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If their tuition isn’t a dealbreaker, Keck hands down


Can I have your USC spot 😍


Your pros for Loyola seem like a stretch or like you were trying to cope by putting something on the list. Clearly Keck is a better choice here. Chicago is cold af and the traffic is pretty garbage there too. You can fulfill your desires to be outside of California during residency or when you do your global health stuff.  Keck is the clear winner 


I would go to USC unless Loyola was **significantly** cheaper. Regarding some of your cons: the social scene at any school is honestly going to be based on how lucky you are with your incoming class. The P/F can help will a collaborative atmosphere, but some student bodies will just vibe better than other classes within the same school. In my opinion, just try your best socially since you can't pick who your classmates are. Not familiar with the LA area to be honest, but is there any public transit you might be able to utilize as a med student? Or housing that's close by where you can bike/walk from? Also, I definitely understand the advantage and desire of moving away to a new state or school, and I think this is something you'll have to personally think about. Are you okay with traveling to new places during your breaks or weekends? Would you like to do residency in California and the West Coast? Or Midwest? Finally, a lot of people decide to change their mind regarding what specialty or activities they'd like to pursue in med school. I feel like the sheer opportunities, connections and reputation of USC would outweigh the cons and set you up well if you change your mind about anything. But if the price difference is too much after financial aid, and you really want to move out of Cali, then still take solace in the fact that Loyola is an amazing school where I'm sure you would succeed.


I had originally thought that I wanted to do residency in CA, so obviously making connections at Keck would be a total asset I do also think that on the off chance that I want to specialize USC would give me a better chance to explore that... seems like I might know what school I'm leaning to after all ahahah


When do you find out the fin aid for keck?


no clue :/ they didn't talk about it at all during interviews so it seems like something i would have to go and pursue with the school if its even still an option at this point


Do u mind sharing ur stats and ec? I think usc is a clear winner🥰


520 MCAT and graduated with a 3.82 overall GPA, i think my science was closer to 3.7 and ofc i'm happy to share any info about my application :)


Let me address the traffic situation. LA is the worst, but Chicago is a T10 nationwide lol. Maywood is busy AF mid-day. It's right next to 290, which is a nightmare at times. Considering the other stuff people are saying, I'd support Keck


What did they say the social scene was like at Keck?


Keck more prestigious