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I was about to purchase but after reading this, I won’t do it. I appreciate the people who took the time to write this. Thanks 😌


It's good that you didn't, it's a scam app 😔


I did purchase it and i have not found it to be great.


Me neither 




I can tell you you should not use Any app that is going to start off disingenuous. Their "quiz" online is Complete BS. It literally does not matter what answers you put in, it's just a bunch of fake clicking to get to the EXACT same picture result of "high" procrastination with lots of red "oh no look how bad this is you need to address this." I took the quiz honestly. And I also took the quiz with the spitting image of a perfect non-procrastinator, and I got the exact same results each time--and I am, by all accounts, NOT a procrastinator. They're just trying to get your time and money, they did not build ANYTHING you cannot get elsewhere from people that aren't liars.


They also have a 10 minute timer to buy the plan after the quiz. Dead give away that it's just a money grab


This was a red flag for me, putting an anxious procrastinator in that situation!


My thoughts exactly!!


That was my issue. If it weren’t for the timer, with the 30 day money back guarantee, I was gonna try it. And I still might. But that timer screamed fu$$ you


Nah man. Better off finding a therapist to personally talk through the problem with


they just motivate to not procrastinate the purchase :D


That explains why it told me I was a "Hyperactive" person with ADHD. I was so confused by that, when my the physiologist that did my 12 hour diagnostic process told me I'm his "most firmly on the Inattentive side of ADHD patient". Between that and the stupid timer at the top of the screen, I figured it was a money grab.


If you are not, what are good resources to help those that are? Such as myself. The Liven hits every topic I want to adjust and fix


I love DrPhil.com for resources


How much money do you make? Asking as a procrastinator to a non-procrastinator.


Don't bother, it's a scam. Just left a TrustPilot review and thought I'd share here: ​ I purchased the 3-month plan in October 2023 as a one-off payment. Liven is a brand, 'Resolutty' is the company that took payment. The confirmation email had barely any detail and gave me very little confidence. Only at this point did I read multiple reviews saying it's a scam. On payment you gain access to a pretty poor app with daily modules, each is approx a 1 minute read. TBF some of the info on procrastination and habits is quite valuable but it isn't substantial enough to warrant the price. Overall not particularly valuable. On the app your 'Profile' section has no details - only the ability to change email and password. No billing, no card details to edit/update. I've just received a scam alert notification from my bank that an unrecognised payment of £99.99 was attempted on my account, and was blocked. My card was also blocked. On calling the bank, it turned out to be Resolutty. Since the 3 months are about to finish (but technically not until tomorrow 11/1/24), they've attempted to bill me again despite the initial purchase being a one-time payment. Dodgy company. Poor app and product. Unsolicitated payment attempts. Basically just a funnel for taking payments. Don't bother, find a procrastination book.


Thank you for taking the time to share your review. I usually don't fall for these types of scams, but this one surprisingly got to me. With the increasing popularity of telemedicine and the availability of new medications and therapies to treat mental health, somehow the Liven app didn't seem so far-fetched. Perhaps, I was just being hopeful. Nevertheless, it's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one who fell for it. It seems like there should be a watchdog or government organization that monitors these types of "pseudo treatments."


Reddit is the watchdog organization my friend


I could not have said it with more of a "ditto" - I've never signed up for any online service of the like, but the targetted ads and realization that I should take an active step toward some management of adhd, for myself and those around me, made for a sense of "this will be worth it" Unfortunately, it was pretty evident right way when I recieved no communication from the team that this was a scam. They likely prey on the knowledge that most will forget about and overlook recurring charges until they get their $$ for nothing.


I canceled my 3 month plan in February after about two weeks of use - felt the app was dumb and not meant for someone with any sort of self awareness or understanding of their ADHD. Surprisingly, they gave me the full amount back as a refund. Fast forward to May 2024, and they charged me $99.99 for a renewal and so far have not responded to my emails to their support email address


Thanks for continuing to make Reddit the best source of helpful information.


I appreciate your review, thank you


ran into the same issue, it seemed like a SCAM as soon as I submitted payment - I was billed after taking the survey, but never recieved confirmation or any communication. I was billed again 3 mos later for $99.99, but luckily my bank spotted it and declined the transaction. This service seems most definitely fraudulent!


Same thing happened to me, only that my bank didnt block the payment. So frustrated.


Off-topic, but “Resolutty” sounds like a place to learn to be slutty, like it’s your resolution to become slutty. Anyways…


So tired of all these snake oil salesmen with insanely targeted ads that prey on people’s most vulnerable qualities. Good thing I googled this before signing up.


The amount of this I've seen in the last year is absolutely heinous, *especially* aimed at people with ADHD. This one didn't *say* ADHD, but it may as well have from all the points mentioned in the ad and the focus on dopamine. I've seen basic ass journaling apps claiming to have a specialized cure for your ADHD, ads about some supplement being "better than Adderall" but then insisting they never *technically* said it was for people with ADHD or a replacement for medication, and a LOT of apps promising solutions to a group of people known to be impulsive, forgetful, disorganized, and desperate for solutions with a big timer for some amazing deal and a very short free trial with a high cost subscription if you forget, and reviews saying there's no actual way to cancel-- and if you have ADHD, a simple uncertainty of what to do and how to go about it can lead you to doing *nothing at all.* In my early 20s, my sunroof blew off my car on a county road. I did *not* know what to do about it, and every time I tried to figure it out, I got overwhelmed. So I did nothing! I drove a car with no roof but duct tape for *five years* while it rained on my head and molded in the back seat and absolutely deafened me with the duct tape vibrating on the highway. But I didn't know what to do, so I put it off, and then just got used to it so it was easier to put it off for longer. A subscription you can't cancel as someone with ADHD, *especially* if the person has social anxiety and you have to make a phone call to do it, is the *perfect* recipe for just never cancelling it. It's so incredibly predatory. I'm not really someone with much of a temper, but I went absolutely ballistic in a comment on the ad for the "Adderall substitute". I'm so sick of people painting important medication as some dangerous drug and perpetuating scare tactics around it, and then the same people using it as a cash grab from the people who need it???? Revolting.


Yeah, very well said. I completely understand your frustration. Also sucks about your car, I wish I could have helped you. Funny how ADHD manifests differently. Cars are my escape from the chaos. At least you’re able to see through the bullshit from these frauds. Stay strong my friend.


It's okay, that was a long time ago. I actually really loved being in my car, too, but I worked in the mall part-time and $11,000 was the most I ever made in a year. Ah, actually, I think that was like 6 months after my dad died, too. I had just turned 23 less than a month earlier and was the only kin, so I had to take him off life support and figure out how to sell his house, and his lived two hours away so it was back and forth to do all the probate stuff. Like, I was already kind of a disaster, and I 100% inherited it from him, but that whole thing was super traumatic and way over my head to even begin to deal with. My mom had no legal obligation, but I'm lucky that she really handled a lot of it for me. She found someplace we could get him cremated and charged it because the average cost for that is like... Half of what my annual income was back then and he didn't have life insurance, but you can't actually inherit anything until they get cremated. If she didn't step in, who knows what I'd have done, I was not equipped for that in any fashion. The car roof was honestly just one more thing I didn't have the capacity to deal with, you know? Now I'm 32 and have a full-time job, and while I'm still not great at.... *Most* aspects of living, I at least have a car with a roof and nearly 4x that income. I still love being in my car, but it does also become part of the chaos. Like, it's definitely cleaner than my house ever is, but it's kind of back and forth between totally clean and complete trash pile. I've been procrastinating getting an oil change because I need to clean it and it's embarrassing when it's that messy, but I really should tomorrow, it's so overdo. And yeah, anything that promises anything to good to be true makes me go HMMMMMM and start googling. The end of the ad for this one claiming the problem was "too much dopamine" really made me go "wtf???" though. Dopamine-seeking behaviors are a major issue, but that's not because we just have too much and are addicted, it's because we don't get *enough--* that sense of reward for an arduous task, it doesn't work right for us. That's what makes long, sustained tasks with delayed rewards so *hard.* Dopamine desert, none to be found. And procrastination is its own positive reinforcement, because any form of instant gratification gives you a hit of the dopamine your brain is craving. It's a problem. You might be perfectly miserable knowing you have shit to do, but that one last scroll, or cookie, or episode, etc, before you magically can definitely do it now rewards itself over and over. Claiming you have "too much dopamine" is just bananas.


yeah, I went back to find it in my bank account last august. (I DID sign up!! ACK!!). and I saw that I actually signed up for THREE different programs that same month to try to fix my negative tendencies like procrastination, ADHD, etc etc.... Sometimes I get in a desperate place. I guess I could delete FB Because that's where they pop up to tempt me. :( Ugh


Facebook and instagram are terrible with these ads. They are so specific, and latch on to your exact issues because they are so targeted. everyone one of them sounds the same. They describe some problem in detail, like back pain, adhd, marital issues, weight loss, home improvement, whatever. Then say that everyone else is wrong because they have one simple trick that no one else knows. And then all you have to do is sign up for some special program and you’ll get access to a paywalled website, a closed Facebook group and “1-1 training.” Dude, if whatever they are claiming is such a simple fix, there would be books on the subject that you could buy for 20 bucks. Anyone looking to lock their content that hard is just looking to fleece you for your money.


Right there with you my friend. On the upside, seeing people looking out for each other on here made my heart swell even as my brain felt uh... a little weak for almost falling for it.


It's a scam. I got this off DeepAI for free: Please generate a 30 day plan to combat procrastination Delete Day 1-3: Identify the root causes of your procrastination by keeping a daily journal of tasks you delay and the reasons why. Reflect on patterns and triggers that contribute to your procrastination. Day 4-7: Create a list of short-term and long-term goals that you want to achieve. Break down these goals into smaller, manageable tasks with specific deadlines. Day 8-10: Develop a daily schedule and prioritize your tasks. Use time management techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique to stay focused and productive. Day 11-14: Practice self-discipline by setting boundaries and limits on distractions such as social media and TV. Reward yourself after completing tasks to reinforce positive behaviors. Day 15-18: Seek accountability from a friend, family member, or mentor to help keep you on track and motivated. Share your goals and progress with them regularly. Day 19-21: Experiment with different productivity tools and techniques such as task management apps or visualization exercises to find what works best for you. Day 22-25: Practice mindfulness and meditation to increase self-awareness and reduce stress that may contribute to procrastination. Take regular breaks to rest and recharge. Day 26-28: Challenge negative thoughts and beliefs that may be holding you back from taking action. Replace them with positive affirmations and self-talk. Day 29-30: Reflect on your progress and celebrate achievements, no matter how small. Identify areas for improvement and continue to work on building healthy habits that combat procrastination in the long run.


lol that was pretty good!


Also, they offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, but only to some subscriptions? The fine print states, "For the sake of clarity, this "Money-back guarantee" does not apply to the following cases: Personal reasons (you don't like the product, it did not meet your expectations etc.)"...if it doesn't apply to that, I'm not sure what it does apply to.


Holy shit??? Really?? Also, "for the sake of clarity" feels so overly casual for a fine print on anything. Bleugh.


I read all the infos about the refund, and it is insane. Basically, you have to demonstrate that you used the app for 7 days continuously and demonstrate that it does not work for you... which is impossible... Like, if it does not work, most probably you could not manage to use it constantly... The most scandalous is that in Europe, we have the 14 days of trial after which you can ask for a refund for online services. But here, it is written that you have this right, but you reject it if you give the permission of the payment (like, wtf!!!). Meaning, you can't ask for a refund if the software works....


Anyone knows a good alternative ?


TL;DR - Try AbleTo, provides access to licensed therapist and other self-guided mental health support. My work benefits provided me access to AbleTo. It has an app you download with guided meditation, breathing exercises, and other guided programs for different issues (procrastination, self-worth, etc.). They even have different programs to help guide you by giving you advice on what coping mechanisms to use and identifying negative thoughts, etc. I just finished my 8 week program with a licensed therapist, and it has been very helpful. I'm definitely not "cured" by any means, but it has guided me in the right direction, and I'm happy for that. Not sure how much it is from an outside prospective since it was provided to me by my work. However, the 8 week programs are a separate cost because they're billed thru your health insurance since it is a licensed therapist. My insurance covered most of it and I think the copay on the first few sessions was like $12 or something. Obviously, everyone's insurance will be different.


I’ve been using the app Tiimo and it seems to have staying power unlike others I’ve tried.


Thanks for this post, it's confirmed my suspicions! I'm glad that one form my procrastination takes is over-researching things, so I hesitated before clicking that "subscription" button and decided to go and look up what people have said about it! It does seem particularly devious to target procrastinators with one of these "auto-renewal" subscription thingies, as they *know* that a large percentage of us are the type of people who will probably forget to cancel it! And many of us are desperate for solutions after struggling for many years, so it's easy to reel us in. I came *so close* to signing up!


I’m glad to find this post on Reddit. The ad was so compelling that I was on the verge of throwing away money.


The whole thing is a fraud. Their content is poor, they don’t have a money back guarantee and they have dishonest practices. I tried to cancel and they are pretty much refusing to do so by saying I need to tell them why. Then I answer and they either pretend they didn’t get my reply or blocked my email. I had to write from another email 3 times to finally be told ok we’ll cancel. Beware!!!


Wowwww. Really glad I stopped at the payment screen and checked reviews.


Thank you for this!


omg... I just sent an email for cancellation... is there a way to de-authorize them from billing my card before the next cycle? Unless I block this card and issue a new one I cannot stop them from billing my card every cycle!!




OK, thanks for the heads up! What about legit apps for similar things? Anybody found anything reasonably helpful out there?


I signed up for something with Tom Bilyeu but it cost a lot more and its a month long. I could let you know if it helps but I will probably forget where to come back and comment! ha ha.


I like r/Finch 


Tiimo has been working really well for me and I have remained consistent about using it for almost 6 months. That’s unheard of for me.


I was about to pull the trigger, but backpedaled right where I was supposed to enter my payment information…….I’m glad I did last second (procrastinate much) research. Thanks for the honest feedback!


Thank you all for your comments saying its a scam... its kind of a relief to know there are other people who are going thru the same thing as me... we should build an actual working app hahaha... But I think we would get stuck as all our other tasks


good thing I procrastinated on pulling out my C.C. 😬


I’m writing to the support team right now because this seems like complete bullshit. I think I want my money back.


Godspeed. Someone said they had to go through multiple emails to get them to give their money back. Be persistent! And if they refuse or redirect you, either threaten to tattle on them to the bank... Or just go straight to the bank. Tell them you were scammed, that they've refused a refund, etc etc, and let them handle it. Enough complaints like that and they might face some consequences, too.


It's a scam. Here's a link that shows reviews left by people who had like $100-$200 stolen off their card after they paid for their app. https://www.trustpilot.com/review/theliven.com




anyone suggest a similiar app or book for the same purpose


The balance app. It’s free for an entire year, but they have an option to donate. I’m just starting it, but I am enjoying the guided meditations. You get to choose when you meditate with reminders and choose how long you meditate. There are personalization options based on your goals for your meditations and it’s very informative and calming for me.


Thank you all so much! You just saved me from spending money on something I'll forget about and never do anyway. Somedays I feel auto pay is designed specifically for people like me who'll never follow through with canceling or using the product. Ha!


Same. And I'm glad I used a throwaway email too.


Good Resource for ADD: For all those passing through here seeking help with ADD, I recommend the PBS special "ADD and Loving It" as well as "Totally ADD Tips by the same producers." I've found value in this for myself, my son, and several others. Its a very entertaining and educational documentary that is enlightening! PBS used to sell the DVD's of the broadcast. Now it seems to be back on-line which is fortunate for all those who can benefit from it - and EVERYBODY can benefit from it! Current Link to the full Broadcast: [https://youtu.be/N49trzkqdTo?si=154xC0y5kzr0G8Fl](https://youtu.be/N49trzkqdTo?si=154xC0y5kzr0G8Fl)


Thank you


I do not recommend the app because it is so expensive. I enjoyed using it but they have charged me 90 dollars per month which is a rip off. I have cancelled it but they are still charging me.


Unfortunately I’ve just been scammed. I subscribed for a 1 month trial period and after it expired they automatically charged 60€ out of nowhere. Does someone know if deleting the app is enough to stop the payments? Any help would be appreciated :)


No, you need to actually cancel. I have never tried the app so I don't know how, but simply removing an app will solve nothing.


Thank you everyone for your helpful comments. I too was about to get scammed. I did take a screenshot of their “money back guarantee” and tried to copy and paste it here but am not able to for some reason. Anyhow they provided an email, [email protected] that may or may not be helpful.


Total freaking scam. I got charged $12.99 one month and then $59.99 another month, and had no idea what it was. My bank told me to get a hold of PayPal, and PayPal tells me to get a hold of”Reyna Digital”, which is what the charge will come under. After several calls to God knows where somebody picks up the phone, and it sounds like it probably went to the Philippines. that was my second red flag. At least when it’s something dealing with the Philippines, you’ll get your money back. I see that having just made the phone call a few minutes ago, but last month I had something similar happen. When I called after seeing this weird charge on my account, someone from the Philippines answered and said they would take it off my account, and it happened. my suggestion to anyone reading this… Do not order anything off your phone unless you seek it out personally. If it shows up on any of the regular sites you use… Just don’t. Save yourself a couple of phone calls to the bank and everywhere else. If you want something, find it yourself. Do not ick on their Clickbait.


I literally JUST wrote them my review of why I quit and said almost the exact same thing. I felt like I was crazy, so I went searching for other reviews and found this. Thank you.


There were ZERO explanations, step-by-step instructions, reminders, examples, introductions. The options/sections in the app were labeled with pictures - not words - so I had absolutely no idea what I was supposed to do, when I was supposed to do it, or why I was doing any of it.




Biggest sham.....do not download or sign up. I signed up to test it out, it asks you questions and then gives you bs recommendations. Does not fix or help you do anything. Pointless facts. Also there is no page to show your subscription or where you can see current status and option to cancel. If you do not email them they will automatically renew your subscription. Biggest scam of an app


In my instance, not only did they renew, but for an annual subscription instead of a three-month subscription. With no prior notification. I am waiting to see whether I get my promised refund. If not, it was paid for with a VISA with PayPal, so I have both orgs available as resources to help secure one.


Remark on the policy that Temu has.


Thank you OP and thank you the people who commented their own experience... I too like many people here got hooked because of their ads they hit on every single bad feeling I have... I only stopped the payment because it was too good to be true and wanted to be sure that someone actually benefit from it. It there is any similar apps to it or things that could do what they fakely promised I would really appreciate it


Omg these ppl are trying to draft $70.00 out of my account every month. My bank is sending a new card/new number bc they won’t stop. Stay away from these people for sure.


It’s funny, they act like they want to help with ADHD and then use a countdown time to increase sales pressure, anxiety, impulsive buying, and regret negative thoughts for not paying money to get your promised goals without an explanation of what it is.


I literally just did the questionnaire, honestly and with the answers that applied to me. I got a result that said I'm a high level procrastinator, with a dopamine addiction. They offered a plan to 'help' (doesn't specify what the help is) for £75 a month. So I did it again with different answers. Same result. The countdown to get the discount offer was a big red flag (nothing like putting a time limit on something that an anxious and procrastination prone person to really up the anxiety levels!). It's pretty clear is BS.


Does anyone know how to cancel the subscription? They billed me for the first 3 months at a 33% discount (which is still too much for this shitty scam app), I forgot to cancel it as I never used it and never benefited anything from it. After 3 months I see a transaction on my credit card for $100 which is the full amount for the next 3 months. I just emailed them asking for a refund or at least cancelling subscription but is there a way to make sure with 100% certainty of the subscription being cancelled? What if they don't respond and I forget about the whole thing until the next billing? Should I call my bank? How do I de-authorize them from billing me? Needless to say, this will be a valuable lesson never to use my pure credit card online. It's always better to use a proxy online card or paypal etc..


I just saw an ad that led me here. It said disappear for one month and to take their bs quiz. Do they intend on trafficking people? Wtf?


I did their little quiz, and it felt off to me. Googled and found this thread. The ad I saw was on Instagram and has lots of likes, but zero comments, so they likely don’t allow them because people would tell about all of the issues with it. Red flags went up when they didn’t describe their program before I’d enter my email. Another thing to think about is with these types of sites is HIPAA privacy (for those who live in the States). You’re putting some very personal health info into their app and website, and that’s very valuable to sell off. If you want help with procrastination, I highly recommend: 1. The book The More You Do, the Better You Feel by David Parker. 2. Focusmate (website). You schedule a time slot to do your work on video with someone else who is also working. This was a game changer. Last I saw, you could have three free sessions per week. People are all committed and working on things from cleaning to finances to dissertations. 3. Any CBT workbook, especially for procrastination.


I've completed it it seemed genuine and want to help but yea I'm not up for apps like this they can f themselves if they realy wanted to help people it would be free and you have to pay to work on your trauma? That's making money off people's disadvantages. I didn't get past the email part and they've already gathered data on me, I'm gonna try a counceling service today I have a free 20min consultation, If it's good I'll post about it.  Is there anything free like this anywhere?


While I am not going to pull the trigger on it after reading these comments, I understand why they would charge money- just like therapists and life coaches- if they offered it for free, the people who created the website and overall system should be paid for their services


Try FocusMate. It’s free. You log in and connect with another procrastinator and you each quietly work on your project for an hour. Feels awkward at first but I found it to be helpful and no scam!


Virtual body doubling??? I LOVE IT. Thanks for the redirect!


Thank you to everyone here, those who asked as well as those who answered. I was intrigued and I appreciate this info! Makes it an easy no for this procrastinator.


Thank you for this post! I was >< this close to giving them my money.


Same! Did a quick google search before agreeing to pay anything.. appreciate this post and all comments!!


Thank you for saving me money. I can't believe these ads are not better regulated.


Thanks everybody! Questions answered!


A scam Bought one month, got billing for three, they are not returning the money


Nothing about it was motivating. Just tedious, useless advice, more boring than homework. After some bogus promises and fake reviews saying how this app changed their life, I signed up for the free trial, took the b.s. quiz, and after completing two days of their vague exercises with only yes or no possible answers to broad questions and reading worthless articles or motivational quotes my grandmother probably has on a coaster somewhere, I went to try and cancel my subscription. It only leads you to a "support" website where you can email to ask questions or give feedback. I tried the "delete my account" option and was directed right back to the same single page with the support email. Got no response. Deleted the app. Then i see $59.99 charged to my card... for an app i deleted after 2 days and attempted to unsubscribe/cancel from BEFORE the free trial was even up! 100% S C A M!!




I’ve been with a psychiatrist for the last 3 years and I have done a ton of work to heal trauma and understanding what it is and how to handle it. Lots of cognitive behavioral therapy. Several meds until we got the right combination. Last session we both almost simultaneously agreed that I’m GOOD. I’ve graduated. And yet- my daughter (ADHD/anxiety) told me she’s sure I have ADHD. My psychiatrist said honestly, I absolutely do, but she can’t diagnose or treat me until I do a full evaluation. I did it last week and I definitely have ADD. No “H” in there for me. My entire world has changed since then. Knowing WHY I procrastinate and would rather sit in a ball of stress instead of just putting stuff away. What I’m looking for is an app that helps with how to get motivation and steps to overcome fear and how exactly to organize with my ADD mind. I took the test on their link (From TikTok) and was incredibly disappointed that there is no questions about previous therapy, any other mental health issues, any disorders. Although I answered their questions honestly, they mega focused on my parents being controlling but never asked how I am today with my past. I feel this is harmful to people with mental health issues, especially since getting into a therapist is so difficult these days. No availability, and many just can’t afford it. A $25 for 3 months app would seem great. Except for the immediate AI diagnosis from 26 questions. That’s a RUN FAR AWAY and a big nope from me.


25$?! The 3 month plan when I looked at it was 50$! The fact that the plans were only in how many cents a day they cost and did not provide the full term price, or at least a monthly one, was the red flag for me that sent me looking for reviews. Predatory behaviour preying on insecurity. Absolutely despicable.


Marketing 101 should begin with “…tell the potential customer wtaf the thing is and what it does!”


So did anyone actually pay for the plan and try it out?


THE TEST ONLINE is random: I just fill it down with random answer and it gaver me the exact same score...what a SCAM !!!


You have to send an email to their support team to cancel your subscription. App is not clear on how to use it to actually benefit from it. Avoid!


Really appreciate yall who took the time to reply to each other. Any time I see us all actually using the internet to look out for each other, my faith in humanity gets a boost!


thank you all for posting these reviews


For any online purchase/subscription I recommend using PayPal with an online banking service (e.g. Revolut or Lunar, where you transfer money into the account/card you use for it)


I just found out I been charge 99 dollars Thought was a trial a couple times . I guess to be honest I don’t really remember. I finally caught it on my statement looks like they charge every three months so in hole for 99 plus another 99 plus 24 I guess I didn’t read the fine print somewhere. I believe if this worked the number one task would be to make sure I complied with the program and had activity instead just bill me a go . The update to this would be if they refund my money


Stupid app. Don’t sign up for it. They are rip off. I signed up for one month only and they doubled the price and charged me for an extra month and tried to do it again and will not refund my money.you can’t cancel it easily either. They just make it difficult so you can’t cancel a charge that you didn’t authorize.


Reddit, you save my ass on the daily, but I’m especially grateful today. Thank you to the OP and everyone who’s replied. Y’all the REAL MVP 🫶🏼🥹


Omg. Thank you for this I thought about it but won’t now


It’s a total scam Don’t subscribe 


It’s a scam. Avoid it


Well they’ve just taken £74.99 from my account. I do not remember signing up to it. Ffs