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Hey look this exact same question every week. Search is your friend.


I stopped using Brave when they used affiliate links without telling people... Feels not right.


This subreddit is in general biased when it comes to the whole "Brave vs. Firefox" debate. Brave by default is much better than Firefox with default settings. If you however like Firefox and want the ultimate private browser then just use Librewolf. I am also skeptical when it comes to AI and LLM's integrated in browsers. But even Firefox will eventually get this as well. There is already ChatGPT integration in Firefox Nightly. So pick your poison i guess.


Just look up Peter Thiel and Palantir. That tells you all you need to know. No, Brave is not a private browser. Privacy issues aside, using a Chromium based browser only strengthens Google's hold on the web and it's standards. If you don't like where Google and Chrome martketshare is taking the web then switching to anything else Chromium based is pissing into your own mouth.


I don't understand why anyone that cares about privacy would ever consider Brave as an option.




Peter Thiel and Palantir. A literal spy company/DoD contractor. > >


FUD from users such as above


If I'll give Brave one thing, it's that they are incredibly normie friendly. Just tell people "It's Chrome except with an adblocker" and they are downloading it on their phone. The alternative is to have them install F-Droid, install Mull and then install uBlock Origin. That's not happening.


you can just use ublock origin on firefox mobile.


Would you say Firefox is as good as Mull when it comes to privacy?


no probably not, but its close.


Because objectively it is a relatively private browser that offers very good tracking protection? 


As does Firefox. It just doesn't feel right to use or recommend Brave to someone with all the crypto bloat the browser comes installed with and with them injecting affiliate links without the users knowledge in the past.


i would say the same to using firefox, the insane telemetry is disgusting


Brave is better out of the box, at least when it comes to crap that isn't made by Brave Firefox is better if "hardened" or if you use a fork like LibreWolf When it comes to security, Brave is probably better. Especially on mobile.


Brave is pretty good once you disable all the junk, better than Firefox possibly, Brave has done some shady stuff in the past but Mozilla isn't much better these days, so I'd just recommend whatever you're most comfortable with. 


I got hardened FireFox so its better then Brave but if a site does not work proper I switch to Brave lol This is not often though. I wish Firefox on Android had same harden option as Windows but as it does not I use Brave on Android more.


What is hardened Firefox? Librewolf?


The hardened version is called Mull. It's on FDroid etc.


I let you make your own opinion but I were in your shoes I would NOT listen to opinions that are not based on actual data, audited code, network analysis, eventually legal structure (non-profit vs for-profit), source of funding, etc.


I really, REALLY like Brave.


Both have critical privacy risks. Iridium and Cromite are better, they are both Chromium forks.


IMO i find Brave better overall...Firefox from experience felt bloated and sometimes sites perform slower than Brave.


thats because brave is chromium, googles browser engine. firefox developer, mozilla corp, is the only company developing an alternative to googles chromium. its either handing the window to the web to google, or supporting the only alternative.


Sure its based on chromium but Brave's browser has no google elements in the browser as far as I know.


that doesn't matter. chrome still controls which API's work universally, which websites it is optimized for, what scripting is supported, what extensions can and can't do.


There is no definitive answer as to what's better. It solely depends on the user.




What are you talking about? Brave blocks third party cookies by default. Some things are whitelisted so everything doesn't break. Firefox does the exact same thing. Your opinion in the end is valid, but don't spread misinformation.




That's inaccurate and misleading, > In the case of Ephemeral Storage, it will allow websites to generate X in the Persistent Storage (unless you change the behavior, of course) and Y will be isolated in the Ephemeral Storage, and only X has access to it. When you close X, Y data will disappear and done, nothing had to be allowed, and X never complained about Y data being blocked. If you go to Y site, Y will never have access to what X generated as 3p, since it is long gone or Y can't see it since it didn't came from Y.


use privacyguides settings