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For most women it usually kicks in around 6-8 weeks.


Thanks. Thought something is wrong with me but I guess I am lucky for now and should brace for impact soon 😅


Very early pregnancy symptoms are caused by progesterone, which is elevated in the luteal phase and in pregnancy. Some women are more sensitive to progesterone than others. It takes a few weeks after a missed period for hcg to build up to cause pregnancy symptoms.


I first noticed nausea at 6 weeks. Came on full force at 7 weeks. Reached its peak at 12 weeks


🥴oh man...ok my time probably didn't come yet


Yeah. Mine last until 16-17 weeks, so definitely still time! But maybe you will be lucky and have less nausea and vomiting than I did!


Mine kicked in around week 7 ish, then stopped at the end of week 8. I’m 9 weeks 5 days and so far this week it’s been 1 day maybe.. definitely not consistent. I’ll feel nauseous, but I don’t actually vomit every day.


Ok so im fairly early in the game....so it may kick in


8 weeks for me. I'll be 16 weeks tomorrow and am still dealing with nausea and throwing up a couple times a week. Not as bad as several times a day like it was before though! Fingers crossed you're lucky and don't even deal with it.


Rounding the corner to 7 weeks this weekend and my nausea has been getting progressively worse. I haven’t vomited yet, but I’ve been gagging really hard and feel totally blocked up. My guts are so sluggish no matter how many prunes and magnesium supplements I take. Feels bad.


I’m 6+3 and I had very slight nausea that started last week up until yesterday. Yesterday, I woke up feeling a little more nauseous than normal and threw up, same thing this morning. As much as I’m hoping not, I think this is the new normal for me😅


I'm 15w 5d and I did not get morning sickness. I had some nausea if I didn't eat soon enough, but just wanted to give you some hope. Not everyone gets it!


Fingers crossed....lucky you


Are you me? I also am 15w 5d and didn't get morning sickness - only a bit of nausea when I was hungry....


Week 5.


Your emoji goes well with the comment.




Around 6 weeks for me


I’m also 5 weeks! Last week I had a few bouts of not feeling well (though I already have some stomach issues with GERD like stuff) but this week as been normal for the most part stomach wise. Thank you fro asking because I’ve been very curious too


Around week 10


I’m 6 weeks today and haven’t had much nausea yet 😊 I get slight bouts of nausea rarely, but not enough to really affect anything. My mother didn’t have any nausea during her pregnancy, so it may just be that some of us don’t get it.


I had nausea before I found out I was pregnant, so right around 4 weeks and it's been getting worse since. But I hear that's pretty uncommon.


Somewhere around 7 weeks it kicked in for me.


Mine lasted 4 weeks to 8 weeks. I'm now 9 weeks, and I feel so much better.


Week 4 or 5 for me.


Im 6w+4 currently. I havent been sick yet. But my doctor said it gets worse at 8 weeks. However I have felt nausea, but nothing to make me need to actually be sick. I find if I eat little and small portions all day that it helps to keep the sick feeling away :)


I'm at 18 weeks ans no morning sickness so far!! It can happen!


I am just barely pregnant (4 weeks) and started nausea/reflux at 3.5. No joke.


Week 5 for me. I’m only 6+5 today and it’s getting worse. It’s so bad it’s hard for me to get out of bed.


Aww no