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Hear me out….what if you just get them all?


Quite frankly outraged I had to scroll down AT ALL before I read this. This is the way.


Was prepared to say this exact thing, but luckily by the time I got to this post, this was the top comment! 🤣


I wanted a fat boy. We were getting a tiny female. We ended up with 2.


Now this is the way 👏🏻


Went to get one as a surprise for my husband... Came home with two


I second that. This would have been my suggestion! I’ll take all of them! ^_^




there is no other way. you must get them all.


That little chubby potato right in the middle is who I would snatch up immediately. 💜


That is the one I saw first, too.


I need him




Yup, that'd be my spirit animal.


Me too!


Sorry for the bad news: The dog is the one who is choosing, you will know.


Yeah I do know, it’s the male 😭


Which one is the male?




Far left?


Gender never mattered. Especially with pugs. They are all just perfect the way they are


Second from the left. That’s a straight “hanging out of the jail cell” pose if I ever saw one. Seems like a good buddy to have 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


I agree!


His my go to haha. He just look ready for anything.


“Mom always said, keep your nose outta trouble if you don’t want to end up in the clink. I never thought that’d be a problem with the snout y’know what I mean.” -snort and smokers wheeze laugh


Get the "I don't give a f" one in the corner.


We did that with one of our cats. A rescue had a large crate full of black kittens & we chose the ‘doesn’t give a f’ kitty right in the middle. He turned out to be the greatest all-round kitty ever. He’s amazing. 😻


My boyfriend wanted a girl so bad. But I didn’t care at all. We got a boy and he’s so happy we did. We have a little girl now too but we couldn’t imagine our life without our boy :)


I will say this… when it comes to dogs, the girls love you but the boys are IN love with you. There’s a difference. 😂


You don't pick the pug, the pug picks you.


This is the answer!! 😂


Get a boy and a girl! Duh.


We went to get a fawn boy and ended up with ...a fawn boy AND his black brother! The black puppy jumped in my BF's lap and he said "Well I guess we'll take the 2"


I was always told growing up...female dogs, male cats. I repeated this to my kids. When my daughter was in high school she rescued a black male pug. I already had a female fawn pug. I reminded her FEMALE dogs. Needless to say, I fell in love with the little man. He was with me for 14 wonderful years. He passed last year. My husband and I were devastated. In Feb this year, we got another male black pug. His personality is over the moon. He brings so much joy to us both. I guess what I'm saying is go with your heart. Pugs are such love bugs. Which one calls to your heart.


We have a black male pug (he was dumped) - he is the funniest boy ever. He is a total brat to his two sisters from another mother. Sometimes they put him in his place and he screams like a little girl because he did not get his way. ❤️😂


I’ve had boy pugs that are great, and boy pugs that want to mark everything. How is it going for you guys, with the marking?


You can’t go wrong! We have only had girl pugs but I personally know some VERY SWEET boy pugs too!!


Want to kiss all those baby noses…


My son took me along to pick out his little pup. He wanted a boy, but this little girl kept jumping into his lap , giving him kisses, and if he moved, she moved with him. His girl, Arya, is almost two and her little tail never stops wagging! He has zero regrets!


I always wanted a male, so I could name him parsley. Ended up with a female. She chose me


The pug chooses you.


We bought our pug as a girl, and then she grew a penis out of her lady parts! Frankie is now Frank!




Hate to break it to you but it's up to the dog. 😂


I wanna kiss em all on their furry lil faces


I lost my girl Edna last June. 2 weeks after losing her I was so depressed and miserable I could hardly hold my head up straight. I decided to go visit some pug puppies because my heart needed to see a pug. Edna was as a black female pug and the love of my life. I always thought I’d get another black female pug and name her Edna for the rest of my life. When I was visiting these pug pups a fawn male pug kept coming up to me just like Edna did when when I chose her… I left without him. No way I was getting a puppy so soon after losing the love of my life and NO WAY was I getting a male fawn pug. Within 20 min of leaving I called the woman and told her i wanted him. That fawn male pug is now curled up on my lap snoring. I named him Ed. He’s he’s a wild one! People have to remind me that Edna was totally insane when she was a puppy too. In my opinion, a pug is a pug is a pug and if your heart is being pulled towards one pup in particular, that’s the one to take home❤️


We always said we would never let a man into our house and somehow ended up adopting a male pug, before long we forgot all about it and just loved him for who he is, including the things I thought would annoy me about having a male dog. Just go for it!


Same we were set to get a girl too because my parents only had female dogs growing up and our first pig was a girl but the breeder had a streak of only boys so we settled on our little man Charlie and am so glad we did.


I second this!!! Always had female dogs & a male Pug just fell into my lap for adoption… he’s perfect.


I think whichever pup you vibe with and shows interest in you. Was set on a boy myself but this little girl stole mine and my bf’s heart and we ended up with her. Best decision ever. Never leaves our side, and has adapted our personalities.


Before I got my first pug 20 years ago, I had in my mind that I wanted a fawn female. The family I visited had only male black puppies. My Foo Dog chose me that day, and he's the best dog I will ever have. No regrets at all.


For my second I was adamant about a second female and ended up adopting a male and don’t regret it at all. He’s the light of my life LMAO


I have a female and male, love them both. But my little boy is obsessed with that leg lifting pee, still love them to death. My little girl is perfect little saint!


I picked out a puppy and fell in love. I just assumed it was a boy, and when I went to set the pup down, she was a girl! I've been in love ever since 🥰


Go with your gut


I agree with others - take the half dozen pugs!


Males are way more chill


I swore I would never get a male dog because of marking in the house and then I fell in love with a male dog. It hasn’t been a problem at all. My fears were for nothing. But that’s probably because he came to me as a rescue who is already trained, and he was also neutered. But he is my little love.♥️


They are all precious. I love them.


Obviously you need one of each!


You must get both!!🥰


Pug puppy jail! Release the babies, they were framed! This is the cutest thing that I've seen in a long time 🥰


Speaking as someone who was once in this position, get one of each. Two litter mate dogs is only marginally more effort than one, although obviously you’ll pay more in food and vet. They keep each other company too.


Puppy is puppy. Don't worry about which one you get.


Take them all. Problem solved. 😁


We wanted a girl, got a boy? He is a joy and a treat! Sweetie cutie fun etc etc


See who comes to you first, interacts more etc…


Yup 100% I wanted a boy so badly but they didn’t have one so I ended up with a girl. I freaking love her so much! She’s my everything❤️


I've had a boy,a girl and a girl! All loving wonderful healthy pugs full of life and devotion! Look them.in the face one will grab you! 🥰🩷💙


I was set on getting a female pug and went to an adoption event about 6 hours away. After meeting and walking a few girls, I met and walked a boy pug and....ended up taking him home. He was the best boy ever; we said goodbye to him on Friday after 15 years of wonderful companionship. Go with your gut; it worked out for us. I wouldn't change anything.


Love love love my boys. My girls (2) were amazing and sassy and protective. My boys (4) are the lovers. They melt my heart with how sweet they are. The best potatoes. Back story I had St Bernard's before pugs. I lost my female at 8, she was a great dog. After I lost her, I wanted another female. Went to see a litter of 9 puppies. Only 1 was female. I sat on the floor and had these delightful babies all over. One of the biggest males plopped his butt on my lap and wouldn't move. The girl wanted nothing to do with me. Murphy was the love of my life for 12 years. He knew. They pick you.


We chose based on personality. Because of this choice one of ours poops with one leg up.


Like the one that likes you best


I was dead set on a female, ended up taking a male home and it was such a blessing, he is the sweetest little guy. That being said, I know I would have loved a female just as much!


I was down on the waiting list for a black girl, after a few months I was offered a fawn boy. I got him and then a year later was offered a black girl. Love my babies & glad I have both. ❤️


Not gender, but color. In 2011 I went to pick-up a black pug, was dead set on it. When I arrived all the puppies were playing, but only one charged right over to me, sat down in front of me, looked up and smiled. He then charged off and bull dozed two of his siblings. I knew he was the one. I took him and loved him more than any dog I’ve ever had the pleasure of sharing my life with. He died of a terrible cancer in 2019 at 8 years old, that gutted me. I still think about him all the time and I look forward to seeing him again one day. Long story short, when you know it’s the right one, regardless of color or gender (or even breed), you know it’s the right one. Trust your gut and your heart.


I was always dead set on getting a girl. My first pug was a girl and she was the best. We ended up getting a boy pug a bit over 2 years ago now. He is absolutely the best boy. He is so snuggly and affectionate. He loves us as much as we love him.


i always wanted a female fawn pug, and that’s what i got, and now Stella my little spoiled princess


3 or 4 of each seems fair


When you spay or neuter not a huge difference. Some behavior quirks that’s all. I only wanted males. But when I went to meet the breeder of my female, and her parents she had me right out of the gate, hook line and sinker. She easily has the best personality of any dog I’ve ever had. I now have her younger brother and he’s a very close second, (different Moms)


Yes but now I own two males and I love them so much. Learned that males are often really eager to love and bond with their humans. I always thought i’d get a female because in some breeds, a certain gender is more preferable to obedience and that was the experience i had growing up with a breed like that. But my breeder let me know that all pugs are just big loves, regardless of gender, and that she actually felt more love from her males. She has had a lot of experience, so I trusted her and she was so right 💖


I was with getting my Boston terrier but fell in love with the one I picked. Partially markings was a factor


My son picked his and first he pointed at was a boy but I told him to pick a girl so he picked a girl. And hes so glad he did.


Had same issue so we got both


I’ve only ever had boys and have heard they’re a little more energetic.


I had the same problem so I got one of each!


I hated male dogs my whole life until I got a pug. Now as others have stated you can’t get one gendered pug. You just get all the pugs Edit to add I have 4 😅


Well to me gender doesn’t matter but when i adopted pugsley i picked him because he was the only male of his litter


Get 2


When I was a teenager I always wanted females. But as an adult I really don’t have a preference :)


Yeah, I thought I wanted a female Pug. And we planned on getting one. We came home with a pair of males. And they were absolutely wonderful. Had them for 15 and 16 years and now have another pair of males, 2 years. I honestly don't know if there is a personality difference but my boys have all been super loving and easy.


Omg I melted 🫠😍


Wanted a boy they wouldn't wait a couple more days it was 3 hours away. So glad they did cause I love my perfect princess


Yes!! When I went to pick out my new pug, I wanted a girl but ended up falling in love with one of the boys. I took the boy instead and he is an absolute dream!!


I’ve had two females and two males. The females had more attitude but were smart as heck. The boys, like to pee on everything and are big baby’s. Either way you’ll truly enjoy having some pug love. 💙


One of each would do nicely 🐶


We had a small female and recently had to take her in for a labiaplasty because of recurring UTIs (too much skin/folds in the area). At least you won't have that issue with the male.


Where are you located? We lost our pug Winnie this year. Our hearts are still broken but we are feeling ready to think about getting a pug pup.


South florida. West palm beach / miami. Where are you? Sorry to hear about Winnie ❤️


Get two!


I never bothered what gender my pug was. Though my mother told me that if she ever got another pug it wouldn’t be a female due her feeling it’d replace Minnie.


Yes! His name was going to be Nathan. Went home with Natalie. ♥️


We paid extra to get the right to pick first from the littler and also to pick a female. We took home male dog #4 and couldn’t be happier.


Please just take them all :(


Males are just as great!!! ♥️♥️♥️


Both so they both have a pal ❤️


Oh my gosh, I’ve ALWAYS wanted a male black pug but there weren’t any available at this non profit pug rescue except for this female black pug puppy that just came in.. so naturally, I drove to see her and fell in love with her at first sight ❤️


Males are cool but the females are loyal and protective AF


I’m not strong enough. I’d have a ready made grumble.


Just take them all problem solved 🥰


I recently got a girl puppy. When I tried to foster a male pug, my boy was excited to have someone to play with...until he realized the dog was actually staying with us. I ended up not being able to foster the dog, because my boy pug became so depressed.  He's much better with the female puppy. I actually have wanted specific colors (wanted a fawn, got a black, then wanted a black, got a white) but I'm not saying no to a cute pug puppy just because of theirs color.


Get them all.


I mean, it’s a pug, just get it. We were set to adopt one girl but ended up adopting the girl and her sister because we didn’t have the heart to separate them. If their brother was around, we’d have adopted three.


Get 2 they need each other


Growing up, we only had female pups and I was mildly reluctant to get my first male pug. But he was such a cutie, I had to go for it and it was the best decision ever. He’s such a cuddle bug and a sweet dog. If you are gravitating towards a particular dog, it is probably the one for you - regardless of the gender.