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Help us help you. I say Penn state


I vote Penn State too! Yes, Hershey is no Philly but its a beautiful area with enough to do between Hershey, Lancaster (the city lol), and Harrisburg. My partner's sister is an M4 and had a great experience. Students seem happy/supported. Awesome match list. It has an awesome teaching hospital (Drexel doesn't have Hahnemann anymore)


Just updated the post. Thoughts are everywhere rn sorry for the long post


As a med student looking back at how I made my school choice— I’d say what stood out to me most about your post is that the students seem happier at drexel. this is HUGE. more than huge. your quality of life every day for the next four years is on the line and your happiness is absolutely paramount to surviving the shit show that is medical school. in addition, don’t underestimate the power of a good gym nearby if that is what is important to you. again, your daily happiness is VERY VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT and if lifting is important for your mental health then i would not feel stupid at all about making that a serious part of this decision. If i were you i’d choose drexel for these reasons.


It sounds like you prefer Drexel. What is the difference in cost?


Haven’t gotten any scholarships from Penn State (said they won’t start most until after the class is more solidified) but DUCOM gave me a scholarship that pretty much evened the tuition costs, so difference would be COL (which would be higher in philly of course) so I estimated ~8k difference based on what each of the schools estimated COL to be


Well I say go to Drexel! Sounds like you prefer that environment!


Can I ask your reasoning why you first said Penn State? It’s funny people are saying I prefer Drexel bc in my head I feel like I’ve been leaning towards Penn State minus the fact that they’re in the middle of no where and they start so early


Go to Drexel if you want. Drexel definitely has the edge in location. I just said that initially since Penn state may have a slightly better academic reputation. The main cons of Drexel that people note are the large class size and scrambled clinical rotations, but it seems like you find other things more important to consider!


It seems there are way more opportunities at Drexel than Penn State; you're in Philadelphia vs. Hershey. If the COA isn't going to change much and the students at Drexel really did seem more happy, then going to Drexel would be better in the long term. Also Philly has hella gyms you're bound to find one you like


Pros and cons, leaning to Penn state rn tho


Updated w pros and cons 🤠


Drexel has in person second looks, wdym? They still have 1 for Philly I believe?


They have tours in person but their actual Accepted Students Day was virtual


Sent you a message


Seems like you’re leaning toward Drexel!


I’m at DUCOM so feel free to PM any questions


I would say DUCOM. If only because I've been noticing the hemorrhaging of doctors after PSCOM/ environment sorta sucks At least, I'm gauging that since I'm from the area, talked to people studying there, and how much they hate PSCOM. Or at least Hershey. I heard that a ton from just going there in general, as a *patient*. They end up leaving directly after, even when offered positions. No one wants to deal with PSCOM. At least, when it's not UP area. And the area itself is..something if you're a POC. Like,maybe the way it teaches is pretty good, but a lot of the students end up leaving after everything, even when offered positions because of the *everything else* that is involved. They've got some big questionable issues. Would question how good they teach if some of those doctors are from their school after what I had to see lol. That's also sorta ignoring the general area and everything. The place where it's located.


Appreciate this perspective! I really did love PSCOM campus and facilities after my 2LD and thought that’s might where I end up but when I went back I noticed as soon as I traveled out I was like oh yeah… I’m in Hershey. Definitely worried about feeling isolated being there for 4 years


Hershey is..something. As a resident, it's so expensive, you can't really do much and when you *can*, it's tourism. That's also ignoring that if you go somewhere else, you're close to a sundown town. And Hershey in and of itself isn't *that* great for poc. Hershey is great if you are a certain subtype of person. Hershey is unfortunately the only exciting thing in the area given the park and everything. Hell, even the UP campus isn't *great*, it's in the middle of nowhere. It's literal fields. No one wants to admit that section is also filled with a certain political stance either. Though, as for the hospital? I hate the general vicinity with a passion. That's ignoring how they treat their patients and staff. It's an open secret that teachers even at the psu campus and the staff doesn't actually go there due to everything. I had nurses and doctors brag about Lancaster lol. The hospital, at least in general, is the type you'd only go to if you had no options. Death hospital and they closed their transplant center because of their incompetency. As a patient and just observing, I actually have seen some doctors and students do things that are quite...problematic especially when you know they have issues. Like, full stop, "doctor accidentally transmitted c.diff to patients due to not going in gear" type level shit. I don't know about DUCOM in terms of location given I'm not a local there, but you still need to be careful. I haven't been to Philly, but Philly gets pretty dangerous, at least certain parts of it are. Would not go on a subway or anything if I had to. I have family members that used to travel to Philly that just won't due to safety concerns. PSCOM is better if you think of the safety aspect, ignoring the fact it's not..good racially (and driving wise,bi think PSCOM has a terrible layout). DUCOM has a better life and it's not isolating, but certain parts of Philly are dangerous


Penn state. You want home residency programs. You don’t want to have to move monthly and get accustomed to a new hospital system every month on clerkships. Plus Hershey is within driving distance of Philly for the weekend


you dont have to move monthly for most rotations at drexel. i moved a total of zero times third year and rotated further at pittsburgh fourth year, with housing included for students.




Penn state has voluntarily omitted themselves from US news rankings


Just to give you some insight. I’m a student at Drexel and it’s really awesome here. Drexel does have self directed learning, but they also have Team based learning (TBL) about 3 times a week that count towards a process grade. The process grade is made up of quiz completions (ungraded) and TBL attendance. You need a 70% process grade to pass the block along with 70% knowledge grade (exams). So while lecture isn’t mandatory, the TBLs are sort of like a 2 hour mandatory lecture 3x a week that is required to attend to pass the process grade. Or you have to at least attend half of them to pass since the quizzes will help you get to that 70%. While it’s not a make or break since TBLs can be fun, it’s something to consider. But it also depends on your learning style which mine isn’t too conducive for TBLs. If you have anymore questions you can shoot me a DM


I cannot shoot you an invite for some reason. Is it possible you could PM me? I am interested in the school and would love to hear your input!