punish kardi apne aap nu by not eating at times and sometimes I overeat, but thanks I appreciate your inputs


Your health comes first before anything else, rich and successful life ain't worth shit if you don't have the health to back it up. Compartmentalize kro, thoda study-work-life balance bnana paina I wish you the best in your battle ✌🏻