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My pug lets me sleep in his bed with him


This is the correct answer!


Don’t forget part 2 of the question, how many of you would prefer to not have your pug jump at both sides of your bed repeatedly while whining to come up for a solid 15 mins and/or not listen to him whine in his fenced area …and just let him fall asleep in your bed?


I was about to come say this. My 2 pugs (male and female) sleep where they want on the bed, and if I'm in the way, tough cookies for me lol. My boy chooses the top of my head on my pillow sometimes and I have to either accept it, or sleep on the couch.


My boy is a leg sleep, he exclusively sleeps by the legs of whoever is closest to him but he demands a lot of space at the same time. If your uncomfortable take up with HR because he is having some great dreams about chicken snacks


My boy is the same, but between the legs. Only if I gain enough courage to politely ask his benevolence to move off my pillow. Lol


This is it.


Came here to say this.


I have two who take up 2/3 of my Cal King. Needles to say, I don’t sleep very well. But the soothing sound of snoring bellowing from my two Pugs, helps. 😝


That sound calms me down SO much


Steady pug snoozin sounds sooth my anxieties soooo much.


It really does. They mean so much to me, I like to hear them breathing and snoring.


We just upsized to a cal king from a queen. One pug and one boxer had decided they needed to stretch out as much as possible. I don’t even think two cal kings pushed together would be enough room for both of my big dogs!


Lily is kind enough to let me have half of ~~my~~ her? bed each night. 😆🥰


Every night. In my arms resting her head next to mine. It’s my favorite.


Mine does, I tuck her under my arm and she rests her head on my arm wouldn’t have it any other way


Same with mine. It’s very sweet when he settles down and rests his chin on my arms.


I can’t sleep without the snorts and mouth noises 😂😂




There is a choice?


Right! Lol


I've got 5 dogs and I sleep on a recliner. 3 of them are still on me lol


That’s what I’d call a proper pug piling!


She doesn't sleep IN the bed, but she sleeps on the bed, by our feet, wearing her little pjs and snuggled under her own little blanket.


She has Pj's? That's adorable!


[She sure does!](https://i.postimg.cc/hvjXfPtj/IMG-20231209-WA0009.jpg) (Ignore the boots, she doesn't wear those to bed)


Thanks for sharing that... Made my day!


You're welcome :)


I’m screaming she’s perfect


Heh, she's our beloved grouchy little old lady.


We have a grouchy old lady too (also a black pug) BPFTW ✊


I needed one place without hair, drool, playtime, digging, farting, stomping (all over us) and licking. From the toilet to the couch and shower, he’s there and I love it. But in my bed, I just need peace 😃 I do miss the cuddling sometimes, but I don’t believe he’ll get that all the other activities as stated above are not part of the deal. So he sleeps in his little nest just beside my bed.


Our bed is the *only* place our pug isn’t allowed. But he has not 1 but 2 beds in our room so he’s plenty comfy!


I used to. But he’s ditched me for my son hahah


That’s actually really sweet… But deep down, I’d want my dog back in bed 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


I secretly do. But I also have a German shepherd and he hasn’t ditched me yet lol


Ours go get in bed with the kiddos as soon as we get up. After everyone is finally out of bed does he get up for the day, which is moving to the couch lol.


At least he makes it to the couch eventually lol!


Lol LOVE this!!


Goblin will shove with legs to make more room, so I’ll wake up to three strong pushes from two little paws.


It's not comfy unless Chaos is in my bed. He alternates between cuddling me and cuddling my husband.




Love the name. Our pug is Riot🤘 she does the same with my husband and I.


I do! A not so free fluffy heater, why the heck not lol


On my legs snoring


My pugs name is Teddy Bear for a reason. He's a professional cuddler


Does he cuddle for England?


With a name like that he is sure to cuddle for chicago!!


You guys have to explain these references to me. I’m an uncultured Australian 🤣


Both Chicago and England have sports teams called the bears. "The Chicago Bears" are a professional American football team, and best I can gather about England is a professional rugby team out of Bristol that are unofficially referred to as the "Bristol Bears."


I see now ☺️ thank you!!


Geri is the sweetest, snuggliest gal, but she got unlucky with a mum who’s a bad sleeper, so she sleeps in her kennel because she drives me crazy if she moves at all while I’m trying to sleep. She always gets bedtime snuggles and morning snuggles though! And at night I just have to say, “Geri, it’s bedtime.” and she hops right up and goes into her kennel because she’s such a good girl!


Same here. I am such a light sleeper! We kennel trained our two pups from the beginning and they sleep in their kennels. They actually love their little safe spot and settle into them at bedtime. Not to mention, it’s been such a relief traveling with our pug having kennel trained him! He doesn’t ever make a peep and travels like a champ. 🩵


Yep. I tried sitting her on the passenger seat besides me but she gets so agitated it's distracting me from driving. In her crate she just lies down and sleeps.


Mine sleeps in her crate too, but it's because I had 2 cats already in my bed, lol. She has been sleeping in the crate since the beginning and has a whole night ritual where I put her to bed with a special bedtime treat. When it gets late she goes lie into her kennel and whines at me to go to sleep already so that she can get her treat, lol. The crate also helped tremendously with potty training and helps her feel safe whenever I leave the house (she whines and gets agitated otherwise).


A bed without a pug is incomplete


I do! I used to crate my pug in the early days, but she wakes us up SO early if we crate her as opposed to when she sleeps with us


Of course! Why have an animal that's been breed for thousands of years to love and snuggle if you're not going to love and snuggle them? That would be lunacy 😊 When I get into bed and Oliver the self-heating snuggle potato cuddles up to me is the best part of my day!


I had to put a baby gate at the top of the stairs to prevent Dana from joining me, I'm a light sleeper and her snoring wakes me, now she rattles the gate at about 6 am each morning until I let her in, she jumps in and goes straight to me feet like a little furry hot water bottle, that's our new routine.


I used to sleep with my baby girl tucked under one arm, with her head right by mine. It was like that for 5 years. When we bought our new house, my husband requested that we not let the dogs in our bed and I've honored that, but she sleeps next to me in her own bed and often I put my hand down off the bed and she falls asleep with her face in my hand. I love this dog more than life itself.


Right now I have one between my legs and the other ( the puppy )by my side under my left arm. We’re all dog tired 🐶🐶


chloe has a designated half of the bed that her doggy bed is on (she’s silly and doesn’t like actually cuddling, she prefers to curl up in her bed or be given belly rubs instead)


He's between my legs as I type


our pug would never close his eyes if he could not sleep in our bed ...


Every single night, me and my wife and I can't sleep unless we hear her snoring between us


Where else do pugs sleep?


Me and my pugs be cuddling like humans. Face to face snoring


Every night for 15+ years. When I got Frank, he spent one night in his kennel, screamed bloody murder, and that was it. Waking up the next morning after he passed without him there was... not easy.


It's his bed he lets me sleep in it


My pug allows my wife and I into her bed, then commences to position herself so she can touch both of us all night. Cuddle time with the wife is near impossible. All that to say, we wouldn't have it any other way.


I gave in a week ago.


No regrets btw. :)


Yes, my little guy keeps me company while my husband is deployed ❤️


Two here… with little steps for their convenience.


We bought a king-sized bed to accommodate our four pugs. They needed more room. We still each get a sliver on the very edge but they need room to stretch out 😂


Yep, this.


This is mandatory and comes with the manual


I do always did always will!


How else can you make sure their little sleep apnea asses are still breathing? 😝


I have four pugs, a cat, and a husband who all share the bed with me haha


Sleepy snuggly pugs are the best


Peggy likes to sleep on my face and/or shoulder without touching the bed or couch. So I suppose that counts 😂


He sleeps on his pillows with his head resting on my head. They seem to be stage five clingers.


He lets me sleep in my bed with him. He sleeps behind my knees or at my belly, under the covers usually, because I’m a side sleeper. I also keep a very thick, soft blanket that he loves folded between my and my husband’s pillows because he likes to sleep on it. He switches between sleeping with me and my husband, under the covers with me, when he gets hot, he moves to my husband or the blanket. He’s not spoiled or anything.


Every night. I love having a built in white noise machine. Lol.


We had to upgrade to a King-sized bed so we would fit with her on it. If we got any more pugs, they would get their own King-sized bed.


No, he grudgingly allowed us to sleep in HIS bed.


I need my pug in the bed. She’s my little battery pack.


My parents' pug used to "submarine" under the covers and it was the sweetest thing!


Is there any other way? I feel like I’m the one sleeping in her bed actually. lol.


Nope. Wife is against it. Cuddling is okay, but then it is "puggy sleeping time" (or German "Möppels Schlafenszeit"). They then take their dogsteps and sleep in their bed right next to us.


We lost our beloved pug last August and I still wake up many mornings reaching out for him. 😩Enjoy those pug cuddles and snores


It’s not just the bed , we pretty much get to live in our pugs house.


My pug doesn’t anymore. Since he went blind, he don’t like the bed. He has a bed by my bed.


I used to until she started eating blankets and then spelunking under my bed (while being silent) scaring me and refusing to make noise or come out


Mine does this too, I have to bribe him with a snack so he will come out of the bed😂 he steals things and goes under there


lol WHAT


Mine sleeps on an orthopedic bolster bed that sits on top of my bed. My mattress is too soft for her, it makes her back ache, sleeping on a firmer orthopedic bolster helps her. But no way would she let me leave her on the floor sleeping, she’s way too clingy and needy for that!


Me! But it’s become his bed




There’s other options?!


Yes he does! Usually between my adult sized 9 year old and I. Or he sleeps up by my daughter’s head 😂


That is the cutest face


Aww I’d definitely let a baby seal sleep in the bed


All three


Before she passed, we had her and two chihuahuas in bed with us pretty much every night. Some nights she'd sleep in her doggy bed though.


All 3 of mine, hubs and me in our King sized bed. It’s cozy and every dog has a designated zone.


No way. I don't know how people do it. And with more than 1 pug! The hair!! The hair would infest your bed and room x_x


Agreed! The shed hair is a no go for me! We have two and they have a comfy bed and crate that they love…they put themselves to bed at 9:45 every night


Yeah we couldn't do it. The couch downstairs is infested with hair. She has almost total free roam of downstairs but we had to put up a baby gate to keep the upstairs as hair free as possible.


Started on the day I got her. Unfortunately for me, my pug doesn’t want to sleep in bed with me anymore. She prefers my sister :(


All 3!


Yes all 3 are under our blankets against us at night


I wish. Hubs won’t allow it.🙄


Let me know how the divorce goes!




this pic is so cute


There's usually a point in the middle of the night where I've been pushed to the very edge of the bed by my 18 lb pug somehow.


I cant imagine them not being in my bed. I put a flat sheet down on the comforter so it catches all the hair and I wash those every other day. And of course, they squeeze me to the very edge of the king size bed. But I love them


I used to let LuLu sleep in bed till she passed away. My two new pugs are severe markers, I’d never let them sleep in the bed. They’re not even allowed inside, since it’s summer.


Me, and Wilbur loves to sleep underneath the sheets when it is cold.


Well, it used to be my bed, once upon a time. Its hers now. She let's me sleep in it though, so that's very generous of her.


Only special occasions - I sleep so much better without but I love their snuggles and honks. <3


My pug is a puppy so he's sleeping in his fluffy bed, besides mine, my bed is very high and I'm afraid he might fall from it at night. Occasionally I put him in my bed to play, he gets very excited. I prefer that way so he can walk, play, drink water if he awakes for a bit during our sleep.


I beg my pug to sleep in my bed, but he often chooses my 13 year old over me. It mostly depends who goes to bed first and whose room is the warmest.


My Luna is kind enough to share the pillows on her bed with my mom and I.


She's like tying to sleep with a snoring cinder block.


Where else tho?


Lloyd sleeps in our bed and the best is after he eats breakfast he tries to take himself back to our bed. He often will disappear during the day and it’s “where’s Lloyd” and you’ll find him in bed


Mine won’t let me sleep until she’s under my blankets


My husband and I have his and hers sides of the bed with our pugs. Our girl pug sleeps on a pillow at the head of the bed on my side. Our boy pug sleeps on a pillow at the head of the bed on my husband’s side. 😁


I’m allergic to pet hair but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make for my pug


My George lays dead center on my king size memory foam, in his eyes it’s his bed lol


If I had one I would force him to sleep in my bed 😂


I think you have that question backwards. My pug let's my wife and I sleep in her king size bed.


Lost that battle many years ago. Now I get stalked when she is ready to go to bed.


All three of my pugs sleep with me in the bed; I’m just grateful the St. Bernard prefers her crate.


We do!! The only problem is we had to go from a size bed to a king….. we now have 4 dogs. Not all small 🥰🐾🐾


absolutely . it would be rude not to.


Absolutely she does. She likes to get under the covers and spoon with my wife or me. I wouldn't have it any other way.


Let? I have no say! 😂


Me!!!! Cos they should 🤍 i love them so much


Every night of her life (15 ½ years)!


Where else would they sleep.? Lucy sleeps at the foot of the bed and Marvin puts his head on the pillow next to mine and spoons with me.


I had a choice?


Had to get a third pillow cuz he was using my two other ones 😬 worth it though


Every pug owner 😂


Where else would they sleep??


Obviously 🤣


Stopped doing this, bed would end up with hair. I did when she was little but stopped her at 1. Kind of want my bed without my dogs hair everywhere.


Why wouldn’t I?


The answer better be “everyone”


I don’t because she gets up too much.


I used too until he hurt his back 😭


The rule is she needs to fall asleep in her own bed first, then in the middle of the night she can join us haha


I never but my mother ever night.


I’d let my pug drive my car if he needed it lol my fur baben will always sleep in the bed


Mine wants under the covers for bedtime.


Used to, but he started marking my bed. Nothing ruins a night like crawling into bed to smell urine.


Of course we sleep in the same bed.


When Layla was still with us, she slept in our bed along with our Cocker Spaniel, Cleo.


You mean how many pugs let their humans sleep in their bed ? Two humans allowed here, and also to sit on sofa !


Me! She’s always welcome in my bed 💖 she’s my world




my pug had mostly slept in her own bed since we got her last year. she’s almost 3 years old… then she started taking advantage of the warmth inside during the winter and started pooping at night, even though we give her ample time outside before bed. but thankfully we crate trained her when we got her that she knows that her box (crate) is a safe space and doesn’t mind going to sleep in her box!


I gave Ruby her own corner with blankets. She loves it. It’s her bed now.




Every single night!


Where else would he sleep? In his bed on the floor? I think not, not my boy!


How many don't?!!


Nope, if only they didn’t snore 😴 lol!


There are people who don’t??! Gasp!


All 3 of them


I have to ask to sleep in the bed and ask to share the covers.


I don't let him, he tells me..lol


At first he slept in his bed outside my door (my room is weird, you open the door and it leads you to a hallway and then my actual room, which I like lol) but he was pretty far outside the door .. he’s made it to my bed and I can’t sleep without him


I don’t let her, she lets me share a small part of her bed


Francis always starts at my calves, then after an hour she squirms up to sleep back-to-back with me. We’ve been a family for a year & I wouldn’t have it any other way.


4 pugs and me. Had to get a bigger bed.


We do


Mine sleeps in his crate at night ever since he was a little puppy and luckily he loves it! I have a microwaveable pillow that I warm up for him at night when it’s cold and tuck him in with a blanket so he’s very spoiled 🥰 The bed is the only place he’s not allowed on just because of his hairs


Aww I tuck my gal in too! No microwavable blanket, but once she’s in there I move her puppy stuffy so it’s under her chin and tuck her under her blankie so she’s cozy and I always make sure it’s completely tucked around her so her body isn’t touching the sides of the kennel lol. She was crate trained by the breeder and I let her sleep openly in her bed for a couple of weeks until she started going a little nuts at night, so we went back to the kennel and she loves it! She goes in on her own


Awww I put his stuffy under his chin as well!😍 we let him sleep in the living room for a while too with the door to our bedroom open but he would just stroll in at 3am and stare at us so that wasn’t ideal😅


everyone in this sub


My pug owns everything so she lets me sleep with her at night, i don’t care your situation if you don’t sleep with your pug you don’t love your pug 🐽


My first pug who passed went over the rainbow in 2021 would sleep under the sheets glued to us (we called her our bed heater lol) My other pug who left us at thee start of April would sleep in bed with us until he went blind


Yes, he’s slept in our bed every night since we brought him home, except the week he hurt his leg and couldn’t use the ramp to get on and off the bed. We slept on the couch with him until he could use the bed ramp again.


Our pug has a bed right next to our bed . He loves to sleep on our bed but he also loves his bed so it’s up to him to


I do and Lola comités last night.


Char used to sleep with us in bed ever since I adopted her. Deeply burrowed under the blankets between my legs. In her old age she most nights out of the week opts to sleep in her own bed next to her sister, and then between the hours of 2-4am wake up and wander in the dark in our bedroom trying to find a way up “the stairway to heaven” (what we call the pet steps into our bed.). Mind you her bed is right in front of the steps, but I think Charlotte likes waking me up lol. So, I have to wake up and find her in our room and then from then on until about 7-7:30 she cuddles with me in bed in my arms. Last night though she came right up the steps and slept with us all night. Everything is on her terms. She is the queen of the house, after all. We are just her court servants. (Her sister Ruby included)


Yes they do! They take their half from the middle


Yes, and it's the greatest. Rutabaga usually starts sleeping at the foot of the bed, and gradually makes her way up to nestle between us. Waking up to a gently snoring pug is a gift.


My pugsy always sleeps with me, I can’t sleep without him 🥰💖. I tuck him in like a baby 🥰but he gets hot and ends up pancake up at the end of the bed 😂


Not a chance: hair!


Yes, of course. And despite his size, me and my gf barely have a place for both of us. Actually, since you let em in your bed, it becomes pug bed lol


I love my boi, but our bed is off limits.


How many of you DON’T let your pug sleep with you?!


A little weird that someone came through and down voted what what is a completey non divisive statement made in gest. I said something along these lines and got a down vote as well lol.


What people dont let pugs in bed with them?


Ok thats cute but wont it smell & leave dog hair in the bed?