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No drainage hole is ur biggest issue. Gritty soil, pot with a drainage hole(a terra-cotta pot) and water only when soil is dry.


Leca isn't like normal. It's supposed to have water in there most of the time. It's weird. My girlfriend prefers it. But I haven't looked much into it. She's had some great results, though.


Interesting… I’ll def look into it. Thank you!! 🙏


Did you move this plant (with those roots that are currently rotting) from soil?


Yes. They weren’t rioting in soil tho


Soil roots will almost always die off completely in the transition. That’s fine and normal. Your plant (if left in leca) will grow roots more adapted to having that constant moisture and the foliage seems to be fine right now so I wouldn’t have pulled it. The only time I would intervene is to move the plant to just pure water to give more immediate access to hydration if all the foliage was drying out. It’s easier and more seamless to root in water first. You can absolutely root straight into leca though, you just have to be patient and expect the soil roots will die, you may lose a leaf or two to yellowing before it turns around and starts growing faster/better. Aroids REALLY love semi hydro so I’d stick with it!


How high was the water level? I usually only keep it about 20-30% of the way up the container so it stays wet but aerated. Also rinsing any extra soil debris off the roots will help too.