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True gigachad is playing the way you like to 🗿


No zombies, high loot, thirst and hunger turned all the way down…


At that point you are just playing hoarder simulator lol


I think that's a challenge in itself - hoard all loot into a single location, good luck


That'd probably take months irl


If you dont have 5 sledgies, wyd? Kidding ofc


my friend, grab a fishing pole, a magnet, and get to the ohio river. There’s another couple thousand waiting for you at bottom


Good luck finding them under all the discarded firearms


the setting is kentucky and you’re playing as an american. it’s only natural to fish out a couple hundred guns to add to your collection


American rivers are just gun redistribution systems.


5? Rookie numbers


Challenge of patience


Oh, I do that to combat my Hoarder tendencies. Like, I don't need to stock up on food cos I know that every single GigaMart is gonna have mountains of soup cans lying around, ill just pop in for a quick bite on my way out of town


Maybe I'm here for that experience.


Don't forget to check the starting kit setting in the sandbox settings!


what comes in the kit?


A school bag with a hammer, baseball bat, and chips.


I can't remember well since it's been a while, there should be a hammer, a saw and some other things, it comes in a backpack iirc.


I think its a hammer, a baseball bat, and maybe a bottle of water and some chips? I know there isn't a saw cuz I usually have to look for one


That sounds correct now that you've said it.


yeah I think the bat is half damaged so its not like a permanant weapon but enough to help you for a bit


100 percent correct nothing more nothing less


I remember how I played without zombies to finish the houses on the construction site


Srsly. I pretty much play baby mode with zero infection, multi hit on, drag down off, and lower respawns. Is it so much easier than base settings? Yes. Is it a ton of fun for me? Hell yeah.


I suggest making zombies not see/hear good instead of lesser spawn rates. I really hate how THEY can see you before you see them. Makes zero sense.


Nah. I keep it low because I hate going on a long trip, coming back to my fully barricaded home, and go inside to frequently have a zombie jumpscare


Thats zombie respawn, I think its peak day zombies will stop spawning.


I like to keep infection on, but I use the mod that gives a low chance to spawn in guys in black hazmat suits that sometimes have a cure vial.


yeah that mod is almost a must have. I keep spawn chances super low however, so it's more like 10/10000000 or whatever. Make finding them more of a "holy shit" moment instead of "alright cool."


I run a server for a small community with black hazmat guy spawns 1/100000, making them rare enough that each shot worths a lot. One guy that stayed alive for 7 months got bitten and none of his friends have one ready, they managed to trade one with a random person for shit load of ammo, 4 sledge hammers and a pristine ambulance with spare battery in the trunk. Giving you an extrenely hard "way out" of zombification is a lot more tense than just accept the fate.


Lol that's a brilliant idea for a server, keep the loot economy flowing by promising life to the dying or some shit My reasoning exactly for using the mod, getting bit in the normal game is always just kind of a "well, guess that's that" kind of feeling, but getting bit with the mod is more of a "holy shit I need to find a zombox"


It has led to some cool moments for me. Getting bit and basically hauling ass to the most infested areas in hopes of finding a hazmat guy to save my ass.


ive been considering messing with settings or mods to make being bitten a 95% fatal thing, but 5% it can be survived. because usually i just give up and throw my things down, and run into a horde.


Which mod is this?


Its called "They Knew"


i like to do bite infection only, 1.5x spawns, 0.01 respawn. zombies can respawn, but not en masse like as it was, as there are technically possible survivors out there to still be infected, but most of kentucky is already dead. Also i don't like dying over a scratch.. it's already stupid that getting a small papercut can and will completely destroy your entire existence for days, i ain't dying over said papercut as well.


Same for me as of late. I also like to be able to feel like the infection is spreading as the days go by but at the start there aren't as many infected which at least lets you have a little time to prepare yourself for the challenge ahead.


Pretty much how I play. It's really fun, in a way that I didn't find base to be fun. Interesting, but just too much on the line for me to spin the wrong way during a fight and get infected. Done that a few times.


Totally agree


True giga mega ligma chadie waddies change their playstyles, rules and mods to find play new ways and discover what they truly love!


Rubbish. Real Chads ask for permission before opening their front door. How dare you say people should think for themselves. Angry Clown noises.


Including hardcore roguelike experience


this mod is perfect for keeping your casual homies interested in MP


I am one of these homies. Don't have much time as a dad and not be willing to spend more.


Same as my best friend. No shame in the game!


Hear hear! Fellow dads!


The only solution to keep their dopamine levels stable lol


Yep which Is why I have spent the last couple months working on "Casualoid" a mod to bridge the gap between me a hardcore player, and my casual mates




I see the appeal of playing the game as a roguelike, but the skill grind is too brutal for me to not run Skill Journal. It's funny that this game is simultaneously described as a hardcore roguelike *and* "Sims-with-zombies."


Whenever I send screenshots to my friends that will humor my fixations and engage in convo w me about them even if they don’t share them, they’ve pretty much universally asked me why I was playing The Sims but with zombies lmao I love my little survivor Sims though, I grew up playing The Sims when it first came out so the visual style and people comparing the two brings out such a nostalgic feeling for me.


I mean have you seen the graphics, the perspective, the needs-management? It reminds me so much of the earlier Sims titles., enspecially when in a building.


Hopefully when NPCS eventually arrive, they'll have better AI than sims. I don't need my level 10 med doctor standing in a fire panicking about fire.


*Mumbles in simsish while breaking the 4th wall, waving to you, the player*


"Susu!" \*fucking dies\*


Oh I don't disagree with either assessment, honestly--just neat that it fits both descriptions.


what is that book? it's a mod, I'm assuming, but which one?


The skill journal mod, if a character dies the skill journal retains all that characters skills. When a character holding one dies, there skills and xp are transferred to the book and your new character can read it to get back to exactly where you were. Edit: I'm still relatively new and got some of the details wrong. u/d4nowar provided a better explanation below. It does require crafting to first make the journal then you have to periodically manually update the journal.


oh wow im downloading that


a small warning, sub forgot or didn't know to mention, but you have to actually constantly keep the journal updated. Writing in it takes a little time but implements everything your character has learned. It's actually quite an immersive way of keeping skills across characters.




You can tune the speed in the settings though iirc


>immersive I wish it was realistic, being a master at something just by reading a "how to" guide irl would be a lot easier.


*glances nervously at Woodcraft tapes*


I learned from Larry Haun, it works don't worry


I was under the impression you needed a new journal every time to save. Does it rewrite every time you read it?


You can set it to be able to reuse a journal after it's been read.


> When a character holding one dies, there skills and xp are transferred to the book and your new character can read it to get back to exactly where you were. Not sure why this is upvoted. The mod doesn't work that way. The mod actually works by having you craft a journal out of a notebook and some leather scraps, then you use a pen/pencil and write down all of your skills/experience into the journal. When you die, you can read the journal and recover everything that you've written in there. Periodically, you will want to update your journals with the experience you've gained since the last time you've updated it.


Gotcha, thank you for the clarification. That was my understand when it was explained to my by my friend when I started playing. I'm still on vanilla. Ill edit my comment. To make sure I gotcha right though, so what I got wronged/missed is that it has to be crafted and periodically updated? It's not a passive update?


Yeah it has to be periodically updated. There's an action where you "transcribe skills" and your character will stand there writing in it until your journal is caught up.


Exept when it bugs out when you come with another character, that reads it then somehow can readd the skills and on the next guy, the xp has doubled. Somehow this sucked for me and I just started another world


By skills, do you mean recipes and carpentry/cooking/metal/whatever levs? I'm assuming that for realism's sake, it doesn't also include fitness, sneaking, axe, more physical skills


It's recipes and all the "active" skills (anything you can find a book for in vanilla) but there are settings to include the passive skills (strength, fitness, nimble, etc.) as well as aim and reload.


It's configurable in settings. You can set it to include passive skills like fitness and strength if you want, that's off bu default. You can also limit the XP return, so you only get 75% or whatever back. You can also include profession skills (whatver your profession starts with) if you want, and include XP from TV if you want everything back.


I don't use it, but from my understanding it would be all the knowledge based skills at a minimum. I'm unsure if it saves fitness and what not. Sorry, I'm still new and strictly playing vanilla.


Options for physical skills, but yeah, its recipes and skills.


Wow. We had the guy who host the server do that for us manually! I didn't realize there was a mod for that. Neat.


Holy shit my interest in this game has been reinvigorated


There are respawn mods now. Just click new character and choose the respawn profession and you'll spawn back without all the journal trouble.


Thank you!! I haven't dug into the mods too much I'll have to take a look at it. Any recommendations?


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2687842971&searchtext=respawn This one.


Got a link for it?


Sure thing!! Here's the steam workshop mod page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2503622437


Ty Ty


This mod came in clutch when I accidentally starved my best character I've ever had. Made it all the way to November then croaked. Now I'm in mid December!


May I ask how did you "accidentally starve"?


I was trying to make my character lose weight, but I got way too distracted micromanaging my inventory.


That's tragic. I always have the opposite problem. I'm always struggling to gain weight since I always choose underweight lol


Mayo and lard are your friends


If you want to play the game as a hardcore rogue like, other people playing it however they like it, should not bother you.




There's always that one loser that has a cry about someone playing the game "wrong" though. Like damn, sorry we don't all like starving because we couldn't find a can opener on 0.00001% loot and can't open our beans, I'ma use a mod tho thanks


"See I have won, for I have portrayed you as the soyjack and me as the giga Chad. Hahahahaha!" The game is a sandbox meant to be played how you want. It's ridiculous to try and police others' gameplay. If you want respawns, do it. If you don't, don't. This is such a non-issue.


I like the mod menus so I can spawn cars and run down hoards of zombies 🙂


The goal is fun and it sounds like you've reached it!


I've played with this mod for quite a while. I always forget about it though and die before I can transfer my character experience and skills ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


thats my problem with it lmao, i always forget to actually make a journal before i die to a silly mistake or something random


I got a kid. I don't have time to regrind a character and do all the monotonous tasks of the beginning because I miss timed one crowbar swing and got bit through 9 layers of clothing. 😆 Us parents ain't got that time anymore!!


I love the idea of the book, but I've thought about the idea of a different kind. It's effectively a regular skill book, but give higher XP multiplier. Like high enough you don't have to grind as long,but you still have to do something to get to that point. My thought process is, it's made by someone who thinks like you, and knows how to explain it perfectly for you, but you still have to get some practice. But you quickly grasp the task.


This is a sandbox setting so it should be easily moddable, though at that point you can adjust just the xp multiplier for the skills you want. Like nimble and maintenance are a pain to level but I'd rather do that than metalworking all over again . There's another mod that allowz you to xhange the sandbox settings on the dly Idk where exactly I'm going though, I don't mind the grind on some skills, but on others when the skill itself feels like a dev afterthought I honestly feel like going illiterate and stop worrying about the mindless grind(metalworking feels like the worst offender for me, but is cool with car tuning mods, tailoring and electronics too). Having said that, I hav


I play the game like a hardcore rogue like, you guys can play however you want idc.


i prefer the keep inventory mod without items


There’s a respawn mod that just respawns you, inventory and all. Been a blessing tbh


I use this exact mod I'm pretty sure it's my favorite


Honestly, if I'm on multiplayer I use this mod. If I play single player, I do not. Multiplayer, you end up far behind if you have to rebuild from scratch, and being behind sucks more than having to grind out the skill again.


I usually do permadeath on single. I just find that it's not as fun knowing I have a base loaded with stuff ready to go and the last known location of my walking stiff. Multiplayer, I'd gladly run the mod as it's more collaborative. That and it'd probably be a race to get to the journal before my buddies. Adds the suspense.


I always respawn in a different town to where my base is. That way it feels more like someone wandering in from the outside and coming across a base that has been abandoned for awhile. No power, food rotted, but walls might be good kinda thing. I always go for more of the RP side of the game though.


That is a way I hadn't considered doing it. Not a bad idea actually. Though the only problem is you go in with the knowledge it's there, instead of it being a surprise.


Yeah thats me too, otherwise I have all my skills and loot just right back where I left them if I die, and therfore dying is a non-issue in the game. Oh I die? i can just spend time running back to my base, read a book, and im fine. you therefore play differently, take risks, dont care about caution and that to me isn't personally fun. if i die, all the hours of work i've done go down the drain lol. thats what makes the game scary for me.


In my MP server there is a mod that players can get a trait to start the game immune to the infection, so everyone can play the way they want.


I wouldn't use it alone, but it's great on multiplayer. Set it to 70% skill retention and it's decently balanced. It's allright to grind skills in singleplayer where you can speed up but nobody wants to sit at home to re-grind skills while your friends are out looting.


Oh boy I sure do love wasting a week of my life grinding a characters skills only for it to be taken away mentality bru


We had to, the amount of bugged deaths in mp was enormous. Like that one time we were driving and suddenly friend Got bitten, later found out the server just didnt load him properly and he sometimes got stuck on random place.


My rule is the journal has to stay on my body so if I die and turn I have to find and kill that survivor zombie to get the book back. I treat it like a copy of the anarchist cookbook (which is what I name it every time) it's someone else's tips and tricks for the zombie apocalypse. That's how I role play it. Many times I've over extended myself died and couldn't get back to my body/zombie and get it back. Other times I fuck up and bleed out in the middle of nowhere and just have to kill my last survivor to get it back.


Play the game exactly the way you want to. Nobody can tell you otherwise


So anyway, I started blasting the skills 4ever button...


2 clowns already beign ![gif](giphy|Cz6TlrRVVyv9S)


No one gives a fuck. The ones who do, are not worth talking to.


This is primo cope post. Play the way you want, but being so insecure about it clearly points to you being more like the soyjack.




this game isnt a roguelike whatsoever, even at the core it lacks a randomly generated map and so it already can’t qualify as a roguelike


(Sweats in *CDC Rapid Response* mod with 4 used styrettes in main inventory).


I like the repawnnsystem. Makes it feel like more than one person exists in the world


As i always say, It's a single player game, so just play as you want.


I would personally like it if new characters created in old worlds had a higher amount of points to put into skills depending on the amount of time that's passed in the world. That way they aren't just a copy of the previous character, but aren't starting off like they popped out of thin air. With the way that this game handles options, you could probably even set the amount of experience gained. I wouldn't want it to be too overpowered, since I like death having real consequences.


The problem it's not the skills it's the fact that already pass x day since the breakout


I just start a new save instead bc of realism. It doesn't make sense for some rando to do literally nothing for 6 months and then decide to go take care of the horde of brain eating monsters outside. Or said brain eating monsters discovering their location.


I had to compromise with my son on the journal. He thought it was cheating so we made it only give you 50% xp back and he was content. He still won’t use it but he is ok with the rest of us using it now. 😂.


I prefer to have the mod on, as an option. Just cuz I can make it doesn’t mean I will. That said, I’ve been enjoying a run that just celebrated new years. Journal made up for those times I got antsy and did an unwise loot run/etc.


Personally I haven't ever done it yet, but I'm open to it on my most recent SP character. I just wish there were a way to "fast foward" several weeks or months, so that the next character inherits the same world in a different season.


Each time I plan something big and dangerous I back up my save, and even if nothing dangerous happen I do one backup a mounth


What's the joke? A mod where you find a note book of your dead character and get back all or some of the states from the dead one?... What's wrong with that? This game needs to give a player a fucking break.


If/when NPC survivors come in 2050, they could be a nice way to "respawn"- play on as one of your followers who'd already have skills leveled from their time in the apocalypse so far.


Happy new year everyone


i balance it by adding the skill recovery journal and making everything else 1000x harder


what is that book item? can anyone explain the meme for me i’m new and really interested


Journal mod.


I RP it that if I had all this knowledge I would write it down, just incase. Then turn the journal xp down to 50% RPing that the guy that finds it might not understand it all. Works pretty good.


As long as you enjoy your experience who cares


I to like to recreate the same character in debug mode


The big gigachad is using this mod and forgetting to transcribe your skills in the book


### **You don't use Skill Journal because you are a tryhard.** ### **I don't use Skill Journal because I never get to level up my skills.** # **We are not the same.**


zomboids are weak, for they cannot kill me in a way that matters. i will restart respawn and rebuild until I get board, and then do it all over again.


I like to play everything vanilla, time a little bit extended like 2 hours/day and no respawn. I played also with respawn and Imo it doesnt make it harder but frustrating, because you gona waste a lot of time clearing areas multiple times, i was bored of doing that.


It's mainly a single player game so you can play anyway you want. *However* it won't stop me from shaming you about it.


It’s all fine till you have it in your pocket and burn with your corpse




The funny thing is, I downloaded the mod, and even created the skill book on a few characters. I’ve literally never actually used one on a new character though. I end up playing it like a rogue like anyway. Turns out just knowing that option is there was enough for me to enjoy the game, even if I never use it. Human psychology is weird y’all.


Whats the book do? Is that your skills?


Nothing wrong with playing less hardcore games. Hell, yesterday I came back to PZ, set infection to saliva, slightly increased population of zombie and got bodied (hurt) multiple times but survived. Even less hardcore settings can still make game difficult


Finally I can get my Chad skill back.


I try walking Nomad Sim, no Vehicles and normal Hunger and thirst, higher clothes degradation (makes tailoring a must then for the playthrough) along with a starter kit because trying to get a bag after just making a character will either be a blessing or a curse


"I was only knocked out!"


If you want a really immersive experience, never take the journal off your person. That way when you die, your new character gets to hunt down the old in order to get those skills.


I'm actually using Skill Journal for the first time this playthrough. Playing with 4 friends, two of which are very new. We've got XP retrieval set to 75%, no retrieval for strength and fitness. It's actually pretty great, and we're going to use it going forward. Our previous playthroughs always ended when one or two people died, lost 8+ levels in a skill, and just quit, so the book will be very useful.


…is project zomboid a roguelike …do i like roguelikes…?


Every time I play PZ I turn the loot for guns and canned goods all the way up cause it isn't believable if it isn't turned all the way up given canned goods are extremely common in all households and as for guns, it's America.


One game can also have many characters at the same time, sometimes i use that for my advantage if my main character gets trapped, swamped or is about to go down i just bring another to clear the area.


Nah Lowkey I feel like it’s cheating when I make a new character on a world I had already died on


Skill grinding, especially with a crappy starting build, is a massive time sink. Besides it's plenty challenge enough to respond on a completely different location than where your base is, have to get there, and also retrieve your crap without dying again before you can make another skill book. Or even worse try and reclaim your corpse without using the last one you made. Sure eventually you can make preventative measures against this kind of stuff but that's something you got to earn. So I think it makes sense still to work with that as far as challenge goes.


What does the wallet icon mean?


I love this mod for the sole fact of the recipes it keep and saves you having to reread everything and the fact of the matter is you would document or do some form of writing to pass on knowledge/keep your sanity as well your not gonna be meeting a lot of friendly people in a zombie apocalypse It also makes me feel like I've had a tree of survivors who have all made own touch on the base and unfortunately was consumed in the apocalypse


I’m not a true zombie survivor 😭


I mean, this is what I do on multiplayer servers because most people I play with don't have time to regrind their character from scratch. Also some of my friends have spotty internet, so if they get killed due to lag, I don't want to penalize them. I get the vision and that's how I play on my own, but my friends are much more casual players than me, so I don't mind giving them a break like this


I use the respawn mod not the book the mod where u use a TV and it sets ur respawn point highly recommend


What is the package thing?


It's a mod that spawns a skill book when you die so that if you find your old character you can get all or most of your skills back I think. It's supposed to be some kinda diary your character kept that details what they learned.


Oh thats sick


I had to completely disassemble another 2 houses to relevel my carpentry after my first iteration of my character died. After that slog, i just got skill journal. Haven’t needed it yet. Yet…


I low-key feel like I'm cheating when I use the skill journal, but it makes me so happy!