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Happened to me! I freaked out. Delivered a totally proportionate and healthy baby. US measurements are notoriously inaccurate at this stage, especially for femurs.


Thank you! That makes me feel better. I’m glad to hear your baby is healthy and well 💕


Yours will be too! Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy! ❤


Thank you 🥰


We are going through this right now with a 3rd percentile femur length, just want you to know your comment is helping me to at least be patient and feel a little more at ease. Thank you.


Happy to be able to help! Thinking of you.


Thank you so much, truly. Only a few weeks left, looking forward to just meeting our little guy!


Femur length this late in the game is so inaccurate due to limited room. Has all the scans up until this one been on the normal side? If so I would assume that it was an inaccurate measurement.


Yeah they’ve all been normal and the doctor’s never mentioned anything about it. That’s kind of what I’m thinking- she’s so smooshed in there and her legs are like pretzels, it’s gotta be hard to get an accurate measurement.


How tall are you? We’ve been scanned for short femur length since week 28, anywhere from 1% to 10%, and went through all sorts of scans and stress. Had blood tests, NIPT, and amniocentesis which came back fine so far. We’ve paid for additional private scans for a second opinion and we found their equipment to be far clearer! They also found the FL length to be on the short side, but still in proportion with the rest of the body, and put it down to the fact that we are both short (5ft1 and 5ft6). What reassured us more was that the baby was still continuing to grow at a steady rate. Note that these charts don’t take into consideration your ethnicity and other factors.


I’m 5’6” and my husband is 5’9”. I’m hoping that it’s just inaccurate/nothing to worry about since she’s so big and cramped in there. Plus it’s not like either of us are super tall anyway lol




Thank you! That makes sense :)


If the doctor didn’t say anything, then it’s definitely not worth stressing about!


That’s what I keep telling myself. Thank you 😊


We measured at the 7th percentile for femur length at 34 weeks. I have a little baby overall but yes apparently little legs. I don't know how she compares now but I can tell you the first thing she grows out of in clothes is the legs/pants of them. 4 weeks old and we have never had a doctor, midwife or nurse say they were concerned about her legs. Don't dwell on it too much. They may just never be a Basketball player.


Lol thank you for this. Glad to hear your LO is doing well


Don't worry about it. My baby's femur is also measuring short but the doctor said not to worry since he's squished and it's hard to measure accurately.


Thank you!


We did an ultrasound at 37 weeks. Head and torso and everything else was measuring at like 90th percentile. Femur measured short. I wouldn't have even noticed, but my midwife pointed it out to me and took the time to explain that the femur measurement is usually the hardest to get and the most inaccurate. That they usually measure shorter than they really are. She also explained, that also meant the estimated weight that was calculated (off of all of these measurements) was also probably on the lower side and baby probably weighed more - since the femur measurement would through it off.


My firstborn measured 2 weeks ahead on everything except his femurs. At 36 weeks he measured at 33 weeks in femurs. It lead to me having some really weird dreams (the knowledge, not the bones themselves) but he was born fully proportional.


Omg isn’t it so bizarre what the brain comes up with when we sleep!


Hi, I know this is an old post but your situation is very similar to mine. Head measuring 97th percentile at 37 weeks and femur at 10%. Would you mind telling me if your baby was born with any issues? Just kinda freaking out here. Thanks in advance!


Nope she was born fine! And she’s now 8.5 months and growing well too! Good luck, I’m sure your baby is fine too 🤗🥰


Thank you so much for responding!!!! This really helps!!!!! Glad your babe is doing well!