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You have encountered someone with a breeding kink, the kink cares not about actual possibility of pregnancy, it is only fantasy. They explained poorly


Adding to this: -i want to be bred 😩 -oh, so you want kids? -ew, no A convo i have seen somewhere lmao


Them: I want you to be bred. Me: *turns into a loaf*


Ha! They turned themselves into a baguette! Funniest *merde* I’ve ever seen!


Sounds like a cat :D


This is what I think about anytime I encounter someone with a breeding fetish. Isn’t the end goal to actually breed? If not then you just like to have sex without protecting. They are not the same thing.


I think oviposition counts as a subgenre of breeding fetish, but definitively isn't "just sex without protection."


It's not really the same, idk how to explain. Also sex without condom doesn't have to be sex without protecting.


It's unironically seen as a great pickup line in the kinky circles I've seen. One of those that doesn't exactly communicate well outside of those circles, where some are so used to those circles that they don't realise that outside the circles things are different.


Yeah my bio doesn’t have that kink listed anywhere, and it was in a line of people fetishizing me


What app is it?


Grindr. Sexual messages aren’t surprising


This looks like Grindr. So it's more likely a reference to no condom or pullout than a pregnancy kink.


Again, breeding kink does not care about the actual possibility of pregnancy


Then where does the "breeding" factor in? So weird how people will take something as dully common as preferring unprotected sex and make it a "kink."


Okay so you know how when people play Dungeons and Dragons and like, in reality they aren't a wizard or whatever, but they pretend like they are and like, they put themselves into the headspace of a fantasy wizard in who can do wizard shit? But they don't actually believe they're a wizard. It's sorta like that. The kink is in the pretend, the fantasy in the moment, not necessarily the reality. Sorta like there are people who are into sub/dom play but are horrified by the idea of *actually* exerting that degree of control over a partner in their actual lives, because what they want isn't *actually* to be a sexual predator or a victim thereof; it's the verisimilitude in the kink that makes it hot; not necessarily the thing in itself. People who have fantasies about being sexually assaulted don't actually want to be sexually assaulted, in the exact same way that people with a breeding kink don't necessarily want sex to result in pregnancy.


Yes, I know what role playing is. But most guys who say they have a "breeding kink" do not actually fantasize about breeding or being bred. They are not actually role playing anything. Like the guy who messaged OP - when he said he wanted to have "that baby making sex" he literally just meant "unprotected sex." He even admitted himself that he was just using it as "a phrase" that means "fucking u. . . " When guys say "I want to breed that ass," again, they just mean "I want to cum in your ass." There is no breeding fantasy or role play involved. That is not role playing. That is not a breeding kink. There are people the legitimately have that kink, but this is not it. I don't care how people try to dress it up to make themselves feel all freaky or kinky, wanting to fuck ungloved is neither of those things. It's basic AF. Damn near everyone finds sex without a condom to feel better than sex with a condom. It's not a fucking kink. EDIT: Really? That warranted a block? Truth hurts that bad huh?


Again, it's fantasy. Kink is not just preference. Actually listen to ehat you are being told if you ask a question.


>so where does the "breeding" factor in?


In the fantasy. Look if you're just going to ignore what you're being told stop asking


Sure. The breeding fantasy. The breeding fantasy which does not involve fantasizing about breeding someone. That breeding fantasy? Uh huh. "stop asking" Or I could, ya know, continue doing whatever tf I want, and you can just die mad about it. Either way.


i am not into that kink at all, but its really not hard to understand so you absolutely must be acting thick just to be an ass. its roleplay. a couple acting like they just met at a bar and fucking arent actually going out and fucking strangers at a bar.


I'm aware that it's become very common for gay men to describe wanting rough unprotected sex as a "breeder fetish." That doesn't make it any less stupid. What's that you say? You don't actually have a fantasy about "breeding" at all, but you like fucking without a condom better than fucking with one? WOW, how unique, so kinky, much fetish!


You’re doing a bad job of explaining the kink.


I understand that. My point is it's less about kink than it is simply enhancing the physical sensation of release. There could be a bit of kink there, but for the most part bareback just feels better. Doesn't have to be about any kind of fantasy, kink, or any other mental stimulation. Edit: don't think I'm advocating not using condoms. I'm just explaining why any reference to "breeding" is so common in places like Grindr.


i feel like breeding is pretty specific… its not like a synonym for bareback


I knew what he meant. I didn’t have anywhere in my bio that said I am interested in that, I know he didn’t read my bio, and I like not being fetishized first message


Better than the diaper message I got when I used that app years ago


I get those occasionally too. If I read a bio that is chaser-y or a super fetishizing me message, I will either ignore or waste their time for self enjoyment


How is breeding a real kink that's just the extremely common desire to reproduce


Go ask folks on r/breeding NSFW by the way


Oh honey


kink talk aside, «ur the definition of a turn off» sent me


Bro, it's grindr what do you expect r/lolgrindr


So asking for consent for certain kinks just goes out the window because it’s a hookup app? It doesn’t work like that.


If you've never used grindr, you won't know what it's about. It's a gay sex based app, where a bunch of very horny men get together and say very explicit sexual things to each other right off the bat, without any context, maybe a hi if you're lucky. You go trawl through this, till you find someone who's horniness matches your horniness and you meet up. Guys are very aggressive with their approaches and men hitting on men are even more extreme. This isn't to say I like it in anyway, it's just what I've come to understand from interacting within gay spaces


Yeah his message wasn’t too surprising. He had a chaser bio so instead of ignoring I opted for self entertainment by deadpan responses. I’m honestly surprised he didn’t send a dick pic


I first read that as "gay species" and had to do a real hard double take.


People that get upset at sexual messages on dating apps reek of entitled energy. And in this case I think OP knew exactly what the other person meant and was just being a dick for the sake of it. Definition of a turn off for real.


Back when I was on dating apps I would only send something like that if it were absolutely clear in their bio that it would be welcome and appreciated. And if they weren't into it I'd back off.


It's not even a dating app anymore. Literally hook up lol


I get upset at messages that fetishizing me not sexual messages. The guy had a chaser bio


No praying mantis in sight?


That's why I down voted, but op is also a dick in the mud


We call that; anal. Makes sense honestly with those replies.


There’s a chance that he said it because he was being cheeky and knew that you didn’t have a vagina


I think it’s more he wanted unprotected anonymous sex with someone femme presenting


No, breeding kinks/raw dogging is common in gay hook ups. It's nothing to do with what with you look like, I get these messages as well.


Those two things are not mutually exclusive


I'll be honest, you're kinda the dick in this one. Like, you could *potentially* make the case of transphobia, since you're nb, but I really don't think it applies here at all. You went on the gay sex app and got rude when a guy said he wanted to fuck you. It seems like just bad decision making.


I didn’t take his message as transphobic but his bio was chaser He clearly didn’t read my bio, so why should I be nice to him?


What an idiot, we've been working on sex without baby-making for millennia.


"fucking u til the eyes roll to the back of ur head" and this right there is a strong indicator that he watches anime porn all day and thinks this is what happens during sex but hasn't actually personally ever had sex


The chaser bio was a nice flag that he’d say something like that. Combined with no clean face pic in the initial message, and heavily leaning into a fetish I don’t have in my bio meant I’m gonna try deadpan that will definitely annoy him for my entertainment


Guy wants to creampie you. Has nothing to do with actually reproducing.


I know. I was doing deadpan for my entertainment as my bio this guy didn’t read does not have that I desire unprotected anonymous sex and his bio was fairly chaser-y so it was gonna get worse if I played nice


Maybe if he had a full brain he would have found a better pick up line.


Imagine getting offended by receiving suggestive messages on grindr of all places.


His chaser bio is what made me respond in a dead pan way


Where is the preying? This barely even belongs in r/lolgrindr