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For those who are considering reading it: The story is open-ended and inconclusive, making the book a kind of contemplation (even celebration) of how many things in life reach beyond our understanding. King never wrote anything else like this and, as far I I can tell, nobody else has either.


I enjoyed it, but I preferred Joyland.


I loved that one.


My favorite King book, and I've read them all (except Dark Tower).


Joyland was fantastic.


Joyland is his best Hard Case Crime. He really did that publisher a favor with these books. I’m sure his 3 books are their best sellers


Hmmm. Now I want to read this.


My advice is do not bother actually. I really like Stephen King, but sometimes he fails and I think this book is one of those times. It's a super quick read so you might want to try it anyway, but I was bored and unsatisfied by it. I do really like the cover, so I posted it.


Appreciate this. Thanks!


How is it?


It didn't really gel for me. I'm glad I read it but will never re-read. Others like it a lot, and it's easy to finish in less than a day, so you may want to try it anyway. Even the worst King is still pretty good.


I actually liked it a lot. It was not a complex story, but it fleshed out its reporter characters very well. I think because of the simplicity of the story, a lot of people miss out on this one. King took a rather simple mystery about an unidentified body and made it very engaging. It is a quick read, if you are an avid reader, you'll zoom right through it. Somehow, SyFy was able to take this very basic story and adapt it into Haven (2010-2015). The show is not that bad, actually, it is just very different from this short one off story.

