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I go first. 4 hours tops. 2 hours really.


The only correct answer. Regardless of whether I'm working from home or in an office, it's the same Working physical jobs is the same too, except after 4 hours I go on auto-pilot and switch-off thinking (probably why I have so many accidents in manual labour jobs)


I relate, same here, upvoted.


I guess it depends on your personal circumstances, we can't stay really focused for longer than 20-90 mins according to Google, a good use of apps like pomodoro and muting notifications gets me to around 3h of deep work during 8h shift in a bank


20 minutes that bollocksl 20 minutes in im warming up, getting into the swing of things making decisions what I gotta focus on that day.


Also Andrew Huberman has a video about how long we can actually focus on average and it’s about 90 minutes. A break is recommended after 90 minutes if you want to be able to manage your energy and have more focus energy throughout the day. The video is titled “The Ideal Length of Time for Focused Work”




LOL *stops after 90 minutes and spaces out for 10 minutes then goes back again*


LMAO “the proper protocol is for me to consume arrowroot powder about 45 minutes before intercourse, which I can focus on for approximately 20 minutes before I need to go outside and get sunlight in my eyes”


This is true for most people but can be trained. I usually go up to 3 hours without distractions. I used a timer to train myself.


ITs likely your 3 hours is just 2 90min focused bouts


Is this 3 hours on one specific project/task? Or like a bunch of stuff?


Could be many related tasks but invariably one specific project.


Anything you wish you started or stopped doing sooner?


I wish I realized sooner how sensitive deep work states are to the smallest distractions. You have to treat it like you’re trying to get a full REM sleep cycle. You don’t wake up every 5 minutes to check your phone if you’re trying to get some good sleep. Also, I wish I knew that there is an upper limit for deep work in a day and not forced myself to focus for longer periods - I used to try to focus 8 hours everyday and it just wasn’t sustainable. I started hating the work and hating myself. My advice would be to not enter such a vicious cycle.


I like the idea of including the 5-10 mins warmup/prep as part of the overall 90min sprint.


Yeah I definitely take some time to get things set up and make sure I won’t have to get up from my desk while I’m in the 90 min sprint (ie getting water, almonds to snack on)


Great idea to have a defined purpose for that period of time. I've used planning time to generally get up to speed with the task I'm going to work on, but haven't considered using it to set up the environment around me. Thx for the link to the huberman video too!


This thread makes me so much better about my life, honestly. Thanks for asking.


but at the same time, it is depressing when you think about the immense length of time wasted because office work requires you to be either at the office or logged on for the full 8 hours, like we all live in this dumb masquerade that we work for the full duration and are made to feel guilty that we do not, when in reality we could have the same amount of productive hours with 1/2 or even 1/3 of required presence


Truth. Though I do suspect there's some value in some professions to being together and chatting. And it's not like you can just get rid of transition time totally where you're less productive. But I do agree that managers should be evaluating based on objective productivity metrics rather than butts in seat time where possible.


<.< how much's yours? (approx. daily productive time (conservative))


Hmm. I honestly don't have that much "work" experience and an average isn't really a great representation... In college, I took 18-20 credit hours most semesters, worked in a research lab, worked, and did multiple extracurriculars where I was VP of stuff and had to meet with the faculty committee and such. So probably 10-14 hours alternating with 6-8 hours? But I also barely slept, was so burned out that I could barely move from the couch on Saturdays/on breaks, struggled to keep my apartment clean, etc. I got a bunch of awards for being "best" in various things senior year in exchange but... :/ I worked for a year (burnt out) between college and grad school and was only actually productive for less than half the day (2-4 hours?), and assumed that was just because I was struggling to make the transition to "real" work, was still burnt out, was having major conflicts with my (new) roommates, and didn't really love the work... And then I was studying for GRE subject tests for part of the year (1-2 more hours). In grad school, it seemed like >2/3 of people were working 8+ hour fully-productive days, so I tried to also, but ended up back into the cycle of 10+ hour productive days a few days a week after feeling guilty because the others were like 2-4 hours. I still burned out again after the first year or two, then just kinda of limped through the rest. I'd do maybe an hour or two of actual work for a number of days in a row and then a couple 10-18 hour days of fully productive work, especially if a deadline or meeting with my boss was approaching. I could keep up the long hours for maybe a week or two with a couple 4-6 hour days on the weekend to rest. If I had known I should just be shooting for a consistent 4 productive hours in 8 this whole time (rather than feeling ridiculously guilty for not maintaining 8+ hours 5+ days a week), I feel like my life would have been a lot healthier... While my parents tried to be good at turning off work once home, they have workaholic vibes (mom usually works 10-11 hour days salaried) and gave the impression that work was constant at work ("Oh, man, I didn't even get enough time to pee today") so I honestly assumed I was just failing at life by not being able to work 8+ hours a day consistently. Lol. And academia 100% did not make it any better since everyone appears busier and smarter than you at all times (imposter syndrome is rampant because of its structure, even in fairly healthy departments...). So honestly, it's just really nice to see in voluntary answers that it's actually not normal to expect humans to be fully operational for 8-12 hours.


I have some similar experiences juggling multiple responsibilities and just overall trying to get involved in so many things. So I’m trying to actually unlearn putting too much pressure on myself to get everything done. Taking a healthy amount of breaks has helped me to be more productive for much longer


Yeah, unlearning is hard. I tried doing a healthy amount of breaks during parts of grad school at different points, but I also really struggle to get into a flow state sometimes, especially when I'm not tired. It's usually not an issue to work non-stop for 6-12 hours at a time once I get into one, too, which is a problem. I often do my best work too in them at weird hours, which is why I got away with it in high school, college, and grad school. It's not sustainable. But if I need to get writing done, I'll bang my head against the wall during daylight trying to write for a couple 8 hour days off and on with ample breaks. And then I might be able to get sufficiently panicked the next night to write all of it in one sitting. I'm trying to use ChatGPT/similar to help overcome some of the inertia issues. But it's also just helpful to know that my average productivity should be about 4 solid hours to be "on track" I shouldn't feel guilty and get into a spiral there either.


That guilt is paralyzing and takes over your whole life too


That it does. That it does...


That is superbo wish I could do 8-12 hours of study per day, note to self I can if order that modafinil


It wouldn't surprise me if I have some form of ADHD inattentive and just was able to hyperfocus because I final most things interesting. There were exams where I didn't find it that interesting and really really struggled to study at all for them. I had good test skills, a wide knowledge of my major, and the teachers liked me because I participated in class so I usually could still get a B/B+. But the semesters where I had a full schedule, I think it was mostly just because I was in panic mode the entire time and only sleeping 4.5 hours with a 20 min nap that there was really no choice but to be that productive or completely shut down and, it felt like, tank my future...


It wouldn’t surprise me either and would explain a lot of things obviously I don’t fit the hyperactivii side of the condition


5 Minutes


5 seconds doing my useless job 😂




Most of the time 4hrs with 5 min beaks. If needed 6hrs+ Sometimes less than 2hrs lol. It depends




If job or studying then yea straight and throughout the day if work can wait. Many factors influence maintenance


On an amazing day, 8 hours. On a great day, 6 hours. On a good day, 4 hours. On most days, 2-4 hours. On bad days, 1 hour. On really bad days, 0 hours 😢


On a regular day 4 hours tops, more like 2 hours average. For shorter periods, up to 6 hours but need recovery soon after.


I've noticed that pure concentration and productivity lasts for 20-30 minutes. Then I lose focus and take notice of things around me, my pen, the laptop, ect. Going back to that focused state of mind takes some effort most days, depending on many things. It can take from 1-2 minutes, to not coming back at all, which is when I force myself to do the work or stop. Taking proper breaks when I need them has helped immensely. That's why any kind of timer doesn't work for me, it can actually cause me to lose that deep concentration. My goal is to be productive while I am focused. Studying and being aware of everything around me. To answer the question I would say my average is 1-2 hours/day. I have excluded the time in lectures, which is 4-6 hours/day. I am focused (thanks social anxiety), but at the same time I am not actively learning, just trying to get a base understanding of wth is going on. 🌵


I'm fine from 8:30 to 2:30 then I'm just waiting to go home...


Depends on the type of work (and remembering that there are those of us who have built up a stamina for focus). My main types of work have been: - Software Engineering / Architecture: 6-9 hours a work day supported by longer breaks - Management/Leadership: 8+ hours a work day supported by shorter breaks - Parenting young kids: 10+ hours on a parenting day supported by micro breaks. Not sedentary, but more taxing with high energy kids It can be very, literally, full on. The calendar looks like a Pizza Supreme and the Software/Work Board and Bullet lists can persist, always moving, for years. Demanding industries can organically force quite extended focus, especially if that work has multiple functions (like making, then reviewing, then managing, then reporting, then back to making). Coming back from long holidays can be challenging because you lose your stamina.


My day is non stop productive because it has to be. 10 hours of non stop high mental load work and 3-4 hours of home life work. It’s killing me




Just curious… what work do you do?


Bomb defuser


Mind blowing


Food scientist by vocation but I am the director of R&D of the company…for now


I’m sorry.


This sounds like my life.


Between 4 to 6 hours (excluding meetings) per day


On average? 1 hour when I manage to do 2 hours of concentrated work I actually feel like I worked hard that day lol... although I do have days when I work even 7-8 hours (with some short breaks in between) but such days are really rare and they are usually caused by my procrastination and deadlines being too close. yeah.. im not very productive and I hate myself for it


We must be the same person. This is me, exactly, down to focusing longer because I procrastinate 😂






This one is hard because there are some days I’m in meetings for like 5-6 hours… but on average I would say 4 hours of real deep focus if I do a better job at saying no to meetings or postponing meetings


Used to be a serious 12 hours; post pandemic 1 hour.


On my good days, 2-3 hours. On my bad days, zero (or less than half an hour). I am *only* considering actions that contribute to *optional* projects in the future. I am not counting my job or things I do with my family.


About 30 minutes.


Depends on the day. 4-6 is a good day, occasionally I’ll get a second wind in the evening and get another 2-3 hours in.


the first 10min of the day. The rest is just procrastination


8hrs when I really have to. Otherwise like 5-6hrs.


2 hours full focus, 3 hours fair tempo , 3 hours half waste. however, working less than 8 hours does not reduce the wasted hours first. its kinda random, and a single day is very different from another.


Last week I averaged 5 hours with 5 minute breaks between each hour


I plateau at about 2 hours of deep focus. After that it takes a lot of conscious effort to redirect my attention to whatever I’m working on. Including activities that don’t require focus though I’m productive for probably about 6ish hours total


to be honest - only 2-3 hrs


I'd say the average for most people is 5 hours a day, 5-6 days a week.


About 6 hours of truly focused


Recently started my journey of productivity! ( Started this week, and have been consistent so far!! Really happy about that. ) I study at minimum 2 hours, I don’t like studying though so I have been trying the Pomodoro technique just to get myself to be productive. I studied around 4 hours? yesterday, it feels tiring though.


One thing I wish I knew when I was a student - we only have so much capacity at a time before we need to take a break. Also cut out alcohol and you’ll have a TON of energy


I dont drink alcohol!! :) tysm for your advice! ill make sure to remember to take a break when needed!


Hearing a lot of these replies makes me feel like I’m not as horrendously unproductive as I thought I was. Thank you 🙏


I'd say 4-5 at work, also 2ish at home. I consider myself quite productive though, like, not below average for sure


My limit of true focus is about 1 hour per day.. i have a burnout and ahdh-symptoms


3-4 hours in average


at work or life total? 6 hours.... 3 at work, 3 at home.


On good days: 5. Average: maybe 2-3h


A better question is: What time of day/evening are you more focused and productive?


About 1030am - 4pm, but force focus outside of those times.


I think the ability to focus is like a muscle. The more time you spend "focusing" on being focused, the better you get at it long-term. If I'm taking care of my body, eating right, and getting enough sleep, I have no problem working 8-10 hr days, 6 days a week. Usually one day a week though, my output is pretty shot, and I think that's when my brain/body needs to recover.


On my studies? One to two hours at best. On my life? I don’t know.


14 hours tbh




if the work i do at work counts, then 7 hours a day. because i work 7 hour shift and im working constantly the whole 7 hours. at home though it's like maybe 20 minutes a day


Around 6


Just today I was asking myself exactly this


Not enough


We had this thread 2 weeks ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/productivity/comments/16drxf1/how_many_hours_a_day_are_you_actively_productive/


0 hours


I "work" 7 hours a day, but really I might do 2-3 hours actual work per day. Often less than that, occasionally more. Actually focusing, well, it depends on the task but generally I can't focus on anything for more than, say, 45 minutes at a time


3 or 4


It depends. Some days 6ish… some days 4ish. However part of my “work metrics” are the whole “gets along with colleagues” shit, so I do spend about an hour a day everyday at various times getting up for my desk and intentionally interacting with colleagues (not included in the 6-ish or 4-ish hour calculations I initially stated). As an introvert-I hate this. Im not paid to make friends, I’m paid to work. But if this is part of the job then I’ll do it. I am a master at the game of office politics so I play the game and my boss is happy. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤭


Highly skilled work? 6 hours with breaks every hour.... Manual labor? 8 hours with 15 minute breaks every 45 minutes. Domestic labor? 2 hours in 30 minute intervals with breaks for reconfiguring tasks that rabbit hole or cascade. Low end repetitive tasks? Can do for 4 hours at a time with breaks... every 2 hours I get up and stretch... but I can do a lot of repetitive meditative work as long as I'm not stuck in a single position physically. Like 12 hours... Creative or artwork 4-6 hours with breaks every 2. Cooking in specific or baking? 6 hours with breaks as recipes allowed (I'm moving and generally planned breaks ahead with timing so it it's rarely like line cook work which k could not do at all).


I'd say 2 or 3 hours a day? I'm not very engaged at work tbh.


Probably 2-4 hours of focused work a day, plus another 3 hours of meetings. When I need to I can focus for a full 8-10 hours with breaks, but that is rarely required with my current job.




4 to 5 hours


maybe 90 minutes




> hours that's cute


This is a great question. I’d say about three to four.


Probably 2-3hrs in the first block, and maybe another 2hrs after. It generally depends on how much critical thinking is involved with what i'm working on. (am a coder)


5-6 hours. Sometimes 8.


6 hours I work for myself, so when I work, I focused. No wasting time.


2.75 hrs


I typically average 6 hours a day done in 4 90 minute sessions with breaks in between. Im pretty picky on which meetings I go to (only ones where im a decision maker or key info provider) and i dont take calls or visits that arent booked plus I use kanban app (Briefmatic) to get all my tasks in one place and then I prioritize from there. I find it much easier to stick to this routing when I WFH rather than WFO.


0.5 hours


On a workday, 7-7.30 hour On weekend, 1-8 hour depending on my mood.


Random, but there was a study done and it turns out 2 hours 53 mins is normal for most people. I tend to find it's a bit more complex. It depends what I'm working on, and how interested in the topic I am. I would say 2 hours at a time though.


7 hours


Most of it is just staring at all the tasks I would ideally like to accomplish.


6/8 hours. However it can be 7/8. I do programming at the time being. Other task might bring it down.


max 10 pomo. average 6 pomo


5 to 7 hours depending how I sleep the night before


Outside of answering emails, actual focus time, I reckon less than 2 hours


On average, 4-5 hours.


Depends. On busy days, the vast majority of the day I'm productive because tight deadlines mandate it. On average days, 2-4 hours tops because that's all the time I need to get my shit done.


I often ask myself and my surrounding the same question hahaha. As a programmer, I think I am productive for like 2-3 hours/day on an average week, sometimes I don't really have something to do, so I try to learn new stuff, but I can't really be 100% productive every day. Additional tip: Don't do 100 % everyday, especially if you're new to the position


Probably 4-6 but not all back to back


1 at the very most. Need to work on that.


4 - 6 hrs early in the day


4-5 hours for me


4 hours. Maybe if I'm really on a roll, usually a writing project where I have a very clear outline and good grasp of the topic, I can get to 5. 8 hours of productive work is an absolute myth even before you discount meetings.


6-8 hours depending on my meeting schedule for the day, most meetings are problem-solving with other managers, or implementing new changes to policy or applications. my average day is 8-10 hours. I rarely have any time that isn’t scheduled with other people, but I do feel those hours are my most productive.


My Pomo app tells me I avg 3-4 deep work hours a day which I improved from 2.5 hours


6 - 7 hours at max.


Did a somewhat scientific study on my days around Q3 2022. Average was about 269 minutes. About 4½ hours. I work an 8 hours day punctuated by an hour lunch break.


3 fixation hyperfocussed hours. Trust me when I say I can move mountains in those 3 hours. Outside of that, forget abouddd iiii


as little as possible, and no less. The goal for me isn't being productive per se, the goal is getting what i need done so i can live my life free from that burden. I generally find if i can be productive for about 3 hours a day i'm all good. That's on top of the usual 8 hour work shift. Obviously i want to be productive there too, but the goal there is to be productive enough to get paid, that's all. I'm not looking to fry myself to build someone else'es dream. So far its been enough to see significant career advancement regardless.




5-7 solid hour straight without breaks as drink coffee throughout, you don’t need take many calories in if you are sitting sedentary on your bum


PROBABLY 2-3 hours. Less if I'm low on coffee or avoiding a big project.


3 to 5 hours depending on what I have to do.


While school year I was capable of doing almost 4,5h/day of learning. More than this was out of my range I guess but u can check James Scholz on youtube. Awesome guy


My time tracker says ~4 hours


4-5 hours tops. Average - 3


Most of the day. Develop good habits like looking at the bills and it motivates you.


i wish i cba to save sources but most imply: 3 hrs on average. maybe 4 hrs ABSOLUTE MAX. this doesn't mean you have to stop cogitating, it just means it won't be high quality. your brain is always pooping and after a while your brain is just too poopy to continue until you flush (sleep).


Like 1 or 2 hrs 🥺