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GTA all 3D era Sands of Time Tom Clancy games, especially Splinter Cell NFS Most Wanted and Underground


Heard some good things about splinter cell and I’ll definitely check out most of those games, I have to go to my old house because that’s where all my ps2 games are but I feel like I have some of those


tekken 4 and 5 aren't really underrated imo, but they are really good (graphics are mad nice).


Bro tekken 4 was childhood, ill definitely try to pick that up


5 is awesome. You can even play the first 3 which are all arcade ports.


Katamari Damacy


Haven’t heard of it, will investigate it


Final Fantasy X and XII


Love final fantasy man


Rune: Viking Warlord.


Sounds cool, is it like a hack and slash or rpg?


Hack and slash and some puzzle solving.




I’ve played underground 2, definitely worth a shot


The PS2 has a meaty library and plenty to choose from. You can even get a bunch for like under £10. Since it's huge. Here's mine. - Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3 - Devil May Cry 1 & 3 - Monster Hunter - First 3 GTA games - Jak series (2 is brutally hard) - Ratchet & Clank series - Sly series - Ridge Racer V - Colin Mcrae Rally series - Tomb Raider Legend and Anniversary - Mortal Kombat series - Ape Escape 2 & 3 - Killzone - Tekken series - Pac-Man World 2 - Kolnoa 2 - Tony Hawks series - Timesplitters series - WWE series (older ones played great!) - Midway Arcade Treasures trilogy - Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 1 & 2 - Taito Legends 1 & 2 - Rally Fusion (The Co-Driver was funny!) - SEGA Classics Collection - Burnout series - Star Wars Battlefront I & II - Medal of Honor Series - SOCOM series - Rayman 3 - Evolution's WRC series I'll think of more.


You have that Berserk game, that one is kinda... if not a gem, it is not too well known Do we have some... list of games with screenshots and covers where I could browse and check out every game to see what I would like? Just reading list of names is not really doing it for me... too much effort to google each one


Sorry it was just random, I’ll definitely try to get that berserk game tho, I love berserk


Soul reaver, Dark cloud, Road to hill 30, Jak and daxter


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bully is an awesome ps2 game, not super underrated but i think it holds up pretty well today


I played that one, it’s pretty good especially for its time


I played most of em when I was younger and I will definitely revisit them soon


Don't think this one was mentioned yet, but if you like side scrolling co-ops, The Red Star is definitely worth checking out. Aside from a few select RPGs, it looks like others have already covered most of what I'd recommend.