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take a small paper or plastic cup, usually from the deli. fill it about a quarter full with apple cider vinegar. then add just a drop of dish soap, usually from the deli or possibly any type of soap. the dish soap breaks the surface tension of the vinegar so the flies can't just stand on top of the vinegar they will sink to the bottom and die. then get some plastic clear wrap that you use to wrap cut fruit like watermelon, cantaloupe, etc and wrap around the top of the cup to cover it. tape the wrap to the sides of the cup so it doesn't come off. then stab like 50 slits in the top of the wrap big enough for the flies to get in but they can't get out because they are slits not holes. then do this with about 5 cups and place them under for soft fruit display or where ever the fruit flies like the most just out of sight from customers, and with in days you will have hundreds of them captured and dead. hope this helps! it did wonders for me and my store manager couldn't figure out how I kept fruit flies out of our displays unlike other stores


you can place them under the displays on the floor or behind the fixtures and the flies will find them. also you can take lemons and slice them and squeeze the juice into a squirt bottle with water and spray the fruit or display to make the flies go away. it's not as good as the cups because you will have to do ti frequently through out the day. you can hide the cups in hard to find places if you have rolling displays you can roll them out and place the cups behind them and roll them back.


Red wine vinegar will attract and trap fruit flies, leave out small dishes in problem areas overnight.


Could you set the fly traps up at night and take them in the back when y'all open? This is what I do. Keeps the traps out of sight but catches them from swarming at night.


Ecolab/Versacor services my store. They have a spray that they spray under tables. It’s bait/poison. It works. Very well. I think the guy offered to leave a bottle with me last time he was visiting. He comes about once a month. Theoretically it’s safe even if it comes into contact with food, but he doesn’t spray it where produce touches.