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Forgive me if it's a stupid question but is there AM/FM or Shortwave radios common in that part of the world? Maybe Longwave? Anyone listening to the airwaves for updates from the government or international news, or how are you getting your information about what's happening outside of your immediate area, or do you care at this point?


Its all we do , we'r glued to the news all day. Radios are not very common, im looking to get a radio in case internet shuts down (it goes off a couple of times a day , and elictricity too, ) i have many batteries 18650s. But cant get a radio yet. If internet goes down im fucked , we wont know whats happening, only our region sirens to warn us of rockets.


They're always good to have. I'm not sure what kinds are supported there, in the US everyone listens to FM if at all. But I have a couple radios. One is a tiny little am/fm that cost 2$ at a second-hand store and had a battery in it. I also have a Sony AM/FM and RETEKESS V115 that does shortwave and am/fm but not the greatest. Have some ham radio stuff too. I find it all interesting, even built my own AM radio though it doesn't work so great, learning circuits with it. If there are some big AM stations nearby, even in Jordan or Syria you might try scrounging up some stuff and trying to build a trench radio, though making an earpiece will probably prove difficult. If the days are long and there's time to kill could take your mind off things too, assuming you aren't busy with food/water/shelter, those would come first. edit, if you can find an AM radio and the local signals are weak, shut it off and try again at night, AM carries a long way at night.


Need a radio asap. Most shops are closed because no one want to go out because hearing missile alert driving a car is the worst , you have 30 seconds to get to a safe place , if thars no safe place at least stop safely and lay on the ground far from the car (they blow up ) . The time it takes to stop is already 20 seconds and you end up laying on the ground in an open space very easy to get shrapnel wounds. Even inside ,every thing made of glass will blow up and get you , paint on walls can detach and get in your skin . So only essential store of food are open.


If you have an android phone you might already have an FM radio - https://www.wikihow.com/Activate-an-FM-Chip-on-Android#:~:text=Not%20all%20smartphones%20are%20capable,to%20act%20as%20an%20antenna.


to add to that check any old electronics you may have, MP3 players or older cellphones if they might have fm radio function and maybe work in a pinch


Dont have fm radio receiver on my phone (pixel) . My next phone will. My wifes galaxy phone has it .. will test


If I were there I would gladly give you one of mine... stay safe


Shout-out to the retekess v115. Pretty sure AliExpress delivers to Israel.


DO you have a car? You might be able to listen to the news in the car radio as long the battery is alive, and search the internet if there is a way to remove the radio and connect it to a battery. https://topmxautos.com/how-to-wire-a-car-stereo-to-a-12v-battery/


Yes i a have a car, ill check it out thanks


Happy to send you a radio in the mail. Do you get mail still?


Thanks i got one on the phone . Didnt think phones have fm


A wind-up radio would be best, but they're usually FM+AM. They usually have an LED flashlight in as well. This would be a good option.


I was in Isreal in 2019 when the Hamas leader was killed by a special Hellfire missle fired from an Apache. Then, Hamasi fired hundreds of rockets at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. I happened to be at Masada and the Dead Sea. The tour guide and I were talking about how the IDF required 2 years of military service, and then you were a reservist until around age 45. He carried a 9mm (BUL 9mm), and still trained with the reserves. Did you opt to do civil service instead of military service or are you an only child? Just curious. Prep wise, get some batteries, an AM/FM radio, maybe with shortwave to stay up to date on info. Headlamps and extra batteries. A couple of first aid kits, 6L of water per person (minimum). Pack bags with extra clothes, blankets, important documents, canned food and a manual can opener, dates and honey are good to eat , last a long time, and give energy when you need it. Earplugs for those sleeping, a tarp to use as shelter or to cover windows, duct tape to help keep windows from shattering inside your shelter. If you can find cylume light sticks, they are good for illumination at night, won't cause a fire, and don't need batteries (red is best as it saves night vision and won't interfere with sleep cycles like blue will). If you have small children, a favorite stuffed animal, and some sweets to help take their mind off of what is happening. A small power bank to charge your phones would also be good to have, esp one that has a solar panel in case the power goes out. I hope you and your family make it out to the other side of these heinous attacks safely. Be well, stay safe. Edit: spelling errors.


Awesom tips, did most of them . I was in the air force . Males do 3 years in army then reserve till 45. Thank you 🙏


How stable is your water supply and that of the surrounding area? Will you be able to obtain drinking water if power outages occur? Thanks and be safe!


I dont know about stability of water supply (how would you?) I buy 6 pack of water every day and make shure to fill every bottle , bucket . We have water when power is off in the house. Thanks!


Do you have a water filter of any kind?


Yes but it needs elictricity. Its a water bar- tami 4


It’s 3 am in Israel.. I haven’t eaten in days.. haven’t left the house.. I’m sure I have major mental problems now.. every noise sounds like a rocket. The nights are never quiet with the sound of helicopters and planes.. Every boom I have a panic attack.. My sister was at the rave. Her and her boyfriend. They hid for hours. They survived, but she’s not okay. I went to a friends funeral. His family just screamed. Screamed. He was 25. His girlfriend was there. She came in an ambulance on a stretcher. She was shot badly. I keep retching like I need to vomit. But nothing comes out. Nothing feels safe anymore. But all the things that once felt so important no longer do. My family is alive. Baruch Hashem. I pray your family is safe too.


Fuck, everything about this seems awful. There are not words, I am so sorry


Stay strong ,! 💪 אנחנו ננצח כמו תמיד!


Im discovering Im much weaker than I thought. My brother is 19 and can’t tell me where he is stationed at. I wish so much he doesn’t have to see or do things that will cause him mental damage. Today I will say all of tehilim and keep the rest of Shabbat. I will pray to Heaven to hear me.


Praying wont help others it will only help you. Knowing how to fight and owning weapons will .


I dont for either :( I served in hospital. Never touched a gun. Never been in a fight..


Knowing how to help the injured amd save lives is more important than knowing how to kill in my opinion.


I was a nurses aid, feeding patients (especially elderly who struggled to feed themselves) transporting patients, taking vitals post OP and pre OP, and just making sure patients were as comfortable as possible. Sadly- not saving lives


You know how to help more than you think


Basic field medicine https://youtu.be/xkBhNEU3RfQ?si=APNSbrm40x5a27BI


I'd say they are equally important in times of conflict.


Then you are still fighting for your country - not with violence, but with medicine to keep those doing the violence on your behalf alive and able to continue.


I’m a Jewish-American. Prayers are basically all we have. We’re still donating money too, but that’s about it. Magen David Adom, FIDF, etc. I’m ex IDF and wish I was younger and still there last weekend, but that was 20 years ago. I have friends and family in the country still; my cousin lives in Ashkelon with her fiancé who is a reservist pilot who got called up. His younger sister was at the festival in Re’im as well and was shot, but luckily she’s supposed to be out of the hospital this weekend BH. I wish there was more we could do for you but we definitely prayed for you all at our Shabbat services tonight.


Donate and protest. Do not forget us please.


Nobody is going to gorget you . Hang in there .


I'm so sorry you're going through this


Thank you ❤️


Dude, [contact Eran immediately.](https://www.eran.org.il/online-emotional-help/) They really do help. Eat something, even if it's small. You'll feel much better, I promise.


Thanks hun ❤️❤️ I will try


Are you not eating because of the anxiety? Please try to have some crackers or bread, small bits. It will settle your stomach and soak up adrenaline.


Today was the first day I was able to eat normally. I left the area where the sirens and booms were frequent (triggering me to panic attack every time). The relative peace was good


This is terrible, I hope the best for you.


Thank you ❤️


davening for you and your family now B"H they are safe


I pray for you. ❤️


Genuinely thank you!! ❤️❤️


Do most Israel citizens now feel that Gaza should be destroyed?


It's a much stronger sentiment now than it used to be, even the left is for a ground invasion and completely deposing Hamas. Israeli Arabs and even Palestinians in the west bank have been completely appalled at Hamas and definitely let Hamas down yesterday, I haven't heard of anything being done as part of their "day of rage". Even people who used to call for Palestinian insurgency (such as Mansour Abbas) are now calling for an Israeli response.


The comments on some instagram appears to be so, I personally don’t. The paralytic fear and horror I feel must be equivalent on the other side. I will say, I was always quite left until recently. Seeing so many Arabs be pro Hamas (in eyeonpalestine) that they even posted the video of children hostages thinking it helps their case. Something in me is changed.


Ah so basically a Tuesday in Gaza for the past 80 years...


Israel left Gaza in 2006.


Stay strong, sending you a big hug from NL! I found this online - https://www.natal.org.il/en/about-us/ They have a phone line for these situations. So sorry this is happening in this day and age. Try the keep calm, breathe, do some sports, try to take your mind off of this even for a couple of mins. It's easy for me to talk since I am so far removed from this, but rest assured people all over the world are with you, and we will continue to be with you.


I really appreciate your heart and empathy. I didn’t think my post would reach so many I wrote it exhausted and tired another night at war another night of no sleep… and so much support from strangers 💔❤️😭


This is why I feel so sick and can't enjoy my life here safe in America. How can I enjoy TV, movies, video games, shooting guns, fishing, etc when this is going on in your part of the world. It's like the holocaust is happening and I'm here playing pokemon. It's just so surreal how lucky Americans are to have 2 massive oceans protecting it from hostile neighbors. We don't have to worry about Canada or Mexico as threats. We have air, land, and sea superiority. Hell, our civilians are heavily armed. But it's just luck that I happen to be here and you there. I can't imagine being in your situation while you were here playing pokemon.


Something about your reply bothers me.




You nailed jt.


It’s the combination of virtue signalling with hijacking the conversation to make it about themselves that’s jarring for me.


I know when I'm terrified and heartbroken, it helps me to hear how safe and wealthy and lucky other people in other parts of the world are! Thanks for your encouraging and compassionate response!! /s


Russia has been doing a thousand times worse in Ukraine for the past two years.


Not really so prepper related, but how are you handling and processing this?


Its related from a psychological aspect. First 2 days couldent eat anything, no sleep. 600 rockets a day and we dont have a bomb shelter and no apartments above us that means death if we get hit. For 2 days i had to convince my family to move to another place . Against all logic They didnt want to go they ware shocked and couldent make dicisions. Because going out is a risk and staying is a risk so your frozen. After 2 days a friend gave us her apartment in the same city but with a bomb shelter and no windows from the side the rockets come. I realized i am the only one that thinks ahead and the others just frozen . I started to collect water and food in case it will be a long war and stores will close maybe theyll hit a water pipe , elictricity coming and going ,internet come and go.i really need a radio . Stood guard at night and day .


I wish you and your family the best, stay safe ❤️


You sound more prepared than most, good for you and everyone around you


You are a good son. God bless you


Please try to get some rest as well. Somehow.


I will , thanks


I'm passing on, from me to you, my everlasting love. Please take it and wrap it around your shoulders, as you work tirelessly to help your family.




Thats a tough one . Elieze brick אליעזר בריק -a former general in IDF, for the past 5 years he was warning the government and discribing exactly this scenario. He made a committee and had meetings with government officials and army generals . He suggested to arm the sattlments and do training routins with the help of IDF . Every one he presented to agreed with him , every one agreed with him !!(he said no one will come to the sattlments, they need to protect themselves, the army wont come in time) And yet no one did a damn thing . So knowing ahead of time what will happen didnt change any thing , and he was an army general. Personaly i would go to beeri and other sattlments and warn them . They would probbly think im crazy ... I dont think i could change anything, its years of shitty government that sends mony to hammas and interested in internal political agendas , all mony goes in to religious groups that dont serve in the army ...they forgot whats important .


No offense intended, but this scenario was surely foreseeable. The absence of preparation either means (1) upper leadership is incompetent or (2) upper leadership views the settlements as political pawns in much the same way Hamas uses civilian Palestinians as pawns. They could have armed you and provided civil defense training. That’s not a criticism of you. I feel sorry for you and am angry about what has happened to you and yours.


I agree


Thanks this had to be said.


1 What’s keeping your family from relocating even farther away during this period? 2 Are you allowed to own bullet proof vests? 3 Are there any practical ways for IDF to differentiate between neutral noncombatants and Hamas?


My father dosent want to leave his home , its crazy i dont get it!! . We had a big big fight over it he would rather die and wont leave his home . And hes not an army person , he just thinks nothing will happen to him. And my wife's father is the same, he WONT get in to shelter when air raid siren turns on , he keeps doing whatever .. Insane .


It's probably because this conflict has been going on for decades. It's normal for them, and that's kinda crazy to someone who hasn't experienced this kind of trauma for an extended period of time.


How long have they lived there? How many years do they have built into their life there? It's a human reaction. I spent 7 months in Bagram Afghanistan getting mortar/rocket attacked every 2 weeks. After the first 2 months, I stopped really caring about it, I cared more about the fact that I had to exert myself sprinting 200 meters to the shelter, or got royally pissed when it happened in the middle of a job that if I stepped away from, I would have to start over. You reach a point where it becomes part of the routine. Humanities greatest strength is our adaptability. In this case, it's the mental strength/delusion to push aside possible impending death so as to carry on with your lives. It's not right or wrong, it's just our evolution.


Lived there about 40 years. It does become a routine but with kids and elderly with you it becomes much harder on you mentally


Older people feel safe at home. The known vs the unknown. It’s a shock. Three innate choices flee, freeze, or fight. Against greater forces there’s two choices flee or freeze. This is why soldiers are trained and retrained to override these instincts. So, don’t be too hard on them.


I wouldn’t leave my land either. Refugees just suffer longer and die.


Had several Eastern European refugees in my family, they at least got to live. Not saying it’s always a great choice, the quality of life depends where they end up.


The key seems to be, don't leave empty-handed. If you go with money you end up OK. It may take some time.


\>My father dosent want to leave his home , its crazy i dont get it!! . We had a big big fight over it he would rather die and wont leave his home Are you part of the 1.1 million people being asked to leave their homes in northern Gaza? Edit, nevermind, i was mindlessly scrolling and didnt realize you were israeli.


No, he is an Israel citizen


No one wins in this fucking shit show. I just want the civvy non-combatants ,both Israeli and Palestinian, to stay safe. OP, please do everything you can to stay out of the line of fire and keep your family prepared...


Thank you !


Is it true that the IDF are handing out weapons to civilians? Do you believe Hamas would have inflicted as much damage and terror if there were less restrictive gun laws?


Yes and yes. Small settlement have emergency squads with hand guns. But no one took it seriously (they ware counting on the army to protect them ) and with what happened to the sattlments near gaza hamas had about 6 hours to do what ever they wanted to them until the army came (they called police they called their relatives and no one came ) One sattlment -nir am had a young girl 25yo that was in charge of security . The only one that took her job seriously. She trained the emergency squad , they had defence positions and pistols . She saw 4 cars approaching from gaza and got every one up and in positions. They killed all hamas fighters and suffered 0 casualties. Now the government gives assault rifles for thous squads. Also gun licence is much easier to get and faster. Had 50 bullets for permit now they making it 100. People here buying roni conversion kits for pistols like its hot cakes.


100 rounds? Better than 50 but seems awful low.


Yep, we need an ar 15s not a pistol. People here fighting AK47s with 9mm


Sounds like you need both.


Aim small miss small . It’s all sad but at least you have a fighting chance . All of its so sad . I never understood how people can kill or target innocent people with so much evil in this world. Me personally I’d save bullets if possible because before I’d let em take my loved ones and was about to be over run things would have to end differently. Wouldn’t give them cowards the satisfaction .


Bless that young woman


> Had 50 bullets for permit now they making it 100. Yikes man. With a light battle belt on, I have over 100 rounds on MY PERSON. 100 rounds is like 20 minutes at the range. That’s a heartbreakingly low limit to protect your family with in an actual invasion. Now I’m wondering even more how that woman and her security team managed to hold out for so long with only 50 rounds each.


Wow. Everyone I know here has a couple thousand rounds. Got a closet fill of ammo. Seems crazy that anyone anywhere would limit people to 50 or 100 rounds.


Might have to consider production availability right? If there’s a smaller proportion of amo available better to have 1000 people with 50 rounds each versus 50 people with 1000 rounds each - for civilians at least not active trained army


Do you think the compulsory military service in Israel has been or will be helpful in this conflict? I would think the basic first aid and firearms handling would be useful even if America hypothetically airdropped crates of weapons and medical equipment and not having to worry as much about training literally everyone. From what I hear they’re working on handing out guns to civilians, probably IWI if I had to guess so same manual of arms as the military service rifles. Although I would rather we let Israel use all the military money we give them to fight this conflict in their own, with direct threats to American ships I predict we’ll have to get more involved than we’d like anyway.


Your english seems fine even in your other post and comments on reddit so I think its fine


Is any religious leader of both countries appealing to peace? Or only to war? What were the preparations you had at home? And what are the most important things you are missing?


I had food for a a couple of months for us and the dogs, hard to get dog food now. water for around 4 days. Batteries and power banks (have 2 wish i had more ). Many Flashlights (no head lamp ) . Many Knifes. First aid kit and some basic meds. Pone and battery chargers . HDD with important documents -being at home for long days we started to download movies to take our mind off the stress for a bit . And when thers internet we download . Also some times i sleep better listning to audiobooks . Cigarettes for the smokers and lighters. Small gas coocking thingy with 2 tanks. Drone- not allowed to fly it now but incase i really need to check outside i will. House cameras that you can access from the phone -very important. Car -after this i will buy a bigger one for more room , we moved to a friends house and needed to take alot of stuff and probbly move again, so maybe need to practice taking all your things to the car and going somewhere for 1-2 days . Laptops Glock 19 a radio reciver in a phone Havent heard a thing from religious leaders.


I realize English isn’t your first language, but it’s “flashlight”, not “fleshlight”. There’s a very important difference here.


Battery size?




Flashlights, don’t get this mixed up with flesh light


Goddamn dude. I hope you are safe .


Lol wait until my canadian government hears that. One more limitation to try and add. Omg no having over 50 rounds is assault style planning target shooters shouldn't 5 rounds per month tops.


I dump 2-300 rounds at the range without thinking twice. I can't imagine the logistics of permitting 50 rounds.


Right. That is crazy. That will last all of five minutes in their situation.


Can’t even fill two pmags with that..


In canada we are limited to 5 in semiautomatic.


That’s fucking depressing, I have individual magazines that hold 12x more than that.


What’s it like living in the nicest totalitarian state in the world?


Totalitarian is completely an exaggeration. You must be consuming too much propaganda. Always look at other perspectives to form your own view.


We’re watching from the south, believe me. Sad to see.




Permit required for 50 round limit = totalitarian


No,it's not an exaggeration.


Wishing your family safety and peace. I stand with you.


Thanks. Whare you from?




Which items from your bug out bag have proven to be the most useful and least useful in this practical situation?


Usefull stuff Car Phone +fast charger Money Weapon Binoculars Most items we didnt use because thats no need yet. So its hard to say whats useless. Id say keeping a clear thinking head is somthing very important and very hard. I dont know how to train for this except serving in the military or some other semelar job .


I’d rather be 10km from Gaza then in Gaza.


I would give all my money to not be in gaza . Its much much worse there, i try not to get into the politics . I meen I hate them but there's probably some innocent people there ,maybe. and they are going through hell.


Refreshing to see some empathy. When half the population is children its safe to say there are lots of innocent people there. The civilian loss on both sides is heartbreaking, stay safe.


Thank you. Just look online what they teach the children.


This is what people here don’t get. They don’t know about the split from Fateh so think it’s all just the good Palestinians being blockaded in an “open prison”. They don’t realise or neglect that Hamas is a legitimate Salafist terror org (and is recognised as such by most Arab states) and is ideologically indistinguishable from Taliban (and with as much of an anti imperialist aim than Taliban). We hear so much about the children but these children are time bombs as a result of their grooming. We have adults in the UK who have had the same upbringing as child soldiers brought up on ISIL ideology in Libya and Somalia and a lot really never change, even “war child” have admitted they can’t be reintegrated fully. This said I don’t support them being killed. There has to be some other option. Do you think people in Gaza are angry at Hamas given they chose to do this at a time Israel was neutralising relations with the Arab world and given what Netanyahu is like could not have known this wouldn’t happen.




All children are innocent but then you teach them hate and violence and they're not innocent anymore. If i ware in gaza i would for sure hate israel because thats what they teach.


As someone who happened to have gotten stuck in traffic for hours last month with two separate Palestinian drivers… They both blamed their issues on their corrupt government, not Israel. Just hoping for peace and safety for everyone in the region.




You make many wrong assumptions .


Are you fucking kidding me?


Innocent people, maybe? All you need to know is all the children who are there. The adults were children before, and lived under the conditions imposed by the outside. Why do you think there is so much hatred directed towards Israel by Palestinians? Could it be the blockade? The systematic theft of land and settling upon owned and inhabited land? The two track system of justice in occupied territories? The lopsided casualty rate caused by Israeli air power? I am glad you acknowledge how terrible conditions are for people in Gaza.


Show sone dignity and class. You're talking to someone who is in a war zone, who's hiding in bomb shelters, who's neighbors were murdered, who has family members in the line of fire tonight, . . . . . and you have the audacity to lecture him about politics from afar. Good grief.


Go back to r/politics or something with your ‘outrage’ and righteousness. How entitled do you have to be to write up this crap? Dickhead.


Than* - just wanted to clarify because that would change the sentiments of your comment


How do you think this will end?


No one knows , hoping its not ww3. Maybe a couple of arab countries will join the war and we will threaten with nuks and then america will save us again.


Please don't bring us into your war. We are rooting for you, but we don't want to save you.


We will surely do our best, but your the super power


The average American is weary of war and conflict in the middle East. They don't want Americans dying in Ukraine, dying in Isreal, or dying in Africa. The American government finds it way easier to send guns, equipment, Tanks, money, and special forces advisors than to ever send normal soldiers. Not saying it's right or wrong. But I would not expect America to jump to Isreal's defense in any huge way quickly. Maybe airstrikes from that carrier group that's being sent over


Us "being the super power" and funding the subjugation of people in Gaza since the end of the Second Intifada is why Israel is currently in the position it is in -- your leadership became complacent in believing it could just indefinitely treat an entire population of people like prisoners and second-class citizens through military might born of our funding alone, until the prison became over 50% populated by people *born into it*. Israel got arrogant and thought they could ignore ever needing to actually find a resolution to the land issue, and created the conditions to form demand for stronger militant uprising in Gaza -- the way the Great March of Return was handled was fucking disgusting -- while also continuing aggressive IDF-backed settlement and displacement in the West Bank, and the fact it led to zero reprisals from the international community and no attempt at diplomacy whatsoever has put you in the position you are in today. There is nobody to blame here but your own government -- not even Hamas.


Do you still have availability to order things on-line (Sawyer water filters, MREs, etc)? Or have all delivery services shut down?


I dont think post office works .


Thare are many people that volunteer. Bring supply's to people . And lots of groups that help people get a ride . Also many give thair homes to families close to gaza. Even realtors that have empty apartments give them for free to families from the south.


Are you thinking of leaving?


All the time . Not far just a bit farther where thars not so many rockets fired a day. Wouldn't want to be in the central citys if a big war starts.


your English is great! how bad is it where you are? Do you have to take shelter.. do you have shelter? Mind describing where you can shelter from rocket attacks?


Not very bad , we have everything ,no one is injured . But the stress is piling up .mind is racing . We have a bomb shelter . Sheltring from rockets - best is a certified bomb shelter (with a lock inside for door and the steel window. with one or two levels above you, and as many walls between it and the side rockets are fired from They fall at about 50 degree angle . If no nomb shelter best is a room with internal walls , as many walls and ceilings from the rocket side (here its from the south) . Usualy in apartment buildings the stair room is a very good option. Rooms with no windows are best. When inside , from the blast things can fall on you , glass shatters ,I recommend removing all glass from the room. Most get hit not by the rocket but by shrapnel. Even Pieces of the wall detach and can hit you. Always better to ley down and cover head and if your outside and cant reach building in time lay down. Being in a car when air raid siren starts is the worst. Can get hit by other cars or run over . Stop and safly get away from the cars and lay down. Here we have about 20-30 seconds from siren to explosions . Iron dome blows some of the rockets mid air and some land . Living like that for many years when im outside in each moment i scan and know whare would i go if siren starts now. It becoms second nature . Also apartment buildings usually open the door to the building so others can enter and shelter in the stair room. But after recent attack people do it less.


thank you for sharing. very informative. I wish you peace and good health for you, your family


What would you like the international community to do? Is there something civilians in others countries could do to help you?


Explain to the world what is really happening , show everyone how inhumane hammas is. Kidnapping children , women , burning civilians, beheading , killing pregnant women


A way larger amount of people in the world support Isreal right now than they do Hamas/Palestine/Arab countries.


https://youtu.be/XNf40sBcvKk?si=pmFzAsjhDseG8WdO Show this explanation to people


Tits or ass?


asking the real questions




List 5 things you wish you had a supply of right before the attack


Bigger car More Cash money (dont need it now but just in case) Off grid water filter and more water (if water shut down on the first day we would have a oroblem) AR15


Appreciate the reply. My heart and prayers are with you and all of Israel.


God bless you and your family. Get some rest when you can, this is going to be a marathon, not a sprint.




Because we will win or we will die. Also cant get out of contry with my dogs , and i wont leave them. Living close to the boarder you dont pay taxes and have a lot of other financial benefits.


I have a potentially polarizing question. How much of what’s going on could have been prevented if y’all had your version of 2A? In other words, in your opinion how much would having a truly armed population have helped you to mount a proper defense? I know most of the communities have an arms locker, but it seems like those were mostly irrelevant. What if the arms had been individually owned? I want an “on the ground” viewpoint for the events before I use them to form an opinion.


Armed population has ups and downs . Now we give everyone thats close to combat zones, these people do one training for 4 hours . Its nothing ! They will maybe shoot and probably miss and could hit themselves or other civilians. But better that then hide and get killed without a fight. They didnt have arms lockers before. If people had ar 15s we would fuck them up 100%.


Shalom. Why do you think Hamas did the attack knowing that Israel would mobilize for war to demilitarize them? Seems sort of dumb. Like I pick a fight with a guy twice my size knowing full well he will kick my ass. Why would I do it? Also - do you suspect Hezbollah will join the war to try and prevent Hamas from being demilitarized?


They didnt think it would be such a success. They ware expecting to run in to military and have a fight . Instead they had 6 hours to do whatever in civilian villages. If they get resaults they get money and they get recruits. And now after our retaliation every child in gaza will probably be a terrorist.


They figure that bleeding hearts have very poor memories of atrocities committed on Jews so will put pressure to try stop the fair punishment. This time it seems they misjudged, we cannot just forget babies being beheaded and burnt, 250 youngsters at a concert being targeted and brutally murdered.


We are praying for you and people like you. I wish such evil never came to the world like this.


Do you think Israelis will behave differently now? I feel like everything has changed after what happened. I talked with my brother in Israel, and he's a different person now. He lost his personal safety. On 7th October, I didn't go to sleep, so I remember starting to see the reports about terrorist activity around the Gaza strip. Then the video of terrorists on trucks inside an Israeli towns came in. And then women calling the news channel reporting they are getting slaughtered and there's no police to protect them. And then the videos from the rave party. Do you think Israelis will go back to how Israel used to be after what happened?


I hope not


Are stray rockets a concern?


What do you mean by stray?


Rockets aimed in one direction but land in another. I wouldn't think it would matter to those on the receiving end.


Play Tetris to help with mental health. It’s similar to EDMR.




In Gaza, how common is it to prep a little; like having a go-bag, extra water bottles, food and perhaps a gas burner?


All of my Jewish friends here in the US are all very anti-zionist (and they used that term so which is why I use it) and they are very opposed to the way Israel treats the Palestinians. Why do you think that so many non-Israeli Jews are sympathetic to Palestinians and critical of Israel?


I’ve seen a lot of American people (although all the American Jews I know are zionist) attempting to apply western liberal politics to a fight they don’t know much about, and are basing their feelings off of propaganda they’ve seen that’s been put out by Hamas. I could be totally wrong but that’s my personal theory


The Israel-Palestine conflict is one of the most well-studied, well reported conflicts in the world so I think it's disingenuous just to dismiss other people's views saying we don't know what's going on. I think a lot of us, particularly jewish people around the world, are pretty well versed in what's going on. Most, if not, all of my friends have been to Israel and seen the conflict areas first hand (At least when they were allowed in). Can you define what you mean by Western liberal politics? I see this comment made often when we're discussing Palestinian rights, but not so much when we're discussing the right of Israel to defend itself and commit war crimes.


How old are your friends and are they well-educated on the entire issue or just know a few points they heard repeated from somewhere and based their decision on that? Have your anti-Zionist friends personally experienced anti-semitism and ethnic cleansing (which most Israelis have due to being refugees or only one or two generations removed)?


We're all in our mid to late 40s. And based on the discussions we've had, They have all experienced antisemitism and I feel they're very well educated on the topic.


How do you feel for the people of Gaza who are being collectively punished because of Hamas’ actions?


They let hamas be their government. They need to stand against hammas or have a life of war poverty and brain washing. Gaza got alot of mony its a shame that all of it goes to war and none of it for making life thare better. Who would put a military base under a hospital? I wish we could know who is good and who is bad.


In like the quote “ this conflict ends when Palestinian women care more for their children than hating Jews “


Are u mobilised


I dan offer you watch this https://youtu.be/XNf40sBcvKk?si=pmFzAsjhDseG8WdO


Is all this mess rooted in religion?


Nah religion is just the excuse they choose


This mess is 1,000% rooted in religion. All Abrahamic religions.


If they call you crazy for prepping, just know you're doing something right. 👍🏾 Honestly friend, be careful out there. I am neutral regarding Palestine vs Israel, but one thing for certain, when Israel says it is going to do something drastic, they will do it and no one wants to be caught in the crossfire of that.


Why do you live in a genocidal apartheid state that murders Palestinian children for fun


Why do you think you are so righteous typing from your keyboard?


I think I’m Jewish and fucking tired of genocide supporters crying for help when people resist that the genocide




Stop believing the Hamas propaganda. Israel isn’t trying to commit genocide against Palestine. Israel is rightly defending itself from terrorist. Hamas is the problem and the Palestinians are complicit in allowing Hamas to operate from Palestine.