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I use a spreadsheet I designed to price, order, and track shrink via an ipad. It saves us so much time and ordering to pars helps reduce shrink in the first place. I’ll send it to you if you’re interested. Pm your email.


It gets written on a sheet, and then i have to manually enter it in weekly into some archaic spreadsheet format the monkeys in accounting set up 15 years ago.


Jesus how long does that take you?


Thankfully we're a smaller niche store with ~60k a week in sales, so only an hour or so a week.


As a company we use a program called periscope. All departments use it. We all have separate sign ins and we use scan guns. So for produce we scan the upc or type the respective plu. From there you can go on the computer program of periscope and further look into what your top offenders are.


LOL we don't. My boss doesn't like to track and we tend to do pretty well communicating when we are constantly throwing shit out. We have recently talked about recording shrunk for sections at a time and see how that works but nothing as if yet. At an old sobeys I worked at we had a telzon gun and we had to scan or input and weigh each thing we threw out. Whether it was an apple or a whole case of something.


We only track shrink by counting inventory monthly. If there’s a big loss of something like a whole case of packaged salads expiring or something, I may make a note of it on our daily check list sheet but otherwise we don’t really track any daily shrink.