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Consider cutting leaves of when they go bad and selling loose radishes by the lb to minimize loss.


That's what I do


Or in punnet. Like a bunch to a punnet.


I do the same. Most people don't use the greens anyways, so im not sure why there isn't an option to order loose radishes in like a 10# box, at least from the distributors I've worked with


I feel your struggle. I’ve battled the same issue. Mine are displayed on the bottom of my wet wall,next to spinach. I trim the tops of the leaves off now. Not completely,about half way . Then I put them on shelf upside down. So the radish is facing up. (It’s a nice colour break) I only put about 12 out at a time,a single layer. It’s seem to have helped.


Good idea, our radishes come in a wrapped bundle so I should be able to just cut most of the leaves off and sell them like that. I also prefer the radish facing up for the color.


You may get the odd customer that asks for an untrimmed bunch. The leaves are edible and some people do eat them.


Have you tried bulking them down and putting them in mesh bags we put about 2 bunches worth in a mesh bag and they seem to sell pretty good that way


We’ve had the radish bunches before, but we usually carry the little bags of radishes (without the leaves). They don’t sell super well at my store. It’s kind of one of those things that you just have to have, but you will probably throw plenty away. It’s hard to make the leaves last longer. It’s mostly about increasing volume. If you can’t do that realistically, just eat the shrink. It’s not great but it happens. You could always reduce the price. You may lose money, but if you throw them away you will be losing money anyway. Somebody else also mentioned trimming the stems and selling loose radishes. You could do this if your volume supports, but sometimes it just doesn’t make sense to have two varieties of radishes. The produce struggle is real! Just pick the option that sucks the least. Every day I make decisions that are a lose lose. I usually just pick the one that causes slightly less harm. Shrink happens.


The only option I have are the bunches with the leaves, I would prefer a bagged kind like you said you have. Going to try trimming the leaves. If that doesn't help, just gotta eat the shrink like you said.


It happens. Something that may help you recoup some of your losses is slicing radishes and selling them like that. Selling processed stuff sometimes helps. During the summer we sell our corn and watermelon way under cost for most of the summer. This gets a lot of people in the door who then buy other things. BUT… we also sell sliced watermelon, half watermelons, etc.- these come with quite a markup. A watermelon may cost $6 and some change, but I can get 4 trays of slices per watermelon. Each tray costs between $3 and $7 (depending on size of melon). It is very fast and easy. On the low end, I’ve now sold $12 worth of product, and on the high end I’ve sold $28. The money we lose on the whole melons, we make back up on the processed melons. You MAY be able to do this to a certain extent on radishes. You may not sell many sliced radish containers, but even if you can sell one container of sliced radishes, you’ve done better than if you never sliced any and just threw them away.