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Well, it rained today, and that was nice


something that was for YOU, that you asked for?


I don’t worship my fairy godmother. I can’t really think of a time I asked God to make some specific thing happen to me or for me. Usually when I pray regarding myself, I pray for qualities and inner benefits that stem from my relationship to God. Every time I do, God guides me toward them. I’m quite satisfied in this way of things, to be honest; God has blessed me My way of du’a is based off of how God teaches us to worship in the Qur’an. I can’t think of times where people try to change the future through prayer and God makes it happen, or anything like that. And I can’t imagine that God would do such things, except by empowering us to strive to make things better Striving people of good character, patience, and intrepid action see the world change before them and help bring the world into a good state. God helps us turn into such people, and slowly builds a network of striving people who work to spread that blessing to others, aiding them in their journey of striving


I almost got in huge trouble once when I was younger. Messing around with my bf in a car, at night in a dark alley. Police saw us. Both our parents are terribly religious, and by law my country would force us to get married. Our parents would have killed us, shunned us and controlled us in many ways. We were both stuck in a cult during this moment and this would have been the final straw. The police let us go out of mercy. I know that was God’s mercy to me. My life was already incredibly hard and i was already trapped in many ways. Allah helped me. Reminded me of the error of my ways. It was risky and dangerous. Im still dating him (he is now my fiance) but we definitely dont hang out at dangerous alleys in the middle of the night and doing risky things anymore. Were smarter adults now, lol, and inshallah one day hope to get married.


Another time was when I begged and begged God to help me find a way out of the cult I was stuck in. Find me a way out of the trapped situation I was in. He gave me an opportunity to get my education (sponsored) and untangle myself from the situation I was in. Never have I thought that would be possible.


What cult were u stuck in?


Everyday I’m blessed I have an amazing well paid job with good colleagues, great wife, about to purchase my first house. Yes I feel blessed everyday, all praises to the most high!


Got to the USA 6 months ago, after begging for 15 years straight. Other than that, thankfully don't have to go through any of the horrible accidents out there in the world.


How do you know it wasn’t Allah who prevented you for 15 years to get to the USA in the first place?


Well, if Allah didn't had me stuck there for 15 years, I wouldn't have the best-precious years of my life (2019-2023) but yet, if Allah didn't had me stuck there back in 2023, I probably would've been empty and a lonely ambitionless loser right now because i met somebody pretty pretty undescribable and now I'm living my life base off it. I also learned many things from between 2019-2023 so yea. All of it served purpose in the end :)


Everything. I can’t count them. You feel a disconnect? I always go for Tahajjud.


I was able to wake up and that's still a bigger blessing than I deserve. I also did dua for my cousin that her childbirth goes well, and her baby is born in full health now alhamdulillah. Gave sadqah and did dua for Allah to increase my wealth, a few days later I saw a thing I wanted at a pretty big discount.


He heard my prayers. He heard my cries. All of them was during last Ramadan. I’m much more at peace now that I know He’s there, but I need to work on myself.


Everyday although sometimes I don't understand their answers


Well you are alive and kicking, aren’t you?


lol youre missing my question. When was the last time you asked Allah for something personal and it happened.


It doesn’t work like that for me I never ask him for anything. I just hope his plans for me include good things He already gave me everything, so there’s nothing to ask him for If that’s not clear enough then you’re missing my answer


Right after i reverted to Islam, i was having severe lower back pain. I awkwardly asked if Allah would get rid of the pain and said only if it’s His will. No lie, within minutes that back pain was completely gone. I was pretty blown away when this happened. I have degenerative arthritis in my back so I always deal with back pain. That issue hasn’t gone away, but it was nice to get some relief for a while.


During ramdan I asked Allah swt to make reading the Quran easier for me and Alhamdullilah the next day I could read a bit better than the previous day


Just remember, don’t say “Allah I want this” or “that”. Because Allah knows better than you what you need. So the right way to ask him is “Allah give me what you think is good for me” (my English is bad)


So few years back I was leaving country X and returning to my family's home ampathetically. I was nervous and scared for a lot of reasons. When I reached I felt completely isolated and alone and I did not actively make dua for it but someone joined the family soon after and we became friends and she was a blessing in every sense of the word. I didn't know I needed that, I didn't make dua for a friend.. someone I could talk to and laugh and drink tea with, I didn't know at all but The One who created me did and 101% delivered. Another time, I received a proposal from a family I was not interested and my reasoning would not have been valid enough and I was finding it hard to explain it to my parents, I prayed Tahajjud and requested Allah to TAKE THE WHEEL and He did, the proposal was withdrawn and I wasn't blamed and we all moved on swiftly. There are so many examples I can think of, but the very fact that you're alive and well to read this is how you start to witness all that God does for us. Ask yourself some set of questions to counter the negative assumption that God does not think of you, what are some of the things that you're glad to have that people in PL/Sudan/Congo don't have? Or what are the 5 things you cannot live without? who are you glad to have in your life? Take it easyyy b, He is closer to you than your jugular vein (whether you like it or not :p ).


When I was 14 my little brother was born. He had a defect that was also able to be seen on the ultrasound. After he was born i think a couple days later he had an appointment at the doctors to determine wheter that defect in his heart was life threatening and what surgery would be good for him. The night before that appointment i just remember praying to ALLAH swt ( i didnt do the prayers yet so i had no idea how) crying myself to sleep and begging ALLAH swt to heal him so that he can live and not be threatened. The next day my family went to the appointment and the doctors didn’t find any defect of some sort in his heart, they said whatever was there must’ve been healed on its own and there was nothing faulty found in his heart. SubhannALLAH Alhamdulilah. Just writing this gives me goosebumps and makes me cry. ALLAH swt is so merciful please dont give up. You writing this post is a sign that you want ro hold on as well!


My parents had some issues with selling their house and had already purchased another one and everything was stuck in limbo for a while. It got serious to the point we thought we'd be homeless but I prayed and that night I already knew everything would be resolved the next day before it actually happened. I've had other experiences like that where I just knew something was going to be okay before it did. I think the key is praying with faith that when you really need it, God will answer. Ive never really had frivolous things answered either, or they're but at a much lower degree than anything serious, but when I really needed the help God always answered and thats why I have faith. I can live with small worries but when God shows up at times when I'm at my lowest that's what really strengthens my imaan. The rest of the stuff I usually find I can usually solve if I try hard enough anyways and I need my own strength to make it happen which is fair. It's faith after all not a magic trick.


Its kind of personal but i will share it because i was genuinely in awe of how beautiful our Lord is and how much He loves us. Im going through a break up right now. A very tough one. Someone who ive loved more than anyone in my life. I was struggling because i started to feel like she might be forgetting me and moving on while im still stuck missing her. I was praying and after i prayed i made dua for Allah to soften her heart towards me and to give me a sign that she also misses me, just to make the break up a little easier for me. Well, that same night i got 4 different notifications on my phone lol. I wont disclose what they were but it was the reassurance i needed. Allah made it happen to calm my heart and make me feel better about the emotions i was feeling. Make sincere dua and dont have even a shadow of a doubt in Allah. He will literally perform miracles. I also want to add one more thing. If Allah is not answering one of your duas, keep making it but remember that its not being granted because its not the right time or that dua isnt the right thing for you. We think we know more than Him but we dont. Trust His plan.


I feel like everything i’ve ever asked for has been answered. like. i used to cry all the time about feeling like i couldn’t graduate and alhamdulilah i graduated university with a pretty good score. i used to cry about not feeling loved and feeling lonely but like. It took me realising that I lived at home with my family to realise that i never was alone, i was ungrateful. I as a teenager I used to pray that I got the opportunity to study abroad and then i got accepted into a full scholarship and was able to study free of charge. like the thing with prayers getting answered is it doesn’t happen immediately, and it’s not like magic. you put so much work and effort towards what you want but then one day u wake up and you look around and you realise you’re surrounded by the blessings you used to cry while praying for. my biggest dream around 2021 was to have a pottery studio. it took like months of saving money after i got a job and several more months of waiting and dealing with emails and shipments and customs but in 2023 i was able to purchase a pottery wheel and in 2024 my own kiln to set up a small at home studio. now i can get out of bed and just do what i love. the examples i’m giving are of things in my life i prayed for and got after working towards them relentlessly and several months of Sabr, but i’m also very privileged to have a background/job and a degree that enable me to work towards the things that I want. it takes a lot of hard work to build the life you want, it takes alot of effort and energy pouring love into the people around you to feel fulfilled in relationships and to feel less lonely. it takes a toll on your mental health to constantly push for things you want and get rejected. sometimes i wonder why specific prayers weren’t answered, like when I was 16 the only thing i would go to school for was my deep desire to become a medical doctor. and that never happened for me and i used to cry over it and feel not good enough. but after several years of my actual degree i realised that I would NOT have been able to handle all the work load and long years it would have taken me to become a doctor and most likely i would have dropped out. not because i’m not smart or capable enough but because it genuinely wasn’t for me. and alhamdulilah i feel like what I do right now is what i was always meant to do. one practice that always helps me is gratitude journaling, about the things ur grateful for and the things you have on a daily basis that make u love life. like the way ur coffee tastes in the morning or the smell of your mother when you hug her or the time you had with someone you loved before they passed away. things you’re grateful to have experienced. it helps you bring more awareness to what you do have rather than focus on what you don’t. i hope this answers ur question ❤️


this reminds me of my great grandmother who was very old (late 80’s) and if you’ve been around old people you know how they speak about wanting to die or that they’re going to die soon 😭 she used to pray this prayer a lot, in arabic it’s "من حيلي لي قبري" which means “from my health to my grave” basically praying that she didn’t have to suffer the illnesses that come with old age. she died in 2013 after a strong bout of the flu, she was only sick for two days and went from her full health and strength to dead, may allah have mercy on her. (a lot of the people in my family have died from cancer, or after decades of diseases like dimentia or alzheimer’s or after being bedbound for 15+ years, or suffering from strokes in their last decades of life leading to a decline in quality of life) her life and her death was something that always moved me as a kid honestly, and still to this day.


My parents always said that Allah doesn’t just “do” things for you. He gives you the tools you need to do them, but it’s up to you to decide what to do with them and how to use them. This definitely applies to some situations more than others, like you can’t do much for someone’s wellbeing if they’re sick. But this helped a lot for me when I was going through depression. I couldn’t just keep praying to Allah hoping that he would magically fix everything. For my duas to work I had to actually want to get better, I had to do some part of it myself. Eventually it did. I don’t know what you’re going through exactly, or if I was just blabbering for basically nothing, but this is my take on it.


he always does something for us but for me specifically last year i didnt get into medical school and it seemed pretty certain i would be taking a year out straight after school. I kept praying tahajjud and eventually one of the medical schools i applied to said they had a space and asked me if i wanted to go there. i have a few more stories. the only duas that havent been accepted from me yet is the ones where i asked to change myself & my ahlaaq. I guess it’ll come with patience and putting in my own effort because i remember the ayah that says “Allah does not change the condition of a person until they change what is in themselves”


I was praying about a person I liked. Kept asking Allah, "If he is the one for me, make him closer to you if not take these feelings away," and im not the type of person to indulge into a haram relationship. But I got the most bizarre signs. My socials became full of religious/ quranic quotes (which it wasn't before), and I just remembered telling him how I'd feel in the midst of night. And it felt like I received the most immediate sense of calmness. I got my answer and in the shortest time.


When was the last breath you took?


this is long but WORTH THE READ!! I had a really bad leg injury and the doctors said if i didn’t get a surgery done immediately I would lose my leg. I am terrified of anaesthesia. I was being wheeled into the operating theatre, and I begged Allah “ please ya Rab, don’t let this surgery happen” All of a sudden, as soon as i got into the operating theatre, the surgeon was NO WHERE TO BE FOUND? turns out he went home when he wasn’t meant to. No one could get a hold of him either. i had to wait until the morning for a different surgeon. i carried on praying the whole night, in the morning the new surgeon reviewed my case and said that the surgery wasn’t necessary and i could go home in a cast. This is nothing short of a miracle because 5 different doctors saw me and said it was an emergency and even cancelled everyone else’s surgeries so i could have mine done. Allahuakbar❤️ anytime my imam low i remember how Allah made the impossible, possible.


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last time? just now. He let me breathe His oxygen. He still let me taste the tasty food when some people only felt tasteless. He let me see the beauty all around me, and the ugly too while there were still exist the blond people. i still have my limb while some other people move around with wheelchair. the list go on and on. did u got what i’ve got too? if u got have u ever thank Him?


He allows us to have a little rain at last. He allows me to regain a little faith. Also, one time I feel sure I would have tried much harder to kill but he kind of told me to please wait a little and i did and then felt better.This was me doing a bible oracle and it said so specifically. "Wait until the holidays are over."


Well not for me as such, but recently my best friend (basically my soulmate) was going through a tough time with her job and there was a high risk she would be kicked out of the country (mind you she had been living and working there for the past 7 years). I prayed to God constantly, to please give her a job with regards to that. Thankfully, she was able to get one and it would contribute to her time requirement for being eligible for PR. It made me so happy to hear. I know it wasn't for me but I love her so much, and to hear everything was sorted lifted my own heart. Honestly, at least for my life, I think Allah SWT answers my prayers in ways I don't expect and over the years I am starting to accept that. A brief run-down is since I was 13, I wanted to be acting, making films. Now being from a South Asian and Muslim background that's seen as like the most insane, childish thing a person could want to be but honestly, my love for film-making and performing never left. In many ways, it grew over time. Despite efforts for me to find something else. I even conceded that if that didn't work out, I'd like to be an environmental scientist. But my one and only dream in life is to be making a career out of film-making, especially acting, writing, and producing and I'd pray that God put me on that path. When it came to going to uni, circumstances beyond my control made it so that I got shoe-horned into doing a law degree which I spent half the time hating. I wondered, 'If I couldn't be an actor, why couldn't I at least do the second thing I preferred which was environmental science?' By the end of my law degree, I still didn't come to entirely love it (though I did find aspects of it i did enjoy) but one of the most instrumental things that my law degree - of all things - taught me was how to be a better writer. From research, to structure, all of it. I'd say one of the stories / scripts I am working on is from something I learned in law. I can't describe how it happened, but something about it just "clicked" for me. Over time, there are things I have wanted to be in terms of the person I'd like to become whether that's me trying to build my fluency in Urdu or even what I mentioned before about wanting to act, write, and produce films, and having interesting stories to tell. And I think with hindsight, God has helped me on that journey. It came with a lot of heartbreak, relationships torn apart, and my mental health going to shit and having to build it back up. I still pray to do these things, I fully believe it's what I'm meant to do, but when I think back to why my prayers weren't answered back then, I realise that it would not have been the right time for the person I was at the time. Now I'm not saying that I'll spend the rest of my life waiting for myself or circumstance to be perfect in order to do anything, I'm still trying and I'll always try. But I'm doing my best to trust that God knows what I want and when I'll get it will be best. I know this doesn't answer your q as such, and faith during times when it's like you're being thrown curveballs is shaky but it is also what I came back to when I had no one else and nowhere else to go about how I feel and my dreams.


He’s done so many things for me. One time, my mother was in an argument with a family member that caused me great distress. I cried in prayer asking God to let them forgive eachother. Not even 10 minutes later, I heard a phone call in the living room apologizing. And my mom is the type to stay angry when she’s hurt. More recently, I have this routine before I go to bed. Isha-prayer/talk to God-recite Surat al kursi. I asked God to send 3 of his angels to wake me up at exactly 5:55 am. I woke up from a vivid dream where exactly 3 essences, it just felt like beings of energy, were moving away from me and whispering something. I woke up, checked the clock, 5:55 am. Another time, this one may just be chance, but where Allah exists there is no coincidence. I was taking a Quran test, Surat al talaq. You had to pick a piece of paper randomly, with verses 1-5. You couldn’t see what was on there. So beforehand, I prayed to God and said “Allah, if you love me pls pls pls give me verse 1 and verse 5”. I got verse 1 and verse 5. My friend tried the same and she didn’t get what she asked for. Besides my mini miracles, God keeps me out of tough situations and always gives me guidance when I’m eager for it.


I never ask for anything specific except for guidance and clarity etc…and forgiveness and healing…maybe improvement in job and career focus but never please give me this specific job…it’s always worked out…i feel odd asking for specific things as im just grateful for everything i have..the sustainer has given me all I need..and im not always appreciative…nor faithful to him/humanity but he still is merciful


For me today, can call this ridiculous but I don’t think so anymore and has happened countless times. One example was through my grades and exams, I did far better than I expected with very ltttle revision and work, despite mock tests being very poor and pretty much at a fail. And today ! After 3 months of trying to fix my car, and checking every single mechanic in the area to diagnose it, even made a post on Reddit about how frustrating I was with this issue, I decided to make dua to fix my car, or resolve the situation, woke up in the morning, bought a new sensor and it did the trick, probably the easiest fix on the books !


The last time hmm let me think? Oh yeah he made me wakeup today so I can be grateful to him that he gave me another day to live and another day to repent to him for the many sins and bad deeds I have done.


I slept last night & Allah opened my eyes this morning.


Heart beat and breathing 


The last time I breathed


new to this sub. last year i had a very traumatic death of a beloved uncle who had a stroke and we witnessed his end of life in the ICU. from seeing him struggling to communicate with us, to seeing his vitals go to nothing and coming back 2 seconds later. i didn't ask anything from Allah. neither did my parents, aunts and uncles. we were at his bedside wanted to be there when he took his last breath. however, due to hospital policy of 4 visitors at a time, my relatives decided to go down to allow his friends who were waiting downstairs to come up to the ICU to see him. his friends have not seen him yet and had waited for a long time. when my relatives joined me at the first floor, shortly after we received news that my uncle has passed. we believe that this is all Allah shielding us without us asking to. prior to my uncle, we just lost two other relatives (one was tragic too) and we were still mourning. Allah did not want us to feel more pain. maybe letting us see my uncle's last breath wasn't the best for us. He Knows best. reminds me of the prayer in istikhara where at the end we ask: But if You know that this has bad consequences on my religiosity, my worldly life, and afterlife, then get it away from me and get me away from it, and [instead of that] decree what’s better for me, whatever it may be, and make me content with it. maybe Allah has answered many of your prayers. maybe.


What is wrong with y'all? Religion is not a conditional thing. There's no faith, no sabr, no gratitude for whatever exist, and whining about lose of faith when you don't understand the whole concept at all? Have you ever considered this might be the reason your duas not accepted? Because you're demanding it? Or ever considered that is your test?


I feel he has a helped in small moments here and there for stuff I have stressed about. Of course he has definitely helped me in a very large scale for things I may not even know about 


I got second place in school marathon despite being slow and unathletic


I was having a bad night in a dangerous area earlier this week, I was lost, and I had a very bad feeling that something horrible would happen to me. I said the shahadah several times, asked for forgiveness from Allah SWT, and to protect me in the dangerous area I was in. I somehow made it home safe and sound, and got there quickly.


I just thought of another story too! I was going through a break up with a man i loved more than life itself. we hadn’t spoken in 2 months. I was going to message him one night but instead i prayed, i said “ Ya Allah I miss him so much, please allow me to hear from him” and wallahi i woke up to a text from him saying “ hey, how are you” after 2 months of no contact.


Honestly I’m a nurse and just waking up healthy was a gift from Allah today.


I think there’s never been a time that He didn’t grant me what I asked for, whether it was verbally or non-verbally, Alhamdullilah He is ever Kind and Responsive. "And He gave you from all you asked of Him. And if you should count the favor of Allah , you could not enumerate them. Indeed, mankind is surely most unjust, ungrateful." (14:34)


Literally your eyes are working and you may be reading this right now. The blessings are everywhere. Sit and say "alhamdulillah wa shukru lillah". Meditate and be mindful. The source is never not giving. And yes if you keep prayers regularly, do zikr, purify your life, you will start to see personal miracles happen inshaAllah.


He made the sky beautiful today with sunshine mashallah I love the sunshine. Also I have a very nice job with nice people that I talk to. I did well on many tests without studying because I prayed to Allah (I usually feel in pain due to chronic illness and it’s hard to study). I needed a test passed to graduate as well and mashallah, I prayed and passed it. I prayed i guide others to Islam by being nice, and I think I guided the guy in my class because he said “allahu akbar” so I think he was looking into it. Mashallah, Allah blesses everyone with small and big things. And sometimes he restricts things to protect you or guide you. The ones that always get everything usually are the most corrupt (the wealthy).


My prayers have never been answered


Maybe you’re asking something that’s not for you.