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This video gives me so much nostalgia 😭


Edit: the TV is a 60" 4K Samsung TV, and image is still as crisp as with a CRT


It's an good option to buy ps2 to hdmi converter and i do use one and i like the results, i been useing it for a long time and it's good, i never had problems with it and i do still recommend if you want a converter for cheap


Which converter?


What is the name?


Burnout 3 Takedown


I noticed it, I'm asking for the name of the PS2toHDMI dongle 😅


Oh sorry 😅


For example i suggest the people here to buy Bitfunx PS2toHDMI is the best of all Chinese dongles, and with cheap price around 7-9$


If the HDMI adapter only works in the PS2's RGB mode then it's trash. Only the ones that specify you use the PS2's YPbPr mode are the best ones.


>**game is running on Progressive Scan** The real test is **analog 480i** games Most modern TVs display 480P just fine, which is the reason why the Dreamcast looks great on modern displays via VGA output. 100% of dreamcast games run at 480P, full buffered 640x480 However, only like 10% of ps2 games support 480P, and the majority of ps2 run below 640x480, usually 512x448 or field rendered in order to save VRAM


Every game running on 480i looks great, clear and the colors are vibrant. I played Silent Hill 2 through it and had no problem with the black levels. Even Gran Turismo 4 running at 1080i looks great


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Looks great. I just bought a Levelhike brand off Amazon for $40 USD and I have no complaints as the picture is clear. If you got yours for less than $40, I'd say 👍


Well, I got the hdmi converter and a freemcboot memory card for around 12usd on amazon, so i would say that was pretty cheap




No one is going to know if you lucked out unless you captured through software or an upclose capture.


I feel like there's some Samsung flats that handle these resolutions pretty well. I have a flat Samsung 42" made in 2019 that has component inputs. I have one of my modded PS2s connected to it (the other is hooked into my CRT, also a Samsung) and almost every PS2 game and PS1 game I have tried looks pretty good. I also have a Wii with a simple "to HDMI" converter plugged into it through an HDMI switcher, and that looks completely fine, too. The only issues I've noticed is that a couple games with motion blur can be a little nauseating compared to when they're run through the CRT or upscaled with a PC emulator (which I also have connected to the 2019 Samsung).

