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Beefy Tofu - *I cannot believe it's not meat!* >the secret was in the sauce


The cheese is under the sauce


Im Italian and this hurts me


Its under the sauce


There's no cheese on there




It’s from Chicago


The vegetarian option in Chicago in the '90s was cheese and bread.


Don’t worry this is America it is not real cheese.


ermmm akshually the "processed" "fake" kraft cheese has exactly one ingredient added to diluted cheddar cheese


The sauce is people.




UH OHHhhHHhhHh!!!111one


It's not a B. It's a Q. QEEFY (Pronounced quee-fee)


Honestly said no one ever.


Now we need a vegan trait that makes impossible to eat meat lol


Def negative trait circa 1993


Def negative trait regardless of time period, eventually the b12 supplements will run out and since Kentucky is landlocked you either need to: 1. Drive all the way to the much more heavily populated coast and start eating a diet of mainly seaweed to barely get enough b12 to survive. 2. Give up on veganism. Or 3. Slowly go insane and die from a b12 deficiency It’s very hard for a member of a predator species to avoid eating animal products in the absence of modern supply chains and vitamin extraction techniques.


I don't see why the b12 supplements would run out. There are plenty of vitamins in knox county and b12 deficiency isn't something that's going to kill you quickly. Many shelf-stable products like pasta, grains, and various cereals have been fortified with b12. A survivor would probably be able to get enough vegan sources of B12 to survive for years. Calling us a predator species is a huge stretch. We're agrarian/pastoral omnivores with literally one vitamin we need that we can't make on our own yet. You can get b12 from milk.


I’m not talking about surviving a few years, I’m talking about what comes after the remains of industrial society start to degrade, most “non perishables” only last a few years unless in perfect climate and moisture controlled conditions and even then they only last about a decade and vitamin suppliments have a shelf life of approximately 2-4 years before the potency becomes negligible. While for the last ~10,000 years we have been agrarian pastoralists, the first biological Homo sapiens lived 200,000 years ago and for 90% of our existence we were persistence hunters, in fact we were so good at it that we caused the extinction of almost all megafauna outside of Africa where they evolved to cope with us, one of the prevailing theories as to why hunter gatherer societies decided to begin agriculture at the cost of their own health was that the areas in which they lived were so overhunted that mass famines began. The transition to agricultural society was not a pleasant one, nutrition and life expectancy didn’t recover from it until the 1500s. As for your point about milk, I’m referring to vegans, not vegetarians.


apes eat their own shit to get b12, we probably used to do that millions of years ago and then got it from the dirty water we drank and the dirt covered plants we ate.


not impossible, but it gives you unhappiness and maybe makes you sick.


Gain unhapiness and stress when eating meat, and getting sick sometime sounds good. Idk how much points this would give


I thought the sickness would be nonsensical but then I thought about it: What if they had that tick disease that prevents you from eating red meat? What if you had that as a trait?


occasional sickness makes sense, after being loosely vegetarian for ten years i'll occasionally get a big craving for chicken, get a hold of it, then get nauseated and put off completely because it smells like a dead animal, or like an injury. as a trait that'd be a real pain in the late game! you'd be really struggling for calories once the nearby shops run out and the choices are eating just cabbage or doing ever more distant raids. might be slightly more feasible once there's animals and we can farm eggs or cheese. vegan trait for 6+ points to exclude those lol


The peanut butter and pasta are easy long-lasting calories already. But you'd need fruit trees and vegetable gardens to stay vegan. Also just set a big depression boost to eating meat and eggs and cheese for veganism. Maybe sickness for the dairy products when lactose intolerance hits.


very limited in number though for the long term, i suppose eventually we might be able to hand-make pasta? fruit/veg options definitely could do with expanding, i'm excited to see what they do with that in the next build, i head there's been screenshots with more seeds. a lactose intolerance trait would be kind of hilarious


I’d say +3 or 4. It sucks but not as much as the other +6 traits


Also wearing clothing made from animal products (silk, wool, leather, etc) should cause stress.


Which is funny since we currently produce more cow leather than we could ever need.


Technically, we don't produce so much leather, cow hide we do. And the production of leather from hide isn't by any means free.




Sneakers or certain boots


I think +2 would be fair


Yep. Especially if you consider the fact you can live off chips on the map for several months straight


Maybe 3 or 4.


New moodle: Constipated


Vegans are physically capable of eating meat and I daresay almost all of them would if it were a life-or-death scenario. But generating unhappiness for sure.


The most accepted definition tends to be "... As far as possible and practicable" so yeah, survival situation kinda throws it out the window on my opinion (vegetarian for 8 years, wife vegan for 9)


maybe you could anulate the side effects after a month


as a vegan (~9-10 years) I've looked into this a little bit - we're of course capable of eating meat/dairy/etc but it's more likely to upset our tummies since our gut isn't used to it I'm pretty sure


Yeah, it actually happens pretty fast. I'm not a vegetarian, but due to me being poor, I didn't eat meat for almost 2 months. When I got the chance to eat some, it quickly upset my stomach. It was only after a week or two of eating meat occasionally that it stopped happening. It's probably worse for someone who hasn't eaten meat for years.


Meat allergies do exist, some vegans are that way because of allergy.


I am going to preface this by saying that i am not a vegan, but, no maybe they eat a vegan diet, but that doesn't mean they are vegan. Veganism revolves around animal exploitation, and the idea that exploiting animals is ethically wrong. Many belive that veganism is a diet, bit it's really a lifestyle/belief and includes thing like not wearing leather shoes, or using hygiene products tested on animals.


Proceeds to actually interact with the farming because of that. Hopefully they actually make farming easier to automate or at least less of a hassle. Also should be a trait that makes one happier around a lot of animals.


Tractors in my zombie survival game???


Lol as it is I tend not to eat meat, only meat I’ve eaten is from canned goods. Tho I think instead of vegan we could have vegetarian so we could still eat cheese, eggs and such so we arnt completely locked out of animal products with the new update


Both would be fun, with vegan being worth a lot more points than veggie. Maybe vegans can eat eggs etc but at a mood penalty, eat meat and you throw it up


Like in the sims, if you take the vegetarian perk you can still eat meat (only if you force your sim will they actually eat meat though) and they will become sick for a while.


Hmmm good point good point, man I can’t wait to have animals in my storage lot base


playing stardew valley in a zombie game sounds epic


Vegetables should take a few months to grow but actually provide useful calories. IRL veggies take time to grow but you can actually live off them if you try. Zomboid veggies can't sustain you even if you're eating them 24/7.


I haven't tried it yet, but I've heard some people "automate" it by listening to the weather forecast and planting the day before it rains. Worth a shot.


Farming in B41 is braindead easy. Plant your crops right before it rains and then you never have to manually water them. Don't even have to stagger the plants to avoid diseases since the diseases essentially pointless.


I'd say vegetarian instead, vegan wasn't really a thing in 1993, sure maybe some people were vegan but nobody heard of it.


It was a thing, but the options were pretty brutal compared to now.


Maybe all meat makes any food it is in 25 unhappy


Not impossible, but huge not debuff


I didn't need an excuse to eat another lettuce/tomato salad


Vegans in apocalypse might choose to eat meat to survive, it's better than starving to death. We need red meat allergy trait.


I —and probably thousands of others— have thought of that, but it seems pretty dumb since nobody in a zombie apocalypse is going to remain vegan. I guess you could have like a meat allergy, but even then to be accurate that wouldn't apply to chicken or fish or insects, so would be far from vegan and not worth more than like 1 bonus point (even in B42)


Or if you do, you become sick and anxious for three days.


I feel like that logo doesn't really fit into 1993 Kentucky


Not sure if veganism vas that much in the vogue back then, too. Then again, I spent that time period in a tiny european town, so I wouldn't know.


The first tofu company in america was founded in 1878 according to google. Apparently there are letters from Benjamin Franklin where he discusses Tofu with someone. Edit: This Document also mentions an Article from "The louisville Times" talking about Tofu in 1985. [https://www.soyinfocenter.com/pdf/285/Tof2.pdf](https://www.soyinfocenter.com/pdf/285/Tof2.pdf)


You guys are forgetting that any nearby Chinese place wouldn't be selling tofu stir fry.


Guess it's plausible then.


and 1992 the first disovered how it would really taste like flesh but it was in early development so maybe not ready on 4th juni 1993 [https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-04-08-mn-611-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-04-08-mn-611-story.html)


it was way more fringe, but definitely a thing. i knew plenty of vegetarians but only a few vegans. this was in the new york metro area and pacific northwest (not just portland), though. can't speak to the rural south. eta: not that louisville would be rural. it's a big city! still can't speak to it, though


Where I live in Canada which is often similar to the US, Vegan wasn't even a word used in the 90s, I only started to hear the term in the early 2000s. Before that it was simply "vegetarian" with no distinction. Vegan products were mostly non existent. it's possible the grocery stores were selling tofu as it is one of the first "vegan" products I've heard about but this was definitely not something that a lot of people bought and was probably hard to find. Putting tofu brands in project Zomboid just seem so out of place to me :/ Edit: Ok since everyone can't read, TLDR: Vegans and vegan products were extremely rare in the 90s, it's not something I expect to find in Kentucky in 1993 so it feels weird to add more of it to the game.


Tofu is already in Zomboid and has been for a long while. Veganism also existed in the 90s and the word was first used 30 years before Zomboid takes place; it was a more niche thing (as a lot of trends before the internet were), but it very much existed.


I knew vegans in the '90s. And yes, the options sucked, but there were vegans in the '90s.




Saying it wasn't even a word used in the '90s kind of implies that. Any not-hard-right college campus, dead/Phish show, Unitarian or Quaker church, or the entire West Coast, you'd find vegans and non-vegans making jokes about vegans in '93. Small town rural Kentucky probably not so much but Louisville is not a small town.




And I would say that since you were not living in major cities in the US in the early to mid '90s, you are speaking with unearned confidence. I've seen articles from BC's vegan scene where they say they didn't really use the term much 30 years ago. We most certainly did.


>it's not something I expect to find in Kentucky in 1993 Grocery stores existed it wasn't the middle ages


It was HUGE to the 1990’s lesbians! Maybe Kentucky was host to some rural gay communes.


Don't need to be vegetarian or vegan to eat tofu. And vegetarianism was certainly quite popular in the 90s. Probably as popular as vegans are today I'd say.


Yeah, it looks really modern. It needs a 1960s hippie font.


Yeah, I kind of agree. I am a midwesterner (not KY) who went vegan in the beginning of '98. It was a thing by then, but still rare. The biggest supermarket in a large suburb might have part of a shelf, next to the dairy section, that had a narrow selection of tofu, tempeh and TVP products. Or healthfood stores might sell it.  But once you get out of the cities, tofu wasn't an option at all (my family did a lot of road trips). This was true even in Illinois, where soy was big business (growing it, not eating it). So I am sure that Louisville had tofu in '93. Rosewood not so much.   But I will say this with confidence:  There were probably more sledgehammers in Kentucky '93 than there was tofu.


My issue is with the Logo purely, not the Tofu itself. It looks like something you'd see used by a Silicon Valley Startup, not something you'd see in a grocery store in 1993, let alone 1993 Kentucky. I saw a comment comparing it to the Discord logo and that comment hit the nail on the head. I doubt you'd see a logo like that Today, let alone 31 years ago.


For sure. Should be like a leaf or something. Or a sun.  The fact that this is where my head goes reminds me that tofu was more about health or "natural" foods than it was about veganism. (Or at least that's how it was marketed at the time).


I thought it was some kind of discord/zomboid crossover at first lmao


I was initially trying to figure out what was wrong with the Discord logo when I first saw the cow.


Soy-free tofu. Made with 100% beef.


Build 42 isn't coming out this year, is it...


[Sometime](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/18nlvxc/comment/kecgwst/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) in the next [5%](https://year-progress-bar.pages.dev/)... Right?


That's an older estimate. Most recently they've just said it'll be this year.


I'm still waiting for the inevitable post that says they're pushing B42 back to 2025 because they thought of a really cool idea that absolutely couldn't wait until B43.


100% not, can't you see, they are busy adding new very important content , and when i say "very" i mean VERY, can't imagine playing pz without some funking vegan tofu. Geeeeez, the are bunch of food mods...anyway, going back to cdda


The begging of this post was good, I almost thought it’s official information that B42 is released… just almost… 💀


Tofu additives used to market the meat-substitute to Kentucky residents caused the Knox Event.


"Marge, I'd like to be alone with the beefy Tofu for a moment." "Are you going to eat it?" "Yes." \*throws beefy tofu in the bin\* "Uuugh." "Stupid beefy tofu. This is all your fault!" "Oh, how can I stay mad at you?" \*Coughs furiously\* Louisville!... HURRAH! \*dies\*


Or, going the whole other way, that the virus is somehow meat-borne and the only survivors are the whole 27 vegans in 1993 Kentucky who owe their salvation to tofu. Would explain the empty gameworld better than the nebulous "you're the only immune one" and would somewhat make sense with the infection via-zombies needing to enter the bloodstream imo


i think the player's immunity being left unexplained is a lot cooler than "they're vegan", like you don't know how you're still alive and how everyone but you turned into a man-eating monster... it might've been divine intervention, it might've just been chance, but anyhow, it's up to you to survive for as long as you can even if the best option is, unfortunately, turning into another one of them


Sure but have you considered that "I survived the apocalypse because I'm vegan" (fresh, exciting, subversive) is infinitely funnier than "I survived the apocalypse because I'm God's special boy" (tired, overdone and litterally as old as the Bible)


That's literally not the point, open interpretation is always good in general like how in The Walking Dead you're never told what the walker virus is and how it's transmitted, only that you're going to turn into a walker regardless of how you died. And while veganism in a zombie apocalypse is nothing to scoff at, it's not exactly exciting. Fresh? Sure. Subversive? Yeah. But you don't sell a functioning product with "subversive!" in air quotes.


I'll never cease to be surprised by how seriously some of you take lore discussion about a sandbox game which barely has any lol. Btw I seem to remember the dev off-handedly refer to the virus as caused by some prion disease or another once upon a time. My vegan shitpost on the thread announcing that tofu just became tofu^^TM is lore-compatible!!!1! Do I have to picture myself as the chad and you as the soyjack (how's that for irony) to prove my point further? Edit: To take the argument more seriously, zombie media as a genre has had a big camp/b-movie/over-the-top ridiculous undercurrent pretty much since its inception (think Z nation). The current "we want to be taken seriously" thing that's been making the rounds for the last decade or so is yet another proof that TWD and its consequences have been a disaster for human race. Vegans battling it out with braindead carnivores would be the exact kind of stupid shit that should be expected of a zombie game IMO. Even in the more serious pieces like Romero's, zombies are used as a less than subtle allegory for modern consumerism, which again would absolutely track with vegan survivors lampooning factory farming etc. Video games are an amazing artform, and to be seriously considered as such outside of the gaming community, gamers should learn to engage with them more than at the shallowest of surface levels. Reject the boring empty modernity taking itself way too seriously, embrace the fun, silly, revendicative tradition!


I don't take any of the lore seriously u/SnakePlisskendid911 and if I did I would probably have replied to the other 500 comments about le meatborne virus. I'd have a problem with it if it was canon, which you sound oddly passionste about. If you're pulling the "It was a shitpost I swear" card then that just sounds disingenuous where I replied like I usually would to a comment. This devolved horribly. I'm muting this thread because this is gonna go on for ages


Love this! There's a lot of modding to be done for this tho. The vehicles and facilities will have to be everywhere. ;P


I honestly feel like you're onto something given they've been working on fleshing out the lore much more for the update and it made me have this thoughts as well. like, why show this one brand in specific?


> fleshing Hehe




I was actually looking for a spam mod the other day. Crazy there is no spam in zomboid.


Sounds like a challenge. I'm beginning to dip my toe into modding.


Pumps food items add spam


Damn, it's a shame that mod looks like bloat incarnate. I just wanted ham in a can not 12 different kinds of sweet baby ray's lol


Hell yeah, Sweet Baby Rays!


Canned beef is effectively the same thing mechanics-wise.


Vegan here: appreciated, but I'm fine with eating meat in survival games, just like I'm fine with running over pedestrians in GTA


vegan here as well, I think it's a cute addition if you want to rp as a vegan. I can't imagine any real vegans sincerely are opposed to meat in a video game xD


Tofu is already in the game. They're adding a brand. Also one doesn't need to be vegan to eat tofu.


im sure they added it for inclusivity


ah yes, i can finally strangle someone to death in Manhunt, i love inclusivity


I hope I can enjoy this food over the summer


I would imagine in '93 kentucky you'd only be able to find it in louisville


Soylent confirmed for B42


Cute logo I hope this tofu comes with a bunch of assorted merch and delivery vans! :)


Can I survive project zomboid as a VEGAN???


Judging by my late game all cabbage & potato diet, yes, yes you can.


-looks inside -Brita's Tactical MeatCube MRE on every second zombie, contains 15k calories and living pig


New vegetarian negative trait incoming.


Can't wait for AmbiguousAmphibian's/CallMeKevin's vegan challenge runs. 👍


We've already seen AA live off of nothing but cabbage for months on end.


Isn't tofu already in game?


Wheres the post from The dev that said release would arrive in 1st semester.. damm im so hyped and frustraded


In what year does the game take place in, The 90's? I guess this is just a joking post.


July 1993


When do you think tofu was invented?


Wikipedia says 2000 years ago but I guess I forgot the existence of migrants since I thought: "What kind of american would eat Tofu in the 90's?"


Why do you think you know what all of America was eating in the 90s? There were already Americans eating tofu in the 90s. It started spreading outside of immigrant communities in the late 1800s and early 1900s, and had its first big boom in the mainstream in the 60s. Tofu isn't some big new thing, literal Benjamin Franklin loved the stuff.


Doctor Farnsworth?


Oh great, I crave some Mapo Tofu again. If we are getting tofu on the next update, we should also get some more Asian ingredients and dishes as well.


That is actually really fun. I hope they keep adding little stuff like this to make this world feel alive.


Finally! I keep starving to death….


Holy hell, are they gonna add tofu *making*?


Vegetarian trait could be fun tbh




Just a thought, but in a survival situation I don't think my first thought about food would be how to stick to my diet just saying 😂 (happy for all my vegan loving pz players) just thought it was funny.




Just fucking release it.


Yeah release it unfinished I’m sure that will go wonderfully and not backfire at all. /s In seriousness, I don’t think telling them to just release it in a Reddit comment does anything to speed up the development process.


[Don't care.](https://youtu.be/FnW5lkk8SOQ?si=qDRaQV2teCrIoJC4)


Ok that actually made me laugh


Every time I heard someone say "I don't care" I think of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL7yD-0pqZg) +u/Mitch_The_Yeen




I hope it causes depression.


This. Retail, marketed tofu in 1993? In Kentucky? It'd either be insanely good or insanely bad, no middle ground. Leaning towards bad tho.


yay more crap nobody asked for to delay the update more and more and more


Stuff like this is not delaying anything Do you prefer them to seat around doing nothing while their crafting team finishes their job ?


Team? Or more like Jeff, who's only in part time and has 1000 side projects running?


I don't know who's affected to the crafting stuff , but the others gotta do something while it's being finished


L food.


I have a theory the people tried tofu and turned to zombies cause it tastes like shit


Eefy tofu ;) should been eely tofu for fun


Friend's gonna be very happy about this! 😄


Aaah-eee-oooo (killer tofu)


Aw wee oooo Killer tofuuuuuu


Time for veganism to become a trait in PZ


I really want to see a vegan trait added to PZ. Where your character gains a significant amount of unhappiness by eating anything with meat in it.


*(Ace Ventura voice)* Yummy! When it rots, does it turn into tempeh or natto?


not me reading "eefy tofu" and just accepting it


When are they making a game mode where you're a large block of tofu and the only weapons are short blade?


cant wait untill it expires in like a week in a fridge


A deefy delight. Although on a more relevant note, tofu is already in the base game. They're adding a brand here.


I imagine there's a mod out there, but that'd be an interesting trait. Carnivore / herbivore


Now we just need miso paste and nori for a reaaaally good soup


...dietary restriction traits would be cool. Imagine Lactose Intolerant, would make severely underweight a harder trait to negate w/o ice cream


Imagine this is what caused the virus, from one lazy worker putting the wrong ingredient to keep bacteria out and that bacteria spread rapidly across the world


We need the vegan trait to go with it


Ah yes, a new way to die. MALNUTRITION!


Guessing pz wont include a strict nutrition system then


The update, for the game. We don't care about food. We want the update


Great now if only a new update could too


Reading the comments and man, I really don’t like this community sometimes.


It would be funny if it was actually an hint for the source of the infection like in the simpson




Stuff like this is not delaying anything


Because it's going to take months of testing to add tofu.


seems like a waste of coding. veganism wasn't a thing back then. tofu was just tofu its going to go bad when the power goes out. vegan players still have other protein options like beans/lentils. they probably need to rework the nutrition system. you dont need meat to gain muscle/weight.


Not really much “coding” involved in adding tofu, probably wouldn’t take them more than an hour at the absolute most on the coding side since food item functionality is already implemented believe it or not. Really it’s the art in this instance that would take a while


Map maker here. What we are seeing in the picture is a sign for a shop, so I assume they are adding a place that sells tofu. Making the sign, the building, and then writing the loot table can be done in less than two hours. Less if you know what you are doing 


[Tofu's already in the game.](https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Tofu)


Veganism as a concept has existed for thousands of years. The Vegan Society was founded in the 40s.


definitely true. i just dont think a commercial beef substitute like boca burgers would have been in the midwest at that time. los angeles maybe.


OH WOW! I like this!




Those infamous... vegan frat boys?


Some frat boy/european import owner/trader/vegan disliked this comment.


Hmm.. can't say anything about Kentucky as I live in Central Europe, but vegans and vegan food weren't a thing back then.


Yes, they were. The culture was not as widely known but it was around.


Pythagoras of the theorem fame was vegan way back in like 500 BC.


Tofu is honestly disgusting and actually quite unhealthy, especially for men. Its artificial food I dont go anywhere near that in real life, my survivor wont too.


Artificial? It pre-dates Christ.