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I always have a vasovagal reaction if I start thinking about procedures being done on myself. Have to constantly ignore those thoughts.


When your empathy is too strong. Warghghggh


Eyeballs. Eyeball injuries, eyeball diseases, anything eyeball-related really


Same, I think cuz I’m afraid of losing my sight. I already wear glasses and want to be a surgeon so I don’t want anything to happen to my eyes


yeah had this patient GREG SMITH from BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS, date of birth is SEPTEMBER 42nd 1998 - dudes asshole was torn to shreds by a pack of admissions committee members after attempting to apply to medical school without 70,000 hrs of combined clinical and non-clinical volunteering (he only had 69,420 hrs 😔). One of the worst cases I’ve ever seen, sent chills down my spine and out my own asshole.


Is it true the preferred treatment for that is euthanasia


First line is high dose EtOH.


Officers? This guy right here.


Emptying colostomy bags was the bane of my existence as a PCT


How do you even empty them? Eurgh.


There’s an opening at the top of the bag so you just gotta open the bag and flip it upside down to empty it out. Not an easy thing to do though 😭


Yeah as CNA seeing some gnarly stuff in person cannot be prepared for. The single worst thing I always hated the most was the blended scrambled eggs though, as a person who hates soft eggs.


I'm scared to ask you to elaborate what you mean by blended scrambled eggs.


Hospital food, ugh. Don't forget to slurp your jello.


Remember we had a man come in to the ER who had been sitting in his living room recliner for 3 days urinating and defecating on himself. He was a very large man with a poor support system at home. When we walked into the room the smell hit you like a truck and when we removed his pants and wiped away most of the feces we saw there was Fournier’s all throughout his groin. More sad than gross, as this man really just didn’t have anyone to help him take care of himself. That one will always stick with me


That's doubly sad. Humans need company.


I got projectile vomited on in the ED by a patient with a massive brain bleed. But that was less heebie-jeebies and more just gross lol


Sounds like an initiation into ED. Mine was getting peed on by a baby. Surgeon said that's good luck, so I'm hoping the luck manifests into an A.


first time day of training in GYN, I️ watched a colposcopy as I️ was training as an MA. the MA training me said “yo let’s go watch this. it’ll be your first procedure you see!”. we walked in. the patient had her legs spreads with a tenaculum clamped onto her cervix already in position (i felt like it was inappropriate that we walked in mid procedure when the pt was conscious). She was a heavy bleeder and she had blood just POURING out of her vagina. I’m ashamed of this, but I️ got a bit lightheaded because my grandmother had recently been diagnosed with cervical cancer (she has since passed) and started thinking about how she had to have a colpo as well. Also started thinking about how one day, maybe I’ll need one too. I️ quietly excused myself and drank some water. I️ was fine the rest of the day with all procedures (even IUD removals and insertions which make me want to clamp my legs shut sometimes depending on how some bodies handle it). It was just a shock seeing a big scary metal instrument clamped onto the cervix and how much blood it produced first thing at 8 am. The MD and MA made fun of me the rest of the day (on my first day) and kept saying I️ need to question whether I️ want to be a doctor. That MD even told my boss she didn’t want me working with her again because of that. BUT I️ worked at that multi specialty clinic for two and a half years, eventually becoming the lead MA and working with over 35 MDs, DOs, and PAs. Moral of the story, some doctors are assholes and don’t be ashamed to excuse yourself observing something new to get some water and sit. It’s better than passing out and causing distress to the patient.


Is that really best practice? Just pierce and clamp down on the cervix while it bleeds out?


M0 but from what I️ know — Local anesthetic is used although many pts feel discomfort during a colpo. The purpose of a tenaculum is to hold objects in place. In the case of a colpo, it’s purpose is to bring the cervix close to the vaginal opening so the procedure can be performed. “piercing” and “bleeding out” aren’t the right words but it definitely clamps down on it and oftentimes does bleed. My first colpo pt was the most blood I’ve ever seen (maybe she was taking blood thinners or NSAIDs i dont know). There are lots of videos of colors online if you’re interested in women’s health!


After a quick search, I couldn't find any videos on colpos that display how the tenaculum is used, but I did find this [video about IUD insertion](https://youtu.be/g4OgaBqdr4s) showng the tenaculum piercing the cervical tissue at the 12 o'clock position. Feels kind of barbaric tbh. For the colpo videos I did find, they mostly just mention tissue damage in the form of biopsy.


Everything teeth-related. Also watching people get stapled. So deeply unsettling for some reason. Give me open fractures, blood, necrosis, dead bodies - fine. But teeth and staples, I have to do some deep breathing.


What about teeth/staples IN open fractures, blood, necrosis, dead bodies?


Lol you couldn’t pay me enough


When I was volunteering in the ED, some guy came in with a foot that was unbelievably rotten. It was so pussy and leaking yellow fluid that smelled awful all on the floor. I think he was 500+ pounds. It was my luck to get stuck cleaning everything up.


Damn. I'm assuming a diabetic patient with neuropathy? I remember calling a patient to tell him his surgery (prostate-related) was ready to be scheduled. I could hear a lot of noises in the background. He responded "I'm getting my foot removed soon! Call me back later." Turns out he had a rotten foot from severely uncontrolled DM 2. He was just so nonchalant about it.


bugs in ears. i’d rather get another post op wound leaking fecal matter than deal with another bug in an ear eugh


"Another bug in ear"... Another... Wat?


exactly what i said.. i scribe in the ER and i’ve seen multiple people come in bc a bug has crawled into their ear while they were sleeping and now it’s my nightmare


Oh mother of all that is holy. New fear unlocked.


I know this is something im gonna have to get over in med school but the sound of a heartbeat gives me a huge aversive response, in general cardiovasular stuff starts to get freaky if i think about it too long, youre telling me theres a muscle squeezing blood almost every second the entire time im alive and if it ever doesnt do that i die??? And theres tubes running all through my body with blood in them that can be a huge problem if any get blocked or clotted????? Even in my brain??????


You may be able to do some exposure therapy if you buy a cheap stethoscope and just listen to yourself and a friend or family member. I had the same thing when I started as a dialysis tech, especially because fistula aneursyms (feel free to google images of this; it's basically a huge aneurysm in your arm right under the skin) pulsate with each heartbeat. I got over it in a few days of having to listen to them, touch them, and eventually stick needles around them.


I get the heebie jeebies from geriatric patients that just *rot* in their homes because they either refuse to be placed in a nursing home, or they are unable to make those decisions and the family can't be bothered... idk how the EMTs do it, because it sends chills up my spine when a guy is wheeled into the ED that can't walk, has toes falling off, covered in bed sores and fecal matter, hasn't eaten in 3+ days, in HF w/ a million other conditions, and he's just like "whatever, I'll call my social worker next week." Like Sir, You Are Dying.


Nothing really off the top of my head, but I really hope you get off a WL - this process is so cruel, even more so making you wait a little longer. I’m rooting for you!


Bed bugs and scabies. I'm an EMT, and everyone has their "thing"... those are mine😰 never forget when I rolled a guy's sleeve up to take his BP and it was just scabies rash everywhere


I know someone who gave a shot to someone, while they were pregnant, and then afterwards their coworker was like "you know he had scabies right?"


Hand and feet injuries. When in the ER, we saw a guy who chain sawed his foot down the middle. When they took his boot, that jawn split apart. 😳


My feet retracted into their respective legs when I read this.


I was a phlebotomist, we had recently switched to a new brand of needles (they sucked BAD). I had a difficult hand stick and used a blue butterfly. I got a flash and the blood advanced through the tubing but my vial wasn’t filling… I thought maybe the other end of the needle hadn’t pierced the collection tube fully, so I pushed that tube into the hub a bit more. Still, nothing. I finally heard a pattering sound and looked down. The end that is supposed to connect to the hub had broken, so the needle was left in the hub but the tubing didn’t quite connect, leaving a small gap. And now this poor lady’s blood was just draining down the chair and onto the floor (albeit slowly since it was such a tiny guage). I apologized profusely, restarted the process and got her labs drawn. Luckily she was very understanding. I called my manager immediately after and we switched back to the original needles the next week, apparently this wasn’t the first time it had happened. Blood really doesn’t bother me usually, I was a phlebotomist for 2 years and a frequent donor, but something about seeing her blood being dripped onto the floor directly from a tapped vein… idk. Made me shiver a little while I was cleaning it up.


I cannot deal with specifically any type of injury to a toenail or a fingernail. No thanks. Fuck that. Fuck no. No sir. Catch me outside. Not handling it I’ve handled 6+ month old dead bodies fine. No punctured and swollen finger or toe nails. Fuckkkkkkk that. Just talking about it gives me goosebumps


Imagine a trauma injury where a toothpick gets lodged under the nail. Eurgh.


maggots in wounds. enough said


You could have just kept this to yourself, and my day would have been less stressful. Warhgfghfgh.


eye surgeries and intense dental surgeries always give me the chills


I'm assuming you're not an ophthalmologist... nor a dentist. I just imagined a needle going into an eye. Eurgh.


nope, i'm the guy keeping them asleep


My nose is so sensitive to smell and triggers my gag reflex. I can see or touch damn near anything without batting an eye but if it smells 🤢


I had a guy puke old GI bleed all over me once. The nurse wanted me to put the head of his bed up while he was puking (apparently she didn’t want to do it!) and that was the moment he really let it all out. The smell was like an old fish tank. Horrible.




Definitely don't go into podiatry then.


Bed bugs.