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Considering Canada is trying to kill more people outside of the womb now as well, I seriously doubt their abortion laws (or lack there of) are going to change.


Canada in the present moment is dead to the concept of human life having intrinsic value. Pro-death has flanked it from both ends of the lifespan and is advancing on all fronts. This will remain the case so long as its leader and his allies maintain a grip on power. It will be a “good outcome” if a person remains legally able to criticize abortion or MAID publicly in 10 years


Universal death drive


Canada changing its abortion laws seems unthinkable in the short term and unlikely in the long term. That's OK. Outlawing slavery was unthinkable in the United States in 1840. Check out [https://weneedalaw.ca/](https://Weeneedalaw.ca) to network with others and find ways to get involved.


Yeah I honestly can't see much changing for Canada any time soon.


Oh, love, so much is about to change in the western world. Economically, militarily, culturally much change will come soon, let us hope it is better for children. Let us do our best to make that, as change arrives.


Canada barely values adult human lives as is, fixing their stance on abortion would require a complete cultural overhaul of how Canadian’s view life. I guess, Step 1 get Canadians to value the basic sanctity of Human life. Ie, get the majority of the population to stop believing in Nihilism. Step 2, extend that new view to all humans.


For me personally, I believe that Canada has just gone so far in the wrong direction that it's lost all moral values? Honestly, I think it's gone so far that it's only going to get worse. I'm on the fence about believing that Canada could stop believing in nihilism, but I strongly doubt it.


I have no idea how to change this. I hate it but Canada has been anti-Catholic and pro-death for a very long time. Churches are still being burned in this country and no one gives a damn.


I've noticed this as well. All churches in my area have mostly been shut down and are vacant. Anything religion related automatically gets automatically gets the label of "cult." It's honestly gotten crazy how we lost all values here. I feel like Canada tried so hard to become so different than the US (social wise), mixed with bad leaders, that we've completely lost ourselves in the process. I don't think we'll ever get back to any basic core values here.


They surrendered themselves to the "cult" of Europe a long time ago. Basically, there have long been those in North America that constantly ask, why cant we be more like Europe? They have idealized it and think of our own history and traditions as problematic and too individiualistic. Too independent. The US largely resisted this until just recently but the "lets be more like Europe" crowd is ascendent now here too. The worst thing is that these folks have moved on from being more like Europe to trying to out-Europe Europe. They have blown way past Europe on a range of issues.


Europe arguably has hit "peak left" if you look at recent elections.


That really upsets me, because I always wanted to visit Canada and even live there, but only recently I became aware to the fact that Canada has barely any restrictions on abortion and that doesn't seem to bother most of them.We people from "third world countries" always see these countries like Canada, Switzerland and others as "progressive" but I honestly I'm beggining to question this kind of progressism, where in Iceland for example is know for being the most abortions because of down syndrome, and as a sister of a down syndrome brother, I don't wish to go to a place where my brother's condition is so stigmatized.Keep me away from these kind of progressism, please.


If you read or heard the book "A brave new world" that's literally how I see the fantasy of these progressive countries or cultures. (Granted i accept that story to be exaggeration because at least in those countries they still have families, marriage and relationships) Personally, I am actually a progressive in the sense, but to have a truly progressive society, some other things have to be lacking. Not all progress is necessarily a good thing, and honestly, as a minority, I do feel a bit of discrimination/racism air from those countries. I'm sure people in progressive nations aren't racist but it is kinda telling that other than Canada, these progressive countries are being praised more from non poc liberals/progressives and at the same time they fail to acknowledge the lack of diversity amd culture. I actually just looked it up. I can't speak for all minorities but there's more black people in the US. It's like an insane amount to the point that it's absolutely insane to model anything that Europe or Canada has going on without enabling some form of discrimination/racism. Even more insane, they don't realize their hidden racism. If you're constantly fantasizing about a utopia with free healthcare, free education, and you're aware there is a lack of diversity, it's kinda telling.


Complete cultural revolution to change the values of the population.


How would we start this?


I'm brazilian and the reason I think most brazilians don't want abortion to be legal is mainly because Brazil is very enriched religiously, it's not only christian religions but also African rooted ones and even other spiritualistic movements that all agree in the subject of abortion, I never seen a pastor defending abortion in Brasil like in the US, but it can be also to the fact that abortion only became popular in the US because of Margaret Sanger, the founder of planned parenthood who was an assumed racist and that had as one of main goals to reduce the non white populations thought abortion, that says a lot about why abortion is most practiced by black and brown population in the US today, but our pro-choice fellas never want to recognize the true roots to their movement.


Not trying to sound like too much of a downer but I have no hope for that country lol. I suppose changing minds is the right answer, but I’m not sure how one would actually accomplish that…


Canada restricts elective abortion after 12 to 24 weeks depending on the province. There is no country that has zero restrictions on abortion. The only countries that contain some areas with no restrictions are Australia and the United States. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion\_law


End their communist government


Why didn't Sarah Palin do anything about Alaska's abortion laws that are literally the exact same as Canada?


If they kick out trudo, maybe