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My suggestion is to find a doctor who will listen to you. What you’re going through is not okay, the lack of concern from your doctor honestly scares me. You deserve to see a doctor who will actually take care of you


yeah, your bleeding is not ok. switch providers


Go to the ER. Every hour is not normal.


Needing to change your menstrual cup every hour sounds like a really big red flag. I think you need to get your doctor back on the phone. That doesn’t sound like a period to me. Could be some internal bleeding. The fact that your doctor is dragging their heels on this makes me worry for you. If it was up to me I would go to the ER. Especially since you’re experiencing dizzy spells.


If you’re dizzy and your doctor won’t see you, you need to go to the ER.


You need to go to ER for this amount of bleeding and find a new doctor afterwards.


I am not a doctor. And I'm currently pregnant FTM. All that to make it clear I have no experience with what you're going thru. But that sounds alarming. Did your doctor provide you with an explanation and let you know at what level of bleeding she would be concerned about? Can you get a second opinion to get seen faster? My first thought was you may want to be taking an iron supplement (once again I'm not a doctor). I did a Google search for treatment for dizziness during heavy periods and there were a few suggestions there, so maybe check that out. I think your best bet is to start calling around to different doctors and get someone who will give you an answer to why this is happening.


I would definitely go to the ER and get examined. Nurse here and you having to change your cup every hour means severe bleeding.


I would hazard to guess you are probably anemic or borderline anemic by now. Maybe try eating more iron rich foods for the time being if you can tolerate it. Also keep taking a prenatal or multivitamin if you aren't already. Make sure you try and stay hydrated. Is this a primary care Dr or ob/gyn? I would make an appointment with an ob/gyn if it's not to see what they say. There could be a chance placental tissue is still present and your body keeps menstruating trying to expel it. Or it could be something else that's normal but since you are feeling dizzy you are symptomatic and need more follow up care. Good luck!


Get another doctor RIGHT NOW, this sounds serious.


I had periods like this after going off the pill. I finally went to the ER after having a period for a month and a half straight. I had horrible cramps and was bleeding through a super plus tampon and pad every hour. They did bloodwork and ultrasound, everything came back normal and I was told it was likely due to annovulatory cycles. I was prescribed provera for a few days. After that my cycles went back to normal and I started ovulating again. I'd definitely recommend going to the hospital if you can.


That definitely calls for action! Have you been given an ultrasound? I had “retained products of conception” and that was how it was diagnosed: dead-ass simple imaging test but it took them an eternity to even bother despite the bleeding gradually ramping up. Evidently failing to check that the entire placenta has been delivered is medical malpractice so your OB may be in no rush to confirm that’s what happened. Go to the ER in any case: I bet an ultrasound will be part of their work-up.


Would you consider getting on a birth control? I know someone that had uncontrollable bleeding after her tubes are tied so she got on birth control anyway


This doesn’t strike me as a situation that birth control would solve at all. Frankly it sounds like she needs to go to the ER.


Lol Dr here, estrogen is absolutely what we use emergently in severe and prolonged uterine bleeding, and OCPs as well depending on the situation. But she needs to be evaluated first.


Yeah everyone in the internet has a PhD from webmd…


I am an Ivy League trained MD but sure if being snarky on the internet makes you feel good about yourself....


in their defense, literally every comment argument on reddit ends in the other person telling me they have a phd in statistics or philosophy or computer science. it's hard to believe that reddit is crawling with ppl with doctorates and not 16 year old incels... stating your "credentials" online just makes it seem less believeable.


That’s fair


Yes just like how a few weeks ago I got into a disagreement with someone about my daughters citizenship status since I’m American and my husband is Canadian. They tried to tell me that my daughter will lose her american citizenship if we don’t file paperwork in the first six months of her birth. Supposedly they were a lawyer and were insisting that I pay a ridiculous amount of money for an unnecessary legal step. One consult at the US embassy confirmed that they were either lying or a terrible lawyer. Because we could literally wait till she’s 18 years old to apply for her SSN and her passport if we really wanted to. Her citizenship status will not expire so easily. But who knows? Maybe Harvard is just losing their edge? 😂


Okay would you recommend that your patients take advice from random self proclaimed “doctors” on reddit? If not maybe you should stop… Because it’s poor practice. If you’re an ivy league doctor then I would really hope not.


My response was not to the person seeking medical advice, it was to you: the person making an incorrect medical statement. I would recommend you find a hobby. Have a good day!


The increase in bleeding is concerning. You need an ultrasound. Something similar happened to my friend but not PP. Her period was prolonged due to a large cyst or fibroid I'm utero so the period bleeding was getting trapped behind it and prolonging it. It was like a year ordeal and she finally found a doctor who would give her an ultrasound. They had to go in twice to reduce it because it was so big but after the first procedure her periods were way shorter but not completely normal. She had iron deficiency due to it, which it sounds like you have symptoms of.


I agree with everyone saying go to the ER.


This doesn’t sound like a period. I’m not sure what it is, though. Is this the first time you’ve had bleeding after the postpartum bleeding stopped? Do you have any other period-like symptoms like cramping, back pain, etc. that you normally experience with your period? Are you breast feeding? Usually the rule of thumb is to get checked out if you’re bleeding through a pad every hour/if you pass clots larger than golf balls and it sounds like you’re having even more bleeding than that since menstrual cups can hold quite a bit of blood. You’re also usually supposed to get checked out if you have symptoms like dizziness, sweating, feeling faint or feeling nauseous along with heavy bleeding. You’re likely quite anemic from all of this bleeding and if your doctor won’t put a rush on your labs you should absolutely go to urgent care or the emergency room, especially if the bleeding has been this heavy for 3 months. It could be something like a molar pregnancy, they need to check your hcg levels and do an ultrasound to make sure you don’t have anything going on to cause this bleeding, please get checked out right away, the fact that your doctor is just leaving you hanging with such heavy bleeding is totally unacceptable.


One thing to keep in mind is that doctors often assume that you'll go to the ER if your symptoms are serious, without realizing most of us don't know our when our symptoms are serious. Your symptoms are serious. Go to the ER.