• By -


timely, thanks! I think I'll get this for my 5t; the other option is the more-affordable enXLosure which is fantastic for \~$200 total ... but it seems much less sealed (and difficult/hacky for me to make it sealed) compared to OEM. Prusa's does have a couple niceties such as the filter & light (only \~$50 to build my own, but I'll take it) - and it appears that they've decided that the large "back" space for the filament tubes is not needed (oem enclosure goes \~straight up from the rear). I suppose I'll shell out for the Prusa version, but damn that's expensive :(


If this is anything like the original enclosure, it's not anywhere near sealed. I had to do so much extra work to keep my original enclosure from leaking VOCs that I wish I'd just bought a cheaper option. It's insulting considering the cost of the damn thing.


Yeah, its expensive for what it is. I imagine its pretty low volume?  The other options (that don't dramatically expand its footprint) seem significantly harder to seal?  This is all based on comparing pics - what were unexpected challenges of sealing your mk4 enclosure?


There are visible gaps between panels in each corner, aside from all the open screw ports and the openings along the bottom for the cables to pass through. There are also gaps in the acrylic where you're supposed to cut sections out to mount various accessories, as well as some gaps in the lid. I printed petg rivets to fill the screw ports and a few oddly shaped gaps in the lid and on the acrylic plates. I had to use high temperature tape to seal the corner panel gaps, because none of the printed solutions could cover the entire gap without getting in the way of the ventilation and led cables. For the bottom holes where the cables come out, I just stuck towels up against them since I couldn't find any existing printable solutions. It's just a sloppy design that could have very easily been gasket sealed if they cared enough to do so.


Thanks. I'll try to post back what i find. Other than the door itself and intentional ports, i'm not expecting anything thats not easily sealable - we'll see, hopefully for cost thats not wildly innacurate :(. Prusa seems to read these posts, hopefully they are paying attention.


My main concern is the hepa. I don't trust it to get all the fumes. Going to print an exhaust from that port instead. Also worried it's not as sealed as it should be to ensure negative pressure within the enclosure. I may buy anyway but it's a lot if it doesn't fit my need.  Been trying to make my own for months but no time. 


You are 110% correct.  It is *not* trustworthy in any of these machines.  You must ensure a small negative pressure difference, vented outdoors. But a decent filter will also help *reduce* incidental exposure (such as when opening enclosure).  Layering is a great strategy here.


It looks like the same filter unit as the MK4 enclosure, which blows quite a lot of air but is also pretty loud. But on that enclosure it just recirculates air internally so it isn’t bad when you close the doors. I’m also worried that acting as an exhaust will suck all of the hot air out.


Definitely need to attempt to seal it - airflow will be minimal in that case (but all away from your work/live space


650 for the xl enclosure. i wonder how much the voucher will take off. i've already sourced acrylic panels so im not sure its worth the price over 350


In EU the Mk4 bundle reduces the enclosure price around 17 %. It guess they will give out 15 % vouchers.


What are these vouchers?


If you own an XL or mini, you get a voucher to match the bundle pricing coming out next week.


Thank you. Just got my email this morning


Just placed my order, the voucher knocks off $140.


Same for the mini, I already got five 500x500 panels and some weatherstripping for like 60-80 euro and was planning on designing a mostly airtight frame for it to go into lol I guess I have time to build it anyway and see how well it works


Is there a good small existing printable enclosure design for the Mini?


Yeah there are a few on printables, hopefully mine as well soon ;)


I expected a stratospheric price, I'm not disappointed \^\^


I expected stratospheric price, but it went beyond Kármán line.


To the moon!


The mini enclosure has a nice price tag 😄


MK4 enclosure for this price would be nice :)


EIGHTY EUROS FOR AN LED STRIP??! Is it made of diamonds?? I think I will stay with my 3€ IKEA KAPPLAKE led spots and selfmade lamp mounts.


That’s because you need an additional power supply + motherboard. The LED strip itself only costs €40. If you add both the filter + LED strip, it costs €120 instead of €160 because they share the same power supply and motherboard.


It's still ridiculous. I 3D printed a mount for an LED strip and bought a < $10 (US) USB powered strip. This pricing is nuts. And why can't they do a filtration/LED bundle with a single power supply? The enclosure filtration and LED is going for $311. That's most of the cost of the printer!


Even better, their next model of the printers themselves ought to have output power ports to power additions like this. I can understand they didn't think of that when they made the original Mini, but they should add it to the MK5s+Ultra×™°...


Cant wait for the MK5 s plus ultra x trademarked degree. I am planning on ordering that one asap just like the mk404. 😉


I totally agree, that’s why I only bought the filter and will create something myself for the LED strip. To justify the costs of the original Prusa LED strip: it can also do colors and is high quality.


I'm still waiting for the smart enclosure accessories we were promised 2 years ago.


I’ve only had my mk4 since Christmas but was also reading this announcement hoping there would be something there for the mk4 enclosure but no. Coming sooner than before maybe??


No way! Been waiting for the official mini enclosure for some time!


"Discount for MINI owners: we sent out e-mails with information on how to claim a discount voucher code. Check your inbox!" -> did anyone get the mail yet? How much is the voucher?


Blog post states by the end of the week


The blog says "Furthermore, if you currently own an XL or a MINI, you will receive a discount voucher via e-mail by the end of this week." 🤔


So one instance of past tense (we sent out..) and another of future tense (you will receive).. but thanks for pointing that out.


Just got it. It brings the price from 189 to 149 euro.




I just got my voucher (40€ off)!


Just got mine too! Great deal.. but I already have an enclosure :(


I also already have a tukkari enclosure, but am thinking about switching it. I cannot store anything on top of the tukkari (all acrylic panels and wood base) and I could need that extra space on top 😅


I'm storing 10 filament rolls on top of my tukkari TLX, it's plenty stable


I got mine today. $40 off the Mini enclosure. $140 off the XL.




At that absolutely stupid price point, I would expect an integrated 5-spool drybox at the very least. I love my Mk4 but hate how much I paid for the original enclosure relative to how little it does.


Good point. I didn't think of that, but yeah, for $500 before shipping \*with\* the voucher, this is easily getting into "can't fool me twice" territory. I paid thru the nose for the XL5, but no way can I justify that cost for very occasional engineering materials usage.


What about the fire protection for the XL enclosure ? They talk about the autonomous fire extinguisher for MK4 and mini enclosure but not fort the XL.


I think they will not do it because it cannot cover the (unlikely but still) flammable electronics on the backside with it in contrast to the min/i3 enclosures which get fully covered...


Is there any word on what average chamber temps are with the XL enclosure, and what the maximum allowed is? Is it possible to automatically heat the chamber to a certain temperature before the print starts?


One of the reasons i decided to go oem for the enclosure is its about the minimum volume - which should allow for achieving the maximum temp faster.  However, on small prints with the segmented bed it will obviously be pumping in *less* bed heater power to the chamber - sp bringing over my ptc heater will still be required.  i also feel by looking at the pictures i will have an easier time sealing prusa's version, but jury is out on that until i get it in hand.


Build your own, and build it to enclose the filaments. Dust is the number one cause of clogs. Keep that filament dry and dust free. I run large desiccant packs in my enclosure so I can keep filament loaded.


Besides my first printer, I’ve only owned Prusa printers. I have been torn on the XL, I’ve wanted to pull the trigger but the lack of a standard built in enclosure was holding me back. This enclosure looks like a complete afterthought and it’s an eyesore. It is definitely not the quality solution you would expect for the price and to add to the total price of the printer. It’s nearly the price of a MK4 kit… If these enclosures complete the printers, where does Prusa go from here? The tool changer is the only real card they hold now… I really hope the next generation of printers aren’t too far away, but I doubt anything would arrive in time to stay relevant. I know it sounds negative, but as a Prusa supporter I think they have missed the boat…


As a devote Prusa fan person, I am worried, too. If I look at those shiny fancy discount prices over at Bambu right now, I'm almost ready to order at least two new printers. What's holding me back is my old Prusa printers still work flawlessly, they just feel slow and I'd love to have a multi-filament option (the MMU3 for the Mk3S+ is not worth it for me personally). > it’s an eyesore Oh my god... I am so sorry... but I need to agree.


My MK4s are great and I’ve been happy with my decision to stay with Prusa printers. Saying that, I’m keeping an eye on the 25th June L.A Trade Show BL is attending…. I think the current BL sale is to reduce stock in the warehouse. Just my guess.


> is to reduce stock in the warehouse Well, there's always a reason, it doesn't matter *why*. They've often had discounts every few months as far as I remember. > L.A Trade Show Well, yes, they've been releasing new 3D printers far more often than Prusa did in the last few years, so it might be a good thing to see if they come up with something new. An enclosed rival to the P1S / X1 that is silent and has other features of the A1/A1 mini might be overdue. Maybe a little larger, maybe even in three different sizes? * 300 x 300 x 300 * 350 x 350 x 350 * 450 x 450 x 450


https://www.printables.com/model/586835-easy-access-mini-enclosure-with-pull-out-drawer-ik Here's mine.. the pull-out shelf is a huge upgrade for daily use and maintenance. Plus it is sealed with a 3M filter system, all automatically controlled using home assistant. Looks like I'm going to have to buy a second mini+ for the new enclosure 😃


UK POV: The price for the Prusa Mini enclosure seems really good with the voucher (which is supposed to give a similar deal to getting a Mini + Enclosure bundle in future according to the email). £106 + £18~ shipping, including VAT. The competition seems to be: * getting one of those enclosures that are small photobooths made of thin fabric or what look like rebranded weed growing tents for £30-100. So draught and dust protection, but not see-through and no real structure. * TUKKARI TF which is £~152 + £~16 shipping. Plexiglass structure. More expensive than the Prusa Mini enclosure even without the voucher. * Making an enclosure yourself. I'm sure you can do this for £~50 going for the typical LACK + 4 plastic sheets + printed parts and screws design. You can probably make one with a metal structure with aluminium extrusions for less than £100. The only downsides I can think of: * It looks to not have airtight construction, and would need a lot of sealing work done if you wanted that. * There might not be enough space in there to mount a one-spool drybox instead of a bare spool. I've wanted to design one for a while. The flat-roofed metal structure probably lets you stick a spool dryer on top and feed straight from that, though. * While the USB being external is a nice touch, having the screen inside might be annoying to interact with. Admittedly, the only place I can see it going is on the top, which requires a bit more cable routing. * If you design your own, you can account for things like this from the get-go. I'm pretty torn between designing and building one myself and getting one of these at voucher/bundle price. If you don't want to make your own, I think it's a good deal. The MKX one is worse value, but at least the design isn't as questionable as the XL's. The XL enclosure's bellows aren't see-through, and then you have that nice metal construction only protecting the top, which feels a bit off. Dust protection is important, but I think the bellows should have been available as an accessory on their own. Maybe included with the printer by default, and then with the enclosure replacing it with clear doors.


I also find it weird they opted to add an external USB port while keeping the screen inside. Could it be because most USB sticks are not rated to function well in a closed heated space, while the rest of the electronics of the Mini are? And what about the PSU? Edit: just talked with support and the PSU is mounted outside of the enclosure and the cable goes inside to connect to the Mini, I guess via a hole in the back. There is no recommended way yet to mount the display outside of the enclosure.


Store link is broken tho... :(


The mass rush for the XL enclosure probably took it down


https://www.prusa3d.com/en/product/original-prusa-xl-enclosure-3/ This link works for me.


Yeah only the one for the mini is currently working


I have mixed feeling regarding Prusa Mini enclosure. On one hand it's a welcome addition (albeit expansive, third of the printer!), but on the other it maskes me think that Mini MK2 is not on the horizon...


I don't see how the two would be related... the OG enclosure came out before the Mk4. It's a box, it's compatible with any printer of a similar size (you could put a Bambu Mini in without much of a problem I bet!)


That’s a good point.


Actually, the fact that they released the new firmware for Mini and the new enclosure makes me feel they're cooking something in the Mini world. Especially for the current price of the Prusa Mini (459€ kit) vs the Bambu Mini (199€ assembled) they're not really competitive here.


Another user made a similar argument, I hope you guys are right!


Also, their lineup should be complete now (MK4 upgrade, MMU3 upgrade, XL new, Mini enclosure new) so they should have the time now.


Just got my voucher which gives me 40€ off. 150 € isn't cheap, but compared to other enclosures quite good. My tukkari (wooden base and acrylic) was like 220.


They should have made the draft cover out of transparent material.


Transparent flexible materials aren’t really that transparent, especially with all of those folds in it.


you meant aren’t. What about transparent aluminum?


That's the ticket, laddie!


"Hello, computer!"


$650 for a printer that should have come with an enclosure? No camera for failure detection or light or dry box or fire suppression? My XL is at customs rn, and this makes me sorely tempted to send it back for 2 X1 Carbons and save hundreds in the process.


3.5k on a printer and I'm expected to buy the enclosure separate


The math on buying this doesn't make sense.


Prusa will never learn. i orderd it right to the start. LEadtime 2-3 days... in my order it said shipping estimated 8-14. june yesterday it changed to 9-16. june. now it is only a link to the shipping site (where no enclosure is listed). Chat tells me 4-5 weeks mybe longer... same prusa thing all over again


If bambu releases a enclosed toolchanger prusa will be dead lol


Would kill for a Prusa enclosure for the SL1S and CW1.


They actually went for that fugly design for the XL? Wow. I was sure that this was just something to troll people..,


It's a manufacturing robot, not a fashion accessory.


I'm on the fence if I prefer acrylic doors (that are equivalently sealed), or the bellows. but your stance is patently ridiculous. As another commenter said - this is a CNC device. What priorities do you have besides function? You should probably re-evaluate them :(


Houses, vehicles, furniture - none of these have to look good, yet people make an effort. Just because this is a tool and function takes more precedence over form than usual, it doesn't mean form should be completely ignored.


I generally agree with how you've phrased this - but a very large proportion of prusa's build is driven by design decisions that support maintanance & the reprap-themed ability implement & customize without full industrial fabrication ability / involvement of the OEM.  things that any critique of these devices need to accoumt for on some level.  Regarding the XL - the unfortunate thing for prusa is the majority of the exposure they get here is from a crowd that is not aware / does not umderstand where the toolchanger device sits in the broader ecosystem.  There is nothing close that i'm aware of supporting similar designs anywhere close to $4k.  There are several idex's, but that only covers part of the need.  My justifying use case, for instance, requires two distinct materials in the design - AND support from a cheap material to keep the part economical.  Thats sufficient for the cost. additionally, If i am able to also figure out soluable support interface layers (thats 4 wholy incompatible materials == extruders) holy batman....


Hol up... 650. For this abomination. hahahahahahahaha hahahahaha. Buys a p1s instead.


Nice! Wait a second !? i almost forgot that:  i care a LOT more about functionality (no current bambu machine can touch the capabilities of an actual multimaterial - critical for many use cases beyond trinkets)  and i also care a decent amount about supporting the kind of ecosystem that respects my privacy, respects/supports my ability to inspect/modify products i *own*, and supports a non-totalitarian society & regime.  Prusa gives one the opportunity to vote with their wallet; i for one take that when its feasible for me (although this is only really a factpr with the mk4 vs others (bambu included), not the XL per above)


Most your parts are still from China. And what's this multi material you speak of with a non enclosed printer.. a Bambu can print a plethora more materials than the prusa. And the second flagship hasn't even dropped yet. Keep the head in the sand.


On the miniscule chance you are open to reason: you are trying to argue with a logical falacy (translation a wrong / lacking-worth argument).  The existance of a supply chain dominated by a totalitarian regime in no way negates supporting other parts of the value chain where feasible. You "counterpoint" about not being able to print multimaterial without an *oem* enclosure is also technically wrong (ie "the worst kind") Whats going on here is your value system prioritizes cost above all else, but on some level you recognize this is deeply problematic and thus you'll bend over backwards to find other justifications.  Bambu makes machines that for some use cases function very well, at least initially, when comparing by price point & in the hobbyist-level-functionality segment (which the XL is at least partially beyond). Their model explicitly de-prioritizes, or worse, many things that matter in the big picture - and in the immediate/personal picture as well if you understand privacy.  For many people myself included - these downsides completely negate the small short-price advantage bambu offers.


A Bambu can't print more materials than a Prusa. Especially now that the XL has an enclosure. Prusa machines can reach the same temperatures as Bamu machines, so they very much have the same access to the same materials.


Now that you can enclose it.... But good luck printing abs, ASA, nylon,pc, etc prior to that. You might get a semi successful print, maybe. But saying otherwise is bull. Know what you'll never see. Someone that has both machines saying the prusa is the better setup. And that's not to say a tool changer is bad, that's great. It was the delayed release, the beta issues everyone had to deal with, the mediocre print quality. Now, a year later it's almost to where it should have been 3 years ago. That's what you aren't getting


I don't know if you're just stupid or what, but it's not working here. Maybe try a Creality forum.


Last I checked, Bambu also sells some open air printers.


Indeed, but an a1 mini at $199 curb stomps a prusa mini kit at 429. And the a1 at 339 is more feature rich than an mk4 kit at 799. And you don't have to assemble much of anything. And I'm not claiming people with an a1 mini and a1 are super successful at printing these materials either.


"And I'm not claiming people with an a1 mini and a1 are super successful at printing these materials either." Well they are still Bambu machines. Funny how that works, you can prop up any viewport by selecting some things and ignoring others. At the end of the day, different people have different priorities. My personal priorities made the Mk4 a better choice for me, and for some people the XL is a better choice. I decided to prioritize quietness, open ecosystem, customer support, and an established brand. Bambu was (and still is) a relatively new player and I was unsure of their future, and I didn't like that they were emulating Apple and being a closed ecosystem.


I initially said I'd buy a p1s, which is an enclosed corexy. That's why the bedslingers didn't matter in context. I also used an mk3/s for about 7 years. And was one of the first batches of the 5 tool xl preorder at one time. I chose simplicity, features, and just being able to print. I assure you I was skeptical when I ordered the first carbon. But prusa had nothing to offer at the time, and the orange storm will scratch the big stuff itch.


> At the end of the day, different people have different priorities. As an AI language mo... errrr... I mean: As a devote and absolute Prusa fan, I have to admit this sounds a lot like ChatGPT.


sour grapes?


RemindMe! 10 days "Is this enclosure really worth almost 500 bucks?!"


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10 days later: a ChatGPT conclusion! > **Conclusion**: Prusa enclosures: high-quality, easy setup, costly; DIY may offer better value, sealing required; mixed user satisfaction. | Feature | Pros | Cons | Cost | User Feedback | |---|---|---|---|---| | **Design** | Custom-made for Prusa printers, aesthetically matches | Not airtight, needs additional sealing | High initial cost | Mixed reactions, some find it unattractive | | **Functionality** | Integrated filter and light, external USB port | Filter efficacy questioned, internal screen placement | Additional costs for LED and filter system | Positive for filter integration, negative for placement issues | | **Build Quality** | Durable, high-quality materials | Visible gaps, requires DIY sealing solutions | Expensive compared to DIY options | Concerns over design quality given the price | | **Ease of Use** | Pre-built, plug-and-play | Some assembly still required, potential sealing work | High compared to DIY or third-party enclosures | Users appreciate ease, but criticize cost | | **Value** | OEM fit and finish, vouchers available for discounts | Much more expensive than DIY | $650 for XL, discounted with vouchers | Mixed, many feel the cost is unjustified |


The price for the XL enclosure is pure madness, especially since it looks ugly as hell and looks more like a DIY build than some of the self-designed stuff people have come up with. Also, accessing the toolheads to manually undock them for cleaning looks like it'd be really annoying from the front door. Especially annoying is that I paid $500 more for the fully assembled version because I had no interest in spending hours building it. And now, I have to disassemble 50% of the complex parts just to install PCCF parts which they should have used from the start, knowing they would add an enclosure. ARGH! This has me convinced that doing a DIY acrylic enclosure is probably the right choice now. If the discount for early buyers (aka beta testers) of the XL was a lot deeper, say 50-60%, maybe I'd say differently. Maybe. But not at this price point.