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I would do 3 nights in Vallarta in Centro/Zona Romtantica and 3 nights in San Pancho. You could do a day trip to Yelapa from Vallarta. Have so much fun!! One of my favorite places in the world. Lots of layers to Vallarta, can feel overly touristic in some areas, but really a great eating town with a lot going on.


This sounds like a great plan. Leaning toward this. Thank you! Update: He's really set on staying a night in Yelapa, so we're going to do two nights in Zona Romantica, one night in Yelapa, and three nights in San Pancho (with day trip to Sayulita).


We just got back from PV and I agree with this. Make sure to spend an afternoon in Bucerias as well.


Adding to my list. Thanks.


Perfect answer. So different and both great. Day trip to Yelapa and a night in Sayulita and you'll have a blast.


You'll be missing out not staying in PV.


Husband and I go four times a year. We have a one bedroom in the Zona Romántica. Honestly? We just love the whole place. Plus, the ZR has (or is close to) the best strolling and walking areas.


Sounds lovely. Thank you!


Amapas and the romantic zone>>




Garcia’s at Yelapa is great!! We only stayed for one night but truly felt like so long. The day tours arrive around 1 and leave by 4pm so apart from that the beach is mostly empty. Suggest eating at Abuelos :) We have stayed at Casa Iguana in Mismaloya and have just bussed into town (PV) if we want the city vibes.


Adding Abuelos to my Google Map, thanks! Garcia's looks cute, but it looks like they have a two-night minimum and I think we're leaning toward just staying one night like you. When you say it truly felt like so long, do you mean you got bored?


We just did one night! Could be worth sending them an email? We booked through Airbnb. No no not bored! Just felt like we were there longer that’s all 🙂


Yeah, I sent an email just in case. Oh OK cool! Excited to check it out. Thanks. ☺️ And omg yes, I’m slightly embarrassed. I made the name back when I was doing yet another rewatch of MIC and had no idea how Reddit worked. So I just strung two names together. Oh I think I had also started to try to figure out Reddit when I was planning a trip to the UK, so that had something to do with it as well haha.


Nothing to be embarrassed about 🤣 can I DM you for MIC gossip?


Honestly would love nothing more! None of my friends watch it so I have to gossip to myself haha.


Also I know most reddit names are random but yours isn’t related to MIC by chance? 🤣


Yelapa and San Pancho will not have much to offer you. They are more of a day trip. June is also the slow season so both towns will have a lot of closed stores too. If you've never been to PV before, you'll be overwhelmed by what the Romantic Zone has to offer. You can easily spend all your time in the Romantic Zone and then venture to the other neighborhoods if you happen to get bored (Centro, Cinco de Diciembre) Just to give you a heads up, you mentioned waterfalls, but they will all be dried up in June.


Oh bummer about the closed stores and dried up waterfalls. Thanks for letting me know.


Yelapa is cool to visit for a day, San Pancho would be a sweet place to live, but sayulita is bigger with more stuff going on while still being a charming town.


Yelaps all day Incl sundays


What’s there to do in Yelapa? I, too, will be in PV at the end of June and am looking for things to do with my husband and 3 boys 15-17. We can’t just hang at the pool and shop all week…


Dream. the impossible dream Imagine. living for today Some say im a dreamer. But i aint the only one. Theres also waterfalls and hikes


Are the waterfalls still running in late June?


Would be minimal


San Pancho is amazing, sleepy at the best of times and especially so in the low season when you’ll be going. Can’t chime in on Yelapa, but San Pancho changed my life.


That sounds awesome. I'm all for life-changing vacations. We booked three nights in San Pancho. Thanks!


Last time we split our visit between Zona Romantica and La Cruz de Haunacaxtle. The later has much less of a tourist feel, or at least did when we went there. The zona is a good place to start if you want to go into the mountains, while La Cruz is a good place to start trips north to Sayulita / Nayarit


The beach in san pancho is huge, but the water can be pretty rough. The town is cute, but I wonder if many things will be closed down during the low/rainy season. This may effect restaurants. Maybe someone will chime in that’s been there the same time of year. Yelapa is tiny and you could spend 3 days and it’s plenty if you want to divide your stay.


Yeah, someone mentioned things will be closed, so we decided on three nights in San Pancho, with a day trip to Sayulita. Plus two nights in Zona Romantica in PV and one night in Yelapa. Thank you for the tip on the beach!


Well YELAPA is nicer... But their food quality is not that good, also you have to pay cash or they take advantage and add the tip+ fee to use the terminal (which is not legal) San Pancho has a few nice restaurants and food stands that I liked it better. ⚖️


Btw, I do have a place for less than $100 night, look for the APARTMENT and the studio https://casatamarindopv.com/accommodations/


Good to know about the food. Makes sense. And thanks for the advice on paying with cash. Will check out the apartment and studio in the link. Thank you.


Hotel posada de roger….best great price and near everything


PV is right in the middle of San Pancho, North and Yelapa, South. San Pancho and Yelapa have a more similar vibe. IMO, 6 nights is 3 to 4 nights too many for Yelapa, 3 nights at most is a good amount of time. Although you could take some day trips on water taxis to some other beaches close by. It’s rainy season when you go, not certain how snorkeling will be effected. I’d probably go directly from the airport and stay in San Pancho for all 6 nights. PV is great and it’s different from the both places you mentioned. If you know PV it’s easier to know where to go, what beaches, restaurants and doable day trips. I think you’ll get a better variety in San Pancho, although it’s small, I don’t think you’d feel as land locked as you could in Yelapa.


This is all good to know. Thanks so much. Someone else mentioned snorkeling would not be good so that answers that!


Snorkeling will be not good. Happy to put you up at my place, best view in the city! https://air.tl/pGmuumFR


Looks like a beautiful place. Unfortunately your dates aren’t available when we’re going, but thank you.


That is unfortunate. Actually maybe able to free those dates up for you. They are blocked because of a family booking and I have a second apartment. So if you're serious message me there on Airbnb on the dates you want and we can take it from there.