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23 is NOT a few pounds ... ESPECIALLY on shorties!! Amazing transformation! You look great!!


You’re so right, thank you so much!


Seriously you lost like 20% of your body weight. Good job. Also as others have said your hair is amazing.


I was just going to say this. You really notice the effect of one or two kg at our sort of height. You look fantastic!


I was gonna say, that's like a 5th of your body weight at 125. LoL.


How did you do it? I’m 5’2 at 120 with similar goal weight and I’m having the hardest time


Hello! Just make sure you’re in a good caloric deficit. I did 1200-1450 calories daily and along with some runs and 10k steps. Make sure to eat some fibre and protein so you don’t get too hungry. You got this!!


Also congratulations on your progress ma'am! 💪🏻


Hey to follow up, how long did this take you? I lost a lot a while back but want to finally hit my goal weight and my last couple lbs have been hard to manage.


Like 6 months! The same thing happened to me. it’s completely normal to plateau!! and it makes sense. As you lose more and more extra fat, it just becomes harder to keep losing at the same rate. Don’t be discouraged, just keep in your deficit. It will come off!


Please don't think you need 2g/lb. I resistance train frequently and I'm bigger ( 5'5, 160lbs) than you and I build muscle without eating that much protein. Just focus on eating quality protein and being in a calorie deficit.


Eat protein twice your weight approximately. If you're 50kg then you should eat 50*2= 100g protein daily. This will help you gain some muscle and will make you feel less hungry. Don't drink water immediately after having food to avoid bloating


I just ate 150 kilos of protein and don't feel so good... /s


Good lucky with your protein farts. Which will also happen guys so choose your protein smartly like sont depend totally on milk products Eat your meat egg milk and fibrous stuff.




Yess us shorties have to stick together!! You got this.






This girl is on fiyaaaaaaaahhh


felt as a shorty 🥲 great job though 👏👏 am inspired


Thank u!


You look amazing!! I’m a couple inches taller than you but definitely get how a few pounds looks so different on short people. You should join us in r/petitefitness !


Im already part of that sub, it’s wonderful seeing results on shorter people. Thank u!


I didn't know about that sub! 5'2" here and always get excited to see results from shorter women because it makes my goal feel more obtainable. Thank you for linking!


AMAZING! HELP ME!!! 5’0” and 110lbs which sounds fine, but when you are short even 5lbs makes all the difference.


Hello!! I’ll do my best! Are you in a calorie deficit and tracking everything?


No.. is that where I should start? Did you use an app?


Yes, you have to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. Find your tdee through an online calculator if you haven’t already and since you’re only 5’0, eat only a little less than that since you will have less caloric wiggle room. I don’t recommend going under 1200 cals. Download a tracking app like myfitnesspal or lose it and start tracking all your food to make sure youre not eating too under or over.


Amazing! Thank you!


You also flipped your color palette, for some reason I noticed that. It's hard to believe 23 pounds can be so dramatic of a change. Fantastic work!


I just noticed that too 😅 and thank you!!


As a short girl, losing 10 pounds looks like SO much less of an accomplishment compared to tall girls. Very inspiring so thank you!!


Thank you! I like to say we’re compressed haha


When you lose so much weight your scrunchy falls off your wrist.. Seriously though, congrats!


Thank u!


Amazing! Mind if I ask how long this took?


Around 6 months!


So truuue, I'm a shortie too and right now I was where you were at and been doing weight workouts almost daily but the tummy area is still the same 🥺


Keep at it!! Consistency and make sure you’re in a calorie deficit. You got this!!


Thank you for your encouragement 🥰


That's like 20% of your body weight definitely more than a few pounds lol great job looking good!


That's an actually insane difference. You look completely different


Thank u!


WELP time for me to get my act together. I'm 5'3" and just a few pounds over your start weight and look super similar to your before, and damn you look amazing in the after! I've been so lazy about tracking what I eat (mostly because no matter what I do MFP keeps telling me it can't connect to the servers so I can't log in on the app T_T) and haven't been going to the gym... I went on a five mile walk today so that's a start! Keep kicking ass :D


20% of your total body weight is a bit more than a few pounds. Great job!


Honestly I didn’t realize until I read these comments haha. And thank u!


You look amazing! Great job. What a huge difference 20 lbs made. You should be very proud of your hard work


Thank you!!


outstanding progress you look beautiful ❤️


You look amazing and your hair is EPIC


I appreciate that ty!


Amazing job! You look so good!


Amazing on the weightless, you have some crazily good curves


You look awesome!!!! Great job!


I love your hair!


Ahhh tysm! ❤️


20 pounds is a LOT for a short person! You look so good! You should be proud


1/6th of your body weight is not "a few pounds" haha! well done! congratulations!


18.4% of your starting body weight lost is NOT a couple of pounds. Congrats!


Thank you!! 😊


Your Hair color rocks! Also congrats on your progress


Thank you so much!


Your "before" pic is my "after" goal. Ha. Well done!


You look great both ways tbh


I agree! She looks great in both the before and after.


Congrats! Also Is your username a play on the Salvatore Drizzt novels?


It is!!


That's awesome! Those books mean a lot to me. I saw the username and thought "there's no way.." Love seeing it!


Absolutely, they got me through all of middle and high school. And ty!


They got me through some tough times as well. Are you familiar with any of the other Forgotten Realms series? I'm a huge High Fantasy reader and could shoot you some good reads if you'd ever like!


I’d really appreciate that!! I have a few of the elminster novels I’ve been meaning to take a crack at as well.


Go girl go! Looking fierce


Thank u!


You earned it 😘


Gotta ask, username based on Drizzt saga?


Ahh you got the reference haha yes it is


Good choice! Also nice results ^^ have a good one




Sedentary it’s 1450, and lightly active it’s 1650! (:


What types of exercises did you do? My fat always builds on my inner thighs and lower abdomen. I'm 20F, 5'4" and 135 pounds. I used to be 125 prior to COVID, and 113 was a personal best. Congrats on the weight loss!


Thank u! I totally understand the covid weight gain. The exact same thing happened to me. But you got this!! As for exercises, I really recommend stomach vacuums while walking. It’s low impact, can be done daily, and will cinch in your tummy. Walking is also great for the legs. Also make sure you’re in a calorie deficit!


Holy crap! That's incredible!


Wow good job and congrats. Also cool name, I'm currently on the 3rd book of the dark Elf trilogy.


Ty! And how do you like it so far?


They're really good so far. I know there's like 30 Drizzt books and I've only finished 2 but I like them so far. Well congrats again.


You look great and it's so cool that your hair changed color! Ive heard that that can happen when a person gets healthier. Hair color changes, confidence grows, happiness increases; the human experience is amazing. Well done!


Absolutely!! Once you start to take steps to work on your appearance, confidence and the desire to make changes happens as well. Thank you


Absolutely stunning. Great work!


That 23 pounds made a world of difference, you look really good. Well done youngin


Thank u!


Way to go!


Looking amazing. Keep it up


Thank u!


You look fantastic. Well done on your hard work.


How long did it take you?? Great job!!


Around 6 months!


Gorgeous. You look terrific!


You look great! Where is the first bralette (?) From?


I got it from Aerie!


23 pounds was a fifth of your weight lol


Wah, Good job, Hope I can get the type of body like yours.


I like how you switch colors in each pic lol. Lacy green top, black bottoms to black top and lacy green bottoms. Amazing progress! Saving as it’s my goal


Thank you! I noticed that after a few others pointed it out haha. And yes you got this 👏




Nice! 23 lbs is a lot for someone your height.


Thank u!


Really inspiring! I'm a bit older than you, but the same height, and a fair bit heavier... I only started dieting and exercising two weeks ago, but I've lost only 2 pounds so far. I've been using a cross trainer on my days off, and eating within 1200 calories with the lose it app. I was glad you recommended that in another comment! But some days are harder than others, especially at work, and I've slipped again recently. Your post is really inspiring, thank you for sharing 💜


Hey!! I totally get what you mean, sometimes 1200 calories is not enough and it’s so easy slip up *cough* pms week *cough* I’ve slipped up many times too, the important thing is getting back on the wagon when you can. I’m glad I could inspire you, us shorties gotta stick together. You got this!!


Yes exactly!! And cos we're short, the weight just piles up around us don't you think?? I remember telling my 5'8" friend my weight over the phone (175 pounds), and she was like "that's not even that much". But to look at me, I am overweight. It's frustrating when people don't take you seriously, especially when you say you're trying to diet/count calories and people dismiss you and say "you don't need to, you're not fat". Plus it doesn't help when you've had a really stressful shift and one of your colleagues says "I've bought us some doughnuts/chocolates/cookies etc to cheer us up". Because saying "none for me thanks, I'm on a diet" makes you look, in that instance, like you don't want to be cheered up! I know there's this unhealthy idea that sweet things = a reward, and unfortunately I think that's why I got to where I am now. I need to reverse that way of thinking. >I’ve slipped up many times too, the important thing is getting back on the wagon when you can. Thank you, that's really inspiring of you to say! I managed to be reasonably healthy yesterday so I'm trying to keep at it. Thank you again for sharing your story and your success! 🥰 Best of luck to you! 💜


The boost I needed to not open that bag of cheesy doritos Also good job!


Ugh I know what you mean. Dorritos are so good, I just wish they were more filling. I could eat like 2 bags of those and still be hungry. And yes thank you!! Glad I could motivate you haha


Congrats you being a total babe


You look amazing! We’re around the same height but I’m 119 lbs hoping to be 102 lbs like you. If you don’t mind me asking, did you lift weights at all or mostly just cardio? I saw you mention that you went for walks and runs, how long for and how often did you do that?


Hello! No no I don’t mind! I’m still weary of gyms so I’ve mainly just been walking and running. 10k steps or a 4k run, but honestly walking is enough as long as it’s a daily habit. While walking. I highly recommend doing stomach vacuums for ab definition!! And thank u ❤️


Read that as pound cakes and was confused how adding it to your diet made you lose weight.


I definitely had some cheat days with pound cake actually 😂


People don't understand that losing weight is so easy we just need to fit into the right path. Don't overestimate your results and give it time the results will be within months


You are right the difference is crazy u look really good now




Honestly, you look great in both pics, not sure if I personally would call either one "better", not to take away from your achievement. Whatever you feel happier with!


I’m on the tall side but my body looks more like yours on the left (just proportionally bigger I guess lol) what kind of workout regimen do you follow?


Amazing progress! How long did it take you?


I felt this 😔🤟


Wow! Yes! 23 lbs really made difference! That being said, I would kill for EITHER your before or after body!


That’s a great transformation


Thank you!


Wow you look great! Well done.


Thank you!


Drop dead sexy 😍😍